On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 2:17 PM, Lars Buitinck <l.j.buiti...@uva.nl> wrote:
> 2013/8/26 Gael Varoquaux <gael.varoqu...@normalesup.org>:
> > I just removed a non-ASCII character from truncated_svd.py, because it
> > was crashing a certain version of IPython when displaying the help.
> >
> > UTF-8 characters are not very pleasant to work with, as only a fraction
> > of the world knows how to type them (that fraction depends on the
> > corresponding character).
> Almost anything you can type in LaTeX can be easily translated to
> Unicode with unicodeit.net.
> > I notice that they have creeped in a bunch of our files. I'll try to
> > remove them (if I find time). I believe that we should really never set
> > the encoding of our source files, and stick to plain ASCII.
> That's probably my doing, because I strongly prefer Unicode to ASCII
> art when reading formulas. In this case, it's just a hyphen so it's
> not much of a problem, but I think the restriction to ASCII is a
> throwback to the 1980s. My window system, terminal, editor and web
> browser handle UTF-8 out of the box, without any configuration, and I
> consider any program broken that doesn't grok it.

Setting aside the editor issue, the actual technical problem is that you
are using UTF-8 characters in byte string literals rather than unicode
literals for the docstrings. If you used unicode literals (u""" """), there
wouldn't be a problem.

Robert Kern
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