Re: [Libravatar-fans] IRC meeting (2019-01-27)

2019-02-10 Thread Lars Kruse

sadly I realized only now, that I forgot to send the protocol of the last
meeting (2019-01-27).

But here it is:
* attached is the full log
* the summary is in the wiki:

See you for the next meeting in about two hours *today*!
(#libravatar channel on freenode)

20:01  It is Sunday again! :)
20:01  yes!
20:04  So I guess, we can start.
20:04  Does someone have news to share about the last two weeks?
20:05  i didn't do much last weeks
20:05  except the discussion about the domain ownership on mailing list
20:05  Yes, that was a good start.
20:06  We are waiting for results regarding the sposorship request 
by gandi, correct?
20:06  n
20:06  basically, I would like the libravatar group to own the domain
20:06  yes
20:06  until then i would probably wait with the new service official 
20:06  Sounds reasonable.
20:07  good things take time :)
20:07  They are worth it :)
20:07  The only other topic is the need for a "plan", or?
20:08  sumpfralle2: do you know if i have permissions to edit the wiki?
20:08  everyone has
20:08 <@fmarier> So is the domain transfer the main blocker to the migration 
20:08  ok, cool
20:08  you request a temporary login after clicking at "edit"
20:08  well, i would say so
20:08 <@fmarier> is the admin account on the wiki
20:08  good to know - I will add this to the wiki
20:09  blocker: the fine-grained plan for the migration to the new 
instance is the other one, I guess
20:13  personally, i would just switch the domain to new ip and when 
it's done on dns side, i would immediatelly setup the ssl certs
20:13  i will also need if fmarier dumps me the latest data by the 
export script shortly before that.
20:14  there might some more optimal/fancy way to do it but this would 
work as well.
20:14 <@fmarier> I think ofalk has the access he needs to export the current 
20:14 <@fmarier> He's done it before without my help.
20:15  I think, we should plan it in a way that would allow us to 
switch back to the old instance, if something interesting fails.
20:15  ok, cool
20:15  But I can also live with the daring mode of just doing it 
and expecting a day of issues.
20:15  (probably to be fixed by you and ofalk)
20:16  yup
20:17  Should we decide here, which approach we take?
20:17  why not
20:18  good
20:18  So what amount of problems could we expect?
20:18  i can look at if it is possible to setup the ssl certs in 
advance, you mentioned some option to do that
20:18  through dns record...that would be interesting
20:19 <@fmarier> You could just copy the existing cert from the current server.
20:19  oh ye, sounds good
20:19  is it let's encrypt?
20:19  It uses the dns-01 challenge of letsencrypt. I do not 
really like this approach, since you need to store an API key with write 
permissions for the domain data on the host.
20:19  Thus the copy is the best approach, I guess.
20:20  ok, i see
20:20 <@fmarier> Yes, it's letsencrypt
20:20  ok
20:20 <@fmarier> It uses certbot and the webroot plugin I believe.
20:21  sure
20:21 <@fmarier> With a clever hack for the mirrors.
20:21  Personally I prefer dehydrated for its ease of 
administration. Just an opinion.
20:21  fmarier: could you elaborate the hack a bit? :)
20:22  fmarier: are these mirrors by community?
20:22 <@fmarier>
20:23 <@fmarier> The config for the main server also involved a small amount of 
20:24 <@fmarier> Yes, the mirrors can be run by anybody.
20:24 <@fmarier> Currently there's only one though.
20:24 <@fmarier> The basic idea is that mirrors proxy the letsencrypt 
verification ping to the main server.
20:24 <@fmarier> The main server gets a cert for and then 
scp's it over to the mirrors.
20:24  But they need access to the private certificate data, or?
20:24  ok
20:25  This model trusts the mirrors quite a lot :)
20:26 <@fmarier> Yes, each mirror has the same private cert for
20:26 <@fmarier> But that domain is not security-critical since it's only 
serving static images.
20:26  ah - ok. I forgt.
20:26  forgot
20:27  fmarier: about the mirror, the ivatar won't probably be 
compatible with libravatar software with respect to the sync script
20:28  The certificate sync script?
20:28  i think we could fix it along the way
20:28  i mean for the static images
20:28  due to rsync, yes
20:28  ivatar stores them in db, instead of filesystem
20:29  i don't know who runs the mirror but maybe we could communicate 
it with them.
20:31 <@fmarier> I thought the plan was to do away with the mirrors entirely 
and just have things served from a single server?
20:32  I also have a vague memory of this kind.
20:33  yup, well, we can do it that way
20:33  i mean, the mirroring is not probably needed (for 

Re: [Libravatar-fans] IRC meeting (2019-01-13)

2019-01-13 Thread Lars Kruse

we finished our bi-weekly IRC meeting.
See the full log attached.
The wiki contains a summary:

Topics of the meeting:
* changes during the last two weeks
* missing things for the migration to the new instance
* DNS zone
* root access to the new instance

Our next IRC meeting will happen on the 27th of January at 19:00 UTC in
#libravatar at freenode.

20:02  Welcome to our bi-weekly IRC meeting!
20:02  Who is around?
20:03  * fmarier is here
20:04  Hello,I'm here too
20:05 --> clime ( hat den Channel 
#libravatar betreten
20:05  hey
20:06  is there a meeting?
20:06  Yes
20:06 <@fmarier> clime: it just started, sumpfralle is asking who's around
20:06  oh, alright, thx
20:07  i am around :)
20:07  sry for being late
20:10  sumpfralle: are you here?
20:12  fmarier, nipos: ping
20:12 <@fmarier> Looks like he might have stepped out.
20:13  okay
20:13  I'm still here but don't know anything interesting to say
20:13 <@fmarier> clime: are you able to give an update on how the new stack is 
20:13 --> tleguern (50d7c915@gateway/web/freenode/ip. hat den 
Channel #libravatar betreten
20:13  Hello
20:13  tleguern: hi!
20:13  Sorry for being late
20:13  * fmarier waves at tleguern 
20:13  tleguern: np!
20:13 <@fmarier> tleguern: we
20:13 <@fmarier> re just getting started
20:13  sorry - I was distracted
20:14  What happened during the last weeks?
20:14  ye, so fmarier asked me that also
20:14  I saw, that the list of critical issues went down to one:
20:14  ofalk finished the "release" blockers we had
20:15  ye
20:15  i also need to setup postfix at the server - that should be the 
last thing
20:15  last thing to do before deploy
20:16  the security check - i don't know what to do about it really
20:16 <@fmarier> so we should be able to test a live instance soon ?
20:16  i think, app and the servers are secure
20:16  fmarier: well, it is for testing already
20:16  Does security check mean something like try hacking and if it 
doesn't work,everything's fine?
20:17  nipos: i have know idea
20:18  I guess, it is more a "take a thorough look". Which is 
probably the right thing, given our set of knowledge.
20:18  i am not a security expert but unless there is some undiscovered 
bug in some of our libs that we are using (like openid), then we should be ok
20:18 <@fmarier> Well, it
20:18 <@fmarier> 's missing a TLS cert :)
20:18  yes, because it's not the domain under which it will run
20:19  The instance at works with TLS.Is 
that the same VM?
20:19 <@fmarier> Maybe we should set it up as (temporarily)
20:19  no, that's a different vm
20:20 <@fmarier> That way, you could get a letsencrypt cert for it.
20:20  ok
20:21  that will be probably be just tls cert for the subdomain, no?
20:21  The new navigation bar at the homepage looks really ugly :( I'll 
try to find some time for improving it this week
20:22 <@fmarier> Yeah I'm not sure how to delegate * to that 
20:22 <@fmarier> The other thing we could do is transfer the domain over. That 
way you could make all of the changes you want.
20:23  A wildcard CNAME can do the trick
20:23  can we do it while keeping the old instance 
working meanwhile?
20:23 <@fmarier> tleguern: how do you create it?
20:24  tleguern: i don't know that trick
20:24  wildcard certificate: dns-01 challenge with letsencrypt
20:24 <@fmarier> clime: if you only change entries under, 
then all of the old stuff will keep working
20:24  okay
20:24  fmarier: do you manage the zone yourself or do you delegate it 
to your registrar ?
20:25 <@fmarier> I use Gandi's DNS.
20:26  whom do we want to be in control of the zone? (technically 
and ownership)
20:27  In my opinion clime or ofalk should do it as they created most of 
the software and also control the VM.They may have best use for it.
20:29 <@fmarier> ultimately, clime is the owner of the infra, right?
20:29  well, i have setup the vm
20:29  but i'll give access to you guys as well
20:30  but you need Fedora account for that
20:30  then i can make you root there
20:30  sounds good!
20:31  I have a Fedora account and you can give me access if you want 
but I'm not sure what I should use it for.
20:31  regarding control of the DNS zone: let us assume, that clime 
and ofalk will control it?
20:31  I will document this in the wiki.
20:31  nipos: when something has gone wrong, you can look at the sever 
and try to debug it
20:32  Where does one register for a fedora account ?
20:32  Ok,makes sense
20:32  Thanks
20:32  My username is nipos there,too
20:33  oh, cool, i will add you immediatelly then
20:33  Any comments on the proposed shift of 

Re: [Libravatar-fans] IRC meeting (2018-12-09)

2018-12-09 Thread Lars Kruse

today we had a another IRC meeting and discussed the following topics:
* Review of the last weeks
* Implementation details of the fallback to gravatar?
* Export/Import
* Theme switching
* Retro avatars
* API documentation
* Robohash
* OpenID

Take a look at the wiki for the summary:

Attached you find the full log.

The next IRC meeting will happen on the 30th of December at 19:00 UTC in
#libravatar at freenode.
Due to Christmas this next meeting will be in *three* weeks (instead of two).

20:03  Do you have something to share that happened in the last two 
20:04  I did some small design improvements
20:04  The last one hasn't been merged yet
20:05  Not a lot on my side.
20:05 --> fmarier (~francois@fsf/member/fmarier) hat den Channel #libravatar 
20:05  Design never stops :)
20:05 --> clime ( 
hat den Channel #libravatar betreten
20:05  tleguern: didn't you start the discussion about differences 
in the API behaviour?
20:05  Hey, sry i am late
20:05  welcome!
20:06  thank you!
20:06  what's up?
20:06  We are exchanging the happenings from the last weeks ...
20:06  * fmarier also just realized that the time of the meeting has changed 
thanks to daylight saving
20:06  time is still a tricky thing :)
20:06  right
20:07  sumpfrall: yes but nothing since then. I was supposed to 
update my tests to reflect the discusions but I did not finish this work.
20:07  ok
20:07  But the discussion itself felt very important and healthy to 
me. A good step forward!
20:07  Yes :)
20:07  What else can we discuss?
20:08  i've imported the existing data to machine
20:08  ofalk wrote quite a lot of points in the agenda
20:08  yes, indeed - a good amount.
20:09  Should we just go through them from top to bottom?
20:09  I will find some time to test the difference between the two 
fallack modes
20:10  me too
20:10  i would like to test python/ruby/... clients with it
20:11  but i mean they should probably work given that the api works
20:12  Regarding the fallback itself: is it a wise idea to hardcode 
the name of a single service/company as a query parameter *name* (instead of 
20:13  Makes sense in my opinion as there isn't any other big alternative
20:13  I agree it doesn't feel good
20:13  I will add a comment to the linked issue.
20:14  Anything else, we can comment on for the gravatar fallback?
20:14  I wouldn't be very strict about this, the whole code would need 
to be generalized and it's unlikely there will be any other fallback service.
20:15  But it should last for centuries!
20:15  :)
20:15  It can always be changed ;)
20:16  It's better if it doesn't need to be changed later, as it will 
pollute the API with compatiblity-related names.
20:16  ok - I will add a comment to the issue without too much 
weight anyway :)
20:17  next topic?
20:17  Perhaps we could think of short names too ? To match other 
20:17  i mean if it's just about gravavatarproxy vs just proxy. then 
just proxy is probably also ok
20:18  the same for redirect
20:18  ?
20:19  (just throwing in a wild idea)
20:19  Maybe a bit too long
20:20  We can also just move the discussion to the issue, that 
ofalk linked (
20:21  fallback=redirect=gravatar could do the same.If fallback 
is set,it's automatically yes and as we don't have other providers,we can leave 
out the fallback_ in from of it
20:21  There will always be more providable things in the future of 
an API :)
20:21  Good ones nipos
20:22  I am not sure, whether ofalk wanted to encourage a 
discussion about technical details or if he just wanted to report all the 
beautiful things, that he made happen?
20:22  maybe both
20:23  so we continue :)
20:23  He will surely enjoy going through this log and pick the 
ideas that he likes.
20:23  (I really mean it)
20:25  Next topic: export -> import?
20:26  i've tested that part successfully
20:26  Oliver has made a script to export data from the current 
libravatar instance into a format importable by ivatar.
20:27  the resulting exported tarball can even be uploaded through GUI 
for import into ivatar
20:28  so you should be able to test your accounts on if you have one on
20:28  the image import is currently fixed to JPEG - is that 
20:29  at least line 54 of the import 
looks like that
20:29  i need to take a look
20:29  It found images of me but redirected them to where I have an account,too.How should I know now where 
the data comes from?
20:30  clime: I think, I was wrong. pil 

Re: [Libravatar-fans] IRC meeting (2018-12-09)

2018-12-09 Thread clime
Oliver, when you have time, could you clarify my understanding of how the
gravatar proyxing work you have implemented?

If there is a request for a hash that libravatar/ivatar doesn't know about,
it will (by default) invoke redirect to,
which then goes back to service and the service will this
time request an image from gravatar and return it to user of libravatar.

Is my understanding correct? It seems this is done application-side so I
don't need to update http config to support /gravatarproxy/ path?
It's already supported,

Thank you

On Sun, 9 Dec 2018 at 17:53, Oliver Falk  wrote:

> I’d love to join, but it seems I’m getting ill. I’ve already put
> everything on the agenda what can/needs to be discussed. If there are any
> open questions, I’ll try to answer them in the coming week.
> Oliver
> Lars Kruse  schrieb am So. 9. Dez. 2018 um 15:43:
>> Hello,
>> today in the evening (19 UTC) we will meet again for our bi-weekly IRC
>> meeting.
>> See you in #libravatar at freenode.
>> Cheers,
>> Lars
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Re: [Libravatar-fans] IRC meeting (2018-12-09)

2018-12-09 Thread Oliver Falk
I’d love to join, but it seems I’m getting ill. I’ve already put everything
on the agenda what can/needs to be discussed. If there are any open
questions, I’ll try to answer them in the coming week.


Lars Kruse  schrieb am So. 9. Dez. 2018 um 15:43:

> Hello,
> today in the evening (19 UTC) we will meet again for our bi-weekly IRC
> meeting.
> See you in #libravatar at freenode.
> Cheers,
> Lars
> ___
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Re: [Libravatar-fans] IRC meeting (2018-10-14)

2018-10-15 Thread Oliver Falk

Sorry for not joining yesterday, but a good friend had birthday.

I've already answered the question about data migration, but I'll spend more 
time on that topic this week and get back to you wiht more details then!

Thanks for having this meeting and the good discussions!



-Original message-
From: Lars Kruse 
Sent: Monday 15th October 2018 0:12
Subject: [Libravatar-fans] IRC meeting (2018-10-14)


we just finished our bi-weekly IRC meeting a few minutes ago.

We discussed the following topics:
* What happened recently?
* Data migration
* Mail handling
* Project name

The summary of our discussion is in the wiki:
The full log of the IRC meeting is attached.

The next IRC meeting will happen on the 28th of October at 19:00 UTC in
#libravatar at freenode.

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Re: [Libravatar-fans] IRC meeting (2018-09-30)

2018-09-30 Thread Lars Kruse

we just finished our bi-weekly IRC meeting a few minutes ago.

We discussed the following topics:
* progress of the last weeks
* project name and logo vs. trademark/licensing
* continue with regular IRC meetings?
* Who is "we"?

The summary of our discussion is in the wiki:
The full log of the IRC meeting is attached.

The next IRC meeting will happen on the 14th of October in #libravatar at

21:00  Let us start the meeting!
21:00  Who is around?
21:00  * ij_ 
21:00  but can't contribute much more than that the replacement server is 
still running ;)
21:01 --> tleguern (50e92555@gateway/web/freenode/ip. hat den 
Channel #libravatar betreten
21:01  Hello
21:01  Sorry for last time, I completely forgot too as I was in the 
middle of moving to another country.
21:02  This is quite a good excuse :)
21:02  i'm here.
21:02  OK - so let us start.
21:02  just rebooting a few machines in another window :-)
21:02  What happened since the last meeting?
21:03  code. nothing. discussions with fedora design team in regards to 
the logo and if they can help.
21:04  i keep it short: they are willing to help, but they are afraid of 
touching the libravatar logo because of eventual copyright stuff.
21:04  fmarier could clarify this, or?
21:04  even if fmarier says it's under the same license as the code, the 
design team says, that the license doesn't "support" design stuff.
21:05  therefore I suggested that we can think of renaming it to ivatar 
(as my current code is named anyway). it would give a fresher name and the 
fedora design team would have no issue, since this isn't copyrighted (yet).
21:06  fmarier said we should discuss this... so i'm brining it up here 
and now, but afterwards we can discuss on the m/l also.
21:06  for all that are not participating now.
21:06  The “Do we want to catch up with Gravatar ?“ point has 
also been implemented by ofalk.
21:07  good!
21:07  ivatar: this would be the name of the software or the 
21:08  both. however, I'd say we keep libravatar domain and the full 
functionality under that name as well.
21:08  just not use the name in order to avoid any kind of copyright 
21:08  esp. when it comes to the logo.
21:09  i'm not an expert on this licensing stuff - i have to trust the 
fedora design ppl here (esp. mrs. duffy).
21:09  We discussed about changing the logo at some point, wouldn't 
it be simpler ?
21:09  Is this discussion with the fedora people publicly 
available? So that maybe fmarier fix around their concerns?
21:10  tleguern: sounds also good
21:10  most of the discussion is available in that ticket.
21:11  changing the logo alone wouldn't help as far as i understood.
21:12  OK - I think, we should not decide this here, but rather 
move this discussion/decision to the mailing list.
21:12  Or what do you think?
21:13  yep. i'd also vote for moving this to the m/l. i just wanted to 
bring it up here and maybe here some opinions ... if anybody has something to 
say about it.
21:13  It is better to discuss this with Francois.
21:14  i already discussed this with him and he wanted to add the 
community to this discussion.
21:15  anyway. i think we can say that we decided to move this to the 
21:15  Good
21:15  Good for me too.
21:16  Another small progress: fmarier contacted me regarding the 
backup and the mail domain. I will answer/prepare this today. Thus both topics 
should be completed in the next days.
21:17  perfect. sumpfralle++
21:17  Another open topic: how to proceed with the IRC meeting?
21:17  (in general - not this one)
21:18  what's the major opinion on this? do we want to keep it by-weekly 
(biw++) or do we want to cancel it?
21:19  Biweekly is fine for me, it allows to regularly have an idea 
of where everything is going.
21:19  I think decisions can be made quicker in this IRC meetings in 
contract to the ML
21:20  nipos expressed his wish to stick to the IRC meetings
21:20  I have the same feeling. We will surely reduce it to a 
monthly weeking somewhen - but for now it sounds reasonable to me.
21:21  Maybe there would be different opinions, if we did not ask 
it on the IRC channel, but on the mailing list instead :)
21:21  bi-weekly is fine for me as well.
21:22  ok - so we keep it
21:22 --> clime ( hat den 
Channel #libravatar betreten
21:22  Do you have other topics? Otherwise there is only the "who 
are we/the group" topic.
21:22  hey
21:23  hey clime++
21:23  welcome!
21:23  sry for being late
21:23  thx
21:23  no clime!
21:23  Hello
21:23  tleguern: hi
21:23  sumpfralle, i think it would be good if clime could give a status 
on the deployment - if he wants
21:24  yes, please
21:24  i didn't have much time for that lately :(. I would like to 
continue though
21:24  summary for clime: we discussed about the 

Re: [Libravatar-fans] IRC meeting (2018-09-30)

2018-09-30 Thread Niklas Poslovski
Sorry,I can't be here this time because of real-life stuff but I have 
my bouncer online and I'll read everything what happened tomorrow.In my 
opionion the IRC meetings are very important and productive and I vote 
for keeping them.Last time I forgot it,sorry but next time I will 
participate again.And please give me the email address and redirect it to

Am So, 30. Sep, 2018 um 6:15 P. M. schrieb Francois Marier 

On 2018-09-30 at 17:52:27, Lars Kruse wrote:

 yes, this is today :)

I have to send my apologies since I won't be able to make the meeting 

The only thing left on my plate is to move the server backups away 
Amazon S3 and then the incoming emails away from 
Apps. I can do those offline with Lars, but if you'd like an email 
like, please email me and tell me what email 

it should redirect to.



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Re: [Libravatar-fans] IRC meeting (2018-09-30)

2018-09-30 Thread Francois Marier
On 2018-09-30 at 17:52:27, Lars Kruse wrote:
> yes, this is today :)

I have to send my apologies since I won't be able to make the meeting today.

The only thing left on my plate is to move the server backups away from
Amazon S3 and then the incoming emails away from Google
Apps. I can do those offline with Lars, but if you'd like an email alias
like, please email me and tell me what email address
it should redirect to.



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Re: [Libravatar-fans] IRC meeting

2018-09-19 Thread Oliver Falk

As stated already I'm a bigger fan of m/l, instead of IRC, especially because 
it's more asynchrone communication.

Anyway. Yes, development is ongoing, but a bit slow, since most of the days I'm 
really busy and in the evening I'm trying to recover from all the stuff I 
learned :-)

OpenShift made some troubles for some time, but it recovered now and the actual 
version is now online again:

Except for the menu items that are still not linked (any volunteers for taking 
care?), how do you like the design provided by Niklas (aka nipos). Any errors 
you catch?

Let me know!



-Original message-
From: Lars Kruse 
Sent: Wednesday 19th September 2018 3:07
Subject: [Libravatar-fans] IRC meeting


the last planned meeting passed by on Sunday - containing just a quick exchange
of words between me and ij.

Thus maybe everything is running smoothly - software is being developed, plans
are progressing, so that we do not needed that meeting? :)

Anyway: feel free to report your progress during the last weeks here, if there
were any.

Regarding the next meeting: I updated the wiki page
( for the next meeting on the
30th of September.

But personally I would also feel OK just with a little bit more active usage of
this mailinglist instead of the IRC meetings.

We will see, how it develops ...

Happy hacking!

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Re: [Libravatar-fans] IRC meeting (2018-09-02)

2018-09-02 Thread Lars Kruse

we finished our weekly IRC meeting a few hours ago.

The next meeting will happen on the 16th of September at 19:00 UTC.
Please join it, if you are interested!

Attached you find the full log of today's meeting.
The wiki contains a summary:

We discussed about:
* the current state of the new implementation
* data migration and why we skip passwords
* pre- and post-migration announcements
* handling of the Mail-Domain
* handling of backups

Enjoy the details!

21:18  Ok - welcome to the fourth IRC meeting!
21:18  first things first: sorry for not being around the last weeks 
(and meetings), but I really had to take the time off before starting the new 
21:18  Welcome back!
21:18  merci
21:18  Which topic should we start with?
21:19  status of dev?
21:19  yeah!
21:21  so. I've seen the new design. it's not bad, but I'm not a huge 
fan of the startpage.
21:21  Anyway, I merged it into my tree and only fixed a few tests that 
21:21  Cool!
21:21  Let's progress incrementally ...
21:22  I'd love to show it, but OpenShift Online currently has some 
issues and therefore it doesn't deploy.
21:22  The start page was what we discussed here as preview.Everyone 
likes it if I remember correctly
21:22  *liked
21:22  There has never been a design, that _everybody_ liked :)
21:23  nowhere :)
21:23  I'll ping @clime tomorrow to see if he's around and can deploy it 
somewhere on OpenStack, as we discussed a few days ago.
21:23  falko: so you are planning to use the Fedora infrastructure 
for getting your code ready?
21:24  Nah. Design is fine more or less. If most ppl like it, it's ok.
21:24  i.e. we will keep the current instance on the host sponsored 
by ij and move to Fedora with the shift to your code?
21:25  @sumfralle: @clime tried it with Fedora OpenShift, but failed 
(please don't ask the exact reasons - I really don't remember). Now he thinks 
he can do it on Fedora OpenStack and I'm completely fine with that.
21:25  what is the difference?
21:25  (technically)
21:26  Yes, if it's fine with @ij_ to stay with his sponsored instance 
for the moment. If not, we can (more or less) move to AWS at any time (costs on 
21:27  @sumpfralle you're testing me. right? :-) OpenShift is the 
Kubernetes platform, while OpenStack is the IaaS platform (providing VMs so to 
21:27  A total usual setup would be to run OpenShift _on_ OpenStack.
21:28  no, I am not involved with cloud infrastructure - I am used 
to administrating in the old-fashioned way
21:28  @sumpfralle did that for the past 20 years. :-)
21:29  How would you describe the current state of your development?
21:29  Where do you see missing pieces?
21:29  Anyway. This way (using OpenStack) it's easier for @clime to give 
(VM root) access to co-maintainers.
21:30  Two links in the header nav link to nowhere (todo).That's all I 
remember from my local instance
21:30  root for co-maintainers: cool!
21:31  Current state of dev. Uh... I wanted to get it deployed in the 
last 2 days to see if it's running fine on mobile as well, but it looks like I 
have to test it with software (browser) instead of real (android and ios) 
hardware phones.
21:31  Yes, two links are still deadlinks, since I didn't write the 
pages yet - will do that with the next 1 - 2 weeks.
21:31  The size parameter should work now. Including s= and s=0 which 
caused errors.
21:32  size: for image delivery?
21:32  yes
21:32  I tested many parts of the new design in a small browser 
window.It's optimized to work well there.
21:32  great
21:32  falko: could you give us a short introduction to the 
technical pieces, that your code does now?
21:33  (I do not know the internals, API and things ...)
21:33  @nipos: Great!!! As mentioned, I didn't have time check it out 
21:34  (I am taking notes on
21:35  Ad technical. It's more or less the same basic idea as it used to 
be on libravatar. Same API. s= for size and d= for the default image if 
the server doesn't find anything else
21:36  If no image is found it will return a redirect with the URL 
provided in d=
21:37  in regards to the internals. While libravatar saved all sizes of 
the avatar picture upfront in the file system, the new ivatar system saves the 
original picture BLOB in the database and returns the resized image on demand.
21:38  if this is too slow or causes too much CPU pressure, one can 
still implement caching.
21:38  (which would be a good idea anyway).
21:38  or do it in the webserver
21:38  yep. also an option.
21:38  varnish and nginx are here for that
21:39  I am doing the same as you, only keeping the original picture.
21:39  @tleguern you name it. cpus are much faster these days, compared 
when @fmarrier started his libravatar project.
21:39  I would do it in the same way.That saves much storage
21:39  anyway.
21:41  this causes one major difference in 

Re: [Libravatar-fans] IRC meeting (2018-08-05)

2018-08-05 Thread Lars Kruse

we just finished our IRC meeting.
(technical detail discussions being still ongoing)

The next meeting will happen on the 19th of August at 19:00 UTC.

Attached you find the full log of today's meeting.
The wiki contains a summary:
(thanks to kumy for taking notes)

We discussed about:
* GDPR / data privacy issues
* hosting details
* nipos' design proposal
* technical requirements for mirrors (TLS, SNI, ...)

Enjoy the details!

21:02  here is an agenda proposal:
21:02  I propose, that we start with a review of the last week?
21:02  Who wants to start?
21:03  ij_: ?
21:03  new VM for old instance is set up and running
21:03  francois has account & sudo access
21:04  is it already running as the one-and-only server of
21:04  (hurray for the quick progress, btw.)
21:04  "make sure that the SSL config for the new mirror matches the 
other ones"
21:04  no... apparently he hasn't found time to install something
21:04  i'll probably be disqualified simply for this
21:05  i refuse to use non-FS cipher sets
21:05  opal: we will continue later with that topic ...
21:05  god i hate this meeting format
21:06  ok - so the transfer of the old VM to the new interim VM is 
not finished, yet. But it is on the horizon?
21:06  may I ask, how many of us / who is present today?
21:06  not me i guess, since i cant speak out of turn
21:06  bye
21:06 --> fmarier_ (~francois@fsf/member/fmarier) hat den Channel #libravatar 
21:07  opal: I am interested in your thoughts (in a private 
discussion or after the meeting) about improvements
21:07  ok - good point
21:07  who is here?
21:07  Lars
21:07  I'm here,too
21:07  Ingo
21:07  Niklas
21:08  ok
21:08  ok - let us continue ...
21:08 <@fmarier_> I'm here
21:08  cool!
21:09  My last question was: so the transfer of the old VM to the 
new interim VM is not finished, yet. But it is on the horizon?
21:09 <@fmarier_> Status for that is that ij_ has created a new VM and that I 
will start to set it up today and tomorrow.
21:09  great
21:09 <@fmarier_> One thing that did get done this week is that Asako's mirror 
is now live.
21:10  \o/
21:10 <@fmarier_> That was another thing that needed to migrate before the 
Rackspace shutdown.
21:10  Thus we will manage to avoid further hosting costs for now, 
based on ij_ given VM?
21:10  "ij_'s given VM"
21:11  does the vm fullfill the requirements? os/ram/disk space?
21:12 <@fmarier_> I don't know the financial arrangements around ij_'s VM, so I 
can't comment on that, but there won't be another Rackspace bill.
21:12 <@fmarier_> As far as the technical specs, it's the same as the existing 
VM, except with double the RAM.
21:12  I read fmarier_ can connect to the vm, this is a good point
21:12  great
21:13 <@fmarier_> Yes, I have ssh access and root on the VM, so it's ready to 
be setup.
21:13  the new VM is on my own colocated server, the VM is just another VM 
of many
21:13  so, no additional costs for me
21:13  (thanks ij_ for providing resources :thumbup)
21:14  +1
21:14  OK - next topic?
21:14  (kumy - thanks for typing the protocol in the pad in 
21:14  ;)
21:14  should we discuss the GDPR? Or first smaller topics?
21:15  (the next one of you raising an oppinion decides about the 
next topic)
21:15  I'm not an expert of GRPR sorry, I don't know implication yet, 
hope you'll have more ideas on this topic
21:16  ok - you mentioned GDPR - so let us start with that one
21:16  I don't know that much about the GDPR problem,too
21:16  :(
21:16  anyway
21:16  gdpr doesnt apply to personal entities
21:16  i assume libravatar doesnt qualify as one though
21:16  should we threat this point as a lawyer, or as humans?
21:17  kumy: what is the difference?
21:17  libravatar isnt big enough to warrant lawyer consultation on this
21:17  And I don't know why changing the software should be a problem 
with GDPR.
21:17  just disclose how you use personal information and offer a way to 
request/delete information on users if you want
21:17  should be more than enough
21:17  as human, I would say, let's just transfer the data as is as our 
first plan is to migrate 1 for 1
21:17  as a lawyer it may be differetn, no idea
21:18 <@fmarier_> Also, I would point out that we've had both data deletion and 
data export since the first release.
21:18  lawyers would advise similarly
21:18  ok then you should be fine
21:18  ok - maybe let us start with the questions, I put in the 
agenda - I think, they offer a path for the thought ...
21:18 <@fmarier_> So it's likely that the only thing missing is a privacy 
21:18  which data is currently stored?
21:18  yes, privacy policy would be good
21:18 <@fmarier_> sumpfralle: email address, username, any uploaded photos, 
linked OpenIDs
21:19  ok - assuming, that we git rid of visitor activities (IP 
addresses and so on in the webserver log)