On Mon, Feb 19, 2024 at 10:29 PM Matthias Koeppe <matthiaskoe...@gmail.com>

> An option to "./configure" could work too, except that the "bootstrap"
> phase already downloads the "configure" tarball into that directory.

an option to ./bootstrap then would be logical

> Another possible direction: I've been thinking about creating a "./sage
> worktree" command, see https://github.com/sagemath/sage/issues/34744
> On Monday, February 19, 2024 at 2:24:40 PM UTC-8 John H Palmieri wrote:
>> Regarding symlinking the upstream directory: instead or in addition, what
>> about an option to `./configure` for the location of that directory?
>> On Monday, February 19, 2024 at 12:09:54 PM UTC-8 Matthias Koeppe wrote:
>>> Prompted by the discussion of space use on the *local machines* of
>>> users and developers, I propose another item in addition to A and B:
>>> *C. Advertise use of "git worktree" and recommend symlinking the
>>> "upstream" directory.* For testing a new release when you have an
>>> existing clone of the repository, using "git clone" another time is
>>> overkill as it creates another copy of the .git directory. And there is no
>>> point in having multiple copies of the "upstream" directory, as the
>>> filenames of the tarballs change whenever the contents change.
>>> On Monday, February 19, 2024 at 11:42:01 AM UTC-8 John H Palmieri wrote:
>>> This (A and B below) has the advantage of being quite explicit. The
>>> original proposal
>>> 1) allow standard packages to be pip packages
>>> 2) drop the contents of upstream/ from the Sage source tarballs.
>>> sounds explicit, but the more the discussion goes on, the more I feel
>>> that there are hidden pieces. Does the proposal also mean removing version
>>> restrictions and all of the other claimed maintenance burden for various
>>> components of Sage?
>>> Regarding item (2): if I clone the github repository, there is no
>>> upstream directory at the start, but after building Sage, it ends up being
>>> almost as large as in the current tarballs. (This is on OS X with a lot of
>>> homebrew packages installed.) So how much savings are we actually talking
>>> about? (Maybe it's not savings for the end user that are important, so
>>> *what* are we saving? Disk space on the mirrors?) Dima, can you please
>>> provide data? If we convert (according to (1)) to pip packages, those still
>>> need to be downloaded, and while they may not end up in "upstream" — I
>>> don't actually know how they work — don't they still take up disk space? So
>>> again, how much savings are we talking about? Please provide data.
>>> By the way, the git clone yields a package that is 616M on my machine. A
>>> good chunk of that is the .git directory. Are you proposing that we do not
>>> distribute this? (A recent beta tarball is 1.4G, unpacked 1.6G.)
>>> Regarding item (1): can you provide a list of packages that would become
>>> pip packages? Or describe how you would come up with a list?
>>> On Monday, February 12, 2024 at 3:52:29 PM UTC-8 Matthias Koeppe wrote:
>>> I'll now offer:
>>> *Opinion 1. Nobody needs to care in the slightest what the size of that
>>> release tarball is. *
>>> In any use cases with internet connectivity, people will be better off
>>> by just cloning the git repo, not use the release tarball.
>>> If there are relevant use cases without internet connectivity (I have no
>>> opinion to offer on this), then the release tarball has exactly the right
>>> contents.
>>> *Proposed action items: *
>>> *A.* Change https://github.com/sagemath/sage/blob/develop/README.md so
>>> that "git clone" is described as the primary way to obtain the Sage
>>> sources. That the big release tarball is available can be a footnote in the
>>> Installation Guide (
>>> https://deploy-livedoc--sagemath.netlify.app/html/en/installation/source#installation-steps)
>>> for the limited no-internet connectivity use case.
>>> *B. *Likewise, get rid of all of these "Download Sage source code"
>>> pages (https://www.sagemath.org/download-source.html,
>>> https://www.sagemath.org/download-latest.html), mirror selection, etc.
>>> from the Sage website.
>>> On Sunday, February 11, 2024 at 11:23:42 AM UTC-8 Dima Pasechnik wrote:
>>> Currently the standard packages cannot be pip packages, i.e. we must, in
>>> effect, vendor them. This entails an extra effort which is often not
>>> needed, in particular as we patch only very few Python packages.
>>> Pip packages are on the other hand installed straight from PyPI.
>>> Good examples of standard packages which can become pip ones are tox,
>>> pytest (not yet standard).
>>> The other difference is that by default these packages are not included
>>> in the Sage releases source tarball.
>>> Rather than adding them there I propose to split the upstream/* part of
>>> the tarball into something optional - which is represented by a list of
>>> files to download, and which is just not needed if you build while
>>> connected to the internet.
>>> This is a huge saving on the tarball size: with upstream/* in, Sage 10.2
>>> tarball is 1.3Gb, and without it is smaller than 0.25Gb.
>>> Note that as William writes, the desire to have Sage buildable without
>>> an internet connection was a requirement by a past Sage funder, gone about
>>> 10 years ago. Thus there's no longer an obligation to have this option.
>>> I am not aware of a similar to Sage which provides tarballs allowing for
>>> an offline build.
>>> Thus, I would like to call a vote on these two topics:
>>> 1) allow standard packages to be pip packages
>>> 2) drop the contents of upstream/ from the Sage source tarballs.
>>> ---
>>> Dima
>>> --
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