On Monday, February 12, 2024 at 3:18:05 AM UTC-8 Dima Pasechnik wrote:

> Pinning packages to a set of tested working versions is a standard 
practice, and as a matter of fact part of best practices to achieve 
stability in various deployment situations, reproducibility, etc. 
> In the Python world, such pinning is done using requirements.txt, 
Pipfile.lock, and environment.yml files. 
> In the Sage distribution, we pin using package-version.txt and tiny 
requirements.txt files. 

as well as install-requires.txt and spkg-configure.m4 - they also in 
some cases pin versions, strictly,or not.

These files serve a different purpose. They declare acceptable version 
In pure Python packages, this exists as well, as you know.
It is done in pyproject.toml "dependencies" (previously setup.cfg/py 

Talking about these here is a distraction that does not serve the 
discussion of this topic.

Now, at last, tell us what makes Sage so special that we must vendor 
sphinx and jupyter [...]

Note that I have not expressed much of an opinion yet on your proposal. 
We'll get there.

But as I have pointed out several times previously, you are using the word 
"vendoring" in a polemic and idiosyncratic way, which does not serve the 
discussion. More below.

> A question to ask is what tooling is available to update the version 
pins, and what the cost of using the tools is. For a typical upgrade, by 
improving our tooling, we have reduced the work to just typing "./sage 
-package update-latest sphinx --commit". In the Sphinx upgrade, 
https://github.com/sagemath/sage/pull/37129/files (needs review), I ended 
up updating 25 packages, so I had to use a command like this 25 times. It's 
repetitive, maybe it takes 20 minutes total, but it's not remotely 
something that I would use the phrase "Sage has shot itself in the foot" 

The whole thing of a zillion vendored packages [...]

1. Sage does not "vendor". What is in build/pkgs is _metadata_. It's just 
text. Sage _pins_ versions of packages, so there is information on the 

2. Also the large Sage source tarball does not "vendor". It is a shipment 
of a distribution. Distributions don't "vendor". It's the job of a 
distribution to ship its components.

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