Re: Exaile - a Gtk+-based Amarok Clone

2007-01-14 Thread Dotan Cohen

On 13/01/07, Oded Arbel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Sat, 2007-01-13 at 16:25 +0200, Shlomi Fish wrote:
 Amarok is an excellent KDE-based audio player and now it has a Gtk+-based
 clone called Exaile. People who are using GNOME, Xfce, etc. may wish to check
 out Exaile.

From looking at the project page and the software itself, I get the
impression that they're aiming for an Amarok copy. Now generally I don't
appreciate software that has no aspirations other then to copy something
else, especially free software, and especially as it appears that the
only reason they're doing this is because they're not happy with
Amarok's developers choice of toolkit.

Also after testing the software I say that I'm not really impressed with
its usability or performance. None the less, the project is in a very
early stage - they released version 0.2.8 while Amarok is in version
1.4.4, so I'm going to reserve further judgement until a later date when
they release something a little more mature.

While in principle I do agree with you, as a KDE user I'm a bit
frustrated with the choice of GTK+ toolkit for OpenOffice and Firefox.
I'd love nothing more than to have these two apps integrated better
with KDE.

Also, the wonderful program F-Spot has me installing half of Gnome.
KDE has no photo-manager that is so good as F-Spot, and I would very
much like to see someone port it to KDE and Qt. That must be the case
with AmaroK- Gnome until now had nothing so good. And to save
themselves from installing KDE libraries just to use a music manager,
they simply copied the KDE one. Nothing wrong with that.

Who's benifiting from all this? AMD and Intel. We must have powerful
hardware to run two windows managers, to use the best programs from
each. Bassa for us.

Dotan Cohen

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Re: scoping bug in bash?

2007-01-14 Thread Shachar Shemesh
Peter wrote:

 On Sun, 14 Jan 2007, Oron Peled wrote:

 So for an application an end-of-file is not a character, just a

 That's what I meant with ^D. I did not imply it's a character.
Assuming you did not mean ^ (carrot) followed by a D, ^D usually
refers to Ctrl-D. That one (open bugs about accelerator keys
non-withstanding) usually translates to ASCII 4. ASCII 4 is definitely a

Just like you can't say that TCP receives ^F when sending data, despite
the fact that ^F translates to ASCII 6, and ASCII 6 is called ACK, you
also cannot say that a pipe sends ^D, despite the fact that ASCII 4 is
called EOT, or End of transmission. It's just the wrong terminology,
as it clearly does not describe what is actually going on.

Shachar Shemesh
Lingnu Open Source Consulting ltd.
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Re: scoping bug in bash?

2007-01-14 Thread Nadav Har'El
On Sun, Jan 14, 2007, Peter wrote about Re: scoping bug in bash?:
 Piping 'nothing' into cat in a non-interactive environment (like a 
 subshell in {}) should yield ^D but there is no place that says so. Imho 
 this is a bug (a loose end).

^D is meaningless in this context - it's just a character the user can
type to evoke an END-OF-FILE, just like ^C is the character the user can
type to evoke a SIGINT (interrupt) signal. What you meant was an end-of-file.

And indeed, when cat is fed an empty file, it outputs an empty file!
For example, run

: | cat

and see that when cat gets nothing (the output of :), it writes nothing.
Someone trying to read from the output of this cat, gets an end-of-file
immediately. For example:

$ : | cat | wc -c

See, 0 characters before the end of file.

 A 'meaningless' construct in a well-defined language is an error. An 
 unrecognized error is called a bug.

The examples people showed here are not meaningless - they have meaning -
just not a *useful* meaning. In any language you can do things which are
not useful. For example, consider the following silly C function

double f(double a){
double asquared = pow(a,2.0);
return (asquared=0) ? 5.0 : asquared;

This always returns 5.0 because asquared is always positive. Is this an
unrecognized error or a bug? No, it's simply a user who didn't realise
that pow is a useful function, but checking if its output is positive
is silly because it walways is. It's not the fault of the language that
didn't protect the user from making mistakes like this (it would be nice
if it could, but most current languages do not).

Reminds me that old comic strip, where a programmer shouts at the computer:
damn, you did exactly what I told you to do! :-)

 the command should yield the same result. a=foo|baz should yield an 
 error in any case afaik.

Well, the designers of the shells disagreed with you: a=foo is a command,
so it can be used in a pipe. The a=foo cmd .. is a special syntax, which
is irrelevant here (here, a=foo is not followed by a command).

Again, the fact that this is a valid command, doesn't mean it's a useful
one. Any more than

who | grep -i blonde | date

is a useful command (except as a joke)...

Nadav Har'El|   Sunday, Jan 14 2007, 24 Tevet 5767
Phone +972-523-790466, ICQ 13349191 |A man with a watch knows what time it is.   |A man with two watches is never sure.

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How Can We Help to Make this Happen?

2007-01-14 Thread Amichai Rotman


Amichai Rotman

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Re: Exaile - a Gtk+-based Amarok Clone

2007-01-14 Thread Oded Arbel
On Sat, 2007-01-13 at 23:32 +0200, Diego Iastrubni wrote:
 Do you really think copying is that bad? The conecpt of an amarok like 
 application is a very popular one. It seems like a good applicaion, and I 
 really miss it when no KDE is available.

I think that copying for copying sake is bad. Copying to expand upon -
by offering new and interesting additional features is good, but Exaile
doesn't do that - it aims to be an Amarok for GNOME and nothing else:
they offer an extended shoutcast directory which is nice and I believe
also useful, but Amarok has similar functionality and extending it to a
full shoutcast directory is easier then rewriting Amarok. The only other
new thing that Exaile does is the multiple playlist thing, which seems
to me like a more is better then one, and tabs are better then windows
kind of thinking without any real usability benefit otherwise - I
personally found it useless and confusing.

 My questions is: is it that bad? I mean, do I really want to run 
 kdcop,kdeininit and all the KDE daemons when I am on GNOME just to hear 

If Amarok depends on more then simply having kdelibs available, then
that should be fixed in Amarok: like in all KDE apps, dcop needs to be
replaces with dbus; Amarok should be modified to run without kded and
klauncher and the knotify should be replaced with something that uses
the GNOME component when running under GNOME. 

The problem I think - like I stated in my previous post - isn't that
Amarok is too much of a problem to fix to work nicely under GNOME - its
just that improving a KDE app is something GNOME developers would rather
die then be caught doing.

what's the difference between chattr and chmod? 
SomeLamer: man chattr  1; man chmod  2; diff -u 1 2 | less 
-- Seen on #linux on irc

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Re: scoping bug in bash?

2007-01-14 Thread Shachar Shemesh
Nadav Har'El wrote:
 Well, the designers of the shells disagreed with you: a=foo is a command,
 so it can be used in a pipe. The a=foo cmd .. is a special syntax, which
 is irrelevant here (here, a=foo is not followed by a command).
I'll just add to what Nadav said.

a=foo echo hello

do not do the same thing!

Try this sequence:
a=foo ; echo $a ; a=bar echo test ; echo $a
The results are:

Likewise, try this:
unset a ; env | grep ^a= ; echo point 1 ; a=foo ; env | grep ^a= ;
echo point 2 ; a=foo env | grep ^a= ; echo point 3 ; env | grep ^a=

The results are:
point 1
point 2
point 3

So what did we learn?
The first form (var=value as a command) sets the internal bash variable
The second form (var=value followed by another command) does not affect
bash's internal variables, but does export the variable.

In short, the two are distinct commands that do totally separate things.


Shachar Shemesh
Lingnu Open Source Consulting ltd.
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Re: scoping bug in bash?

2007-01-14 Thread Peter

On Sun, 14 Jan 2007, Shachar Shemesh wrote:

Peter wrote:

On Sun, 14 Jan 2007, Oron Peled wrote:

So for an application an end-of-file is not a character, just a

That's what I meant with ^D. I did not imply it's a character.

Assuming you did not mean ^ (carrot) followed by a D, ^D usually
refers to Ctrl-D. That one (open bugs about accelerator keys
non-withstanding) usually translates to ASCII 4. ASCII 4 is definitely a

It's 'caret' (from carriage return) not 'carrot' and 'rabbit' not 
'wabbit'. When one says that an application receives ^D in an 
interactive context (as in shell program) one means that it receives the 
eof state on stdin, exactly as Oron has described. Thanks for helping 
split the hair.


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Re: scoping bug in bash?

2007-01-14 Thread Nadav Har'El
On Sun, Jan 14, 2007, Peter wrote about Re: scoping bug in bash?:
 It's 'caret' (from carriage return) not 'carrot'

At the risk of splitting hairs further, the word caret for the circumlex
symbol (which you are right, is indeed the correct spelling) is is not short
for carriage return. Rather, caret is an inflection of the latin verb
carere, to lack, and refers to something missing. In an editorial process,
the caret mark was used to mark the spot where something was missing.

We return you now to our usual programming...

Nadav Har'El|   Sunday, Jan 14 2007, 24 Tevet 5767
Phone +972-523-790466, ICQ 13349191 |When you lose, don't lose the lesson.   |

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Re: scoping bug in bash?

2007-01-14 Thread Peter

On Sun, 14 Jan 2007, Nadav Har'El wrote:

: | cat

Try |cat or ;|cat . ':' has the explicit meaning of empty (nop) command. 
Note that assignments are NOT listed under Commands in the shell manual, 
as opposed to let and set which are (and with good reason, since they 
can generate stdout). An assignment used alone at the head of a pipeline 
is a bug that stems from the misinterpretation by the implementors of 
the description of a simple command, which is:

'A simple command is a sequence of optional variable assignments fol- 
lowed by blank-separated words and redirections, and terminated by a 
control operator.'

The spec is ambiguous enough that the optional variable assignments can 
be taken as sufficient for an 'empty' command. In fact there already is 
such a command, it is called ':'. So 'a=3:|cat' is valid for sure but 
'a=3|cat' isn't (or should not be).

A 'meaningless' construct in a well-defined language is an error. An
unrecognized error is called a bug.

The examples people showed here are not meaningless - they have meaning -
just not a *useful* meaning. In any language you can do things which are

Right, foo=bar is a meaningful construct, but it is used out of context 
when used like foo=bar|baz. This out of context use is an error. foo=bar 
is a shell variable assignment, not a command. It should not fork any 
subprocess and it should not have any output, i.e. it should not 
manipulate stdout at all. In fact stdout should be closed unless the rhs 
is in backticks. Worse, 'your' bug is consequent, as it also eats stdin:

  echo ok|a=3|cat == 

Well, the designers of the shells disagreed with you: a=foo is a command,
so it can be used in a pipe. The a=foo cmd .. is a special syntax, which
is irrelevant here (here, a=foo is not followed by a command).

'a=foo cmd' is not a 'special syntax'. It is standard. Using an 
assignment in a pipe alone, without a command, isn't standard. This is 
exactly your 'special syntax' turned around: the optional assignment is 
there but the command isn't. It's always new users who find strange bugs 
because they use the system in nonstandard ways ;-)

This is not about hair-splitting. An assignment is not a command, it is 
an assignment. It is up to the implementors to decide whether using an 
assignment in a pipe stage is an error that should be caught or left to 
hair-splitting by iglu. Because the lhs of the assignment 'consumes' any 
stdout output of the rhs the assignment will have no output on stdout. 
Also the stdin of an assignment is meaningless. This is obvious. Thus 
allowing the use of an assignment in a pipe is imho a bug. Or more 
exactly, a failure to limit pipe members to 'generators'. a=3|baz is 
always equivalent to: a=3;cat /dev/null|baz excepting when the 
assignment fails, but then it should be written:

  a=3  /dev/null baz

or, if one wants to be tricky:


which, unlike a=3|baz, might not earn the user any points in a shell 
script obfuscation competition, and might even work if and when this BUG 
will be fixed in bash.


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Re: Exaile - a Gtk+-based Amarok Clone

2007-01-14 Thread Dotan Cohen

On 14/01/07, Oded Arbel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Sun, 2007-01-14 at 10:30 +0200, Dotan Cohen wrote:
 Also, the wonderful program F-Spot has me installing half of Gnome.
 KDE has no photo-manager that is so good as F-Spot, and I would very
 much like to see someone port it to KDE and Qt.

You're not serious, are you ? You must be joking. KDE only has the best
photo manager ever ? Much before GNOME had F-Spot, which is nice but
like Exaile offers nothing but rehashed ideas from other photo managers.

Do try Digikam.

I have. I don't like Digikam because:
- I cannot click on a photo to see it and stay within the interface.
It opens a second interface that must be switched back and forth
between it and the main browser interface.
- I cannot see all my pictures at once. While I do prefer to have the
pictures organized by date in folders on disk, I want my photo
managment app to show me all my photos, until I start clicking tags to
narrow down which picture I want to see.
- Digikam will not store metadata in the photos themselves. And there
is not way for me to import the metadata that I currently have in my
pictures (over 8000 pictures) into Digikam. The metadata is in both
IPTC and XMP formats (If Digikam could read either one I'd be happy).

  That must be the case
 with AmaroK- Gnome until now had nothing so good.

That is also not correct - GNOME users have Banshee, which is a very
good media player, has interesting and useful UI and isn't an Amarok
rip-off in any significant way (that is - not any more then any media
player is a rip-off of winamp).

Yes, Banshee is a good media player. I agree.

 And to save
 themselves from installing KDE libraries just to use a music manager,
 they simply copied the KDE one. Nothing wrong with that.

Yes it is - as both Qt and GTK+ are in LSB, and kdelibs /is/ huge - but
is the only other dependency of Amarok - there really is no reason not
to install Amarok. Granted, there is a problem that KDE applications on
GNOME don't look native - the same problem the other way around, but KDE
folks solved it by building a GTK+ theme that renders using Qt.

I use that theme for Firefox and OpenOffice. It is quite buggy (no
icons nor menus in OOo, sometimes).

I don't buy the bloatware argument because kdelibs isn't too big for
modern computers - its just a few dozens of megabytes and all the gnome
python libraries that you need to install to get all these panel applets
is bigger then that. And I don't buy the look-n-feel argument, because
in that case all the GNOME folks have to do is to write a Qt theme that
renders using GTK+, which - trust me on this - is tons easier then
rewriting all the applications KDE offers from scratch.

Yes, that would be easier to start. But to debugg in all the
applications- no thanks.

I can't help but thinking - and its aided by a lot of writing on planet
GNOME - that some people in the GNOME community simply has a bias
against KDE - they can't stand anything written in Qt (or C++, or
something) running on their desktop, and instead of working towards full
interoperability, they work towards segregation by trying to offer
alternatives (i.e. - eliminate) to any KDE application that is popular.

And a lot of people in the Linux community have a bias against Windows
- they can't stand anything written in .NET (or VB, or something). To
each his own. Segregation is what will keep [KDE|Gnome] users safe
when the other gets hit with the first linux virus.

Dotan Cohen

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New on List

2007-01-14 Thread Alan Rubin


I have just subscribed to the list.

I note that the link

The link

does not work, I get

 שגי�ה:  Undefined variable: REQUEST_URI
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Bar Ilan Respnsa or Judaic Library CD

2007-01-14 Thread Alan Rubin

Is anyone familiar with the Bar Ilan Responsa or Judaic Library CDs?

These contain a library of Hebrew Texts. There is strong copywright 
control and the software only runs if the original CD is inserted in the 

I have got the CD running in a virtual Windows XP environment under 
vmware but I would rather have it working under wine. I have installed 
it and mapped the CD drive to d: but when I try and run the software I 
get the message Please insert original CD. The original CD is inserted 
and mounted.

It seems that the program must detect the original CD. This works in 
Windows and virtual Windows but how do I get it working in wine?



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Re: Bar Ilan Respnsa or Judaic Library CD

2007-01-14 Thread Hetz Ben Hamo

I'm affraid you can't and here's why:

From your description, the software requires the CD to be always in

your drive. Most of the time it means that the program is using some
sort of copy-protection stuff and using some low level I/O checking to
make sure it's the original CD, something that current Wine doesn't

You could try and purchase WineX which does support this low level CD
protection (well, it supports some of those protections, like
SafeDisc, CopyROM), but it's a long shot.


On 1/14/07, Alan Rubin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is anyone familiar with the Bar Ilan Responsa or Judaic Library CDs?

These contain a library of Hebrew Texts. There is strong copywright
control and the software only runs if the original CD is inserted in the

I have got the CD running in a virtual Windows XP environment under
vmware but I would rather have it working under wine. I have installed
it and mapped the CD drive to d: but when I try and run the software I
get the message Please insert original CD. The original CD is inserted
and mounted.

It seems that the program must detect the original CD. This works in
Windows and virtual Windows but how do I get it working in wine?



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Skepticism is the lazy person's default position.
Visit my blog (hebrew) for things that (sometimes) matter:

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Re: Bar Ilan Respnsa or Judaic Library CD

2007-01-14 Thread Shachar Shemesh
Hetz Ben Hamo wrote:
 I'm affraid you can't and here's why:

 From your description, the software requires the CD to be always in
 your drive. Most of the time it means that the program is using some
 sort of copy-protection stuff and using some low level I/O checking to
 make sure it's the original CD, something that current Wine doesn't
Actually, it does support some of it.

In any case, it's impossible to answer without having the actual CD in hand.

So the bible is copyrighted now?

Shachar Shemesh
Lingnu Open Source Consulting ltd.
Have you backed up today's work?

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what beeps when email comes in ?

2007-01-14 Thread Peter

I finally have a question: What makes beep when new email comes in. I 
believe it is the user's shell when there is no notifier or biff 
running. Is this correct ?

Btw, I have MAIL, MAILCHECK and MAILPATH all disabled. Yet it beeps ...

So I think it's the LMTA (postfix here).


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Re: Exaile - a Gtk+-based Amarok Clone

2007-01-14 Thread Oron Peled
On Sunday, 14 בJanuary 2007 10:30, Dotan Cohen wrote:
 ...[ many valid observations about KDE/Gnome, snipped ] ...
 Also, the wonderful program F-Spot has me installing half of Gnome.
 KDE has no photo-manager that is so good as F-Spot,

You must be kidding. F-Spot is really nice, but has a way to go
until it comes close to digikam. Not only in speed (I just imported ~2500
photos to F-Spot and It took about an order of magnitude longer than the
same in digikam), but also in features. Just a small random sample:

 - If your camera store orientation info in the photo (mine do), you can
   autorotate as many photos as you like in one operation (each would be
   adjusted to its correct orientation). BTW, even if you don't touch the
   photos themselves (e.g: they are on a cdrom), they are still *displayed*
   by default with correct orientation (of course you can manually rotate
   them as F-Spot does).

 - Tons of plugins to have all the quick and dirty ops (red-eye-reduction,
   etc.) at your fingertips. Of course running any program like gimp,
   F-Spot, etc is just a right click away as in F-Spot.

 - You can view by Folders, Tags, Dates like in F-Spot, but when you search
   your searches are saved as virtual folders. BTW, there is quick search
   (by metadata strings) and advanced search when you can combine multiple
   conditions on metadata, date-ranges and albums.

 - Unlike F-Spot, you have more control on your display. E.g: I always show
   the tag names on my thumbnails (but you may choose not to do it...)

 - Many more export options, most implemented as plugins of course (calendar,
   mpeg movie, Gallery, local html gallery).

 - Support for a lot more metadata items (e.g: import GPS data).

Ok, that's enough. I hope I didn't start a new application war.
My post was directed to people who didn't know digikam and may
think there is only one good player in the field.

Anyone who knows both programs (or others) has probably already made
their own choice based on their personal taste.


Oron Peled Voice/Fax: +972-4-8228492
ICQ UIN: 16527398

It's not the software that's free; it's you.
- billyskank on Groklaw

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Re: Binding a process to a certain memory bank. (NUMA)

2007-01-14 Thread Gilboa Davara
On Sat, 2007-01-13 at 19:48 +0200, Adam Morrison wrote:
 On Fri, Jan 12, 2007 at 03:32:08PM +0200, Gilboa Davara wrote:
  I know that I can bind an application to certain CPU set (in this case
  core0,1) using taskset.
  How can I make sure the same process only (as far as possible) allocates
  memory from the CPU0 memory bank?


- Gilboa

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Re: Exaile - a Gtk+-based Amarok Clone

2007-01-14 Thread Oron Peled
On Sunday, 14 בJanuary 2007 14:15, Dotan Cohen wrote:
 I have. I don't like Digikam because: ... [ valid personal preferences...]
 - Digikam will not store metadata in the photos themselves.

Of course it does (it's a configuration option). I think it's not default
because digikam (rightfully IMO) does not modify the picture files unless
instructed to do so.

Oron Peled Voice/Fax: +972-4-8228492
ICQ UIN: 16527398

Reality must take precedence over public relations, for Mother 
Nature cannot be fooled.  -- R.P. Feynman

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Re: Distribution mechanism

2007-01-14 Thread Tzafrir Cohen
On Thu, Jan 11, 2007 at 09:17:00AM +1100, Amos Shapira wrote:
 On 11/01/07, Oron Peled [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You also get all the other benefits without extra work:
 - Repeatability + traceability of the install/update.
 - rpmverify (who moved my cheese?)
 - Package signing (not only for security, also to mitigate the
usual errors -- mixing test/production software etc.)
 - Interactive/automated/half-automated install with same mechanism
(kickstart) means you don't have to develop/debug separate solution
for each scenario.
 - Install via http/ftp/nfs/cd/extra-disk all the same.
 I've been harboring throughts about software to do just that, with a small
 twist that I'm more interested in Debian-based packages, though I can
 imagine that the back-end might be changeable.
 What I'm thinking about is the stage BEFORE that - i.e. how to automate/ease
 the creation of the packages which should be installed.
 For instance - have a central repository saying mail servers should be
 installed THIS way, where THIS says which packages should be installed
 and how to tweak debconf and other configuration files. This should be done
 in a declarative way, not a script (e.g. an XML file). The configuration
 file syntax can be expanded by a global module repository as well as
 per-package private extensions.
 Another file will say machine mail01 is a mail server + it has IP address
 a.b.c.d and probably some other instance-specific values which will be used
 to complete the mail server template.

Your keyword here is preseed . 

 The software I'm thinking about will take all this configuration information
 and build a host-specific package (or maybe a task in debian world?) which
 the host will just apt-get (either after a PXE boot or manually upgrade with
 apt-get/aptitude), causing all the changes to be deployed on it.

Host-specific configuration:
(the actual selection is done by hostname in netboot.cfg)

In there you can define some extra packages to install (this one is from
appendix B of the install manual):
# Individual additional packages to install
#d-i pkgsel/include string openssh-server build-essential

You can probably automate this to: task-$hostname . Look at sample
preseed configurations.

However, those are all install-time settings. What happens if you
accidentally remove such a package?

You can also define an extra apt mirror with your own packages. What I'm
trying to figure, though, is how to get past apt-secure: how to add my
keys to the ones trusted by the installed system.

Tzafrir Cohen | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | VIM is || a Mutt's
ICQ# 16849755 || friend

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Convince me to switch to Digikam (Was: Exaile - a Gtk+-based Amarok Clone)

2007-01-14 Thread Dotan Cohen

On 15/01/07, Oron Peled [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Sunday, 14 בJanuary 2007 10:30, Dotan Cohen wrote:
 ...[ many valid observations about KDE/Gnome, snipped ] ...
 Also, the wonderful program F-Spot has me installing half of Gnome.
 KDE has no photo-manager that is so good as F-Spot,

You must be kidding. F-Spot is really nice, but has a way to go
until it comes close to digikam. Not only in speed (I just imported ~2500
photos to F-Spot and It took about an order of magnitude longer than the
same in digikam), but also in features. Just a small random sample:

The import feature and scrolling photos is _very_ slow in F-Spot, I do
agree. The import slowness I can live with, and the scroll slowness I
put up with because I understand that it is beta and I believe that
the developers are working on it. F-Spot has a very active, useful
developer community, who have helped me out personally many many

 - If your camera store orientation info in the photo (mine do), you can
   autorotate as many photos as you like in one operation (each would be
   adjusted to its correct orientation). BTW, even if you don't touch the
   photos themselves (e.g: they are on a cdrom), they are still *displayed*
   by default with correct orientation (of course you can manually rotate
   them as F-Spot does).

Nice, but not a deal-maker for me.

 - Tons of plugins to have all the quick and dirty ops (red-eye-reduction,
   etc.) at your fingertips. Of course running any program like gimp,
   F-Spot, etc is just a right click away as in F-Spot.

Nice, but not a deal-maker for me.

 - You can view by Folders, Tags, Dates like in F-Spot, but when you search
   your searches are saved as virtual folders. BTW, there is quick search
   (by metadata strings) and advanced search when you can combine multiple
   conditions on metadata, date-ranges and albums.

Tell me, how an I get an integrated user interface like in F-Spot? One
window, in which the browse vieew is replaced by a photo that is
[(double)?] clicked?

 - Unlike F-Spot, you have more control on your display. E.g: I always show
   the tag names on my thumbnails (but you may choose not to do it...)

I don't want anything there other than pics!

 - Many more export options, most implemented as plugins of course (calendar,
   mpeg movie, Gallery, local html gallery).

Don't need it. I publish photos using my own php scripts.

 - Support for a lot more metadata items (e.g: import GPS data).

Can I search by Camera model? That is important to me.

Ok, that's enough. I hope I didn't start a new application war.
My post was directed to people who didn't know digikam and may
think there is only one good player in the field.

No war, but no hudna either. I'm willing to switch, but I'd like to
know that Digikam meets my needs. Also, in what format does it store
the tags? I'll need to import over 200 different tags on over 8000
pictures. I don't mind doing it with sqlite, but I need to know that
it can be done. The tags are in utf-8 Hebrew.

Anyone who knows both programs (or others) has probably already made
their own choice based on their personal taste.

On taste and smell I won't arguee with you, but although I've tried
Digikam I found that it won't perform as I like. Or can it? (as I have


Dotan Cohen

Re: Linux on Windows

2007-01-14 Thread Gil Freund

I found Cooperative Linux ( fast and with
small overhead.

On 1/15/07, Gabor Szabo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have a Windows Machine I would like to install Linux over that.
What are my options?
Does VMware have a free (and unlimited in time) version that I can use
to install Linux on it?
Is there any other solution?


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Gil Freund, Systems Analyst
Sysnet consulting
voice: +972-54-2035888, Fax: +972-8-9356026

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Re: Linux on Windows

2007-01-14 Thread doron
Gabor Szabo wrote:

 I have a Windows Machine I would like to install Linux over that.
 What are my options?
 Does VMware have a free (and unlimited in time) version that I can use
 to install Linux on it?
Yes, VNware server (was VMware GSX) it's free of charge but not free
as a free software.
 Is there any other solution?
Yes, Microsoft virtual server (virtual PC) - not free and not free of

- Doron


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Re: Linux on Windows

2007-01-14 Thread Oded Arbel
On Mon, 2007-01-15 at 08:51 +0200, doron wrote:
 Gabor Szabo wrote:
  I have a Windows Machine I would like to install Linux over that. 
  What are my options? 
  Does VMware have a free (and unlimited in time) version that I can
  to install Linux on it? 
 Yes, VNware server (was VMware GSX) it's free of charge but not free
 as a free software. 
  Is there any other solution? 
 Yes, Microsoft virtual server (virtual PC) - not free and not free of

Virtual PC 2004 is free of charge - you can download it directly from
Microsoft's web site (no support is available without purchase, though).

I blew up a capacitor in a printer once via software!) 
Great example of the power of undefined behavior! :-) 
-- Wayne Berke

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