On 2019-11-05, E. Madison Bray <erik.m.b...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The generated file `build/make/Makefile` is output by the
> `./configure` script.  In fact, that's its main purpose.  When
> switching branches in this case the best thing to do is to re-run
> `./configure`.

Concerning the original question how to uninstall stuff: In principle it
should be possible to cleanly uninstall p_group_cohomology, because it
consists of one autotoolized and one pip-installed sub-package.

However, I heard rumours that in order to make a Sage optional package
uninstallable, one needs some new script analogous to spkg-install.

Can someone give me a pointer on what should be done in that script and
what tools (sdh_*) are available for it?

Best regards,

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