> Note: this is a light-hearted response to a topic which I consider
> very grave.  It's been claimed that the script
> from sage import Integer
> print Integer(2)+Integer(2)
> must be GPL'd.   I claim that the above is a sage-ultralight script.
> I've attached an independent implementation of sage-ultralight that
> has been released under the SACL (Smart Guy Common License).
> Unfortunately, the SACL is also a virulent license, so sage-ultralight
> is GPL-incompatible. Therefore, nobody can redistribute the above code
> without fear of retribution from me, or the FSF. (evil laughter?)

He, he.  For the above script to run in sage-ultralight,
sage-ultralight must have the same name as sage.  Then you get into
copyright/trademark related issues (the name "sage" is already taken).
 Just the same I could create a GUI toolkit named "Qt" that was also
released under the SACL license, but you can guess what would happen.

Maybe someday a court will clarify what exactly the GPL means...I just
hope they don't find that the air we breath is a derived work of some
GPL licensed entity.  Then, if we breath such air, we would all have
to be GPLd :-)



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