Re: [jetty-users] Threading model (was Re: Jetty 12 schedule?_

2022-11-09 Thread Greg Wilkins
On Thu, 10 Nov 2022 at 12:29, Cantor, Scott  wrote:

> >The proper way is to use the request / response objects as passed to
> > you, and not hold onto them.
> That would imply that one has to immediate extract every possible bit from
> them and construct a new façade for the data before one's servlet method
> even calls another object. That's a pretty huge step backward, if true.

Scott, it is typical to handle requests with multi classes, potentially
calling deep into a code base.
Often these calls will accept the request and/or response as an argument
and that is a reasonable style as it makes it very clear that the call is
part of a request/response calling cycle.

Problems start to occur when a request/response is wrapped in another
object that abstracts away from the request response paradigm and just
looks like some dataful object (which just happens to be backed by data a
request).   Such objects can easily be put into persistent data structures
that have no lifecycle relationship to the original request.

So the antipattern is to facade a request into a non-request like API.   If
your facades do look like requests and their lifecycle is apparent, then
that is a reasonable abstraction.


Greg Wilkins  CTO
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Re: [jetty-users] Threading model (was Re: Jetty 12 schedule?_

2022-11-09 Thread Cantor, Scott
>The assumption that you'll be passed a HttpServletRequest and/or
> HttpServletResponse to these actions isn't 100% true.

Ok, I can see that.

>Take for example the Async I/O events.

Which we will never, ever call/use/allow.

>There are similar things elsewhere in the spec.

Most of them are in the same bucket, we don't do that kind of thing.

>  Keep in mind that there is no provision in the Servlet spec for notifying
> of the lifecycle of the HttpServletRequest or HttpServletResponse
> objects.

Understood, but they have to exist for the lifetime of the call to the servlet 
dispatch method, absent use of other container services that interrupt the 
processing chain of that method, no? Otherwise it's madness since we couldn't 
even make it work by passing them around if we wanted to.

>The proper way is to use the request / response objects as passed to
> you, and not hold onto them.

That would imply that one has to immediate extract every possible bit from them 
and construct a new façade for the data before one's servlet method even calls 
another object. That's a pretty huge step backward, if true.

> As a servlet endpoint, you are expected to get what you need from the
> request (headers, body, etc), formulate a response (status code,
> headers, etc) and then produce a body.

Of course, but that is never (outside trivial samples) one class. It's a chain 
of many objects and methods doing work. You don't pass the interfaces into 
every method.

And even if you did pass them into every method in a synchronous call chain, 
you're implying that wouldn't even help. And that seems impossible since I 
can't even see how you would ever be in the middle of the code to interfere 
with it.

Again, there is no use of async anything whatsoever (once we get control), and 
there never will be. For exactly this reason.

>If you need to track things between dispatches of the same exchange,
> it's usually a good idea to use the request attributes to hold onto objects
> for the scope of that one request.

If I have no HttpServletRequest, how would I possibly put or get them? That 
doesn't change the situation, really.

>Don't forget about normal redispatch behavior.

That's worth more study, especially the error case, but that's likely past the 
point we'd be doing anything unusual depending on these interfaces. But it is a 
point we need to consider.

>Imagine if the APIs contained the request/response objects
> everywhere, which ones do we give you if wrapping occurs? (eg: if a
> Filter wrapped the request, and added the listener, then the Servlet
> wrapped again, and then that listener needed to fire, do we give you the
> servlet wrapped request or the filter wrapped request?)

Yes, I can see why they had to do things the way they did for the Async APIs. 
Which we don't use.

-- Scott

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Re: [jetty-users] Threading model (was Re: Jetty 12 schedule?_

2022-11-09 Thread Joakim Erdfelt
> Is it fair to assume that the only way a request could possibly cross
threads like that is if there's also an actually explicit entry point into
one's application logic by which the container is actually invoking a
standard interface that is defined to accept the

The assumption that you'll be passed a HttpServletRequest and/or
HttpServletResponse to these actions isn't 100% true.

Take for example the Async I/O events.

Those are listeners.

You are not expected to be manipulating / accessing / referencing the
request and/or response at this point in the process.
That should have happened long before you even engaged these listeners.

There are similar things elsewhere in the spec.
Keep in mind that there is no provision in the Servlet spec for notifying
of the lifecycle of the HttpServletRequest or HttpServletResponse objects.

If a method existed to know when the original HttpServletRequest and
HttpServletResponse was / is / has been ended it's lifecycle (and
optionally been recycled by the container), you could possible write code
to hold onto the request/response objects safely (but realities of
concurrency programming means that this kind of event can only occur AFTER
it's done, which is often too late to turn things off)

> In other words, I take your point that people can build code that
leverages various advanced async/etc. features in the servlet spec, and we
don't necessarily know that's happening, but it has to *be* some explicit
invocation of a container technology that in turn is going to call back in
with the "proper" servlet request/response, right?

The proper way is to use the request / response objects as passed to you,
and not hold onto them.
This even includes objects like HttpSession and the ServletInputStream /

As a servlet endpoint, you are expected to get what you need from the
request (headers, body, etc), formulate a response (status code, headers,
etc) and then produce a body.
The async processing exists to delay / suspend actions to later, but that
also results in a container managed thread for the AsyncContext, one that
the container is aware of and knows the scope/lifecycle of.
The async I/O for requests expects that you've gathered what you need from
the request url line / headers / etc before you start.
The async I/O for responses expects that you've decided what you are going
to send, and are setting up to send the body of the response.

If you need to track things between dispatches of the same exchange, it's
usually a good idea to use the request attributes to hold onto objects for
the scope of that one request.

> So it's difficult to understand how we could possibly be passed in a
different instance than the original one the servlet dispatch received
since there's nowhere for it to occur.

Don't forget about normal redispatch behavior.
An example of this is if you use the RequestDispatcher, this will be a
wrapped or altered request/response objects depending on your mode of use
(include vs forward).
You can also have an Error being processed via a redispatch using the
DispatcherType.ERROR (which can appear to be a different request/response,
but in reality is a spec mandated cleanup of the request/response before
In both of those cases, a request attribute works great to track behavior
throughout the entire request lifecycle (even redispatch).

> Basically it feels like for this to break, something has to call an API
that also involves passing in a callback interface that itself has to
receive the request/response back.

As I showed above, not all listeners / interfaces have the request/response
params given to you, the API was created to respect the Filter Chain,
DispatcherTypes, and Request/Response Wrappers along with the normal HTTP
lifecycle (eg: you can't change response status code or headers if the
HttpServletResponse.isCommitted() is true)

Imagine if the APIs contained the request/response objects everywhere,
which ones do we give you if wrapping occurs? (eg: if a Filter wrapped the
request, and added the listener, then the Servlet wrapped again, and then
that listener needed to fire, do we give you the servlet wrapped request or
the filter wrapped request?)

Joakim Erdfelt /

On Wed, Nov 9, 2022 at 5:22 PM Cantor, Scott  wrote:

> >It's a general anti-pattern to hold onto, use, reference a
> > HttpServletRequest or HttpServletResponse object outside of the
> > dispatch from the container.
> One more question about this I guess...
> Is it fair to assume that the only way a request could possibly cross
> threads like that is if there's also an actually explicit entry point into
> one's application logic by which the container is actually invoking a

[jetty-users] Threading model (was Re: Jetty 12 schedule?_

2022-11-09 Thread Cantor, Scott
>It's a general anti-pattern to hold onto, use, reference a
> HttpServletRequest or HttpServletResponse object outside of the
> dispatch from the container.

One more question about this I guess...

Is it fair to assume that the only way a request could possibly cross threads 
like that is if there's also an actually explicit entry point into one's 
application logic by which the container is actually invoking a standard 
interface that is defined to accept the HttpServletRequest/Response?

In other words, I take your point that people can build code that leverages 
various advanced async/etc. features in the servlet spec, and we don't 
necessarily know that's happening, but it has to *be* some explicit invocation 
of a container technology that in turn is going to call back in with the 
"proper" servlet request/response, right?

Otherwise how could one ever know which instance of the request/response 
interfaces to act on?

All we do is implement servlets (or make use of them) that accept a servlet 
dispatch call in and respond out. Nothing else in our design implements any 
servlet APIs that can accept a request/response in a different way.

So it's difficult to understand how we could possibly be passed in a different 
instance than the original one the servlet dispatch received since there's 
nowhere for it to occur.

That's why we've struggled to grasp what the risk is as this has come up at 

I fully appreciate that you're speaking from a container/generality perspective 
here and that in the general case what you're saying is obviously true. And 
yes, it's an anti-pattern because it makes assumptions that aren't generally 
true. I'm strongly suspecting they are, however, still true for us (and frankly 
for the vast majority of traditional apps that just implement Servlet).

Basically it feels like for this to break, something has to call an API that 
also involves passing in a callback interface that itself has to receive the 
request/response back.

-- Scott

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Re: [jetty-users] Jetty 12 schedule?

2022-11-09 Thread Cantor, Scott
>It's a general anti-pattern to hold onto, use, reference a
> HttpServletRequest or HttpServletResponse object outside of the
> dispatch from the container.

Unfortunately it's likely to be borderline impossible for us to avoid it in any 
practical way given the layering involved, but we will dig into it further.

>Example of the most recent issue they are working: 

That's helpful, thanks.

-- Scott

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Re: [jetty-users] Jetty 12 schedule?

2022-11-09 Thread Joakim Erdfelt
> Our undersatanding has been that a given request is still thread-locked
from start to finish even though there are changes to the model in how
requests are dispatched, as long as one didn't call out to some kind of
asynchronous API or something that could suspend the processing of the

Incorrect assumption.  Well ... it is an incomplete or partial assumption
really, as it is not limited to only async processing.

Example, All the way back to Servlet 3, if any servlet component declares
async-supported=true (even if they didn't use async) then your thread-local
won't work reliably either across vendors as that was was vaguely defined
in the spec, heck the meaning of *not* declaring async-supported, (what is
the default?) wasn't even defined.  Some vendors took it to mean
async-supported=true was default (Jetty took this approach), others took it
to mean async-supported=false was default (Tomcat took this approach).  It
wasn't until Servlet 4 where the default was defined, let alone all of the
other near constant corner cases in the async processing layer that crops
up with regularity in the servlet spec (re-dispatch, error handling,
wrappers, etc).

Now with the changes in Servlet 5, a container (like Jetty) is free to use
as many threads to service the exchange as it deems appropriate based on
the technology you use, there's no longer an expectation of 1 thread per
exchange (even your 3rd party libraries and web-fragments can change the
behavior without your application being aware of it).  This means
technology choices (not configuration) within the Servlet spec will have a
greater impact on how the threads are being used to service your request.
(choices you won't know at initialization until an application starts to
use those technologies to handle a request).

If a component uses AsyncContext you have multiple threads. (best choice
here is to use the AsyncContext to reference the request/response)
If a component decides to use Async I/O you have multiple threads as well.
(don't hold onto the request/response here, the container will call into
your application from different threads to satisfy the async I/O behavior)
If a component uses Jakarta WebSockets you have multiple threads (depending
on how you send/receive messages the thread count can be extreme and can
come fast and furious.  And there is an extra requirement to never hold
onto the request/response objects in websocket due to http lifecycle

It's a general anti-pattern to hold onto, use, reference a
HttpServletRequest or HttpServletResponse object outside of the dispatch
from the container.
As you can easily create situations of use-after-recycle and super odd
behavior (the spring folks hit this with regularity, and have taken steps
to revert code that holds onto requests/responses outside of the
dispatches, but haven't completed this effort).
Example of the most recent issue they are working:

Joakim Erdfelt /

On Wed, Nov 9, 2022 at 3:29 PM Cantor, Scott  wrote:

> Note that our understanding of the SingleThreadedModel is NOT that it
> changes how a given request is handled, just that it means a servlet is
> forced to allow for multiple requests at once.
> That is not an issue for our code, we're fully thread-safe/aware and that
> doesn't break thread-local storage. That's literally how you often make
> things thread-safe in fact.
> -- Scott
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Re: [jetty-users] Jetty 12 schedule?

2022-11-09 Thread Cantor, Scott
Note that our understanding of the SingleThreadedModel is NOT that it changes 
how a given request is handled, just that it means a servlet is forced to allow 
for multiple requests at once.

That is not an issue for our code, we're fully thread-safe/aware and that 
doesn't break thread-local storage. That's literally how you often make things 
thread-safe in fact.

-- Scott

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Re: [jetty-users] Jetty 12 schedule?

2022-11-09 Thread Cantor, Scott
>You cannot use thread-local reliably starting in Jakarta Servlet 5.

Our undersatanding has been that a given request is still thread-locked from 
start to finish even though there are changes to the model in how requests are 
dispatched, as long as one didn't call out to some kind of asynchronous API or 
something that could suspend the processing of the request.

We have looked into the issue and couldn't find any statements that a given 
servlet request is allowed to switch threads mid-request or how that could 
possibly make any sense. How would the container even get a chance to do so?

But to be fair, I have expressed concerns about it and we have been aware that 
there are changes supposedly coming aorund that. Every time we look, we can't 
find the clarity we need about what it actually means in practice.

And if it breaks, we'll be stuck because I don't think we have any other 
practical options.

If you have some kind of information somewhere you could point us to about what 
it actually means that a thread can be swapped out or how/when that could 
possibly happen, it would be useful.

-- Scott

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Re: [jetty-users] Jetty 12 schedule?

2022-11-09 Thread Joakim Erdfelt
> The only practical way to inject the per-request interfaces into various
objects is to use thread-local storage to capture and stash the current
Servlet request/response and then inject a façade that pulls the
thread-local copy out and delegates the method calls to it.

Jakarta Servlet 5 deprecated jakarta.servlet.SingleThreadModel, and Servlet
6 removed it.

You cannot use thread-local reliably starting in Jakarta Servlet 5.

Joakim Erdfelt /

On Wed, Nov 9, 2022 at 3:08 PM Cantor, Scott  wrote:

> >Scott, I'm not understanding how your facades work or why exactly
> > they are needed?  Can you give some examples?
> We have a deeply modular Spring-based system, where beans very "high" up
> need access to request/response state. The only practical way to inject the
> per-request interfaces into various objects is to use thread-local storage
> to capture and stash the current Servlet request/response and then inject a
> façade that pulls the thread-local copy out and delegates the method calls
> to it.
> This is, among other things, a way to allow Spring ot instantiate
> components from third-party libraries that depend on Servlet APIs.
> It's not to say we can't come up with other ways, but it's very widespread
> in our current design.
> > Why can you not just deploy old javax. * code to one context and new
> > jakarta. * code to a different one.
> You're focused on javax/jakarta but that's not the issue. We already
> ported to jakarta. Both Servlet 5 and 6 are jakarta. The problem is they're
> not the same/compatible API, there are breaking changes in 6 removing
> deprecated methods that have been around a while.
> -- Scott
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Re: [jetty-users] Jetty 12 schedule?

2022-11-09 Thread Cantor, Scott
>The best advice I can offer is that your Servlet 5 facade should not
> implement a facade for any API that is deprecated.

Our early attempts at that failed, but we're not done bottoming out what we 
might be able to get to work. I appreciate the suggestions, though. We really 
weren't after anything but a rough idea of whether 12 will be out soon enough 
to just move up to Servlet 6 and be done with it.

>Once you do that, it gets much much easier.

Yeah, that was the first direction we went in but it hasn't worked out quite 

>Do you have an open source project where you have these facades
> created?

Yes, it's part of the libraries at the bottom layer of the Shibboleth software, 
underneath OpenSAML.

One thing we did do was move towards a Supplier/etc. model 
where we don't actually try and "fool" the components into thinking we actually 
implement the interfaces, but that only works when we control the component 

-- Scott

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Re: [jetty-users] Jetty 12 schedule?

2022-11-09 Thread Cantor, Scott
>Scott, I'm not understanding how your facades work or why exactly
> they are needed?  Can you give some examples?

We have a deeply modular Spring-based system, where beans very "high" up need 
access to request/response state. The only practical way to inject the 
per-request interfaces into various objects is to use thread-local storage to 
capture and stash the current Servlet request/response and then inject a façade 
that pulls the thread-local copy out and delegates the method calls to it.

This is, among other things, a way to allow Spring ot instantiate components 
from third-party libraries that depend on Servlet APIs.

It's not to say we can't come up with other ways, but it's very widespread in 
our current design.

> Why can you not just deploy old javax. * code to one context and new
> jakarta. * code to a different one.

You're focused on javax/jakarta but that's not the issue. We already ported to 
jakarta. Both Servlet 5 and 6 are jakarta. The problem is they're not the 
same/compatible API, there are breaking changes in 6 removing deprecated 
methods that have been around a while.

-- Scott

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Re: [jetty-users] Jetty 12 schedule?

2022-11-09 Thread Joakim Erdfelt
> There are, though, two incompatible jakarta-namespaced APIs, Servlet 5
and 6. That's where we're having issues because we implement facades for
the APIs that can't load on both at once.
>  We can implement separate ones for 5 and 6 (and thus Jetty 11 and 12)
but we're not sure how we'll manage it if we do.

The best advice I can offer is that your Servlet 5 facade should not
implement a facade for any API that is deprecated.
Once you do that, it gets much much easier.

Do you have an open source project where you have these facades created?

Joakim Erdfelt /
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Re: [jetty-users] Jetty 12 schedule?

2022-11-09 Thread Greg Wilkins

I'm not understanding how your facades work or why exactly they are
needed?  Can you give some examples?

Why can you not just deploy old javax.* code to one context and new
jakarta.* code to a different one.


On Thu, 10 Nov 2022 at 07:58, Cantor, Scott  wrote:

> >jetty-12 is dependent on neither namespace, but can deploy contexts
> > that are dependent on javax.* or jakarta.*
> There are, though, two incompatible jakarta-namespaced APIs, Servlet 5 and
> 6. That's where we're having issues because we implement facades for the
> APIs that can't load on both at once.
> We can implement separate ones for 5 and 6 (and thus Jetty 11 and 12) but
> we're not sure how we'll manage it if we do.
> We haven't really looked into how 12 is going to do what it does yet,
> we're just assessing options and knowing when 12 will likely come out helps
> with our planning.
> Most projects are just worried about the APIs they *call* but when you
> also implement HttpServletRequest/Response, it's not that simple obviously,
> and we had no idea Servlet 6.0 actually removed things from 5.0 until today.
> -- Scott
> ___
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Greg Wilkins  CTO
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Re: [jetty-users] Jetty 12 schedule?

2022-11-09 Thread Cantor, Scott
>jetty-12 is dependent on neither namespace, but can deploy contexts
> that are dependent on javax.* or jakarta.*

There are, though, two incompatible jakarta-namespaced APIs, Servlet 5 and 6. 
That's where we're having issues because we implement facades for the APIs that 
can't load on both at once.

We can implement separate ones for 5 and 6 (and thus Jetty 11 and 12) but we're 
not sure how we'll manage it if we do.

We haven't really looked into how 12 is going to do what it does yet, we're 
just assessing options and knowing when 12 will likely come out helps with our 

Most projects are just worried about the APIs they *call* but when you also 
implement HttpServletRequest/Response, it's not that simple obviously, and we 
had no idea Servlet 6.0 actually removed things from 5.0 until today.

-- Scott

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Re: [jetty-users] Jetty 12 schedule?

2022-11-09 Thread Greg Wilkins
On Thu, 10 Nov 2022 at 07:08, Cantor, Scott  wrote:

> I'm refering specifically to the fact that Servlet 5.0 and 6.0, in the
> Jakarta namespace, are not compatible because they've removed some
> deprecated methods and interfaces and added others. Implementing both in
> some system is problematic, at minimum.
> We haven't explored every trick of course.


jetty-10 is dependent on the javax.* namespace
jetty-11 is dependent on the jakarta.* namespace
jetty-12 is dependent on neither namespace, but can deploy contexts that
are dependent on javax.* or jakarta.*

However, you cannot mix APIs within the one context.


Greg Wilkins  CTO
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Re: [jetty-users] Jetty 12 schedule?

2022-11-09 Thread Cantor, Scott
>If you are asking about supporting jakarta. * servlets, that is Jetty 11.  

Nope. That was our plan but we have facades that implement the servlet 
interfaces by delegating to the container's, and that doesn't work because...

> Jetty 12 will support multiple servlet versions.

I'm refering specifically to the fact that Servlet 5.0 and 6.0, in the Jakarta 
namespace, are not compatible because they've removed some deprecated methods 
and interfaces and added others. Implementing both in some system is 
problematic, at minimum.

We haven't explored every trick of course.

-- Scott

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Re: [jetty-users] Jetty 12 schedule?

2022-11-09 Thread Jesse McConnell
If you are asking about supporting jakarta.* servlets, that is Jetty 11.
Jetty 12 will support multiple servlet versions.

jesse mcconnell

On Wed, Nov 9, 2022 at 2:00 PM Joakim Erdfelt  wrote:

> Jetty 12 already has Alpha quality releases out that you can use to start
> experimenting with.
> We should be going to Betas (or Release candidates) in the next few weeks.
> Joakim Erdfelt /
> On Wed, Nov 9, 2022 at 12:30 PM Cantor, Scott  wrote:
>> Please forgive this, as I despise "when's it done?" questions, but we
>> just realized there are breaking changes in Servlet 6 vs 5 and we have
>> expsoure to that so it's starting to become a possibility we'll have to
>> move to 6 or do a lot of ugly stuff.
>> Given Tomcat's already moved, we're just wondering how long 12's likely
>> to be incubating so we can plan.
>> Thanks and apologies,
>> -- Scott
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Re: [jetty-users] Jetty 12 schedule?

2022-11-09 Thread Joakim Erdfelt
Jetty 12 already has Alpha quality releases out that you can use to start
experimenting with.

We should be going to Betas (or Release candidates) in the next few weeks.

Joakim Erdfelt /

On Wed, Nov 9, 2022 at 12:30 PM Cantor, Scott  wrote:

> Please forgive this, as I despise "when's it done?" questions, but we just
> realized there are breaking changes in Servlet 6 vs 5 and we have expsoure
> to that so it's starting to become a possibility we'll have to move to 6 or
> do a lot of ugly stuff.
> Given Tomcat's already moved, we're just wondering how long 12's likely to
> be incubating so we can plan.
> Thanks and apologies,
> -- Scott
> ___
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[jetty-users] Jetty 12 schedule?

2022-11-09 Thread Cantor, Scott
Please forgive this, as I despise "when's it done?" questions, but we just 
realized there are breaking changes in Servlet 6 vs 5 and we have expsoure to 
that so it's starting to become a possibility we'll have to move to 6 or do a 
lot of ugly stuff.

Given Tomcat's already moved, we're just wondering how long 12's likely to be 
incubating so we can plan.

Thanks and apologies,
-- Scott

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