On Thursday, 2 February 2023 22:31:47 CET Karl Weber wrote:
> I get
> scanimage: unrecognized option '--format=jpeg'
> The backend used in this case is hpaio.

I know what is wrong and in particular why it works with the test device but 
not with hpaio. I know how to fix it in scanimage, but one might nonetheless 
consider it a bug in libsane-hpaio, not in scanimage. I am using libsane-
hpaio.so.1.0.0 from the openSUSE 15.3 repository.

It goes wrong in function static void fetch_options(SANE_Device * device); In 
this function the call to sane_get_option_descriptor(device, i) returns null-
values, i.e. SANE_Option_Descriptor stucts where name, title, desc, type, size 
and cap all are null values. These are inserted into all_options. I guess, the 
first NULL-entry in this array signals getopt_long the end of the options and 
all options after that are no longer recognized.

It is easy, to fix this. After

if (opt->type == SANE_TYPE_GROUP)

one may to add

if (opt->name == NULL)

and it works with hpaio. As I said, one might as well argue, that this has to 
be fixed in libsane-hpaio, but I do not know enough about the SANE API and 
what it requires in this case.


Just to give you an impression, here the output of all option processed in 
fetch_options for my scanner ScanJet Pro 4500 fn1:

SANE_Option_Desctiptor: name: mode-group, title: Scan mode, desc: (null), 
type: 5, size: 0, cap: 0
SANE_Option_Desctiptor: name: mode, title: Scan mode, desc: Selects the scan 
mode (e.g., lineart, monochrome, or color)., type: 3, size: 32, cap: 5
SANE_Option_Desctiptor: name: resolution, title: Scan resolution, desc: Sets 
the resolution of the scanned image., type: 1, size: 4, cap: 5
SANE_Option_Desctiptor: name: source, title: Scan source, desc: Selects the 
scan source (such as a document-feeder)., type: 3, size: 32, cap: 5
SANE_Option_Desctiptor: name: advanced-group, title: Advanced, desc: (null), 
type: 5, size: 0, cap: 64
SANE_Option_Desctiptor: name: (null), title: (null), desc: (null), type: 0, 
size: 0, cap: 0
SANE_Option_Desctiptor: name: compression, title: Compression, desc: Selects 
the scanner compression method for faster scans, possibly at the expense of 
image quality., type: 3, size: 32, cap: 69
SANE_Option_Desctiptor: name: jpeg-quality, title: JPEG compression factor, 
desc: Sets the scanner JPEG compression factor. Larger numbers mean better 
compression, and smaller numbers mean better image quality., type: 1, size: 4, 
cap: 101
SANE_Option_Desctiptor: name: geometry-group, title: Geometry, desc: (null), 
type: 5, size: 0, cap: 64
SANE_Option_Desctiptor: name: tl-x, title: Top-left x, desc: Top-left x 
position of scan area., type: 2, size: 4, cap: 5
SANE_Option_Desctiptor: name: tl-y, title: Top-left y, desc: Top-left y 
position of scan area., type: 2, size: 4, cap: 5
SANE_Option_Desctiptor: name: br-x, title: Bottom-right x, desc: Bottom-right 
x position of scan area., type: 2, size: 4, cap: 5
SANE_Option_Desctiptor: name: br-y, title: Bottom-right y, desc: Bottom-right 
y position of scan area., type: 2, size: 4, cap: 5
SANE_Option_Desctiptor: name: multi-pick, title: Multi pick, desc: Select 
multipick option for ESCL protocal based devices, type: 1, size: 4, cap: 69
SANE_Option_Desctiptor: name: (null), title: (null), desc: (null), type: 0, 
size: 0, cap: 0

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