2013/8/28 Tiziano Zito <opossumn...@gmail.com>:
>> UTF-8 characters are not very pleasant to work with, as only a fraction
>> of the world knows how to type them (that fraction depends on the
>> corresponding character).
>> I notice that they have creeped in a bunch of our files. I'll try to
>> remove them (if I find time). I believe that we should really never set
>> the encoding of our source files, and stick to plain ASCII.
> By the way, this is hitting us hard with our MDP-sklearn wrapping:
> https://github.com/mdp-toolkit/mdp-toolkit/issues/8
> Do you think it's worth it to wait for a sklearn 0.14.2 bug-fix release or
> should we work around the issue in ourselves in MDP?

Making a 0.14.2 release just for non-ASCII chars sounds like a bit too
much. Don't you think it's possible to just replace the non-ASCII by
an arbitrary ascii char such as "?"?

For instance with:

>>> u"\xe9".encode('ascii', 'replace')

We if we fix critical bugs we might indeed consider doing a 0.14.2
release. I don't think there is any reported though.

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