On Thu, Mar 7, 2019 at 5:50 PM kcrisman <kcris...@gmail.com> wrote:
> upgrading from some early 8.6 beta, I get something weird with file 
> permissions on gap.  Everything seems to go well, but:
> pkg/laguna-3.9.0 -> 
> /Users/.../sage/local/var/tmp/sage/build/gap-4.10.0.p0/inst/Users/.../sage/local/share/gap/pkg
> pkg/polenta-1.3.8 -> 
> /Users/.../sage/local/var/tmp/sage/build/gap-4.10.0.p0/inst/Users/.../sage/local/share/gap/pkg
> pkg/polycyclic-2.14 -> 
> /Users/.../sage/local/var/tmp/sage/build/gap-4.10.0.p0/inst/Users/.../sage/local/share/gap/pkg
> pkg/resclasses-4.7.1 -> 
> /Users/.../sage/local/var/tmp/sage/build/gap-4.10.0.p0/inst/Users/.../sage/local/share/gap/pkg
> pkg/sophus-1.24 -> 
> /Users/.../sage/local/var/tmp/sage/build/gap-4.10.0.p0/inst/Users/.../sage/local/share/gap/pkg
> pkg/tomlib-1.2.7 -> 
> /Users/.../sage/local/var/tmp/sage/build/gap-4.10.0.p0/inst/Users/.../sage/local/share/gap/pkg
> ../gap -> 
> /Users/.../sage/local/var/tmp/sage/build/gap-4.10.0.p0/inst/Users/.../sage/local/bin/gap
> real 2m48.230s
> user 1m30.082s
> sys 0m59.461s
> Copying package files from temporary location 
> /Users/.../sage/local/var/tmp/sage/build/gap-4.10.0.p0/inst to 
> /Users/.../sage/local
> cp: cannot overwrite directory 
> /Users/.../sage/local/./share/gap/bin/x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0-default64/src 
> with non-directory 
> /Users/.../sage/local/var/tmp/sage/build/gap-4.10.0.p0/inst/Users/.../sage/local/./share/gap/bin/x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0-default64/src
> cp: /Users/.../sage/local/./share/gap/pkg/ctbllib/tst/docxpl.tst: Permission 
> denied
> ************************************************************************
> Error copying files for gap-4.10.0.p0.
> ************************************************************************
> I have a feeling that there is a typo of some kind in the commit
> https://github.com/sagemath/sage/commit/ca94bd97d73ee544c273fbb28cb774b3af12ecb6#diff-a9a04fa360dca60daa488241916fdb9c

I don't think so but...

> though I can't say immediately where, because the full line is
> non-directory 
> /Users/karl.crisman/Downloads/sage/local/var/tmp/sage/build/gap-4.10.0.p0/inst/Users/karl.crisman/Downloads/sage/local/./share/gap/bin/x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0-default64/src
> and indeed I don't see why there should be a file that has the entire path to 
> sage/local TWICE; probably should use a temp file if for some reason that was 
> the desired behavior? I did not do anything unusual in this setup.

That's expected.  The package build directory is under SAGE_LOCAL
($SAGE_LOCAL/var/tmp/sage/build/gap-4.10.0.p0) but the file's
destination path ($SAGE_LOCAL) is appended to this.  This is how it's
supposed to work (DESTDIR installation).

It's probably too late to diagnose now (though it would be good if you
could give steps to reproduce).  But the question is what type of file


that it refuses to overwrite because it was supposedly a directory?

The GAP package installs a *symlink* at the path

When you upgrade GAP, first of all, it should be *uninstalling* the
previous gap package, so this link should just be removed.  The
question is was it a symlink for you in the first place?  Or an actual
directory?  When you run `make clean-gap` does it get removed?

I think normally there hasn't been a problem with this, at least not
with consistent incremental updates, or else it would show up on the

In other words, I don't think you'll see this every time your gap
package updates.  But if you do that would be worth knowing about and

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