I asked this already but with a different subject heading, so people may 
have missed it. 

BackslashOperator is defined in "sage/misc/misc.py", and the preparser 
converts "A \ b" to the appropriate Python code. The docstring for 
BackslashOperator says "Implements Matlab-style backslash operator for 
solving systems A \ b". 

This is not used much: for matrices, matroids, and a tiny bit (at least in 
the Sage library) for binary trees. Should we deprecate it?

Arguments for deprecation: the less we rely on the preparser, the better 
(at least as far as easing a transition between Python and Sage, for 
instance). The backslash operator is not in wide use in Sage. Currently its 
implementation breaks the standard Python use of "\" as a line-continuation 

Arguments against deprecation: it provides a convenient shorthand, and 
people may be familiar with it from Matlab or other systems.

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