On Tuesday, 27 September 2022 at 03:22:47 UTC-6 dim...@gmail.com wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 27, 2022 at 3:58 AM Andrey Novoseltsev <novo...@gmail.com> 
> wrote: 
> > this temporary directory is created and then used ever after. But what 
> if it gets deleted? 
> I think it's meant to be used in a context manager, i.e. with with 
> statement, e.g., citing python docs: 
> >>> with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: 
> ... print('created temporary directory', tmpdirname) 
> >>> 
> # directory and contents have been removed 
> Or with a callback (from Sage source) 
> TMP_DIR_FILENAME_BASE=tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() 
> atexit.register(lambda: TMP_DIR_FILENAME_BASE.cleanup()) 
> Needless to say, one can interfere with it in a bad way messing around 
> with ~/.sage/ - but so it the case for any file-based process... 
It seems to me like a pretty common and sensible practice, that /tmp 
directories get cleaned up, especially on systems with lots of activity. I 
would not consider it as "a bad way messing around". But creating a 
temporary directory and then counting on it being there hours later for 
another quick temporary operation may be a bit too optimistic. That 
callback is designed to clean up after Sage quits, which is a good thing to 
do, but it is not related to being able to use the directory. 

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