Does anyone have any tips for how to compute the kernel of a map between 
polynomial algebras, or for checking whether the map is injective? I have 
families of such maps involving algebras with many generators. I'm working 
over GF(2), if that matters. In one example I defined the map phi: R -> S 
where R has 12 generators, S has 19 generators, and did

    sage: phi.is_injective()

After about 30 hours, Sage quit on me, perhaps running out of memory 
("Killed: 9"). An example of the sort of map I'm interested in:

sage: phi
Ring morphism:
  From: Multivariate Polynomial Ring in h20, h21, h30, h31, h40, h41, h50 
over Finite Field of size 2
  To:   Multivariate Polynomial Ring in h20, h21, h30, h31, h40, h41, h50, 
xi1, xi2, xi3, xi4, xi5 over Finite Field of size 2
  Defn: h20 |--> h20
        h21 |--> h21
        h30 |--> h20*xi1^4 + h21*xi1 + h30
        h31 |--> h21*xi1^8 + h31
        h40 |--> h21*xi1^9 + h30*xi1^8 + h20*xi2^4 + h31*xi1
        h41 |--> h31*xi1^16 + h21*xi2^8
        h50 |--> h31*xi1^17 + h21*xi1*xi2^8 + h30*xi2^8 + h20*xi3^4

Any suggestions?


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