Hi Sanjiva,

Thanks for your interest

I want to specify my problem.
The problem become when I implement a method addressable(ie I define the AcksTo and ReplyTo value) because the anonymous method (no addressable) works correctly.

I test an implementation of wsrm and I have the same problem as mtomrm, when I launch an addressable client to test the oneway method I saw all messages soap but the service is not execute and to test the requestresponse method, I see only the CreateSequence and the first message, the service is not execute and the client not receive the server response.

When I launch the client mtomrm and wsrm oneway but not addressable, no problem, my service is execute correctly.

This problem appears with the last version of mar for wsrm addressable which works with an precedent version. But the mtomrm addressable never works and need the last version of mar.

The resource.properties file is present in the package 'org.apache.sandesha2.i18n' and it seems to be ok.

I hope I have been more clear.
Have you an idea?


Sanjiva Weerawarana wrote:

On Sat, 2006-07-22 at 17:55 +0530, Chamikara Jayalath wrote:
Hi Elodie,

The reason for this error is resource.properties file not being
available in the package 'org.apache.sandesha2.i18n'. Please check
weather it is available in the 'mar' file you are using.

Isn't the problem a default locale issue? Looks like Elodie is running
with French and hence the file searched for doesn't exist.


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