>> I disagree.  A jpeg or .doc file is not source code in any sense of
>> the word, thus the GPL is completely irrelevant (I think we agree on
>> that).
> That simply isn't so. To quote the GPL:
> "This License applies to any program or other work ..."
> "The "Program", below, refers to any such program or work, ..."

Are you arguing that jpeg's produced by GIMP are all GPL'd?

I agree that it is definitely possible to release "non-programs", such
as JPEGs, under the GPL.  But, in the case of GIMP producing a JPEG,
most of us don't consider the JPEG a derived work of GIMP.  Why not?

* The JPEG stands on its own and can be "used" independently of GIMP.
* The part of GIMP that is licensed under the GPL is its source code.
I am not sure, but I think it is C++.  Derived works of GIMP must
therefore also be C++ programs or a program in another language that
is able of directly linking to and calling C++.

Sure someone brought up the issue of the odd language for which
bitmaps are source code.  In that case, a bitmap can absolutely be a
derived work.  But, it doesn't follow that all bitmaps are derived
work of all programming languages.



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