Re: F41 Change Proposal: Anaconda as native Wayland application (System Wide)

2024-06-05 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> Jiri Konecny  writes:

> Also a question, is kickstart command for RDP requirement for you? Or
> is inst.rdp (replacement of inst.vnc) enough to work with?  We are
> trying to find out if we can drop the kickstart command.

I don't particularly care about how the functionality gets activated; in
my case it's not something that would need to come in though the
kickstart file.  However, I could see situations where it would be
useful to have that specified in the kickstart file, such as a
hypothetical deployment system.  It might, for example, want to direct
anaconda to send the display to an appropriate place that could be
proxied or recorded.  That location might be complicated or variable and
not necessarily something that could be baked into the boot media or
typed in at boot time.

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Re: F41 Change Proposal: Anaconda as native Wayland application (System Wide)

2024-06-04 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> Jiri Konecny  writes:

> Hi, the only change should be that you will change "vnc --connect"
> with the new API we will provide and also use RDP as your client
> instead of VNC.

Thanks.  I don't particularly care about VNC itself; I just wanted to
make sure that it was known that someone does use "--connect" to do a
"client-initiated" display connection.

Off topic, I know, but what I really wish existed was some kind of
deployment console.  Early in the kickstart process, the machine being
installed would contact a server, pass hardware info and wait.  The
server would pass back the rest of the kickstart file (after potentially
getting admin input) and the installation would continue.  Output would
be logged in a way that the server can present to the admin, and
potentially the graphical (or perhaps the text) UI could be passed

Years ago I had hacked something implementing a little of this which
just worked in %pre but it ended up being less useful than the system I
use now.  And really, I don't think that deployments like mine (maybe a
couple hundred machines) are very common so there's probably no point.
But it's an interesting problem to think about.

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Re: F41 Change Proposal: Anaconda as native Wayland application (System Wide)

2024-06-03 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> Aoife Moloney  writes:

> === VNC switch to RDP for remote GUI installations ===

I'm curious how my usual install workflow will be affected by this
change.  I use the kickstart "vnc --connect" option extensively in my
workflow; I may have a bunch of installs running in parallel, and they
just connect and display when they are ready.  I use vinagre as the vnc

It's not a huge thing; I could come up with another workflow but that's
the one I've used since before Fedora existed.  The installs are fully
automated and the display connection is only used so that I can see the
progress and potentially interact with a machine if it encounters a
problem.  I guess in the worst case I could just do the install blind
and ssh in if something takes too long.

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Orphaning xu4

2024-05-14 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
For many years I have maintained xu4 (,, an open source engine which
can run the freely available Ultima IV game files.  When the original
code was subsumed into the ScummVM engine, I was conflicted about what
should be done with the package, but now there is a new upstream who is
further developing the code in a separate direction from what ScummVM is

Unfortunately that new upstream has added a number of new dependencies,
including a custom scripting language (Boron) and I simply have not had
time to track down all of these dependencies and get them added to the
distribution.  Upstream appears to fundamentally disagree with the
concept of unbundling in any case and I don't really feel like fighting
that battle, so I feel it's best to simply let the outdated package I
have been maintaining exit the distribution.

However, if someone wants to pick it up, it's there for the taking.

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Re: Proven to be sickened

2023-12-01 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
So I've been in this situation, both on the receiving end of nasty flames
because I dared touch someone else's package and having duplicated work
because I didn't check before trying to update something.

> Michael J Gruber  writes:

> So, due to me following my package (notmuch)

The idea is that it's really the community's package, but you have
indicated that you will take a primary role.  That doesn't mean that
nobody else will ever touch the package.  Communication is encouraged,
of course.

> ... and get a reject because someone thought that pushing directly
> without asking or at least notifying the maintainer would be in order:

This is collaborative maintenance.  Occasionally you get ninja'd.  It
happens.  Certainly it's annoying when it happens but it's not evidence
that anyone did anything wrong.

If there is something wrong with the work of the maintainer who got
there before you did, then you can always push a revert, bump and build
your own copy.  And of course have a discussion with them.

If there isn't anything wrong with the work of the other maintainer,
then I guess I don't understand.  They did something in an honest
attempt to save you the trouble and because of unfortunate timing they
didn't actually save you any trouble.  But you aren't in a different
position than if they hadn't tried to help.  (Excluding the time it took
to start this discussion, of course.)

> I am sick of this. Really. I am so sick of this way of stomping on
> each others' feet.

I can only say that the best thing to do in this situation is to say
"thanks; would you mind sending me a note on [IRC|Matrix|email] in the
future so we don't duplicate effort?" and move on.  Surely it's not
worth strong emotions.

> It's made worse by failing automated notifications, of course. Not
> from pagure about the push nor from koji about the build nor from
> bodhi about the update.

Now that is a true issue, and perhaps the real underlying issue here.
If you invested time that you didn't need to invest because you didn't
receive a notification that the work had already been done, then that is
problematic.  And yes, it would be incredibly beneficial to
collaboration if that were fixed, if only because it would help to
prevent situations such as the one under discussion.  But please don't
take that out on the person who had no motivation other than to help you

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Re: Packaging web extension native part and shared directory ownership

2023-10-18 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> Robert Marcano via devel  writes:

> I seriously don't know how gnome-browser-connector [1] has ownership
> of:

>   /usr/lib64/mozilla/native-messaging-hosts

> and not have conflict problems with mozilla-filesystem at install
> time, maybe because they usually get installed at the same time with
> the system installer.

As long as the directories have the same ownership and permissions,
there is no conflict.  Multiple packages owning a single directory is
not uncommon, and the case is covered in the packaging guidelines:

To be specific, you do not need to require a package for the sole fact
that it happens to own a directory that your package places files in. If
your package already requires that package for other reasons, then your
package should not also own that directory.

(Yes, the grammar there isn't the best.)

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Re: -Werror=implicit-int -Werror=implicit-function-declaration coming to rawhide

2023-09-29 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> Sandro   writes:

> That aside, having the document linked in the packaging guidelines is
> a big step towards letting packagers know of its existence.

I just wanted to point out that the packaging guidelines have pointed
users to the document for quite some time (early 2019) in this section:

Of course the process for getting guidelines updated has changed
significantly since the documents were living in the wiki; anyone can
submit a PR and thanks to the effort of the docs team, even the "Edit
this page" link lets you fork, edit and send a PR for a page.

I added more comments in the original ticket:  The
gist is that processes have changed to make things much easier, but the
ultimate decision as to whether these things actually live in the
packaging guidelines or not is entirely up to Florian.  Any such move
necessarily adds some complexity and extra work

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Re: Unannounced soname bump: libotf

2023-07-26 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> Gary Buhrmaster  writes:

> I have found that using something like{,.*} in the %files
> directive can be a useful reminder (enforcer) to reduce such surprises
> (that particular glob presumes semantic versioning, and that minor and
> patch level updates do not require rebuilds, but that is true much of
> the time).

In fact, excessively wide globbing here is explicitly discouraged by the
packaging guidelines:

Looking at the current spec, it uses "%{_libdir}/*.so.*"; had it
followed this guideline, I believe this issue would not have occurred.

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Re: Tenacity

2023-02-08 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> stan via devel  writes:

> As they say in the file,
> though, fedora lacks wxWidgets 3.1.5 or greater. That stops the
> configuration, cmake -G Ninja -S . -B build when it errors out.

That's odd; as far as I can see, F36 has 3.1.5 and F37 has 3.2.1.

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Re: Karma for OpenSSL needed

2022-11-01 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden  writes:

> Right now you can't test them since they haven't been migrated to
> testing yet.

You can download the packages directly from koji.  From the relevant
update page, you can clock the "Builds" tab which will give you a link.
You can down exactly the packages you need from there.

> Feels a bit like blindly bypassing the tests, right?

Obviously you shouldn't give karma without actually testing, but you are
in ho way prevented from doing so by the current state.  It's just more
convenient to wait until the build is pushed to testing and then out to
the mirrors.

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[EPEL-devel] EPEL and the new distribution-related macros

2022-07-28 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
Quite recently a few macros were added to fedora-release: %dist_vendor,
%dist_name, %dist_home_url and %dist_bug_report_url.  These will
eventually be documented in the Fedora packaging guidelines and you can
see the initial PR at

I was considering how this interacts with EPEL.  If these macros are not
added to RHEL then EPEL could just define them with EPEL-appropriate
values and all is well.

But if they are added to RHEL, EPEL will need to decide if the values
used by Red Hat (or whatever base distribution is being used to build)
are appropriate.  And if not, is it appropriate for EPEL to override the
RHEL values?  (This was done back in the EPEL6 days so there is
precedent but that was a long time ago.)

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[Fedora-legal-list] Re: Fedora adoption of SPDX ids and changes to packaging guidelines

2022-07-21 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> Jilayne Lovejoy  writes:


> Can someone merge that PR on Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning (US
> time)?

I will be watching the PR and can merge it when it's done, but feel free
to ping me.

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How much free space in /var is required for upgrades?

2022-05-13 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
So I went to do a dnf system-upgrade from F35 to F36 on a test machine,
as part of my usual testing.  In the middle of the process, it appears
that /var filled up and that left the system in an unfortunate state.
Surprisingly (to me) it did boot with a random mix of F35 and F36
packages and even though it's a throwaway test box, I wanted to play
around with fixing it a bit and trying to understand why it ran out of
space instead of just reinstalling.

Turns out that "dnf --releasever 36 --nogpgcheck remove --duplicates"
was able to effectively everything in the system, and while running this
/var filled up again.  When that happened, dnf couldn't even be aborted;
I had to kill -9.  The culprit is the write-ahead log,
/var/lib/rpm/rpmdb.sqlite-wal.  I resized /var and reran, and by the end
of the process had grown to over 9GB:

-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 9124576392 May 13 13:11 rpmdb.sqlite-wal

Of course it immediately went to 0 once the transaction completed,
though rpmdb.sqlite went from:

-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 281739264 May 11 14:24 rpmdb.sqlite


-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 730648576 May 13 13:15 rpmdb.sqlite

which seems... odd for what's effectively just reinstalling the existing
package set.

Anyway, obviously the solution is to make sure that /var is "big enough"
before you do a system upgrade.  And we do have warnings about
filesystems being too small, but nothing about needing an extra 10GB for
this.  Certainly my case might be somewhat pathological and it was good
that in the end I was able to get the system back into a useful state
without wiping it.  But in the end I wonder:

1) Is it really expected that the wal file will grow to that size?

2) Is there anything to be done to reduce the size of the log?

3) Is there any better way to handle a lack of space in /var during an
RPM transaction?

4) Can we estimate how large the file will grow, and refuse to start a
system upgrade if there is not enough space?  Certainly we already do
this to some degree, but it seems that the estimate of the required
space is a bit too small.

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Re: F37 Change: Deprecate Legacy BIOS (System-Wide Change proposal)

2022-04-05 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> Ben Cotton  writes:

> == Make UEFI a hardware requirement for new Fedora installations on
> platforms that support it (x86_64).

My problem here is that I have real, useful hardware which has always
run Fedora that I would like to continue using.  But it's just old
enough (purchased in 2011) and doesn't support UEFI at all.  These
machines are repurposed computational servers and work perfectly well to
do things like provide some public Fedora mirrors.

> Like the already accepted Fedora 37 change to retire ARMv7 support,
> the hardware targeted tends to be rather underpowered by today’s
> standards, and the world has moved on from it.

I know there is this tendency to dismiss anything that's old as useless,
and 20 years ago, a decade-old machine wasn't something you probably
wanted to use.  But the rate of progress has slowed down, and a Xeon
X5670 with 96GB of memory and a pile of disk just isn't a piece of
garbage.  I know I'll have to toss it out eventually, but I'd hope to do
that when it either fails or is actually no longer useful.

I understand that this isn't going to be how the primary user experience
is directed.  I can deal with having to jump through hoops to get a
machine installed.  But it would be kind of sad if my alternatives are
to use another distro or toss the stuff in the trash.  (There would be a
certain irony in not being able to run Fedora to provide a Fedora

For those who might be curious, the systems are Supermicro 6026TT-HTRF
machines with four nodes in 2U.  I have three, so twelve machines in
total.  The machines have X8DTT-HF+ motherboards.  I actually have older
hardware than that around and still in use (all Supermicro), but oddly
some of it actually has an EFI option.

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Re: Looking for %{forgemeta} GitHub example

2022-02-22 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> Brandon Nielsen  writes:

> I would like to see the forge macros removed from the guidelines if
> development truly has ceased.

I would like to get into them and at least see what needs to change
but... the internal implementation is somewhat baroque and my time is
severely limited.  I think there is good stuff there but I don't know
how much work would be required to salvage it.

One problem is that at least I thought that significant portions of the
Go tooling relied on it, and there's no alternative that has any kind of

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Re: F37 Change: RetireARMv7 (System-Wide Change proposal)

2021-11-18 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> Gary Buhrmaster  writes:

> I have occasionally conjectured that there should be a "last gasp"
> version of some core package released into updates for a version going
> unsupported that drops a file into /etc/motd.d that is, essentially:

I've thought about it as well, but I still wonder good it would really
do.  For a random example, I run a full Fedora mirror including the
archive module.  There is a number of hosts hosts still pulling repodata
for Fedora 7 and one lone host that checks for updates for Fedora Core 5
that will obviously never come.

People will update when they want, or not.

Plus force-modifying MOTD, or doing anything that's so invasive that
someone is guaranteed to notice, is pretty antisocial.  At best anything
that you would use to do updates (like dnf or one of the graphical
applications) could complain about the release being EOL, and I suspect
that some of them already do.  That's really the only proper way to do

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Re: RFC: Reduce number of packages that are built for i686

2021-11-16 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> Robbie Harwood  writes:

> Fabio Valentini  writes:
>> Since it's not practical to modify almost all Fedora packages to add
>> "ExcludeArch: %{ix86}" to them, we'd probably need a different
>> machanism for this.

> Is it really not?  This seems the easiest way to go about it, honestly
> - just have it be permitted for maintainers to opt their stuff out of
> building on x86 and let the problem take care of itself recursively.

I have to say that it would be nicer if building for i686 were opt-in
instead of opt-out.  Just figure out what we really need to build to
support the few things we want to support, let maintainers build
additional things if they want to do so, and have a mechanism for asking
someone to add an i686 build.

Basically not much different from EPEL.

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[Fedora-legal-list] Re: ttyp0 font license

2021-11-11 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> Richard Fontana  writes:

> I am not sure if this should be acceptable for Fedora. My concern is
> that the "UW" naming prohibition is unreasonably restrictive. Does
> anyone have thoughts on this?

Naming can be difficult, but I believe we've long accepted clauses
forcing renaming.  A license saying "don't use our name in your new
name" seems reasonable even if your name is just a few letters (like
"IBM" or "UW").  It is technically restricting a freedom but not in any
way that seems meaningful.

Where I think it gets sticky is if a license were to prevent renaming,
or maybe to specify the name to be used for modified versions.  A more
difficult corner case would be something like "must not start with the
letter 'a'" or "must sort higher alphabetically".

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[EPEL-devel] Re: RFC: generating openssl3 packages from openssl spec

2021-11-10 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> Troy Dawson  writes:

> If I remember right, the spec file name needs to be in the format
> .spec Thus, the spec file needs to be
> openssl3.spec, and thus you aren't really renaming it. :)

Yes, assuming that EPEL doesn't deviate:

I believe various tools will make the assumption that the specfile is
named accordingly.

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Re: Freeze Break Request: fix bugzilla query limited results in review-stats

2021-09-16 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
That looks like a lot of change for what should be a one-line change.
Did some unrelated commit sneak in?

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[Fedora-legal-list] Re: Consider adding MVT License 1.0 to list of allowed/good licenses

2021-07-22 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III

>> Therefore, the goal of this license is to prohibit the use of MVT
>> (and any other software licensed the same) for the purpose of
>> adversarial forensics.

That sounds like a field-of-use restriction.  I can't imagine how such a
license can be free under the usual definitions.

For the misspellings of the word "individual", I filed

3.0. Consensual Use Restriction

Use of Covered Software or of a Larger Work is permitted provided that
the Data Owner must explicitly consent to the procedure, free from any
form of coercion, and must be fully informed about the nature of the
procedure, its privacy implications, and any data retention and disposal

For context:
1.16. "Device Owner" (or "Device Owners")
means an individal or a legal entity with legal ownership of an
electronic device which is being analysed through the use of
Covered Software or a Larger Work, or from which Data was extracted
for subsequent analysis.

1.17. "Data Owner" (or "Data Owners")
means an individial or group of individuals who made use of the
electronic device from which Data that is extracted and/or analyzed
originated. "Data Owner" might or might not differ from "Device
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Re: Fedora 32 System-Wide Change proposal: Annobin Used By Bodhi

2019-10-31 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "BC" == Ben Cotton  writes:

BC> Use the annocheck program from the annobin package to
BC> produce an analysis of the security hardening of a compiled package
BC> when reviewing a Bodhi update.

While I don't disagree with running annocheck at some point in the build
process, _only_ doing things in bodhi can be problematic for packagers.

The issue is that you can build and test and have others test and be
ready to submit an update, only to be stopped by some additional testing
that you had no idea you needed to take extra steps to duplicate locally.

Personally I'd prefer to do this in a brp script.  Those run near the
end of the build process, can output things into the build log which can
be checked easily (even by anything which can look at koji, which I
suppose would include bodhi) and could, if it were desired, fail the
build entirely, notifying packagers of policy violations as early as
possible instead of after waiting for a real koji build and bodhi

All this would take is a shell wrapper, a small tweak in
redhat-rpm-config, and getting annocheck into the buildroot.

Things to note:

1. You need the annocheck (or rather the annobin-annocheck package) in
   the buildroot.  It doesn't appear to have additional dependencies
   which aren't already in the buildroot and the package is minimal, so
   this probably isn't a huge issue.

2. It's easy to disable brp scripts, which can be good or bad depending
   on whether you want them to implement hard policy.  But it is also
   easy to find packages which disable them by grepping specfiles, and
   if the script is written to always output something then you can just
   grep the build log for evidence that it ran.

3. People get rather annoyed if builds start failing because of
   additional policy checks.  This is of course mitigated somewhat by #2
   above.  Generally what we've done in the past is add the checks in
   some advisory mode and then turn bad things into failures after a

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Re: Fedora 32 Self-Contained Change proposal: Free Pascal Compiler 3.2.0

2019-10-11 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "AI" == Artur Iwicki  writes:

AI> I imagine the reason is that this allows us to add new
AI> architectures to FPC and do some trial-and-error builds of FPC
AI> without affecting dependent packages - if FPC itself used
AI> %{fpc_arches}, then adding new architectures to FPC would require
AI> updating fpc-rpm-macros, and that would make all dependent packages
AI> fail to build, since the new-arch builds would fail with "Package
AI> not found: fpc" until we got FPC available on those.

fpc could simply use something like:

ExclusiveArch: %{fpc_arches} aarch64

to trial a new architecture without having to update fpc-rpm-macros.

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Re: django-pytest vs pytest-django

2019-10-09 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "DM" == David Moreau-Simard  writes:

DM> I don't have the bandwidth to take care of pytest-django right now.
DM> Would it be acceptable to propose a new package without %check until
DM> it gets packaged ?

It's OK to disable tests you can't run because they have additional
dependencies which aren't in the distribution, though certainly the
alternative of packaging that dependency and running all of the tests is

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Re: Old changelog entries removal

2019-10-03 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "MM" == Matthew Miller  writes:

MM> Whether or not it's documented policy (and I can't remember or find
MM> anything either), many packages have the practice of trimming very
MM> old entries.

You can't always do this.  I tried to purge changelog entries from a
package older than 2010 and was not permitted to do so:

All I could figure was that the person who originally developed the
packages back before 2006 had objected that their changelog entries had
been removed.  There might even have been some kind of agreement between
them and Red Hat which of course isn't documented anywhere, and
shouldn't apply to Fedora anyway.

So I'd certainly love it if there was a distro-wide policy about this,
with a requirement that weird exceptional cases like this be documented
publicly.  There is also valid discussion to be had about giving credit,
and whether changelog entries are a valid way of accomplishing that.  (I
would argue that they aren't and that the SCM history should be
sufficient, but I personally don't care if my name is in the credits or

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Re: Defining the future of the packager workflow in Fedora

2019-09-26 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "C" == Christopher   writes:

C> With version-controlled package sources, changelogs in SPEC seem so
C> obsolete to me. They are already problematic today when they conflict
C> due to changes in multiple branches.

It's important to note that the RPM changelog is rather a different
thing from a list of commits made to the specfile.  If I went and
re-indented the spec, that would of course get a commit message but has
no relevance to the end user and should not result in a changelog
entry.  Often I make several commits to the spec, and then update the
%changelog section with a summary of user-relevant changes only when I'm
ready to bump the release.

It seems that generating %changelog from git commits would require
something like magic tags in the commit messages, which seems like
something of a pain.

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Re: Regression in 5.1.20: Reading long directory fails

2019-09-06 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "JBF" == J Bruce Fields  writes:

JBF> Those readdir changes were client-side, right?  Based on that I'd
JBF> been assuming a client bug, but maybe it'd be worth getting a full
JBF> packet capture of the readdir reply to make sure it's legit.

I have been working with bcodding on IRC for the past couple of days on
this.  Fortunately I was able to come up with way to fill up a directory
in such a way that it will fail with certainty and as a bonus doesn't
include any user data so I can feel OK about sharing packet captures.  I
have a capture alongside a kernel trace of the problematic operation in  Not that I can particularly tell
anything useful from that, but bcodding says that it seems to point to
some issue in sunrpc.

And because I can easily reproduce this and I was able to do a bisect:

2c94b8eca1a26cd46010d6e73a23da5f2e93a19d is the first bad commit
commit 2c94b8eca1a26cd46010d6e73a23da5f2e93a19d
Author: Chuck Lever 
Date:   Mon Feb 11 11:25:41 2019 -0500

SUNRPC: Use au_rslack when computing reply buffer size

au_rslack is significantly smaller than (au_cslack << 2). Using
that value results in smaller receive buffers. In some cases this
eliminates an extra segment in Reply chunks (RPC/RDMA).

Signed-off-by: Chuck Lever 
Signed-off-by: Anna Schumaker 

:04 04 d4d1ce2fbe0035c5bd9df976b8c448df85dcb505 
7011a792dfe72ff9cd70d66e45d353f3d7817e3e M  net

But of course, I can't say whether this is the actual bad commit or
whether it just introduced a behavior change which alters the conditions
under which the problem appears.

And just to make sure that the blame doesn't lie with the old RHEL7
kernel, I rsynced over the problematic directory to a machine running
something slightly more modern (5.1.11, which I know I need to update,
but it's already set up to do kerberised NFS) and the same problem
exists, though the directory listing does fail at a different place.

 - J<

Re: [Test-Announce] Fedora 31 Beta Freeze

2019-09-04 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "CM" == Chris Murphy  writes:

CM> But anyway, I did laugh a bit out loud at 23:45 UTC because *of
CM> course* there are many other totally unambiguous times to choose
CM> from instead. Some of the best comedy is pointing out the obvious.

If we're going to bikeshed it, I'll vote for two minutes to midnight.

 - J<
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Re: Regression in 5.1.20: Reading long directory fails

2019-09-03 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
I asked the XFS folks who mentioned that the issues with 64 bit inodes
are old, constrained to larger filesystems than what I'm using, not an
issue with nfsv4, and not present on anything but 32bit clients with old

In any case, I have been experimenting a bit and somehow the issue seems
to be related to exporting with sec=krb5i:krb5p or sec=krb5i.  If I
export with just sec=krb5p, things magically begin to work.

So basically:

[root@ld00 ~]# ls -l ~tester|wc -l; grep tester /proc/mounts
nas00:/export/misc-00/tester /home/tester nfs4 
 0 0

(unmount, then re-export with krb5i on the server)

[root@ld00 ~]# ls -l ~tester|wc -l; grep tester /proc/mounts
ls: reading directory '/home/tester': Input/output error
nas00:/export/misc-00/tester /home/tester nfs4 
 0 0

(umount, then re-export with krb5i:krb5p on the server)

[root@ld00 ~]# ls -l ~tester|wc -l; grep tester /proc/mounts
ls: reading directory '/home/tester': Input/output error
nas00:/export/misc-00/tester /home/tester nfs4 
 0 0

(umount, switch back to plain krb5p)

[root@ld00 ~]# ls -l ~tester|wc -l; grep tester /proc/mounts
nas00:/export/misc-00/tester /home/tester nfs4 
 0 0

Sometimes the number of files it lists before it fails changes (and in
this case has been as small as a few hundred) but I don't know what
causes it to change.

Anyway, I hope this helps to pinpoint the problem.  I now have a really
easy way to reproduce this without having to kick people off of the
server, and if the successes aren't just some kind of false positives
then I guess I also have a workaround.  I'm still at a loss as to why a
revert of the readdir changes makes any difference at all here.

 - J<

Re: Regression in 5.1.20: Reading long directory fails

2019-09-03 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "WW" == Wolfgang Walter  writes:

WW> What filesystem do you use on the server? xfs?

Yeah, it's XFS.

WW> If yes, does it use 64bit inodes (or started to use them)?

These filesystems aren't super old, and were all created with the
default RHEL7 options.  I'm not sure how to check that 64 bit inodes are
being used, though.  xfs_info says:

meta-data=/dev/mapper/nas-faculty--08 isize=256agcount=4, agsize=3276800 
 =   sectsz=512   attr=2, projid32bit=1
 =   crc=0finobt=0 spinodes=0
data =   bsize=4096   blocks=13107200, imaxpct=25
 =   sunit=0  swidth=0 blks
naming   =version 2  bsize=4096   ascii-ci=0 ftype=0
log  =internal   bsize=4096   blocks=6400, version=2
 =   sectsz=512   sunit=0 blks, lazy-count=1
realtime =none   extsz=4096   blocks=0, rtextents=0

WW> Do you set a fsid when you export the filesystem?

I have never done so on any server.

And note that the servers are basically unchanged for quite some time,
while the problem I'm having is new.  I want to find some server-related
cause for this but so far I haven't been able to do so.  It seems my
best option now seems to be to migrate all data off of this server and
then wipe, reinstall and see if the problem reoccurs.

 - J<

Re: Regression in 5.1.20: Reading long directory fails

2019-09-03 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "JLT" == Jason L Tibbitts  writes:

JLT> Certainly a server reboot, or maybe even just
JLT> unmounting and remounting the filesystem or copying the data to
JLT> another filesystem would tell me that.  In any case, as soon as I
JLT> am able to mess with that server, I'll know more.

Rebooting the server did not make any difference, and now more users are
seeing the problem.  At this point I'm in a state where NFS simply isn't
reliable at all, and I'm not sure what to do.  If Centos 8 were out,
I'd work on moving to that just so that the server was a little more
modern.  (Currently the server is Centos 7.)  I guess I could try using
Fedora, or installing one of the upstream kernels, just in case this has
to do with some interaction between the client and the old RHEL7 kernel.

I do have a packet capture of a directory listing that fails with EIO,
but I'm not sure if it's safe to simply post it, and I'm not sure what
tshark options would be useful in decoding it.

I do know that I can rsync one of the problematic directories to a
different server (running the same kernel) and it doesn't have the same
problem.  What I'll try next is rsyncing to a different filesystem on
the same server, but again I'll have to wait until people log off to do
proper testing.

 - J<

[EPEL-devel] Re: Koschei enablement for EPEL 8

2019-08-28 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "SJS" == Stephen John Smoogen  writes:

SJS> Can koschei be limited to a single architecture or does it need to
SJS> build against all targets? I am worried about the number of s390
SJS> builds we may be adding.

Currently it only does builds for aarch64, ppc64le and x86_64, so it
does at least know how to avoid building on everything.  In addition, it
is pretty good about not submitting jobs without plenty of idle builders
to handle them.

Back when it was first being deployed, koschei did swam the s390x
builders but that was fixed.  And these days, s390x isn't really our
slowest architecture.

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Re: Regression in 5.1.20: Reading long directory fails

2019-08-28 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "BF" == J Bruce Fields  writes:

BF> Looks like that's db531db951f950b8 upstream.  (Do you know if it's
BF> reproduceable upstream as well?)

Yes, it's reproducible up in the 5.3.0 RCs as well.

However, while trying to do some further bisecting I ran into an odd
problem.  Now kernels which were previously working (i.e. 5.1.19 and
older) are returning errors, but at a different file count.  This only
gives me more questions.  And so, just to be absolutely sure that there
isn't some weird server issue involved, I'm going to try to schedule a
reboot of the relevant server.

BF> Maybe it depends on having names of the right length to place some
BF> bit of xdr on a boundary.  I wonder if it'd be possible to reproduce
BF> just by varying the name lengths randomly till you hit it.

I know I can't reproduce with loads of short names, and with relatively
long names as well (using sha256sum as filename generator).

BF> No clever debugging ideas off the top of my head, I'm afraid.  I
BF> might start by patching the kernel or doing some tracing to figure
BF> out exactly where that EIO is being generated?

If I had any idea how to do that, I happily would.  I'm certainly
willing to learn.  At least I can run strace to see where ls bombs:

getdents64(5, 0x7fc13afaf040, 262144)   = -1 EIO (Input/output error)

bcodding on IRC mentioned that is a rather large count.  Does make me
wonder if the server is weirding out and sending the client bogus data.
Certainly a server reboot, or maybe even just unmounting and remounting
the filesystem or copying the data to another filesystem would tell me
that.  In any case, as soon as I am able to mess with that server, I'll
know more.

 _ J<

Re: Regression in 5.1.20: Reading long directory fails

2019-08-22 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
I now have another user reporting the same failure of readdir on a long
directory which showed up in 5.1.20 and was traced to
3536b79ba75ba44b9ac1a9f1634f2e833bbb735c.  I'm not sure what to do to
get more traction besides reposting and adding some addresses to the CC
list.  If there is any information I can provide which might help to get
to the bottom of this, please let me know.

To recap:

5.1.20 introduced a regression reading some large directories.  In this
case, the directory should have 7800 files or so in it:

[root@ld00 ~]# ls -l ~dblecher|wc -l
ls: reading directory '/home/dblecher': Input/output error
[root@ld00 ~]# cat /proc/version Linux version 5.1.20-300.fc30.x86_64 
( (gcc version 9.1.1 20190503 (Red 
Hat 9.1.1-1) (GCC)) #1 SMP Fri Jul 26 15:03:11 UTC 2019

(The server is a Centos 7 machine running kernel 3.10.0-957.12.2.el7.x86_64.)

Building a kernel which reverts commit 3536b79ba75ba44b9ac1a9f1634f2e833bbb735c:
  Revert "NFS: readdirplus optimization by cache mechanism" (memleak)
fixes the issue, but of course that revert was fixing a real issue so
I'm not sure what to do.

I can trivially reproduce this by simply trying to list the problematic
directories but I'm not sure how to construct such a directory; simply
creating 1 files doesn't cause the problem for me.  I am willing to
test patches and can build my own kernels, and I'm happy to provide any
debugging information you might require.  Unfortunately I don't know
enough to dig in and figure out for myself what's going wrong.

I did file just to
have this in a bug tracker somewhere.  I'm happy to file one somewhere
else if that would help.

 - J<

Re: What does this koji error mean?

2019-08-20 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "C" == Christopher   writes:

C> BuildError: package thrift is
C> blocked for tag f32-updates-candidate
C> (

It means that thrift has been blocked in koji.  The usual reason for
this is that the package has been retired, and the block is what
actually removes the last-build version of package from the

Looking in git I see that the package was retired 12 days ago
and a revert was committed twelve hours ago. A ticket to unretire it was
also filed ( but that doesn't seem
to have been processed yet.

ἐπιθυμία:~❯ koji list-pkgs --show-blocked --tag f32|grep thrift
thrift  f32  releng 

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[EPEL-devel] Re: Fedora EPEL 8 updates-testing report

2019-08-19 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "PW" == Phil Wyett  writes:

PW> The '.1' should go before the %{?dist} tag in this case so to not
PW> confuse as the outputted 'el8.1' does.

This is not true:

And in addition, the Release: tag must be an integer unless it is
capturing additional upstream versioning information such as prereleases
or snapshots:

I'm not aware of any EPEL-specific exceptions to those.

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Re: Let's revisit the FTBFS policy

2019-08-16 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "GH" == Gerald Henriksen  writes:

GH> On the other hand, unbuildable packages could be viewed as a
GH> security risk.

I mentioned security explicitly in my message.  Just not in the portion
you quoted.

GH> If you can't just fix the security issue and rebuild, but instead
GH> have to also fix the issue(s) that prevent the package from
GH> rebuilding this could cause delays in getting a security update out.

I mean, nothing currently guarantees that security fixes go out in a
timely manner, for all sorts of reasons.  If we're going to get serious
about reducing that time, I would think there's a more productive way to
do that than dumping all FTBFS packages because they _might_ one day
have a security issue that needs fixing.  But yes, certainly dump all
that have open security bugs.

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Re: RFC: Drop lz4-static

2019-08-14 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "DS" == David Sommerseth  writes:

DS> As I can see it, there is little benefit of removing lz4-static.

Isn't that entirely the decision of those maintaining the package?  It's
still completely reasonable if they want to remove it for no other
reason than it eliminates ten lines from the specfile.  The question was
whether there is any pressing reason to refrain from removing it.

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Re: Let's revisit the FTBFS policy

2019-08-14 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "FW" == Florian Weimer  writes:

FW> Debian treats FTBFS bugs as release-critical.  They either have to
FW> be fixed, or the package gets removed from the release.  However,
FW> this is not an automated process.

Of course, Debian works on a slightly different release schedule, so
it's not exactly a direct comparison.

FW> I wonder if something similar could work for Fedora: The package
FW> would remain available in rawhide, but would be removed from the
FW> release composes.

That's an interesting option, I suppose.  In part I think it depends on
just why some people have been upset over the recent orphaning.  Is it
the removal from the distribution, the shock of having the project say
"we don't want this package any longer", the fact that user's won't be
able to access the package any longer, the annoyance with process for
getting the package into the distribution if it's fixed, or something
else?  (Certainly those aren't mutually exclusive and the true answer is
more complicated and differs between people.)

Technical solutions to some of these are possible, though I don't know
how feasible they would be.  Procedural solutions (such as making it
easier for such packages to get back into the distribution) could also

FW> In the end, someone has to fix the packages eventually, and the
FW> package maintainers are probably best qualified to deal with that.
FW> If they lack the resources for that, it points to a much more
FW> significant problem that needs solving separately, I think.

Yes, this is fundamental.

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Re: Let's revisit the FTBFS policy

2019-08-14 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "MH" == Miro Hrončok  writes:

MH> If we stop here, the current "setting to ASSIGNED to stop this"
MH> remains a problem.

Let's think about why this is perceived as a problem.  The maintainer
has performed an affirmative act that shows they noticed.  Can't we just
accept that as some statement of intent and stop bugging them at that
point?  Further emails have utility only as periodic reminders, and
experience has shown that we can't predict whether those would be
perceived positively or negatively.

Certainly the _real_ problem here (that the packages fail to build)
isn't solved by continuing to send bug spam mail.  And similarly, we
should spend time to evaluate why that is perceived as a problem.

If a package is installable and works, certainly it meets some
acceptability criteria for packages in the distribution and fails
others.  So let's list a few (not a comprehensive list, I'm sure):

1. Can end users install and use the package properly?

2. Does the package have unresolved security issues which would prevent
   end users from using it safely?

3. Does the package somehow prevent progress or cause additional
   maintenance burden elsewhere in Fedora?

4. Can those packages be consumed by those who want to modify or rebuild
   them locally?

I think the last two points are often missed in the discussion.

If someone keeps having to maintain some old compatibility package
because packages which use it can't be rebuilt for a new version, then
that's a problem (but it's an issue that goes beyond FTBFS).  Still,
people who maintain such compatibility packages should still be able to
drop them, under the doctrine that nobody can force them to maintain
them.  And then point #1 would fail, which we all agree should force the
removal of a package.

And if someone goes to check out a package from git or grabs an SRPM and
finds that they can't actually build it, even after spending time
setting up a proper build environment (which I know isn't terribly
difficult, but still), then that's not great.  I know I do this all the
time, but maybe that's atypical.  It still looks a bit sloppy in any
case.  I do think our duty to people who want to do that goes beyond
simply complying with licenses and handing out source.

So in summary, I guess I mostly support allowing packages which can't be
rebuilt to stay in the distribution as long as they actually work and
aren't causing maintenance burden elsewhere (which needs input from the
release engineering folks and such as to whether these things waste
their time).  But I do think that everyone who advocates for that
position needs to consider the negatives.  These things do have nonzero
impact even if it's not immediately obvious.  And everyone needs to be
aware that unbuildable packages are more prone to being removed pretty
much as soon as they impede work elsewhere in the distribution.

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Re: Rolling out Phase I of rawhide package gating

2019-07-31 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "NG" == Neal Gompa  writes:

NG> You just set localpkg_gpgcheck=1 in /etc/dnf/dnf.conf

NG> That said, you probably don't want to do that, since most downloaded
NG> packages aren't signed...

I think that the ideal behavior would be to always check, but
warn/prompt for unsigned packages or those with signature failures.
Certainly it's better to verify as much as possible as often as

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Re: dnf & rpm-devel both seem to be uninstallable in the Rawhide buildroot

2019-07-31 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
>>>>> "MH" == Miro Hrončok  writes:


MH> This updated soname version from to

Note that it also added a dependency on the tss2 package.  That's small
and doesn't have unexpected dependencies (just openssl) so it's not a
huge deal, but... it's a sign of just how easy it is for these
dependency chains to grow unchecked.  Fortunately rpm-sign-libs isn't
part of the buildroot.

 - J<

MH> There was no announcement and no coordination.

MH> -- Miro Hrončok -- Phone: +420777974800 IRC: mhroncok
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 Jason L Tibbitts III - - 713/743-3486 - 660PGH
   System Manager:  University of Houston Mathematics
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Re: s390x rawhide issues?

2019-07-31 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "TC" == Tom Callaway  writes:

TC> One of my packages (alienarena) fails to build in rawhide on s390x
TC> (and only that arch), but the build log shows it never even
TC> starts.

Does it fail repeatably?  This error is known but as far as I know it's
always been transient.  It only seems to crop up when the s390x builders
are very loaded.

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Re: Rolling out Phase I of rawhide package gating

2019-07-31 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "FW" == Florian Weimer  writes:

FW> At one point, there was a verified hash chain from the https://
FW> metalink service, to the repository metadata, down to individual
FW> packages.  Any tampering was detected then.

I understand that the metalink contains enough information to verify the
returnes repomd.xml files, but I guess I don't really know if there's
enough data to chase that down to the checksum of every file that's ever
expected to be on a mirror.  If it is, then great, though signatures
still have value because there are other ways to get RPMs than letting
dnf hit the mirror network.

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Re: Rolling out Phase I of rawhide package gating

2019-07-31 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "KF" == Kevin Fenzi  writes:

KF> * If you use metalinks, rpm signatures are just gravy on top, in the
KF> end you are still just trusing SSL CA's.

Only if you trust every mirror to always serve authentic content.

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Re: Fedora 31 Self-Contained Change proposal: Ship BerkleyDB backend as a module

2019-07-31 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "SG" == Stephen Gallagher  writes:

SG> Do any tools exist to simplify the conversion to MDB? Can this be
SG> automated?

I'd like to know this as well.  It's always better to provide tools or
extremely clear and detailed instructions, because it's not safe to
assume that people know how to do this kind of thing even if they are
running an LDAP server.

I don't particularly have a problem with being forced to enable some
compatibility option after an OS upgrade in advance of functionality
actually being deprecated and not able to be used at all.  The latter
gets you into a pretty bad "no way out" situation.  ("You should have
read the release notes!  Hope you have backups.")  It's still better to
get this kind of thing documented as well as possible.
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Re: Fedora 31 Self-Contained Change proposal: Limit Scriptlet Usage of core packages

2019-07-30 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "PM" == Panu Matilainen  writes:

PM> So a big +1 for sysusers in sub-packages + file trigger to handle
PM> running systemd-sysusers. It solves more problems than the current
PM> sysusers-proposal and in a far more elegant way at that.

It's great that you agree.  That leaves all of the details.  What's the
simplest way to accomplish this in a way that's easy for packagers to
use?  Is there any way for RPM to do this internally?

I would really like to avoid this becoming a bunch of extra boilerplate
in the relevant packages, or rather, for this conversion to result in a
net reduction of boilerplate.  Can the subpackage generation be
reasonably hidden behind macros?  Or is it possible to use a mechanism
similar to the way debuginfo packages are generated to automatically
define the subpackages when necessary?

A related question is whether there are any cases where multiple
packages (from different SRPMs) which don't depend on each other but all
depend on the same user being created.  Our current methods handle this
well enough (all of the packages just create the user) but that probably
won't work in any scheme using sysusers.  The way to handle that seems
relatively obvious (just have a separate SRPM that creates the user upon
which the other packages can depend) but I don't know if it's a case
that would need to be documented.

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Re: Guidelines for scriptlets modifying %config(noreplace) files

2019-07-26 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "JN" == Jamie Nguyen  writes:

JN> I couldn't find clear packaging policy on this. The guidelines [0]
JN> talk about %config(noreplace) vs %config, but /etc/named.conf is
JN> installed as a "noreplace" file.

I don't think there's a guideline about this.  %config and
%config(noreplace) are simply flags that tell RPM what to do when the
packaged version of a file differs from what's on disk and has no
bearing on scriptlets.  And note that the only guideline which could be
meaningful is "don't modify config files in scriptlets", because RPM
will simply overwrite the file on disk with what is in the package
(perhaps keeping a backup) if the file isn't marked %config(noreplace).

The only applicable guidelines are the general ones from the updates
policy: Updates within a single Fedora version must not break user
systems, and disruptive updates must be restricted to updates between
distro versions.  But always note that sometimes not breaking systems
requires modifying a configuration file.

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Re: findbugs-contrib building on i686 builders despite ExcludeArch

2019-07-25 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "RF" == Richard Fearn  writes:

RF> According to

>> If a Fedora package does not successfully compile, build or work on
>> an architecture, then those architectures should be listed in the
>> spec in ExcludeArch.

Sure, but also just a small bit further down the document is
which tells you what to do if you have a noarch package that has
dependencies which are not present on all architectures.

This involves some rather odd magic in koji, and so what is in the
guidelines is the best information that we've been able to extract from
releng and the koji source code.

Can you try the ExclusiveArch: method shown in the example, keeping in
mind that you must explicitly list "noarch" at the end?  Of course, a
successful build isn't a guarantee because the build host you get may be
completely random.  What we'd like to know is if someone finds a failure
using the recommended method (which would imply that we need to get
something fixed or find another way to accomplish this).

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Re: [Fedora-packaging] Re: HEADS UP: Source File Verification

2019-07-25 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "JO" == Joe Orton  writes:

JO> In the historic CVS-based build system which predated what we now
JO> use, we could do GPG key verification at the time of downloading and
JO> importing a new tarball.

You're right; tmz dug up a copy of the old Makefile.common file:

I believe this is simply functionality that wasn't duplicated into
fedpkg (or rpkg or whatever) when we stopped using Makefiles.  It would
certainly be useful to have it implemented and is worth someone opening
a ticket.

And in any case, it's still perfectly valid to check signatures at
package %prep time.  Imagine I'm building from an srpm that I've
unpacked, or have grabbed the spec and run spectool -g.  Why not have
the specfile check the signatures at that point?  Doing it there doesn't
preclude doing it at some other step as well, and it's not as if this is
all that computationally expensive these days.

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Re: are the ppc64le builders healthy?

2019-07-24 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "TS" == Tom Stellard  writes:

TS> Are these updated builders only used for f30?

It appears that there are 29 PPC64le builders configured currently:

They don't all have the same "capacity" rating.

TS> Because I'm still getting builders with 4 CPU/ 10GB RAM/2GB swap on
TS> rawhide.

I imagine that there is some randomness in play.  The build you list ran
on which has a capacity rating
of 2.0.  Some of the builders have a rating of 4.0.  (Which I guess
doesn't correspond to the increase in core count, but I don't know how
it's calculated.)

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Re: Fedora 32 System-Wide Change proposal: x86-64 micro-architecture update

2019-07-24 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "FW" == Florian Weimer  writes:

FW> ELF multilib DSOs inside RPMs result in code deduplication,
FW> affecting container image size.

I think it's important to quantify this kind of thing.  I think we can
all agree that there is very little benefit to duplicating every single
library, so extra space usage would come only from libraries which meet
all of:

* Compiling with AVX2 (or whatever) provides benefit
* Special runtime detection code isn't included
* Function multiversioning or the fancy target_clones attribute isn't

And by implementing the latter two, the set can shrink.

So, really, how much space are we really talking about here?

FW> Currently, there is no dynamic loader
FW> support for selecting an AVX2 baseline.  Fixing this requires
FW> complete agreement among all involved parties what the actual CPU
FW> requirements are (currently, not even glibc and GCC agree what
FW> “haswell” means, the closest we have to an AVX2 baseline).  But
FW> similar fixes are required for any baseline update.

I have a hard time believing that solving that would be somehow less
preferable than either making Fedora unusable on a whole class of
hardware or splitting off a completely new architecture.

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Re: are the ppc64le builders healthy?

2019-07-23 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "KK" == Kaleb Keithley  writes:

KK> I built the latest ceph-14 (14.2.2) on rawhide successfully two days
KK> ago.  Two different builds on f30 built or are building fine on
KK> x86_64, i686, and aarch64, but failed with different errors on
KK> ppc64le at different places in the build.  One looks like it ran out
KK> of space in the file system. The other may have been OOM killed (?).

There was just a bit of talk about this in IRC.  The issue seems to be
that the CPU count of the PPC64le builders was bumped from 4 to 12, but
the amount of memory was unchanged at 10GB RAM/2GB swap.  This could
potentially cause resource exhaustion.

Seems they've now been bumped to 22GB of RAM, which should help with OOM
issues but probably not with disk space issues.

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Re: Fedora 32 System-Wide Change proposal: x86-64 micro-architecture update

2019-07-22 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "JLT" == Jason L Tibbitts  writes:

JLT> And, let's see, I'd have to toss out five desktops (which isn't too
JLT> bad, I guess)

I was wrong.  It would be 36 desktops.  Being charitable requires me to
assume this was proposed without adequate consideration of just how much
hardware is involved here.

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Re: Fedora 32 System-Wide Change proposal: x86-64 micro-architecture update

2019-07-22 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "BC" == Ben Cotton  writes:

BC> * Other developers: Other developers may have to adjust test suites
BC> which expect exact floating point results, and correct linking with
BC> libatomic. They will also have to upgrade their x86-64
BC> machines to something that can execute AVX2 instructions.


BC> == Upgrade/compatibility impact ==

BC> Fedora installations on systems with CPUs which are not able to
BC> execute AVX2 instructions will not be able to upgrade.

Wow.  I understand progress, but I have to say that it's not really cool
to toss this bomb out there without some more detailed breakdown of the

For my part, I try to keep my equipment relatively up to date but I
don't want to throw something away if it's still perfectly useful.  And,
let's see, I'd have to toss out five desktops (which isn't too bad, I
guess) and probably forty perfectly functional servers, some of which
aren't really even all that old.  Heck, a dozen computational servers
would be on the block.  Even requiring avx would force me to toss a
pretty big pile of stuff.

Basically, this would force me to use something other than Fedora.  I'd
have no choice, since it wouldn't work.  I don't want to be that guy
with the 20mhz 386 that still wants others to make sure his stuff works,
but still, this seems like it's going more than just a bit too far.

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Re: Vim and spec template

2019-07-19 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "ZD" == Zdenek Dohnal  writes:

ZD> Converted to spaces now.

Well I appreciate that, but my point is that it's really personal

ZD> It is designed for user to run rpmdev-bumpspec
ZD> .spec, so the tool will supply correct format of changelog
ZD> entry and increment the release.

That seems to be rather abstruse.  I mean, by default vim can already
add a proper changelog entry directly (assuming you're not doing
anything "interesting" with Version: and Release:).  It doesn't seem
logical to present an invalid specfile by default and then force someone
to run an external tool to make it valid.  If an external step is always
required, wouldn't it make more sense to have that step be the initial
copying of the user's preferred template into place?

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Re: Self Introduction: Dee'Kej (looking for sponsor)

2019-07-18 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
Welcome back to Fedora.  I've clicked the necessary sponsorship buttons.

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Re: Vim and spec template

2019-07-18 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "ZD" == Zdenek Dohnal  writes:

ZD> Hi all, I would like to ask as Vim co-maintainer, do you find useful
ZD> for Vim to do:

ZD> - when you open new file with .spec suffix, Vim will get you basic
ZD> spec file structure?

Personally I have always found that behavior annoying.  If I open a new
file, I expect that the file would be empty.  If I want a template, I
can copy one.  Editing a new HTML file doesn't bring up a template for
HTML files, for example.

The spec template used isn't something I ever want anyway.  It uses tabs
instead of spaces and uses them in a way that implies that indentation
is somehow required.  And it includes a default release tag of
"0%{?dist}" which isn't permitted by the packaging guidelines.
(Releases start at one except when packaging prerelease software, and are
never exactly zero.)

Best to leave it to the packager to choose their own template, or to
allow somehow who wants templating behavior to configure templating in a
general way.

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Re: Discussion around app retirements and categorizations by the CPE team

2019-07-17 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "FW" == Florian Weimer  writes:

FW> I strongly doubt this will be true indefinitely.  I expect things
FW> will change pretty quickly once partners can access and file bugs in
FW> the other bug tracker.

This is interesting in light of the fact that one reason given for not
enabling Pagure issues for was because there was
benefit in keeping bugs in bugzilla alongside the RHEL bugs.

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Re: Python 3 packages to be removed form EPEL 7 (provided by RHEL 7)

2019-07-17 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "MH" == Miro Hrončok  writes:

MH> Are my assumptions correct?

Yes, unless some major changes happened of which I was not aware, you
cannot have any package name in EPEL7 (including a source package) which
duplicates a package name in RHEL7 _on a particular architecture_.
(There are limited-arch packages as described at

In the cases you mention, I do believe you would need new source package
repositories to avoid the conflict.  Note that creating these does not
require a package review as long as they are named properly.

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Re: Fedora 31 Self-Contained Change proposal: Limit Scriptlet Usage of core packages

2019-07-15 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "VO" == Vít Ondruch  writes:

VO> I just wonder what is the point of:


I guess it just saves packagers from having to call systemd-sysusers
properly.  You include the configuration file in the source package and
that macro basically just expands it into the spec.

VO> Why should the file be stored on the FS, when it is expanded during
VO> build time (if I understand the scriptlet correctly).

Well you could just bypass the macro and call systemd-sysusers
yourself with the raw data as part of the command.  I don't see anything
that requires the file to exist in the filesystem at runtime.

Personally I do think the subpackage method has merit, but hiding it
behind macros (if we want that) would probably be complex.  But
debuginfo/debugsource packages are done that way so it should be

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[EPEL-devel] Re: policycoreutils-python, audit-libs-python required for certbot for CentOS7 in need of updating

2019-07-15 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
The issues you show don't appear to have anything to do with EPEL.  The
certbot package simply requires /usr/sbin/restorecon and
/usr/sbin/semanage; yum isn't able to install those because it appears
that there is some problem with the base (Centos) repositories.  Please
make sure that you are able to update your system and install
policycoreutils-python and audit-libs-python on their own without
errors.  (Of course the issue might already have cleared itself up by
the time you try.)  If you are, then you should be able to install

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Re: HEADS UP: DynamicBuildRequires are available

2019-06-21 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "MC" == Michael Cronenworth  writes:

MC> Yes, something would have to be invented, and I guess that's why no
MC> one replied.

Well I replied, bit I'm behind on email so...

MC> However, the data exists it is just not available in a standard,
MC> parsable format.

And that was really my question: what data exists and what format is it
in?  Honestly, I don't know; that's why I'm asking.  There's a lot that
could be done, and it doesn't have to be perfect.  (Certainly it's
better if it misses things because you can always just add them as
regular BuildRequires:, but it's tougher to deal with things added

This can easily be offloaded to a separate tool; RPM only cares about
the output.

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Re: HEADS UP: DynamicBuildRequires are available

2019-06-21 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "MC" == Michael Cronenworth  writes:

MC> Any long term plans to support C/C++ apps?

Depends on what you mean by "support", really.  Really there's just a
new spec section that gets run and it just needs to echo a list of build
dependencies.  That's really all this does; the existing Rust support
just hides the script within %cargo_generate_buildrequires.  (Honestly
I'm disappointed that the macro doesn't emit the %generate_buildrequires
line as well; the pattern used by Rust currently builds in the
assumption that the generator will be a shell script.)

If there are more general methods for extracting build dependencies from
various build systems which can be stuffed into macros, then by all
means we should be adding them.

MC> I know those are all over the map with regards to build tools, but
MC> maybe cmake/meson could be supported?

Well, how do those list build dependencies?  How would you extract them
and convert them to package names (or something else which is provided
by the target packages)?

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Re: Langpacks and the packages needed to display/input a language

2019-06-17 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "JP" == Jens-Ulrik Petersen  writes:

JP> Jason, can you explain in more details (bug report is also fine) how
JP> exactly you are installing?

I install a generic minimal system via kickstart (booted using the
Server PXE images and using the Everything repositories) and then after
the reboot, ansible runs (via ansible-pull) and installs whatever is
needed for the type of system it's configured to be.

JP> (Because for both Workstation/Silverblue, and Server I believe, we
JP> install fonts and input methods for Korean (and other langs like
JP> Japanese) by default anyway

It would really surprise me if a kickstart file with nothing listed
under %packages installed a Korean input method.

JP> Perhaps you are installing the KDE Spin? which comes without much
JP> i18n support preinstalled I believe.

No spins are involved; just a plain kickstart file pointed at the full

JP> One can also just try `dnf -n install langpacks-ko` to check what
JP> fonts (and input method) would be pulled in, and you are free to
JP> remove langpacks-ko anyway.

Yes, though it's simpler to me to just pull the dependencies out of the
langpacks specfile as I'm doing now.  Unfortunately that means I have to
periodically recheck if, for example, the recommended font set for
Gujarati happens to change in the future.  It's not an undue burden but
it was nice to be able to rely on installing @gujarati-support as was
the case pre-F30.

JP> I am wondering how you reached 3GB - the Noto CJK fonts we now ship
JP> are not small on disk - that might be a part of the problem perhaps.

Well, as I wrote previously, it's things like the Libreoffice help files
and the Tesseract recognition data which get pulled in via Supplements:.
These can be quite large.  And some of the size difference is certainly
unrelated to this issue.  (I was installing a total of twelve
langpacks but I should probably be installing even more.)

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Langpacks and the packages needed to display/input a language

2019-06-14 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
I noticed that my F30 installs are coming out far larger than my F29
installs (by 3GB or so) and did some digging into why.

With F30 we switched away from having groups named like "korean-support"
that you could install to get input methods and fonts needed to display
a language and instead we have metapackages named like "langpacks-ko".
These metapackages have (generally) weak dependencies on the fonts and
input methods as before. But other packages have reverse weak
dependencies on the langpacks, which causes far more to get pulled in
than was previously installed.  For example, each libreoffice langpack
has a "supplements" weak reverse dependency on the base "langpacks"

All of this seems fine, but my original goal was to be able to properly
display, and perhaps input, various languages.  But now I get
translations and help files and such as well.  Not just for libreoffice,
but for eclipse, glibc, all of KDE as well.  And I also get
autocorrection rules, spelling dictionaries, hyphenation rules, and
terreract OCR recognition data as well.  Some of those aren't small, and
the end result is that I need to bump up the size of / quite a bit.

Note that turning off install_weak_deps is not an option because for
most of the langpacks, _all_ of the langpack are weak.  (Some do have
hard font dependencies, and I'm not sure if this inconsistency is

So it seems we lost the simple "here are our suggested Korean fonts and
an input method" and instead the only thing you can say is "I want
everything possible to be available in Korean".  Is there any way to
improve the granularity here?  Perhaps by having "light" and "heavy"
langpacks, or splitting them by usage (translations versus simple
display of text)?

For now I guess I will simply extract the list of fonts and input
methods I want from the langpack specfile and stop installing the actual
langpack packages.

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Re: [Fail2ban-users] Escalating ban times

2019-06-05 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "AC" == Amir Caspi  writes:

AC> Escalating bantime is a feature in v0.11.  Unfortunately not
AC> available in v0.10 or earlier.

I have some locally updated Fedora packages for Fedora which I use here;
the feature works well.  I use the following settings:

bantime = 6m
bantime.increment = true
bantime.multipliers = 1 1 10 100 1000 1 10
findtime = 1h
maxretry = 5

This is probably far more generous than most sites would want to use,
but I have a few hundred SSH/SFTP users and some of them are very prone
to mistyping their passwords.  Basically, five failures gets you a six
minute ban.  Five more failures gets you... another six minute ban.
Then it goes to 60 minutes and bumps by 10x for each ban after that.

AC> I'm working to implement this looping jail on my CentOS 7 + fail2ban
AC> 0.9.7 system and will post back here once I get a working setup.
AC> (Note that CentOS package maintainers do have v0.10 available
AC> through COPR:

I don't think it would be terribly difficult to build my packages for
EPEL7, but I know it won't work as is because I use a particular more
modern packaging feature.  I will see about whether I can get that into
EPEL proper and if the Fedora module system ends up being supported
there, we could do a module with the current development version.

Of course, things would be simplified significantly if there was an
actual 0.11 release.

 - J<

Fail2ban-users mailing list

Re: [Fail2ban-users] Fwd: Escalating ban times

2019-06-05 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "M" == Mike   writes:

M> It would be nice to have some kind of shared attack list we could
M> use, like DNSRBL. publishes several.  fail2ban already has support for
reporting your bans to them; see the documentation in the default
jail.conf.  You just need to get an API key from the site
to set things up.

That is one nice feature that denyhosts has; any host running it can
communicate with a server and coordinate blocking with all other hosts
who do the same.  Originally that server was proprietary but since the
API is public someone else ended up writing their own server.  Sadly
denyhosts went somewhat moribund and I lost track of it.

Technically there probably isn't much from stopping fail2ban from using
the same server software in some way if someone wanted to write the
code.  Though I'm not sure if fail2ban has any way to pull a set of
addresses to block from an external source.

 - J<

Fail2ban-users mailing list

Re: Fedora 31 System-Wide Change proposal: Switch RPMs to zstd compression

2019-06-03 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "PM" == Panu Matilainen  writes:

PM> Note that rpm doesn't support parallel zstd compression, and while
PM> it does for xz, that's not even utilized in Fedora.

Doing parallel xz compression has a surprising cost in compression ratio
which gets worse as the thread count increases (because it just splits
the input into independent blocks and compresses them separately).  I
did start on a feature to have it enabled but then abandoned that after
realizing that it didn't really work as I'd hoped.

That said, I do wonder how difficult it would be to do parallel zstd
compression/decompression within RPM.  If it were possible then that
might help to obviate some of the downsides.

PM> To me the sweet spot between compression efficiency and speed seems
PM> closer to 10 than 19 - yes at a minor loss in space but huge speedup
PM> in both compress and decompress times.

One problem is that I don't think anyone wants to see any quantifiable
regression in overall package size.  Spins still struggle to fit within
fixed media sizes as the package set grows ever larger.

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Re: Fedora 31 System-Wide Change proposal: Switch RPMs to zstd compression

2019-05-29 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "BC" == Ben Cotton  writes:

BC> * The change requires setting a new compression algorithm in rpm
BC> macros. Then a mass rebuild of all packages is required.

Technically there is no harm if a mass rebuild is not done; there will
simply be no benefit for packages which aren't rebuilt.  Certainly the
change should be made in advance of the mass rebuild, assuming we're
going to do one.

BC> * The recommended compression level is 19. The builds will take
BC> longer, but the additional compression time is negligible in the
BC> total build time and it pays off in better compression ratio than xz
BC> lvl2 has.

That seems different than other results I've seen.  According to the
wikipedia page ( and the
references therein, Ubuntu found that zstd level 19 was faster but with
poorer compression when compared with xz level 2 (which is the same
level that we use now).

I'm not super familiar with zstd but the data presented also implies
that multithreaded compression is available and at no loss to package
size (unlike parallel xz).  But looking at the RPM source, I don't see
that the thread count can be specified for zstdio as it can be with xzio
(as in setting %_binary_payload to "w2T16.xzdio").  If I'm understanding
this correctly, it would be really nice of threaded zstd compression
(and decompression) were possible and supported.

Finally, note that as far as I can tell, this will render RHEL7 and
older unable to decompress Fedora RPMs.  RPM 4.14 seems to be required.

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Re: miniz: a soname bump and a license change

2019-05-22 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "PP" == Petr Pisar  writes:

PP> I'm going to rebase miniz in Rawhide from 1.15_r4 to
PP> 2.1.0.

Thanks for doing this; it allows me to unbundle miniz from prusa-slicer,
at least in rawhide.

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[Fedora-legal-list] Licenses for AGG

2019-05-21 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
Just wanted to double check the proper License: tag for the following
license file.  I believe it should be "Copyright only or BSD", but our
page for Copyright only doesn't use exactly the same text and the
plethora of BSD licenses is always fun.  This software (and a bunch of
other things) has been bundled into a different piece of software and
has never been individually listed,  I'm trying to fix that now.  Note
also that the software authors seem to have lost control of their domain
so the URL is not valid.

 - J<

The Anti-Grain Geometry Project
A high quality rendering engine for C++

Anti-Grain Geometry has dual licensing model. The Modified BSD 
License was first added in version v2.4 just for convenience.
It is a simple, permissive non-copyleft free software license, 
compatible with the GNU GPL. It's well proven and recognizable.
for details.

Note that the Modified BSD license DOES NOT restrict your rights 
if you choose the Anti-Grain Geometry Public License.

Anti-Grain Geometry Public License

Anti-Grain Geometry - Version 2.4 
Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Maxim Shemanarev (McSeem) 

Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and distribute this software 
is granted provided this copyright notice appears in all copies. 
This software is provided "as is" without express or implied
warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose.

Modified BSD License

Anti-Grain Geometry - Version 2.4 
Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Maxim Shemanarev (McSeem) 

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 
are met:

  1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 
 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 

  2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in 
 the documentation and/or other materials provided with the 

  3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote 
 products derived from this software without specific prior 
 written permission. 

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Re: if to fork Amanda

2019-05-08 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "CH" == Chris Hassell  writes:

CH> Most build systems these days recommend building entirely as a
CH> normal user (even Debian?) and the chown-and-other-ops are done with
CH> careful setuid privileges given to the build system.

CH> RPM and rpmbuild have been doing it that way for years.

Technically RPM doesn't even do that; none of the package build process
is ever done as root.  The proper ownership of the files is stored as
package metadata which gets applied when the package is installed.  The
ownership of the files at build time is immaterial.

We (Fedora and by extension RHEL) used to patch things so that the
Amanda makefile wouldn't try to call chown/chgrp.  Now we pass
BINARY_OWNER and SETUID_GROUP to the makefile with the current user info
so that those calls do nothing (which saves us from having to maintain a

 - J<

Re: Package with open and closed dual license

2019-05-07 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "AT" == Andrew Toskin  writes:

AT> I'm looking specifically into VeraCrypt, the open-source fork from
AT> TrueCrypt.

Has the situation which has kept VeraCrypt out of Fedora previously been

See this, for example:

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Re: amanda client on leap 15 system, ie systemd

2019-05-02 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "BC" == Cuttler, Brian R (HEALTH)  writes:

BC> Can anyone provide the files I need, give hints on what I'm doing
BC> wrong or help in some other way?

I don't believe Amanda upstream ships systemd unit files, so you would
need to provide them yourself.  Perhaps look at the files Fedora ships,
which can be seen at

Look for the various service and socket files.  amanda.socket and
amanda@.service are the main ones, providing socket activation for the
regular non-kerberized daemon over TCP.  There are other unit files for
using kerberos and running over UDP.

You may of course need to edit the user, group and any paths as

 - J<

Re: How to install a mountpoint directory from an rpm?

2019-04-30 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "DH" == David Howells  writes:

DH> I'm not entirely clear how I should go about requesting FPC
DH> approval.  It says it is preferable that a ticket be filed in the
DH> packaging committee pagure - do they mean to raise an issue, do you
DH> know?

Just file a ticket:

That's it, really.

Personally I wouldn't be particularly happy with "/afs" if it were a new
thing, but I'm not sure it's worth fighting with that much history.

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Re: Proposed Fedora packaging guideline: More Go packaging

2019-04-25 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
I wish this message wasn't crossposted everywhere, but I don't want to
lose any discussion by trimming the CC list.  Sorry if replies generate
bounces for some.

> "nm" == nicolas mailhot  writes:

nm> And the forge macros are now available since
nm> redhat-rpm-config-73-1.fc28 (I had missed the push due to upstream
nm> renaming the file). Heartfelt thanks to Jason Tibbitts !

Please don't forget to let me know when it's time to start thinking
about pushing this down to F27.  And maybe F26.  And as far as I can
tell it should work with only minor modification in EPEL7 (via
epel-rpm-macros).  I don't know about EPEL6, but we really should look
at it given some of the other discussions about specfile compatibility.
Some packagers wouldn't ever use it if it doesn't work everywhere.

Finally, we should also talk about whether there is any integration or
automation possible between fedpkg and specfiles configured with these

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Re: Proposed Fedora packaging guideline: More Go packaging

2019-04-25 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "nm" == nicolas mailhot  writes:

nm> I don't know about EPEL6, but we use it as-is in EL7 and it works
nm> just as well (except maybe for the %autosetup bits but IIRC that's
nm> autosetup which is broken in EL7).

I had ported autosetup to EPEL6 and then at the next release the macros
showed up (without any discussion) in base RHEL6.  So they should be
there.  I'm not entirely sure what's actually broken about %autosetup in
EL7, though; I hadn't heard about breakage before this.  epel-rpm-macros
could conceivably carry %epel_autosetup or something which contains
fixes.  I mostly understand the internals of %autosetup so maybe there's
something I can do.

nm> Maybe it also works in EPEL 6 but I've never tried it. I guess it
nm> depends mostly on the level of lua support in EL6 rpm and
nm> rpm-related tools now the forge macro code is lua only.

I think it would be worth a try.  In my experience not all that much has
changed in the Lua interfaces since RHEL6 and even RHEL5.  (EL5 just
didn't have sources and patches in the Lua namespace.)

nm> For my part I doubt I'll ever use it in EL6 since I did it for Go
nm> and the EL6 Go stack is really too old for a merge to be
nm> interesting.

Well, sure, Go on EL6 is probably out but these macros were at least
presented as being far more general, and I'm sure there are plenty of
EPEL6 packages which could benefit.  Potential anything that packages a
git snapshot of something.

nm> I'm afraid my knowledge of recent fedpkg enhancements is too sparse
nm> to be of any use there. Though I'm not opposed to the idea at all.

It's just worth a brainstorm, I think.  I can imagine that loads of
people would love it if fedpkg could just auto-bump the bits necessary
to update a package to today's git head or some specific commit or
something like that.  Before we didn't really have a good standard way
to format a spec when you're using a checkout.  Now

Doesn't necessarily have to start in fedpkg, either.  A standalone
utility for doing a couple of things like that could be useful as a

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Re: Can we maybe reduce the set of packages we install by default a bit?

2019-04-18 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "LP" == Lennart Poettering  writes:

LP> Yes it is. But so is rngd afaik?

The software isn't exclusive to any particular architecture, though it
may of course have different sources of entropy on different

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Re: Updating/rebuilding of coin-or packages

2019-04-17 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "AT" == Antonio Trande  writes:

AT> Is it correct tagging an absolute path with %doc?

Yes, it's fine; that just sets the flag that tells RPM "this
file/directory contains documentation".  That's not really any different
than, say, using %config to set the "this is a configuration file" flag.

It's when you use %doc on a relative path that the magic bit of copying
things from %_builddir into %buildroot/%_docdir occurs.

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Re: Sphinx and xindy

2019-04-17 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "JJ" == Jerry James  writes:

JJ> Somebody out there has been involved with past attempts to build
JJ> xindy.  Please, I would like to make progress on this so I can get
JJ> back to building the coq stack's new versions.  Which package used
JJ> to contain xindy?

It is/was part of texlive-base.  Look at line 20 of the texlive-base

# Not ppc64, not s390x, not aarch64 due to lack of clisp
# code SIGSEGV's on armv7hl
%global xindy_arches empty

JJ> How does one attempt to build it?

Just set that define appropriately.  It was disabled in
ac0adc86c6ee1f2559e4313f210b828778388999 because I guess there's some
sort of circular build dependency and I guess it never got turned back
on again.  Before that it was set to:

%global xindy_arches %{ix86} x86_64

And before acf14dee9c90d6f8b775adc0c1c5151d7df28642 that included arm:

%global xindy_arches %{arm} %{ix86} x86_64

To go back further you have to go back to the texlive package before
-base was split out.

My suggestion?  Package it as an entirely separate package to avoid any
kind of circular build dependency.  Call it xindy or texlive-xindy; I've
no preference.

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Re: Can we maybe reduce the set of packages we install by default a bit?

2019-04-17 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "LP" == Lennart Poettering  writes:

LP> That's not true anymore. There's a kernel compile time option now
LP> for that in CONFIG_RANDOM_TRUST_CPU=y. And yes, the Fedora kernel
LP> sets that since a while.

Isn't this arch-dependent?

bool "Trust the CPU manufacturer to initialize Linux's CRNG"
depends on X86 || S390 || PPC
default n

Not sure what happens on ARM but I think it would need to be considered.

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[EPEL-devel] Re: Backporting fuse3 and fuse3-libs rpms to EPEL

2019-04-05 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "DD" == David Dykstra  writes:

DD> Does this also imply a new fuse3 package in pagure & bodhi?  Or
DD> could it still be part of the fuse package but have a separate
DD> fuse3.spec?

It would have to be a separate package repository and receive separate
updates.  It is not possible for a source package in EPEL to have the
same name as a source package in RHEL, even if the build products
(binary RPMs) have different names.

Note that a package review is not required to create a package
repository named "fuse3" (or "fuse3.7" or whatever) when the "fuse"
package repository already exists.  See
When running fedpkg request-repo, use the --exception flag.

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Re: Package Naming Guildelines for compat-lua packages

2019-04-04 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "RS" == Robert Scheck  writes:

RS> wouldn't it have been a clever alternative to use lua52-* rather a
RS> quite unspecific "compat-lua-" to be really similar with your
RS> python2/3 example?

I made a similar suggestion in the packaging committee ticket.
"compat-" is nonspecific and goes against the naming conventions already
in the guidelines.  While it's true that we have some compat-\*
packages in Fedora, it shouldn't be perpetuated and certainly shouldn't
be made the basis for a new Lua naming scheme.

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Re: Anitya not working again?

2019-03-28 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "RM" == Robert-André Mauchin  writes:

RM> Since our float of Golang packages is severely out of date, I was
RM> expecting a load of new messages from Bugzilla.

I don't believe it notifies when the project is first added.  It should
notify when the project is next updated.

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Re: Proposal: Stewardship Group / SIG for taking care of otherwise "module-only" packages

2019-03-28 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "MH" == Miro Hrončok  writes:

MH> You realize that once it is maintained by the group, nobody else is
MH> going to take it?

When the stewardship SIG maintains a package, it should be for the sole
purpose of keeping it around just long enough to avoid serious
disruption that would be caused by that package being removed from the
distribution.  The SIG shouldn't be maintaining things indefinitely and
should always give the expectation that the packages _will_ be retired
(not just orphaned again) unless someone picks them up.

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[Fail2ban-users] Experimenting with bantime.increment

2019-03-27 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
I've been doing a little experimentation with the support for
successively increasing ban times in the current 0.11 codebase and had a
few observations and a question.

In an actionban,  seems to always expand to the base bantime
setting.  But if I expand , I see something like:
  BanTicket: ip= time=1553724387.566927 bantime=3000 bancount=3 
#attempts=4 matches=[...
Interestingly, if bancount is 1,  will show bantime=None.  Is
there any way to just get  to show the actual time of the ban?

I keep getting this error in the logs:
  2019-03-27 17:16:43,472   [26876]: INFO[sshd] Found, bad - 2019-03-27 17:16:43, 1 # -> 2.0
  2019-03-27 17:16:43,472   [26876]: ERROR   '>=' not 
supported between instances of 'NoneType' and 'int'
Not sure where it's coming from, though.

I don't think I've ever seen an address banned for the minimum time; the
observer seems to immediately bump the ban time up to the next
increment.  But that might be because by now this machine has already
seen most addresses which are going to probe it.

When I set bantime.rndtime, it appears that non-integer values get
passed on to ipset which causes failures:
  exec: ipset add f2b-sshd timeout 1874.0727681174424 -exist
  stderr: "ipset v6.38: Syntax error: '1874.0727681174424' is invalid as number"

 - J<

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Re: Fork a 119MB pagure project to updating monitoring?

2019-03-25 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "JC" == Jeremy Cline  writes:

JC> The effort would be a 1-2 line change in the-new-hotness, and
JC> distributing the config to each package repository (some proven
JC> packager could do this easily).

Well that seems easy enough.  We still need the repo for the bugzilla
assignee override thing, but that's fine.  One thing at a time.

I can certainly drop commits into the repositories if that's what's
needed.  We would need to define the name and contents of the file, and
the default state for when the file is not present (to perhaps avoid
touching every repository).

It might also be nice to know what on earth monitoring means for a
module or a container, since the fedora-scm-requests has data for them
but I don't understand what point it has.

We would also need to change the admin tool which is generating these
files.  I think it would speed up its operation a good bit to not have
to mess with this ever-growing repository, so that is a positive.
(Especially since the tool does no local caching and so does a full
clone each time it processes an SCM request).  And fedpkg request-repo
would need to drop the --monitor option as it would have no effect.

So I guess it's more than just a couple of lines that need to change,
but everything outside of the initial new-hotness change and the
monitoring file commits could come later.

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Re: Fork a 119MB pagure project to updating monitoring?

2019-03-25 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "KF" == Kevin Fenzi  writes:

KF> Well, I find it unfortunate, does that count? :)

It is unfortunate, but note that it's unfortunate simply because of our
procedures.  Certainly it would be nice if the functionality for making
new branches and changing monitoring and some bugzilla settings were
integrated directly into src.fp.o; I won't argue against that.  However,
that doesn't mean that changing those settings couldn't be accomplished
via some means other than a PR.

Possibilities I can think of include:

* Doing this via tickets in a manner similar to how branches are
  requested.  This would require teaching the ticket processing tools
  how to perform the operation, and writing some tool to submit the
  request.  Kind of a lot of overhead for a rare operation.

* Just storing this information in the package repository.  I've never
  understood why the system can't just extract this information from
  git.  I suspect there must be some reason related to security or
  resources consumption which prevents services from having a shallow
  git clone around from which to grab information like this, but I'm not

* Letting people just file a ticket and ask for what they want and
  having the admins would take care of it by editing the repo.  This
  would require a separate ticket instance or more programming because
  the tools currently auto-close any ticket they don't understand.

Anyway, everything is just a simple matter of programming.  Does the
effort required outweigh the annoyance of users having to occasionally
(rarely) submit PRs against a repo that's of nontrivial size?  I don't
know.  Are there any other benefits besides making things a little
easier?  Would having this somehow increase the uptake of monitoring?

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Re: segfaults with cyrus-imapd 3.0.9 on latest arch linux

2019-03-19 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "AP" == Andreas Piesk  writes:

AP> Hello list, i'm trying to get cyrus-imapd 3.0.9 (testet 3.0.8 too)
AP> running on latest arch linux. Here's the configure summary:

AP> External dependencies: ldap: no openssl: yes zlib: yes pcre: yes

AP> #6 0x7fc4aa385050 re_acquire_state_context (
AP> #7 0x7fc4aa3907d4 re_compile_internal (
AP> #8 0x7fc4aa391511 regcomp (

You have pcre enabled but you are calling glibc regex functions.  You
may wish to double check that you are linking properly.  Fedora went
through a similar issue a while back when --Wl,--as-needed was added to
the default set of compiler flags, which caused subtle variations in the
link order.  The end result was that Fedora picked up a set of pcre
patches similar to what some other distros have to avoid duplicating the
glibc symbol names.

 - J<

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Re: Sphinx and xindy

2019-03-14 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "MH" == Miro Hrončok  writes:

MH> There should be a configuration option that disbales xindly. Does
MH> the documentation build with it?

Since xindy isn't really something that can be relied upon, is it
possible (or reasonable) to do this globally in our sphinx packages?
Even when it was enabled, it was architecture-limited which would
force that limitation to propagate down to potentially anything that
used sphinx.  (xindy is written in LISP and builds with clisp.  There's
a certain irony in that Jerry is also a maintainer of clisp.)

I do think that the disabling of xindy was supposed to be only temporary
so I think it could be re-enabled, but having it off probably makes
texlive maintenance easier.  The proper solution, I guess, is to fix
clisp to work on s390x and then fix whatever issues prevent xindy from
being enabled all the time.  I think it would help to remove it from
texlive-base entirely and let it stand on its own.  That way issues with
it wouldn't prevent texlive-base from building.

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Re: Allowing Epoch to be reset between releases

2019-03-13 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "ZJ" == Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek  writes:

ZJ> This doesn't sound convincing at all.

I was not attempting to be convincing.

ZJ> We *know* that people miss announcements all the time. Dropping
ZJ> epochs would introduce yet another case where a "magical" step is
ZJ> needed at a specific time.

Personally I don't see it as being excessive.  Plus... if you're running
rawhide you do already have to deal with this, when it's done
accidentally.  I believe a proposal to do it in a coordinated fashion
actually helps the situation.

ZJ> We need to remember that dropping epochs also impacts any package
ZJ> which uses Requires/BuildRequires/Recommends/Conflicts/Obsoletes on
ZJ> the package dropping the epoch.

Yes, that was covered in previous discussion.

ZJ> All those will require periodic rebuilds. The problem is that those
ZJ> things don't necessarily follow the cadence of Fedora releases.

Yes, all of these are confounded by epochs currently.  I believe that
after the epochs have been removed, the situation is actually better
than it is now.

ZJ> The proposal to drop epochs sounds like a step that is problematic and
ZJ> causes extra work now and ongoing for third-party packagers.

Personally I just don't see the problem.  I'm not saying that it has
nonzero cost, but I don't see it as being major.

ZJ> And the problem that it solves is niche. The cost of the solution
ZJ> doesn't seem justified.

I wonder how the existing RPM-based distros which allow epochs to go
away between releases handle this.  Aren't we the last one that doesn't?

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Re: Allowing Epoch to be reset between releases

2019-03-11 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "VO" == Vít Ondruch  writes:

VO> In this case, if DNF said something like "you have installed
VO> foo-1:1.0, but there is available foo-0:2.0" it would give me
VO> hint. From the start it would be annoying, but once we would reach
VO> the point 4, I would, at least, know that I should do distrosync or
VO> something.

Under the proposal I put forward:

1. No releases except for rawhide would ever be affected by this,
   assuming that users upgrade using supported methods.

2. Rawhide users would need to do this exactly once per cycle, on an
   announced date.

So you would know that you should do distrosync because that would be

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Re: Allowing Epoch to be reset between releases

2019-03-08 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "MH" == Miro Hrončok  writes:

MH> One thing to consider here is other packages that have Requires
MH> etc. on something like "foo > 1:1.2", so if it is automated, this
MH> part needs to be automated as well.

Indeed.  And of course this breaks any such dependency outside of Fedora
as well.  (Either in COPR repositories, RPMFusion, or local packages.)
I should have mentioned this as a potential downside, since it was part
of previous discussions.

MH> If we do this, we might have a "flag day" but not automated for all
MH> 756 packages, but opt in.

Sure, maybe at first.  Stage it in over a couple of releases if
necessary, or having a couple of flag days.  Though it's not quite as
many if you exclude the Epoch: 0 ones.  (Though I recall that there is
some subtlety between Epoch: 0 and no epoch at all.)

But that's an implementation detail; the fundamental question is whether
there is any general support for dropping epochs, and more specifically
if FESCo would accept it on principle.  And I can understand why they
may not, because while epochs are annoying, we've certainly been living
with them for quite some time.

MH> Aka we create a window on rawhide, and packagers would sign up for
MH> this, we announce the window, let them do it, and we close the
MH> window... ?

The issue is that if a compose happens while the window is open, we have
more than one rawhide update where distro-sync is needed.  I think it's
worth spending a bit of effort to minimize the issues for those running

MH> However I'm not sure it's worth the effort.

Yes, that's basically the problem.  History has shown that we can live
with epochs.  But even if it's a limited effort, it would be nice to
give packagers who want to get rid of epochs a way to do so.

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Allowing Epoch to be reset between releases (Was: On not bumping the epoch in ceph-14, f30 and f31/rawhide)

2019-03-08 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "MH" == Miro Hrončok  writes:

MH> On 08. 03. 19 21:16, Neal Gompa wrote:
>> I really wish we'd allow Epochs to be reset on distribution upgrades.
>> With dnf distro-sync (which is used by system-upgrade) Epochs don't
>> really matter and upgrades work as intended anyway...

MH> Let's do a Fedora change? Coordinate with FPC?

We (FPC) have talked about this before but I don't think it's really up
to FPC.  The change process isn't really the right way to do it, either,
since this is really a policy revision.  I just think FESCo needs to
decide whether or not it would like to relax the policy, and if so, how.

Here are the relevant points as I see them (unless I'm forgetting

* dnf system-upgrade generally handles versions going backward without
  issue.  The specific case of epoch being reset is not an issue.

* dnf upgrade would not handle this, causing problems for those running
  rawhide or using unsupported methods of upgrading between releases.

  * Those running rawhide would have to run distro-sync in order to
upgrade (which would of course reset any locally built updated
packages and such).  They would have to do this every time any
installed package drops epoch.

  * Those using an unsupported method of upgrading would need to
incorporate distro-sync.

  * Dropping epoch outside of rawhide would generally be bad.

* Koji and the compose process do handle things "going backwards", as
  this has happened multiple times in the past without things dying.
  What's important there is which version was most recently tagged.

* Bodhi shouldn't be involved here as this would be restricted to

Personally I'm in support of relaxing the restriction in some form, but
I prefer a single "drop Epoch: day" where epochs in rawhide are
_automatically_ removed and the packages rebuilt.  This gives a single
point in time where rawhide users need to do a distro-sync in order to
properly track updates.  Allowing epochs to be dropped without
coordination seems to me to be a burden on rawhide users, but I don't
think a single flag day would be problematic.

I would expect the first flag day to be busy.  I see 756 Epoch: tags
currently, though 161 are set to 0 for whatever reason.  Afterwards I
would expect no more than a small number of packages per cycle to
acquire Epoch: tags.

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Re: Help remove scriptlets from the kernel?

2019-02-20 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "ZJ" == Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek  writes:

ZJ> kernel-install already calls depmod (from
ZJ> /usr/lib/kernel/install.d/50-depmod.install).

I'm not sure that's sufficient.  Packages can install modules at any
time and I believe depmod needs to be called when this happens.  Thus
the kernel packages need a file trigger on the /lib/modules/XXX
directory that they own.  Either that or something at a different level
needs to be responsible for calling depmod for things installed under

The depmod call in kernel-install is really somewhat redundant, though I
don't think calling depmod is particularly slow so it probably doesn't
much matter.

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Re: Help remove scriptlets from the kernel?

2019-02-19 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "JLT" == Jason L Tibbitts  writes:

JLT> One fun thing is that I have no idea how file triggers interact
JLT> with packages which are installed multiple times.

I now know: it works the way I hope it does, so the scriptlets I
suggested for auto-running depmod should work properly.  As a bonus, I
think it would slightly simplify third party kernel module packages.

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Re: Help remove scriptlets from the kernel?

2019-02-18 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "LA" == Laura Abbott  writes:

LA> The kernel uses a few scriptlets at the moment which will need to be
LA> cleaned up, most likely replaced with file triggers.

I have some experience converting things to file triggers had a quick
look.  It seems we have the following:

The main kernel package messes with /etc/sysconfig/kernel to change
DEFAULTKERNEL in %post and has a %posttrans package to call

The devel packages do some magic with hardlink calls (set up by

The modules and modules-extra packages have scriptlets to call depmod
(set up by %kernel_modules_post and %kernel_modules_extra_post).

These are all buried in multiple layers of macros, so getting rid of any
of this is probably a nice thing regardless of any other reasons
scriptlets are problematic.

One fun thing is that I have no idea how file triggers interact with
packages which are installed multiple times.  If it works like I think
it does, each kernel package (or maybe kernel-core package) would have
something like:

%transfiletriggerin -n kernel-core -- /lib/modules/%{KVERREL}/
/sbin/depmod -a %{KVERREL}

%transfiletriggerpostun -n kernel-core -- /lib/modules/%{KVERREL}/
/sbin/depmod -a %{KVERREL}

The modules packages could then drop their scriptlets.  These might need
the variant magic or whatnot.

I don't really know about the hardlink calls; it would be trivial for
something to call hardlink on /usr/src/kernels but optimizing that is
more difficult.

I would think that the bootloader package or systemd-udev would be the
proper place to put a trigger that calls kernel-install.

I don't really understand the modification of /etc/sysconfig/kernel.

In any case, it does seem that there's plenty of opportunity for useful
cleanup here.

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Re: Cyrus IMAP in the next Debian

2019-02-08 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "PV" == Paul van der Vlis  writes:

PV> Somebody has packaged Cyrus version 3.08, but there are problems
PV> with some of the Cassandane tests.

It may be useful to see how Fedora handles Cassandane as part of its
build process.  I did a lot of work to get things functioning and get
patches pushed back upstream to make it easier to run Cassandane as part
of our package build process.  A fair bit of work to get things working
better on our less-common architectures is also in there.

That said, we do still have to disable a few Cassandane tests for
various reasons.  The Fedora specfile
has explanations and information about each disabled test.  Search for
"Run the Cassandane test suite".

PV> I think it would be good if there would be more contact between the
PV> Cyrus Debian developers and the Cyrus IMAP community.

I have always find the Cyrus developers to be helpful.  Nobody had to
put me in contact with them; I just filed tickets and asked questions
here and on IRC.

 - J<

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Re: F30 Self-Contained Change proposal: MongoDB Removal

2019-01-29 Thread Jason L Tibbitts III
> "JH" == John Harris  writes:

JH> For what reason is SSPL considered non-free? As I see, it's
JH> essentially a GPL incompatible AGPL license.

It's been pretty well covered throughout this whole debacle, but here's
the most recent announcement from Fedora Legal:

This information is also included in the Licensing section of the Fedora

- J<
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