Okay I forgot to mention two things in this message:

1) I had to comment out everything in the /etc/sane.d/v4l.conf file, and

2) Xsane is failing with "No devices available"

All of this is happening as root user.  I think I have some permissions 
issues going on with the usb file system and they may or may not be 
something I can solve under Mandriva 2010.0.

At any rate, one issue at a time.


On 07/06/2010 03:51 AM, Mark Adams wrote:
> Okay, I renamed the sane ver. 1.0.20 executibles in /usr/bin and 
> created soft links to the ver. 1.0.21 executables in /usr/local/bin.  
> Now, "scanimage -d genesys:libusb:007:003 >image.png" run as root 
> produces a black and white image.  Huzzah.
> Unfortunately, I still can't get a frontend to find the scanner and 
> open successfully. Should I be able to configure Xsane to work with 
> this?  If so, could someone possibly toss me a clue as to how?
> Thanks.
> Mark
> On 07/06/2010 02:30 AM, Gernot Hassenpflug wrote:
>> On Tue, Jul 6, 2010 at 4:28 PM, Mark Adams<madams9 at gmail.com>  wrote:
>>> Okay, I set 2 variables: SANE_DEBUG_GENESYS=255 and
>>> With these both set, I get output from scanimage -L that reads:
>>   Is it just me or is that information less helpful than I had expected?
>> Hi, yes, I think you need to set some basic SANE ones too, not just
>> the ones for the GENESYS backend. Sorry, I don't remember the 3-word
>> order, please see the "sane" man page and search for debugging there
>> (I think that is where you will find it). SANE_DEBUG and variations
>> thereon I think. There is also an important low-level one containing
>> the letters "USB" which will give you the entire USB communications
>> which can be invaluable.
>>> I should also reiterate that I can't seem to pass a device to 
>>> scanimage:
>>> # scanimage -T -d Visioneer:libusb:007:002
>>> scanimage: open of device Visioneer:libusb:007:002 failed: Invalid 
>>> argument
>>> This would surprise me, but for the fact that scanimage still can't 
>>> see my
>>> scanner (see above).
>> I think that is something the debug variables will sort out---probably
>> there is a file you absolutely have to edit to add the scanner too.
>> Gernot
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