On Tue, May 5, 2009 at 11:57 PM, Robert Bradshaw
<rober...@math.washington.edu> wrote:
>  What about
> publishing (collections of) worksheets under the CC license? Code
> snippets in books? Are your books GPL compatible? (Maybe you could
> claim fair use.)
> I have no trouble licensing code under the GPL, but I do think this
> places an onerous and inappropriate burden on all *users* of Sage,
> and the GPL is supposed to be about modifying/distributing code.

Building software on top of GPL'd libraries like Sage *does* have
serious implications toward sharing.  That's sort of the point of the
GPL'd.  There's no sense in hiding that.

Suppose you spend three years implementing an algorithm as part of
Sage to compute X (say some Monsky-Washnitzer cohomology
computations).  Then somebody else writes and publishes a clever paper
that includes a several-page Sage program that uses your
implementation of X (plus many other things in Sage) to compute Y (say
p-adic Regulators of Jacobians of genus 2 curves).      Would you
definitely be allowed to use their new code and include it in Sage?

I think the GPL was designed to ensure that computer programs that
build on your programs must be shared under compatible conditions.
This has the pro that it means that your work is protected in that
when people build on it, they can't "hoard" their improvements.  It
has the drawback that it puts an onerous (and inappropriate?) burden
on those same people, that when they on your GPL'd work, they can't
hoard their improvements.

In one sense at least, Sage can never be an alternative to
Maple/Mathematica/Matlab/Magma, etc.  With the Ma's, if one wrote a
big program on top of them, and wanted to distribute the program as a
complete self-contained closed source program (say something like a
standalone Mathematica demonstration), at least it would be
technically and legally possible.  One would have to do some sort of
contract with say Wolfram, Inc., but that's quite reasonable.  With
Sage that would be impossible, since the copyright is spread over
hundreds of people (some dead).      Scipy/Numpy/Enthought's stack
does provide this extra feature, which Sage never will.

There's a little good and a little bad in everything.


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