On Wed, Nov 6, 2019 at 7:58 AM Simon King <simon.k...@uni-jena.de> wrote:
> On 2019-11-05, E. Madison Bray <erik.m.b...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > The generated file `build/make/Makefile` is output by the
> > `./configure` script.  In fact, that's its main purpose.  When
> > switching branches in this case the best thing to do is to re-run
> > `./configure`.
> Concerning the original question how to uninstall stuff: In principle it
> should be possible to cleanly uninstall p_group_cohomology, because it
> consists of one autotoolized and one pip-installed sub-package.

That's not the issue here; the issue is that when you uninstall the
package files, some of the build system still needs to be reset.  This
is indeed a problem, and there should be a better way to handle what
packages are or are not installed without necessarily having to re-run
configure, but I haven't given much thought to it.

> However, I heard rumours that in order to make a Sage optional package
> uninstallable, one needs some new script analogous to spkg-install.
> Can someone give me a pointer on what should be done in that script and
> what tools (sdh_*) are available for it?

That's not quite accurate.  In general you do *not* need any
additional scripts, with some exception.
These packaging guidelines still need better documentation, but
essentially you need to make sure the package is built for what is
referred in GNU standards as a "DESTDIR install" [1].  This means that
the package is built for installation to some particular prefix (e.g.
`./configure --prefix=$SAGE_LOCAL` in autoconf terms), but can then be
*installed* with some additional path (the "DESTDIR") prepended to the
prefix.  This is similar to providing an alternate root (e.g. prefix
is appended to DESTDIR instead of just "/").

This allows the package to be installed to a temporary "staging" area
that makes it easy, in an otherwise agnostic way, to see exactly what
files are going to be installed by the package so that we can generate
a manifest from it.

Any packaging using standard autoconf tools supports DESTDIR.  Most
CMake packages do as well I think but I forget if there's something
special one has to do.  Pip also supports this.  Packages with weird
custom build systems may need to be patched or worked around in other
ways to support this, but fortunately there are not too many like that
in Sage anymore.

In some cases it is necessary to perform additional package
installation steps more complicated than just copying files.  In this
case one can write an spkg-postinst script to perform such steps.
This is mentioned here [2]. However, if an "spkg-postinst" installs or
creates any files in $SAGE_LOCAL, although not necessarily required in
all cases it might be good to uninstall those files as well, in which
case one needs to write an "spkg-postrm" script.  Normally this isn't
necessary though, and there are only a few examples of this in use.*

[1] https://www.gnu.org/prep/standards/html_node/DESTDIR.html

* One bug I am aware of in our packages is that there is a common file
"share/info/dir" which some packages that support "info" modify/append
to during installation.  When using DESTDIR install this means a new
share/info/dir file gets created, and then copied over any existing
"share/info/dir".  To handle this properly requires postinst/postrm
scripts which handle this infodir for any packages that use it.  I had
a branch a long time ago that took care of this but it was part of a
larger patchbomb and never got merged I think.  However, it's not a
high-priority issue; I don't think a lot of people are using `info` or
someone would have complained by now, maybe...

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