I also have this problem when doing

sage: qu = findstat("Permutations", 
compute_my_brand_new_permutation_statistic); qu
St000000: a new statistic on Permutations
sage: qu.submit()

which writes the information for findstat into a temporary file, and then 
opens a webbrowser to display it.
On Tuesday, 27 September 2022 at 06:47:16 UTC+2 novo...@gmail.com wrote:

> I think it must be customizable, and also its use should be checked for 
> errors - if it does not exist anymore, it should be recreated... Public 
> SageCell servers probably see enough traffic to keep it alive, but people 
> with private servers are very likely to run into problems, e.g. when their 
> students are sleeping or pub crawling, all at once ;-)

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