On 11 February 2024 19:50:17 GMT, Matthias Koeppe <matthiaskoe...@gmail.com> 
>I think it's a bit too quick to already call a vote. I would suggest that 
>you take the time to collect and link previous discussions on this topic, 
>so that participants can review the known arguments, viewpoints, and 
>Example (from my previous 
>post): https://groups.google.com/g/sage-devel/c/C7-ho1zvEYU/m/S2n8d5rOAgAJ 

I don't think arguments from 2016 are very relevant today, given how much 
python packaging evolved since then.

I don't think there is a good reason to delay this vote, especially given that 
there is a pending vote on more
pip packages to be made standard, potentially leading to totally unneeded 
effort to vendor them.

>It may also be relevant to consider whether the "Source code (tar.gz)" 
>tarballs that are automatically provided by GitHub on releases (and tags) 
>would be sufficient. (They do not contain upstream; but they also do not 
>contain the helpful .git directory that our tarball release script 
>painstakingly adds.)
>On Sunday, February 11, 2024 at 11:23:42 AM UTC-8 Dima Pasechnik wrote:
>> Currently the standard packages cannot be pip packages, i.e. we must, in 
>> effect, vendor them. This entails an extra effort which is often not 
>> needed, in particular as we patch only very few Python packages.
>> Pip packages are on the other hand installed straight from PyPI.
>> Good examples of standard packages which can become pip ones are tox, 
>> pytest (not yet standard).
>> The other difference is that by default these packages are not included in 
>> the Sage releases source tarball.
>> Rather than adding them there I propose to split the upstream/* part of 
>> the tarball into something optional - which is represented by a list of 
>> files to download, and which is just not needed if you build while 
>> connected to the internet.
>> This is a huge saving on the tarball size: with upstream/* in, Sage 10.2 
>> tarball is 1.3Gb, and without it is smaller than 0.25Gb.
>> Note that as William writes, the desire to have Sage buildable without an 
>> internet connection was a requirement by a past Sage funder, gone about 10 
>> years ago. Thus there's no longer an obligation to have this option.
>> I am not aware of a similar to Sage which provides tarballs allowing for 
>> an offline build.
>> Thus, I would like to call a vote on these two topics:
>> 1) allow standard packages to be pip packages 
>> 2) drop the contents of upstream/ from the Sage source tarballs.
>> ---
>> Dima

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