Thanks very much for taking a look at  I really enjoy
working on it, and I have some research interests in polyhedra, but I
am not a deep expert in the subject and I have been hoping for
constructive criticism and help.

I thought the union command made sense, but I think I understand why
you don't like it.  I have been thinking about what the right sort of
classes need to be created to handle more general polytopes - i.e. non-
convex polytopes like some stellated ones, which can be thought of as
the union of convex polytopes in the sense you are thinking of (I
hope).  It seems to me that it would be good to have more structure
than simply a list of polytopes, but I am not sure what that should

A polyhedron with just rays should be valid.  I know my code is quite
buggy for unbounded polyhedra - all of my use cases are for Newton
polytopes, so I have mostly tested things on bounded polytopes with
exact coordinates.  I am more than happy to referee patches on that.

There is one patch I have that hasn't been merged -  It adds some new
methods (Gale transform, edge truncation, perspective projection) -
but doesn't address what you are talking about so its pretty
orthogonal to what you talking about.

Where is your patch?  Is it on trac somewhere?  - if so I can't find

Marshall Hampton

On Dec 11, 1:18 pm, "Sébastien Barthélemy"
<> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'd have some questions and suggestions about the functions in
> I attached a patch with some very simple doc and error
> handling improvements. Please tell me if it sound useful. (the patch
> is against sage 3.2.1, if you prefer me to use a more current version
> of polyhedra, please tell).
> I was also wondering in which circumstances is the  Polyhedron.union()
> method [1] useful ? For polytopes ? By the way this method name is
> IMHO misleading, I would have expected it to return the union of the
> polyhedra (which may not be a polyhedron).
> I also do not fully understand how cdd is called (and packaged). Is it
> a separated process ? If so, is there a particular reason for not
> wrapping cddlib instead ?
> Last question: do you consider a Polyhedron defined with rays and no
> vertex as valid from a theoretical point of view ? For instance
> p = Polyhedron(rays = [[0,1],[1,0]]) is invalid
> p = Polyhedron(vertices=[[0,0]], rays = [[0,1],[1,0]]) is valid
> p = Polyhedron(vertices=[[0,0]], rays = [[0,1],[0,-1],[1,0],[-1,0]]) is valid
> p = Polyhedron(rays = [[0,1],[0,-1],[1,0],[-1,0]]) is ????
> If the last is invalid too, some sanity checks can be easily added to
> the __init__() method.
> [1]
>  def union(self, other):
>        """
>        Returns a polyhedron whose vertices are the union of the vertices
>        of the two polyhedra.
>        ....
> --
> Best regards
> bastien Barthélemy
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