I can come, but not until at least 5:30PM as I have a day long seminar in
Covington that goes until 4:15 or so.

Will someone be updating http://twitter.com/saturdayhouse or know they'll be
at GL that late that can give me a number to call to see if there's still
access to get in?


Myk O'Leary
Blue Needle - Bringing arcane Internet processes to the masses.
Sent from Seattle, WA, United States

On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 9:36 AM, Lion Kimbro <lionkim...@gmail.com> wrote:

>  Here's what I have so far:
> == ROLL CALL ==
>    Attending this Saturday (so far):
>    - Lion Kimbro [1PM]
>    - Robert Eickmann [1PM]
>    - Justin Martenstein [1PM]
>    - Brian Dorsey [1PM]
>    - Rehana Rodrigues
>    - Patrick Haller [11:30AM]  -- OPENING
>    - Calvin Freitas [noon-3 or 4PM]
>    - Brian Rice [briefly present]  -- needs transport help to/from Ravenna
>    NOT coming:
>    - Jon Dugan [in Delaware]
>      http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delaware  [in case you've forgotten
> where it is]
>    - Mike Begley
>    (from Robert Eickmann email, Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 9:42 PM)
>  1. Disposition of the items at Giraffe Labs
>  2. Setting up a moving from House to House for the summer.
>    (Also volunteers for heading up various summer projects,
>     such as a kite day, etc. )
>  3. A discussion of the future
>     a. Finding a new space
>        i. Looking at Sarah's suggestion of space
>           in the Sodo building where Saturday House lived before.
>        ii. Is downtown the best place for Saturday House?
>           (It has been suggested that we look at office space in
>            Greenlake area, also Sandpoint was suggested as a
>            possible location for a workshop facility)
>  3. Non Saturday Activities
>     a. One of the things that came up in a private email discussion
>        between Lion and myself is jettisoning the name of Saturday House.
>             i. The name is both a strength and a weakness
>                 ii. I have had a number of people comment that it
>                     felt like you had to be at Saturday House every
>                     Saturday.
>                 iii. Also a number of people say that Saturdays are
>                      the worst day ever for holding events.
>  *  -- furniture --  *
>  Gregory Heller - m...@gregoryheller.com -  folding tables, green coffee
> mugs,
>                                           bean bag
>    "...one large folding table and one small folding table...
>     ...and I am going to try to pick them up on saturday if not before."
>    "I also brought in some coffee mugs, they're light green,
>     and up for grabs."
>    "Still wondering if anyone wants to buy the silver sumo bean bag
>     and pick it up."
>       Jeffrey Melloy is interested.  $75 ok.
>  Justin Martenstein -  gray desk, chair (2nd room)
>    "I have a small gray desk and chair that are in the "second" room (the
>     non-locked one). I'll come down and get that either Friday or
>     Saturday."
>  *  -- electronics --  *
>  Rogan Creswick - cresw...@gmail.com - 16-port 10/100 switch
>    "could someone pick that up and hold on to it for me?
>     It should still have my email address on the back,
>     so if whoever ends up with it could drop me an email,
>      that'd be great :)."
>    "(Of course, it's welcome to stay with Saturday house at the new
>     location, if/when that's determined.  If S. House can't use it,
>     I'd like to pick it up from someone -- I could use it on
>     occasion. :)"
>  Myk OLeary - mykole...@gmail.com -  AV cart
>    "I donated the AV cart so I suppose I need to come and get it.
>     Unless of course someone wants to claim it for themselves for
>     no cost... :)"
>    MIKE BEGLEY was interested, but won't be coming on Saturday.
>  Tom Music -  wireless keyboard, mouse
>    "I've got a wireless keyboard and mouse (black, Logitech)
>     that I'll be picking up next Monday."
>  *  -- books --  *
>  Lion Kimbro - lionkim...@gmail.com -  books
>    2/3-3/4 of books are mine;
>    check w/ me if you want any
>    (Gregory Heller suggests online lending library)
>    (Friends of the Library / FSPL will accept all books.)
>    http://friendsofspl.org/booksaledonations.aspx
>  Beryl - ber...@comcast.net -  "Happiness" comics
>    "Please save the two "Happiness" books which were on the book
>     shelf. I'll pick them up at Monday's party. Thanks."
>  Notes collected on the etherpad:
>    http://etherpad.com/1Io92tztHW
> >

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