Re: [Rd] [R] library(): load library from a specified location

2010-04-05 Thread Martin Maechler
[ re-diverted to R-devel ]

 Barry Rowlingson
 on Tue, 30 Mar 2010 20:15:00 +0100 writes:

 On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 7:58 PM, Rolf Turner wrote:
 But ***please*** say ``load *package*'', not ``load
 library''.  The *location* (collection of packages) from
 which you wish to load the given package is the

  Anyone vote for deprecating the library() function and
 renaming it use() or requiring require() instead?

I'm voting pro.   

We (R core) had planned to do this, probably about 5 to eight
years ago, then started discussing about possible features of
the new  use()  function, of making a package into an object
that you'd want to interrogate, ...
and then probably got tired  ;-)

With the many moons passed, I'd now tend to *not* add features,
but really renamed 'library' to 'use' 
and create a  library() with a deprecation message which then
simply calls use()...
and yes, I'd allow a very exceptionally long deprecation period
of two to five years before making library() defunct.


  I mean, when I go get a book out of our library, I don't
 say I'd like to library Case Studies in Spatial Point
 Process Modelling.  Maybe we should use
 'borrow(package)'? Then it might be clear you were getting
 a package from a library, and that you magically put it
 back at the end of your R session

  Slightly silly mood this evening


 __ mailing list PLEASE do
 read the posting guide and provide
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[Rd] with new trusted certificate

2010-04-13 Thread Martin Maechler
The SVN (Subversion) Server of the R-project,,
financed and run by the Math Department of ETH Zurich,
now has got it's own validated aka trusted SSL certificate,
mostly thanks to Simon Urbanek (R-core) and his employer, ATT Labs.

This may mean that those of you who have been using the R
development sources, (or had scripts that read the logs, or ...)
may need to cache the new certificate by some one-time manual

Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] difficulties with setMethod([ and ...

2010-05-18 Thread Martin Maechler
 Tony Plate
 on Mon, 17 May 2010 20:51:12 -0600 writes:

 Jim, yes, I have dealt with that particular challenge that list(...) 
 throws an error for a call like f(x,,,) where the empty args match to a 
 ... formal argument.   Here's some fragments of code that I used to cope 
 with this:

 # to find the empty anon args, must work with the unevaluated dot args
 dot.args.uneval -$...
 if (length(dot.args.uneval)) - sapply(dot.args.uneval, function(arg) 
 is.symbol(arg)  as.character(arg)==)
 else - logical(0)
 # Now we can work with evaluated dot args.
 # Can't do dot.args - list(...) because that will
 # stop with an error for missing args.
 dot.args - mapply(dot.args.uneval,, 
 FUN=function(arg, m) if (!m) eval(arg) else NULL)

I don't have much time at the moment, to delve into Jim's code,
nor to analyze what exactly Tony's does.

Some notes however which I deem important:

1) My experiece in writing many S4 methods for [  -- with the
   Matrix package, but also for 'Rmpfr' -- is that you 
   really need to work  with  nargs()
   rather than with things like  length(list(...))

2) If you really want to be compatible to the very rich
   semantics of S and R subsetting, you need to spend more time
   than you anticipate.

   - negative subscripts, names, logicals
   - A[i]  for an array A   where i can be a vector and then the
 array is treated as if it had no dim() attribute
   - A[i]  for an array A   where i is a *matrix* with k columns
   where  k - length(dim(A))  --- (k = 2 for matrices)
   - A[]

  Are you sure you would not try to use
setClass('myExample', contains = array, representation = ...)
  rather than your
setClass('myExample', representation(x = array, ...))
  You would get all the [ (and other array methods) for free,
  and would only need to specify those methods where 'myExample'
  really differed from array-subsetting.

3) Lots of well-testedsetMethod([, )  examples
   are in the sources of the Matrix package.

   There, BTW, I found it useful to use

  ## for 'i' in x[i] or A[i,] : (numeric = {double, integer})
  setClassUnion(index, members =  c(numeric, logical, character))

 and then, e.g.,  a simple example method ..

  setMethod([, signature(x = denseMatrix, i = index, j = missing,
   drop = logical),
function (x, i, j, ..., drop) {
if((na - nargs()) == 3)
r - as(x, matrix)[i, drop=drop]
else if(na == 4)
r - as(x, matrix)[i, , drop=drop]
else stop(invalid nargs()= ,na)
if(is.null(dim(r))) r else as(r, geClass(x))
  The examples in the Rmpfr package are much less and simpler.

  To find the methods, for both, use  
  fgrep 'setMethod([' R/*R
  if you are on a decent OS and in side the package source directory.
Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich

 Let me know if you need any further explanation.

 Several warnings:
 * I was using this code with S3 generics and methods.
 * There are quite possibly better ways of detecting empty unevaluated 
 arguments than 'is.symbol(arg)  as.character(arg)=='.
 * You'll probably want to be careful that the eval() in the last line is 
 using the appropriate environment for your application.

 I didn't read your code in detail, so apologies if the above is 
 off-the-point, but your verbal description of the problem and the coding 
 style and comments in the [ method for myExample triggered my memory.

 -- Tony Plate

 On 05/17/2010 07:48 PM, James Bullard wrote:
 Apologies if I am not understanding something about how things are being
 handled when using S4 methods, but I have been unable to find an answer 
 my problem for some time now.
 Briefly, I am associating the generic '[' with a class which I wrote
 (here: myExample). The underlying back-end allows me to read contiguous
 slabs, e.g., 1:10, but not c(1, 10). I want to shield the user from this
 infelicity, so I grab the slab and then subset in memory. The main 
 is with datasets with dim(.)  2. In this case, the '...' argument 
 seem to be in a reasonable state. When it is indeed missing then it
 properly reports that fact, however, when it is not missing it reports
 that it is not missing, but then the call to: list(...) throws an 
 is missing exception.
 I cannot imagine that this has not occurred before, so I am expecting
 someone might be able to point me to some example code. I have attached
 some code demonstrating my general problem ((A) and (B) below) as well as
 the outline of the sub-selection code. I have to say that coding this has
 proven non-trivial

[Rd] BIC() in stats {was [R-sig-ME] how to extract the BIC value}

2010-05-18 Thread Martin Maechler
 MM == Martin Maechler
 on Tue, 18 May 2010 12:37:21 +0200 writes:

 GaGr == Gabor Grothendieck
 on Mon, 17 May 2010 09:45:00 -0400 writes:

GaGr BIC seems like something that would logically go into stats in the
GaGr core of R, as AIC is already, and then various packages could define
GaGr methods for it.

MM Well, if you look at help(AIC):


 AIC(object, ..., k = 2)


 object: a fitted model object, for which there exists a ‘logLik’
 method to extract the corresponding log-likelihood, or an
 object inheriting from class ‘logLik’.

 ...: optionally more fitted model objects.

 k: numeric, the _penalty_ per parameter to be used; the default
 ‘k = 2’ is the classical AIC.

MM you may note that the original authors of AIC where always
MM allowing the AIC() function (and its methods) to compute the BIC,
MM simply by using 'k = log(n)' where of course n  must be correct.

MM I do like the concept that BIC is just a variation of AIC and
MM AFAIK, AIC was really first (historically).

MM Typically (and with lme4), the 'n' needed is already part of the 
MM attributes :

 AIC((ll - logLik(fm1)), k = log(attr(ll,nobs)))
MM 1774.786 

MM indeed gives the BIC (where the REML name may or may not be a
MM bit overkill)

MM A stats-package based  BIC function could then simply be defined as

 BIC - function (object, ...) UseMethod(BIC)

 BIC.default - function (object, ...) BIC(logLik(object), ...)

 BIC.logLik - function (object, ...) 
AIC(object, ..., k = log(attr(object,nobs)))

 {well, modulo the fact that ... should really allow to do
  this for *several* models simultaneously}

In addition to that (and more replying to Doug Bates):

Given nlme's tradition of explicitly providing BIC(), and in
analogue to the S3 semantics of the AIC() methods,

- I think lme4 (and lme4a on R-forge) should end up having
  working  AIC() and BIC() directly for fitted models, instead of
  having to use
 AIC(logLik(.))   andBIC(logLik(.))

  The reason that even the first of this currently does *not*
  work is that lme4 imports AIC from stats but should do so
  from stats4.
  -- I'm about to change that for 'lme4' (and 'lme4a').

  However, for the BIC case, ... see below

- I tend to agree with Gabor (for once! :-)  that
  basic BIC methods (S3, alas) should move from  nlme to stats.
  For this reason, I'm breaking the rule of do not cross-post
  for once, and am hereby diverting this thread to R-devel


MM --
MM Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich

GaGr On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 9:29 AM, Douglas Bates 
 On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 5:54 AM, Andy Fugard (Work) wrote:
 Assuming you're using lmer, here's an example which does what you need:
 (fm1    - lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject), sleepstudy))
 Linear mixed model fit by REML
 Formula: Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject)
   Data: sleepstudy
  AIC  BIC logLik deviance REMLdev
  1756 1775 -871.8     1752    1744
 Random effects:
  Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev. Corr
  Subject  (Intercept) 612.092  24.7405
          Days         35.072   5.9221  0.066
  Residual             654.941  25.5918
 Number of obs: 180, groups: Subject, 18
 Fixed effects:
            Estimate Std. Error t value
 (Intercept)  251.405      6.825   36.84
 Days          10.467      1.546    6.77
 Correlation of Fixed Effects:
 Days -0.138
 (fm1fit - summary(fm1)@AICtab)
      AIC      BIC    logLik deviance  REMLdev
  1755.628 1774.786 -871.8141 1751.986 1743.628
 [1] 1774.786
 That's one way of doing it but it relies on a particular
 representation of the object returned by summary, and that is subject
 to change.
 I had thought that it would work to use
 but that doesn't because the BIC function is imported from the nlme
 package but not later exported.  The situation is rather tricky - at
 one point I defined a generic for BIC in the lme4 package but that led
 to conflicts when multiple packages defined different versions.  The
 order in which the packages were loaded became important in
 determining which version was used.
 We agreed to use the generic from the nlme package, which is what is
 now done.  However, I don't want to make the entire nlme package
 visible when you have loaded lme4 because of resulting conflicts.
 I can get the result as
 (fm1 - lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject), sleepstudy))
 Linear mixed model fit by REML
 Formula: Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject)

Re: [Rd] BIC() in stats {was [R-sig-ME] how to extract the BIC value}

2010-05-18 Thread Martin Maechler

Adding to my own statements  (below) :

 MM == Martin Maechler
 on Tue, 18 May 2010 13:05:27 +0200 writes:

 MM == Martin Maechler
 on Tue, 18 May 2010 12:37:21 +0200 writes:

 GaGr == Gabor Grothendieck
 on Mon, 17 May 2010 09:45:00 -0400 writes:

GaGr BIC seems like something that would logically go into stats in the
GaGr core of R, as AIC is already, and then various packages could define
GaGr methods for it.

MM Well, if you look at help(AIC):


 AIC(object, ..., k = 2)


 object: a fitted model object, for which there exists a ‘logLik’
 method to extract the corresponding log-likelihood, or an
 object inheriting from class ‘logLik’.

 ...: optionally more fitted model objects.

 k: numeric, the _penalty_ per parameter to be used; the default
 ‘k = 2’ is the classical AIC.

MM you may note that the original authors of AIC where always
MM allowing the AIC() function (and its methods) to compute the BIC,
MM simply by using 'k = log(n)' where of course n  must be correct.

MM I do like the concept that BIC is just a variation of AIC and
MM AFAIK, AIC was really first (historically).

MM Typically (and with lme4), the 'n' needed is already part of the 
MM attributes :

 AIC((ll - logLik(fm1)), k = log(attr(ll,nobs)))
MM 1774.786 

MM indeed gives the BIC (where the REML name may or may not be a
MM bit overkill)

MM A stats-package based  BIC function could then simply be defined as

 BIC - function (object, ...) UseMethod(BIC)

 BIC.default - function (object, ...) BIC(logLik(object), ...)

 BIC.logLik - function (object, ...) 
 AIC(object, ..., k = log(attr(object,nobs)))

MM {well, modulo the fact that ... should really allow to do
MM this for *several* models simultaneously}

MM In addition to that (and more replying to Doug Bates):

MM Given nlme's tradition of explicitly providing BIC(), and in
MM analogue to the S3 semantics of the AIC() methods,

MM - I think lme4 (and lme4a on R-forge) should end up having
MM working  AIC() and BIC() directly for fitted models, instead of
MM having to use
MM AIC(logLik(.))   andBIC(logLik(.))

MM The reason that even the first of this currently does *not*
MM work is that lme4 imports AIC from stats but should do so
MM from stats4.
MM -- I'm about to change that for 'lme4' (and 'lme4a').

MM However, for the BIC case, ... see below

MM - I tend to agree with Gabor (for once! :-)  that
MM basic BIC methods (S3, alas) should move from  nlme to stats.
MM For this reason, I'm breaking the rule of do not cross-post
MM for once, and am hereby diverting this thread to R-devel

What I *did* find is that the  stats4   package has already had
all necessary BIC methods -- S4, not S3.

So for lme4 (and R-forge's lme4a),
I've only needed to change the NAMESPACE file to have both

  importFrom(stats4, AIC, BIC, logLik)# so S4 methods are used!

and later 

  export(AIC, BIC, 

and also add 'stats4' to the 'Imports: ' line in DESCRIPTION.

So both (development versions of) lme4 and lme4a  now have
working AIC() and BIC(),
and I guess Doug could release a new version of lme4 (not ..a)
pretty soon.

I got private e-mail suggestions for extensive S3 methods for
AIC, BIC and logLik.  
I think these should happen more in public (i.e. here, on
R-devel), and while I still advocate that a BIC S3 generic +
simple default methods should be added (as above),
I'd be happy if others joined into the discussion,
(and possibly provided simple patches).

Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich

GaGr On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 9:29 AM, Douglas Bates 
 On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 5:54 AM, Andy Fugard (Work) wrote:
 Assuming you're using lmer, here's an example which does what you 
 (fm1    - lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject), sleepstudy))
 Linear mixed model fit by REML
 Formula: Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject)
   Data: sleepstudy
  AIC  BIC logLik deviance REMLdev
  1756 1775 -871.8     1752    1744
 Random effects:
  Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev. Corr
  Subject  (Intercept) 612.092  24.7405
          Days         35.072   5.9221  0.066
  Residual             654.941  25.5918
 Number of obs: 180, groups: Subject, 18
 Fixed effects:
            Estimate Std. Error t value
 (Intercept)  251.405      6.825   36.84
 Days          10.467      1.546    6.77
 Correlation of Fixed Effects:
 Days -0.138
 (fm1fit - summary(fm1)@AICtab)
      AIC      BIC    logLik deviance  REMLdev
  1755.628 1774.786 -871.8141 1751.986 1743.628

Re: [Rd] [R] avoiding reinstall already installed *package*

2010-05-18 Thread Martin Maechler
On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 22:38, William Dunlap wrote:

  -Original Message-
  [] On Behalf Of Martin Maechler
  Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2010 1:25 PM
  To: milton ruser
  Subject: Re: [R] avoiding reinstall already installed *package*
  On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 18:06, milton ruser wrote:
   Hi Martin,
   thanks for your reply, and very thanks for your kind tips
  about package
   and library
   So, I was trying to understand *why* we load packages using
  I've started to use and suggest using   require(.) instead
  {as my efforts to introduce  use() or usePackage() *and* deprecating
   library()  where met with strong opposition}

 I hate to get into arguments over function names, but
 I would have thought that require(pkg) would throw
 an error if the required pkg was not available.  It seems
 like require() can be used when pkg is not really required
 but library(pkg) is easiest when pkg is required to

   { require(noSuchPackage); functionFromNoSuchPackage() }
  Loading required package: noSuchPackage
  Error: could not find function functionFromNoSuchPackage
  In addition: Warning message:
  In library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc, character.only = TRUE,
 logical.return = TRUE,  :
there is no package called 'noSuchPackage'
   { library(noSuchPackage); functionFromNoSuchPackage() }
  Error in library(noSuchPackage) :
there is no package called 'noSuchPackage'

Well, both require() and library() pretty soon lead to an error if the
package is not available... but I agree that you'd prefer to get the more
helpful error message immediately rather than belatedly.

If that's an issue, the typical use of require() would be

if(require(...)) {
} else {
   stop(. not available; do this or that )

but instead of stop(..) which can provide a context dependent, customized
error message, you can also work around the absence of the package in other

a   usePackage()  function would typically use best of library() and
require() ,
maybe  not allowing   usePackage(MASS)
but requiring  usePackage(MASS)
but also working logically e.g. for
   mylme - lme4
i.e. not allowing non-standard evaluation.

Bill Dunlap
 Spotfire, TIBCO Software

   I suggest that developers killl the problem on its root,
  deleting library
   function :-)
   Good to know already installed packages will not be reinstalled.
   On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 12:49 PM, Martin Maechler wrote:
   { I've modified the subject; I can't stand it hitting square into
my face ... }
mr == milton ruser
on Tue, 18 May 2010 12:36:23 -0300 writes:
  mr Dear R-experts,
  mr I am installing new libraries using
  mr install.packages(ggplot2,dependencies=T).
  mr But I perceive that many dependencies are already
  installed. As I
   am using
  mr a low-band internet, how can avoid reinstall
  installed libraries?
   There's no problem with installed libraries, as ...
   they DO NOT EXIST.
   These are *PACKAGES* !
   Why do you think are you talking about the function
   To answer the question you did want to ask:
   Do not be afraid:  Depedencies are only installed when needed,
   i.e., no package will be downloaded and installed if it already
   is there.
   Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich
  mr cheers
  mr milton
  mr [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
   (another thing you should learn to avoid, please)
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  __ mailing list
  PLEASE do read the posting guide
  and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

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Re: [Rd] SVN vs DVCS

2010-05-26 Thread Martin Maechler
 Felix Andrews
 on Wed, 26 May 2010 11:20:12 +1000 writes:

 On second thoughts it is really none of my business how the R sources
 are managed.
 But I would encourage package developers and/or r-forge maintainers to
 consider these systems.

Thank you, Felix, for the compilation of these alternatives.

One very relevant piece of information that you've not added,
is, how easily one could *move* from svn to such a system
(including the full history of every file with revision numbers,
 log messages, etc),
and .. for R-forge, e.g., which of these provide nice and
flexible tools (as svn does) for an automatic web interface to
inspect file histories, differences, etc.

Martin  ( maintainer of )


 On 26 May 2010 10:29, Felix Andrews wrote:
 Just wondering whether anyone had thought about moving the R sources
 to a distributed version control system such as Bazaar, Git or
 Mercurial. These new generation systems make it easier to work on
 feature branches, allow working offline, are very fast, etc.
 Some projects that have moved to Git are
 Linux Kernel
 Ruby on Rails
 Some projects that have moved to Bazaar (bzr) are
 Some projects that have moved to Mercurial (hg) are
 Joel Spolky's take on it:
 Felix Andrews / 安福立
 Postdoctoral Fellow
 Integrated Catchment Assessment and Management (iCAM) Centre
 Fenner School of Environment and Society [Bldg 48a]
 The Australian National University
 Canberra ACT 0200 Australia
 M: +61 410 400 963
 T: + 61 2 6125 4670
 CRICOS Provider No. 00120C

 Felix Andrews / 安福立
 Postdoctoral Fellow
 Integrated Catchment Assessment and Management (iCAM) Centre
 Fenner School of Environment and Society [Bldg 48a]
 The Australian National University
 Canberra ACT 0200 Australia
 M: +61 410 400 963
 T: + 61 2 6125 4670
 CRICOS Provider No. 00120C

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Re: [Rd] warning from install.packages()

2010-06-03 Thread Martin Maechler
 BB == Ben Bolker
 on Wed, 02 Jun 2010 13:45:18 -0400 writes:

BB Michael Dewey wrote:
 At 13:40 01/06/2010, Ben Bolker wrote:
 On 25/05/10 23:25 PM, Ben Bolker bolker at wrote:
 Just curious: is there a particular reason why install.packages()
 gives a warning in normal use when 'lib' is not specified (e.g. 
 'lib' is missing: using '/usr/local/lib/R/site-library' )?
 As I see it R is saying 'I am doing what you told 
 me, but just in case I am checking whether that 
 was what you really wanted'. Note that you do not 
 get a warning if there was only one place R could 
 put it. I would certainly vote for a message if 
 people are getting unnecessarily alarmed by the warning.

BB But this seems so different from R's general philosophy/behavior
BB (inherited from Unix?) that a function that gets correct input and
BB executes without error returns silently ...

That's correct.
Note however that installing a package is not just a thing
happening in your R session.
It will affect all your future R sessions, and possibly even
other users' who have the same  .libPaths()[1]
{e.g. the group here does share it}.

I'd agree to not put a warning but I'd definitely want a message
aka note to the user.
The *wording* of that note should not be alarming at all, I
agree, just a note to the user.

Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] warning from install.packages()

2010-06-03 Thread Martin Maechler
 VG == Vincent Goulet
 on Thu, 3 Jun 2010 10:24:21 -0400 writes:

VG Le jeu. 3 juin à 09:27, Ben Bolker a écrit :
 Martin Maechler wrote:
 BB == Ben Bolker
 on Wed, 02 Jun 2010 13:45:18 -0400 writes:
BB Michael Dewey wrote:
 At 13:40 01/06/2010, Ben Bolker wrote:
 On 25/05/10 23:25 PM, Ben Bolker bolker at wrote:
 Just curious: is there a particular reason why install.packages()
 gives a warning in normal use when 'lib' is not specified (e.g. 
 'lib' is missing: using '/usr/local/lib/R/site-library' )?
 As I see it R is saying 'I am doing what you told 
 me, but just in case I am checking whether that 
 was what you really wanted'. Note that you do not 
 get a warning if there was only one place R could 
 put it. I would certainly vote for a message if 
 people are getting unnecessarily alarmed by the warning.
BB But this seems so different from R's general philosophy/behavior
BB (inherited from Unix?) that a function that gets correct input and
BB executes without error returns silently ...
 That's correct.
 Note however that installing a package is not just a thing
 happening in your R session.
 It will affect all your future R sessions, and possibly even
 other users' who have the same  .libPaths()[1]
 {e.g. the group here does share it}.
 I'd agree to not put a warning but I'd definitely want a message
 aka note to the user.
 The *wording* of that note should not be alarming at all, I
 agree, just a note to the user.
 Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich
 OK, then, how about this as a minimal change?
 --- packages.R   (revision 52192)
 +++ packages.R   (working copy)
 @@ -534,8 +534,8 @@
 if(missing(lib) || is.null(lib)) {
 lib - .libPaths()[1L]
 -warning(gettextf(argument 'lib' is missing: using %s, lib),
 -immediate. = TRUE, domain = NA)
 +message(gettextf(argument 'lib' is missing: using %s, lib),
 +domain = NA)
 paths - .find.package(pkgs, lib)
 Index: packages2.R
 --- packages2.R  (revision 52192)
 +++ packages2.R  (working copy)
 @@ -193,8 +193,8 @@
 if(missing(lib) || is.null(lib)) {
 lib - .libPaths()[1L]
 if(length(.libPaths())  1L)
 -warning(gettextf(argument 'lib' is missing: using '%s', 
 -immediate. = TRUE, domain = NA)
 +message(gettextf(argument 'lib' is missing: using '%s', 
 +domain = NA)
 ## check for writability by user

VG I wholeheartedly support the change discussed here since it is also 
something that has been worrying my students for some time.

VG However, I think saying argument 'lib' not specified: using '%s' 
would be even less alarming. ... is missing sort of implies the user forgot 

Yes, thank you Vincent,
I meant some such change when I said

 The *wording* of that note should not be alarming at all, I
 agree, just a note to the user.

I'd even change it further, to something like
 Installing package into '%s' (as 'lib' is not specified)


VG Dr. Vincent Goulet
VG Full Professor
VG École d'actuariat, Université Laval, Québec 

 Ben Bolker
 Associate professor, Biology Dep't, Univ. of Florida
 *** , /
 GPG key:

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] named empty list

2010-06-04 Thread Martin Maechler
 HP == Hervé Pagès
 on Thu, 03 Jun 2010 13:25:10 -0700 writes:

HP Hi,
HP I just realized that a named empty list is displayed the same
HP way as an empty list:

HP list()
HP list()

HP For empty atomic vectors, the print method makes the difference:

HP named integer(0)
HP integer(0)

HP Maybe lists could do that too?

Yes, I agree.  I have had at least one situation in the past
where I had even been confused for a few minutes by this.
I'm about to add it for R-devel [2.12.0] (only; considering it a
new feature).

Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] Argument recycling in substring()

2010-06-04 Thread Martin Maechler
 HP == Hervé Pagès
 on Thu, 03 Jun 2010 17:53:33 -0700 writes:

HP Hi,
HP According to its man page substring() expands (its) arguments
HP cyclically to the length of the longest _provided_ none are of
HP zero length.

HP So, as expected, I get an error here:

 substring(abcd, first=2L, last=integer(0))
HP Error in substring(abcd, first = 2L, last = integer(0)) :
HP invalid substring argument(s)

HP But I don't get one here:

 substring(character(0), first=1:2, last=3L)
HP character(0)

HP which is unexpected.
according to the docu.

My gut feeling would say that the documentation should be
updated in this case, rather than the implementation.

RFC! other opinions?

HP Otherwise, yes substring() will recycle its arguments to the
HP length of the longest:

 substring(abcd, first=1:3, last=4:3)
HP [1] abcd bc   cd

HP Cheers,

HP -- 
HP Hervé Pagès

HP Program in Computational Biology
HP Division of Public Health Sciences
HP Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
HP 1100 Fairview Ave. N, M2-B876
HP P.O. Box 19024
HP Seattle, WA 98109-1024

HP E-mail:
HP Phone:  (206) 667-5791
HP Fax:(206) 667-1319

HP __
HP mailing list

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] seek() and gzfile() on 32-bit R2.12.0 in linux

2010-06-24 Thread Martin Maechler
 BW == Brandon Whitcher
 on Wed, 23 Jun 2010 12:14:35 +0100 writes:

BW Peter, thanks for your comments.  The reason I have taken this issue
BW to R-devel is from the advice of Kurt Hornik.  An update to my package
BW oro.nifti is being refused by CRAN because it fails on the
BW _development_ version of R on 32-bit linux.  As we have just discussed
BW (and thanks to Matt's input), the problem is not with my package but
BW with the development version of R.  Hence, I wanted to alert to the R
BW Core Development Team that the _unstable_ version of R appears to have
BW a problem.

BW Obviously, I would prefer to have my new version of oro.nifti accepted
BW by CRAN... but at the moment I am in between a rock and a hard place.
BW I agree that the 2.12.0 release of R is quite far in the future.  Is
BW there a possibility of relaxing the exclusion criteria
BW for CRAN?

Well, the criteria are very  good as a general rule,
but in the case where a new/changed package reveals a *bug* in
R-devel (only), the package of course should still be released
to CRAN.
So the only remaining problem for you ;-)
is to convince the CRAN maintainers that indeed this is a bug in
R-devel, or probably in  zlib 1.2.4 (R 2.11.x uses zlib 1.2.3).

Within R-core, Brian Ripley has been the zlib principal
investigator, and I'd wait a bit for his comment on this issue.

Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich and R-Core Team

BW cheers...
BW Brandon

  PD Please notice that there is NO release of R 2.12.0 until some time
  PD around October. You are using a build from the UNSTABLE development
  PD branch. The stable branch is 2.11.1 with a release date of May 31. If
  PD Ubuntu is claiming that there is such a thing as a R 2.12.0 release, 
  PD say that they  have a problem.

  PD Not that we don't welcome reports on problems in the development 
  PD but do notice that it is by definition UNSTABLE, and that bugs can 
  PD and go without notice.

  PD -pd

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] NAs and weighted.mean

2010-06-24 Thread Martin Maechler
 RobMcG == McGehee, Robert
 on Wed, 23 Jun 2010 19:38:44 -0400 writes:

RobMcG R-developers,
RobMcG In version R 2.11.0, weighted.mean was changed such that:
 weighted.mean(NA, na.rm=TRUE)
RobMcG [1] 0

RobMcG rather than NaN as in previous versions of R. 

which versions? 
Even in 2.10.0  it gave 0.

RobMcG rather than NaN as in previous versions of R. I see a note in the 
RobMcG file indicates that weighted.mean was changed so an infinite value 
RobMcG zero weight does not force an NaN result. 

RobMcG In case the side effect of returning 0 rather than NaN in this case 
RobMcG unintentional, I'd like to propose that this case be reverted such 
RobMcG weighted.mean(NA, na.rm=TRUE) returns a NaN to be consistent with 
RobMcG mean function.

I tend to agree with you.
Note that also, for such functions FUN
FUN(NA, na.rm=TRUE)
identical to
FUN( numeric(0) )

and for mean-like functions I agree it should return NaN (or NA, perhaps).

RobMcG  Otherwise perhaps a note should be added in the
RobMcG  documentation explaining this inconsistent
RobMcG  behavior.

RobMcG I believe this patch should fix the problem while preserving the
RobMcG behavior in the NEWS file:
RobMcG -w - w/sum(w)
RobMcG -sum((x*w)[w != 0])
RobMcG +sum((x*w)[w != 0])/sum(w)d

Yes, it seems so, and I will probably commit it,  for R-devel
at first, and R-patched later after a while.

Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich

RobMcG Here's the full note from the NEWS file.
RobMcG o   The default method of weighted.mean(x, w) coerces 'w' to be
RobMcG numeric (aka double); previously only integer weights were
RobMcG coerced.  Zero weights are handled specially so an infinite
RobMcG value with zero weight does not force an NaN result.

RobMcG Thanks, Robert


__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] POSIXlt matching bug

2010-07-02 Thread Martin Maechler
 RobMcG == McGehee, Robert
 on Tue, 29 Jun 2010 10:46:06 -0400 writes:

RobMcG I came across the below mis-feature/bug using match with POSIXlt 
RobMcG (from strptime) in R 2.11.1 (though this appears to be an old 

 x - as.POSIXlt(Sys.Date())
 table - as.POSIXlt(Sys.Date()+0:5)
RobMcG [1] 1
 x %in% table  # I expect TRUE
 match(x, table) # I expect 1

RobMcG This behavior seemed more plausible when the length of a POSIXlt 
RobMcG was 9 (back in the day), however since the length was redefined, the
RobMcG length of x no longer matches the length of the match function 
RobMcG as specified by the ?match documentation: A vector of the same 
RobMcG as 'x'.

RobMcG I would normally suggest that we add a POSIXlt method for match that
RobMcG converts x into POSIXct or character first. However, match does not
RobMcG appear to be generic. Below is a possible rewrite of match that 
RobMcG to work as desired.

RobMcG match - function(x, table, nomatch = NA_integer_, incomparables = 

RobMcG .Internal(match(if(is.factor(x)||inherits(x, POSIXlt))
RobMcG as.character(x) else x,
RobMcG if(is.factor(table)||inherits(table, POSIXlt))
RobMcG as.character(table) else table,
RobMcG nomatch, incomparables))

RobMcG That said, I understand some people may be very sensitive to the 
RobMcG of the match function, 

yes, indeed. 

I'm currently investigating an alternative, considerably more
programming time, but in the end should loose much less speed,
is to  .Internal()ize the tests in C code,
so that the resulting R code would simply be

match - function(x, table, nomatch = NA_integer_, incomparables = NULL)
.Internal(x, table, nomatch, incomparables)

Martin Maechler,
ETH Zurich

RobMcG and may prefer a simple change to the ?match
RobMcG documentation noting this (odd) behavior for POSIXlt. 

RobMcG Thanks, Robert

RobMcG R.version
RobMcG _
RobMcG platform   x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu 
RobMcG arch   x86_64   
RobMcG os linux-gnu
RobMcG system x86_64, linux-gnu
RobMcG status  
RobMcG major  2
RobMcG minor  11.1 
RobMcG year   2010 
RobMcG month  05   
RobMcG day31   
RobMcG svn rev52157
RobMcG language   R
RobMcG version.string R version 2.11.1 (2010-05-31)

RobMcG Robert McGehee, CFA
RobMcG Geode Capital Management, LLC
RobMcG One Post Office Square, 28th Floor | Boston, MA | 02109
RobMcG Tel: 617/392-8396Fax:617/476-6389

 This e-mail, and any attachments hereto, are intended for use by the
RobMcG addressee(s) only and may contain information that is (i) 
RobMcG information of Geode Capital Management, LLC and/or its affiliates,
RobMcG and/or (ii) proprietary information of Geode Capital Management, LLC
RobMcG and/or its affiliates. If you are not the intended recipient of this
RobMcG e-mail, or if you have otherwise received this e-mail in error, 
RobMcG immediately notify me by telephone (you may call collect), or by 
RobMcG and please permanently delete the original, any print outs and any
RobMcG copies of the foregoing. Any dissemination, distribution or copying 
RobMcG this e-mail is strictly prohibited. 

RobMcG __
RobMcG mailing list

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] POSIXlt matching bug

2010-07-02 Thread Martin Maechler
 MM == Martin Maechler
 on Fri, 2 Jul 2010 12:22:07 +0200 writes:

 RobMcG == McGehee, Robert
 on Tue, 29 Jun 2010 10:46:06 -0400 writes:

RobMcG I came across the below mis-feature/bug using match with POSIXlt 
RobMcG (from strptime) in R 2.11.1 (though this appears to be an old 

 x - as.POSIXlt(Sys.Date())
 table - as.POSIXlt(Sys.Date()+0:5)
RobMcG [1] 1
 x %in% table  # I expect TRUE
 match(x, table) # I expect 1

RobMcG This behavior seemed more plausible when the length of a POSIXlt 
RobMcG was 9 (back in the day), however since the length was redefined, the
RobMcG length of x no longer matches the length of the match function 
RobMcG as specified by the ?match documentation: A vector of the same 
RobMcG as 'x'.

RobMcG I would normally suggest that we add a POSIXlt method for match that
RobMcG converts x into POSIXct or character first. However, match does not
RobMcG appear to be generic. Below is a possible rewrite of match that 
RobMcG to work as desired.

RobMcG match - function(x, table, nomatch = NA_integer_, incomparables = 

RobMcG .Internal(match(if(is.factor(x)||inherits(x, POSIXlt))
RobMcG as.character(x) else x,
RobMcG if(is.factor(table)||inherits(table, POSIXlt))
RobMcG as.character(table) else table,
RobMcG nomatch, incomparables))

RobMcG That said, I understand some people may be very sensitive to the 
RobMcG of the match function, 

MM yes, indeed. 

MM I'm currently investigating an alternative, considerably more
MM programming time, but in the end should loose much less speed,
MM is to  .Internal()ize the tests in C code,
MM so that the resulting R code would simply be

MM match - function(x, table, nomatch = NA_integer_, incomparables = NULL)
MM .Internal(x, table, nomatch, incomparables)

I have committed such a change to  R-devel, to be 2.12.x.
This should mean that  match() actually is now very slightly
faster than it used to be.
The speed gain may not be measurable though.

Martin Maechler,  ETH Zurich

RobMcG and may prefer a simple change to the ?match
RobMcG documentation noting this (odd) behavior for POSIXlt. 

RobMcG Thanks, Robert

RobMcG R.version
RobMcG _
RobMcG platform   x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu 
RobMcG arch   x86_64   
RobMcG os linux-gnu
RobMcG system x86_64, linux-gnu
RobMcG status  
RobMcG major  2
RobMcG minor  11.1 
RobMcG year   2010 
RobMcG month  05   
RobMcG day31   
RobMcG svn rev52157
RobMcG language   R
RobMcG version.string R version 2.11.1 (2010-05-31)

RobMcG Robert McGehee, CFA
RobMcG Geode Capital Management, LLC
RobMcG One Post Office Square, 28th Floor | Boston, MA | 02109
RobMcG Tel: 617/392-8396Fax:617/476-6389

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] Best way to determine if you're running 32 or 64 bit R on windows

2010-07-02 Thread Martin Maechler
Jeffrey Horner jeffrey.horner at writes:

 Is this sufficient?
 if (.Machine$sizeof.pointer==4){
 } else {
 Or is it better to test something in R.version, say os?

No, the above is perfect,  as it also works on other platforms to distinguish
32-bit and 64-bit.

Regards, Martin

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] kmeans

2010-07-05 Thread Martin Maechler
 Gabor Grothendieck
 on Fri, 2 Jul 2010 18:50:28 -0400 writes:

 In kmeans() in stats one gets an error message with the default
 clustering algorithm if centers = 1.  Its often useful to calculate
 the sum of squares for 1 cluster, 2 clusters, etc. and this error
 complicates things since one has to treat 1 cluster as a special case.
 A second reason is that easily getting the 1 cluster sum of squares
 makes it easy to calculate the between cluster sum of squares when
 there is more than 1 cluster.

 I suggest adding the line marked ### to the source code of kmeans (the
 other lines shown are just ther to illustrate context).  Adding this
 line forces kmeans to use the code for algorithm 3 if centers is 1.
 This is useful since unlike the code for the default algorithm, the
 code for algorithm 3 succeeds for centers = 1.

 if(length(centers) == 1) {
 if (centers == 1) nmeth - 3 ###
 k - centers

I agree that this is a reasonable improvement,
and have applied this (+ docu + example) to the R-devel sources.

Thank you, Gabor.

 Also note that KMeans in Rcmdr produces a betweenss and a tot.withinss
 and it would be nice if kmeans in stats did that too:

Well, patches (to the R-devel *sources*) are happily accepted 


 str(KMeans(USArrests, 3))
 List of 6
 $ cluster : Named int [1:50] 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 2 ...
 ..- attr(*, names)= chr [1:50] Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas 
 $ centers : num [1:3, 1:4] 11.81 8.21 4.27 272.56 173.29 ...
 ..- attr(*, dimnames)=List of 2
 .. ..$ : chr [1:3] 1 2 3
 .. ..$ : chr [1:4] Murder Assault UrbanPop Rape
 $ withinss: num [1:3] 19564 9137 19264
 $ size: int [1:3] 16 14 20
 $ tot.withinss: num 47964  =
 $ betweenss   : num 307844 =
 - attr(*, class)= chr kmeans

 __ mailing list

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] arr.ind argument to which.min and which.max

2010-07-06 Thread Martin Maechler
 HenrikB == Henrik Bengtsson
 on Mon, 5 Jul 2010 22:53:59 +0200 writes:

HenrikB ...and, of course, just after sending it off I found out that from 
HenrikB v2.11.0 there is now an arrayInd() in the 'base' package doing 
HenrikB the same thing.  See help(arrayInd).

yes... and if you wondered *who* re-factored which() into its
internal the arrayInd() part .
had not known about the R.utils function.


 On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 8:27 PM, Patrick Burns 
 On 05/07/2010 10:56, Martin Maechler wrote:
 PatB == Patrick
     on Sun, 04 Jul 2010 09:43:44 +0100 writes:
     PatB  Is there a reason that 'which.min' and
     PatB  'which.max' don't have an 'arr.ind'
     PatB  argument?
 well,  help(which.min)  tells you that they really were aimed at
 doing their job *fast* for vectors.
 Of course you are right and a generalization to arrays might be
 convenient at times.
     PatB  The context in which I wanted that was
     PatB  a grid search optimization, which seems
     PatB  like it would be reasonably common to me.
 well, as the author of these two functions, I can only say
       patches are welcome!
 and I think should be pretty simple, right ?
 You just have to do very simple remapping of the 1d index 'i' back
 to the array index, i.e., the same operation
 you need to transform seconds into days:hours:minutes:seconds
 {{and yes, we old-timers may recall that APL had an operator (I
   think T-bar) to do that ...}
 I think the exercise is just to copy the definition of
 'which' and add four characters.

Well, yes.  But then, one reason for refactoring 'which' into its
vector and arrayInd() part was that people could use arrayInd()
on its own.

Wouldn't it make more sense to call

   arrayInd(which.min(mat), dim(mat))

instead of  
which.min(mat, arr.ind = TRUE)

in the spirit of modularity, maintainability, ... ?
Honestly, in my first reply I had forgotten about my own
arrayInd() modularization 

 If the order of the if condition were reversed, then
 possibly the slight reduction in speed of 'which.min'
 and 'which.max' would be more than made up for in the
 slight increase in speed of 'which'.

thanks for the hint, but

  increase in speed of 'which'  -- really, can you measure that?

(I'll reverse the order anyway)

If we are interested in speed increase, we should add an option
to *not* work with dimnames at all (*) and if we have programmer
time left, we could take it .Internal() and get a real
boost... not now though. 

(*) I'm doing that for now, *and* I would like to change the
default behavior or arrayInd(), but of course *not* the
default behavior of which(),
to *not* attach dimnames to the result, by default.

  I.e., I'm proposing to add   'useNames = FALSE' as argument to
  arrayInd() but have  which() call arrayInd(..., useNames=TRUE).

  This is a back-compatibility change in arrayInd() -- which has
  existed only since 2.11.0 anyway, so would seem ok, to me.

  Opinions ?


__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] Large discrepancies in the same object being saved to .RData

2010-07-12 Thread Martin Maechler
 DM == Duncan Murdoch
 on Sun, 11 Jul 2010 17:25:45 -0400 writes:

DM On 11/07/2010 1:30 PM, Prof Brian Ripley wrote:


 On 7/10/2010 10:10 PM, wrote:
 Well, I have answered one of my questions below.  The hidden
 environment is attached to the 'terms' component of v1.

 Well, not really hidden.  A terms component is a formula
 (see ?terms.object), and a formula has an environment
 just as a closure does.  In neither case does the print()
 method tell you about it -- but ?formula does.

DM I've just changed the default print method for formulas to display the 
DM environment if it is not globalenv(), which is the rule used for 
DM closures as well.  So now in R-devel:

 as.formula(y ~ x)
DM y ~ x

DM as before, but

 as.formula(y ~ x, env=new.env())
DM y ~ x
DM environment: 01f83400

I see that our print.formula() actually has not truely fulfilled
our own rule about print methods:

?print   has
   ‘print’ prints its argument and returns it _invisibly_ 

Further, I completely agree that it's good to mention the
environment, however, it can be a nuisance when it's part of a
larger print(.) method, so I'd like allowing to suppress that
and hence I've committed the current

print.formula - function(x, showEnv = !identical(e, .GlobalEnv), ...)
e - environment(.x - x) ## return(.) original x
attr(x, .Environment) - NULL
print.default(unclass(x), ...)
if (showEnv) print(e)

Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] broken link to new features in R-devel: no NEWS file

2010-07-21 Thread Martin Maechler
 Prof Brian Ripley
 on Wed, 21 Jul 2010 07:27:58 +0100 (BST) writes:

 Please report problems with websites to the webmaster: no
 one else can handle them.  I believe that for CRAN the
 appropriate address is

In addition, please let me note that one of the very oldest
websites for R *developement*  has been  (used to be called  R-alpha)

it contains manuals of both R patched and R manual 
*and* direct links to the NEWS of both.

One reason, I have not advertized this very long-living (and
daily updated) web page is that it's really about *NON RELEASED* 
versions of R.

Martin Maechler, ETH ZUrich

 On Wed, 21 Jul 2010, wrote:

 The link from CRAN to new features in R-devel hasn't
 been working for a few days. Specifically, there is no
 NEWS file in, though
 there is an ONEWS.
 The link is in the Source code for all platforms
 subwindow, where it says:
 Daily snapshots of current patched and development
 versions are available here. Please read about new
 features and bug fixes before filing corresponding
 feature requests or bug reports.
 Mark Bravington CSIRO Mathematical  Information Sciences
 Marine Laboratory Castray Esplanade Hobart 7001 TAS
 ph (+61) 3 6232 5118 fax (+61) 3 6232 5012 mob (+61) 438
 315 623
 __ mailing list

 Brian D. Ripley,
 Professor of Applied Statistics, University of Oxford,
 Tel: +44 1865 272861 (self) 1 South Parks Road, +44 1865
 272866 (PA) Oxford OX1 3TG, UK Fax: +44 1865 272595

 __ mailing list

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] R CMD build wiped my computer

2010-07-28 Thread Martin Maechler
 Jarrod Hadfield
 on Tue, 27 Jul 2010 21:37:09 +0100 writes:

 Hi, I ran R (version 2.9.0) CMD build under root in
 Fedora (9). When it tried to remove junk files it
 removed EVERYTHING in my local account! (See below).

 Can anyone tell me what happened, 

the culprit may lay here:
 * removing junk files
 unlink MCMCglmm_2.05/R/   residuals.MCMCglmm.R

where it seems that someone (you?) have added a newline
in the filname, so instead of
you got


and the unlink / rm  command interpreted '~' as your home

But I can hardly believe it.
This seems explanation seems a bit doubtful to me.. ...

 and even more importantly if I can I restore what was lost.

well, you just get it from the backup. You do daily backups, do

Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich



 [jar...@localhost AManal]$ R CMD build MCMCglmm_2.05
 * checking for file 'MCMCglmm_2.05/DESCRIPTION' ... OK
 * preparing 'MCMCglmm_2.05':
 * checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK
 * cleaning src
 * installing the package to re-build vignettes
 * Installing *source* package ?MCMCglmm? ...
 ** libs
 g++ -m64 -I/usr/include/R  -I/usr/local/include-fpic  -O2 -g -pipe  
 -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector  
 --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m64 -mtune=generic -c -o  
 MCMCglmm.o In function ?void MCMCglmm(double*, double*, double*,  
 int*, int*, int*, int*, int*, int*, double*, int*, int*, double*,  
 int*, int*, double*, double*, int*, int*, int*, int*, int*, int*,  
 int*, int*, int*, int*, double*, double*, double*, int*, int*, int*,  
 int*, double*, double*, double*, int*, double*, bool*, double*,  
 double*, int*, int*, int*, int*, int*, double*, int*, int*, int*,  
 double*, double*, double*, int*, int*, double*, int*, int*, int*,  
 int*, double*, double*, double*, double*)?: warning: ?pvLS? may be used uninitialized in this 
function warning: ?pvLL? may be used uninitialized in this 
function warning: ?Lrv? may be used uninitialized in this function warning: ?pmuL? may be used uninitialized in this 
function warning: ?pvL? may be used uninitialized in this function warning: ?LambdaX? may be used uninitialized in this 
function warning: ?bv_tmp? may be used uninitialized in this 
function warning: ?bv? may be used uninitialized in this function warning: ?A? may be used uninitialized in this function warning: ?dimG? may be used uninitialized in this function warning: ?AlphainvS? may be used uninitialized in  
 this function warning: ?AlphainvL? may be used uninitialized in  
 this function warning: ?alphalocation_tmp? may be used  
 uninitialized in this function warning: ?alphalocation? may be used uninitialized in  
 this function warning: ?alphazstar? may be used uninitialized in  
 this function warning: ?alphapred? may be used uninitialized in  
 this function warning: ?alphaastar? may be used uninitialized in  
 this function warning: ?muAlpha? may be used uninitialized in this 
function warning: ?Alphainv? may be used uninitialized in this  
 function warning: ?tXalpha? may be used uninitialized in this 
function warning: ?Xalpha? may be used uninitialized in this 
function warning: ?linky_orig? may be used uninitialized in  
 this function warning: ?tYKrinvYS? may be used uninitialized in  
 this function warning: ?LambdaS? may be used uninitialized in this 
function warning: ?tYKrinvYL? may be used uninitialized in  
 this function warning: ?LambdaLU? may be used uninitialized in this  
 function warning: ?tYKrinvY? may be used uninitialized in this  
 function warning: ?tYKrinv? may be used uninitialized in this 
function warning: ?ILY? may be used uninitialized in this function warning: ?tY? may be used uninitialized in this function warning: ?Y? may be used uninitialized in this function warning: ?I? may be used uninitialized in this function warning: ?alphaS? may be used uninitialized in this 
function warning: ?alphaMME? may be used uninitialized

Re: [Rd] rbind on data.frame that contains a column that is also a data.frame

2010-08-07 Thread Martin Maechler
 Heinz Tuechler
 on Sat, 07 Aug 2010 01:01:24 +0100 writes:

 Also Surv objects are matrices and they share the same problem when 
 rbind-ing data.frames.
 If contained in a data.frame, Surv objects loose their class after 
 rbind and therefore do not more represent Surv objects afterwards.
 Using rbind with Surv objects outside of data.frames shows a similar 
 problem, but not the same column names.
 In conclusion, yes, matrices are common in data.frames, but not 
 without problems.

My understanding ( 20 yr long S and R experience) has been that
a dataframe definitely can have matrix-like components,
and as Bill Dunlap (with equal S  R experience) has just
explained, that's actually more common than you have thought.
To have *data frame*s instead of simple matrices, should be much
less common, I'm not sure if it's a good idea.

But getting back to 'matrices',
I think they should work without problems, at least for basic
R operations such as rbind().

I don't have time to analyze the Surv - example below,
but  at the moment think, that we'd be interested in 
fixing the problems..

Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich


 ## example
 ## create example data
 starttime - rep(0,5)
 stoptime  - 1:5
 event - c(1,0,1,1,1)
 group - c(1,1,1,2,2)

 ## build Surv object
 survobj - Surv(starttime, stoptime, event)

 ## build data.frame with Surv object
 df.test - data.frame(survobj, group)

 ## rbind data.frames
 rbind(df.test, df.test)

 ## rbind Surv objects
 rbind(survobj, survobj)

 At 06.08.2010 09:34 -0700, William Dunlap wrote:
  -Original Message-
  [] On Behalf Of Nicholas
  L Crookston
  Sent: Friday, August 06, 2010 8:35 AM
  To: Michael Lachmann
  Subject: Re: [Rd] rbind on data.frame that contains a column
  that is also a data.frame
  OK...I'll put in my 2 cents worth.
  It seems to me that the problem is with this line:
  b$a=a , where s is something other than a vector with
  length equal to nrow(b).
  I had no idea that a dataframe could hold a dataframe. It is not just
  rbind(b,b) that fails, apply(b,1,sum) fails and so does plot(b). I'll
  bet other R commands fail as well.
  My point of view is that a dataframe is a list of vectors
  of equal length and various types (this is not exactly what the help
  page says, but it is what it suggests to me).
  Hum, I wonder how much code is based on the idea that a
  dataframe can hold
  a dataframe.
 I used to think that non-vectors in data.frames were
 pretty rare things but when I started looking into
 the details of the modelling code I discovered that
 matrices in data.frames are common.  E.g.,
  sapply(model.frame(data=mtcars, mpg~ns(hp)+poly(disp,2)), class)
 [1] numeric
 [1] ns basis  matrix
 $`poly(disp, 2)`
 [1] poly   matrix
 You may not see these things because you don't call model.frame()
 directly, but most modelling functions (e.g., lm() and glm())
 do call it and use the grouping provided by the matrices to encode
 how the columns of the design matrix are related to one another.
 If matrices are allowed, shouldn't data.frames be allowed as well?
 Bill Dunlap
 Spotfire, TIBCO Software
  15 years of using R just isn't enough! But, I can
  say that not
  line of code I've written expects a dataframe to hold a dataframe.
   The following was already a topic on r-help, but after
  what is
   going on, I think it fits better in r-devel.
   The problem is this:
   When a data.frame has another data.frame in it, rbind
  doesn't work well.
   Here is an example:
   z a.x a.y
   1   1   1   1
   2   2   2   2
   3   3   3   3
   4   4   4   4
   5   5   5   5
   6   6   6   6
   7   7   7   7
   8   8   8   8
   9   9   9   9
   10 10  10  10
   Error in ``(`*tmp*`, value = c(1,
  2, 3, 4,
   duplicate 'row.names' are not allowed
   In addition: Warning message:
   non-unique values when setting 'row.names': ?1?, ?10?, ?2?,
  ?3?, ?4?,
   ?6?, ?7?, ?8?, ?9?
   Looking at the code of, the error comes from the
   xij - xi[[j]]
   if (has.dim[jj]) {

Re: [Rd] R support for 64 bit integers

2010-08-10 Thread Martin Maechler
{Hijacking the thread from from R-help to R-devel -- as I am
 consciously shifting the focus away from the original question

 David Winsemius
 on Tue, 10 Aug 2010 08:42:12 -0400 writes:

 On Aug 9, 2010, at 2:45 PM, Theo Tannen wrote:

 Are integers strictly a signed 32 bit number on R even if
 I am running a 64 bit version of R on a x86_64 bit
 I ask because I have integers stored in a hdf5 file where
 some of the data is 64 bit integers. When I read that
 into R using the hdf5 library it seems any integer
 greater than 2**31 returns NA.

 That's the limit. It's hard coded and not affected by the
 memory pointer size.

 Any solutions?

 I have heard of packages that handle big numbers. A bit
 of searching produces suggestions to look at gmp on CRAN
 and Rmpfr on R-Forge.

Note that Rmpfr has been on CRAN, too, for a while now.
If you only need large integers (and rationals), 'gmp' is enough

*However* note that the gmp or Rmpfr (or any other arbitray
precision) implementation will be considerably slower in usage
than if there was native 64-bit integer support.

Introducing 64-bit integers natively into base R is an
interesting project, notably if we also allowed using them for
indices, and changed the internal structures to use them instead
of 32-bit.
This would allow to free ourselves from the increasingly
relevant  maximum-atomic-object-length = 2^31 problem.
The latter is something we have planned to address, possibly for
R 3.0.
However, for that, using 64-bit integers is just one
possibility, another being to use double precision integers.
Personally, I'd prefer the long long (64-bit) integers quite
a bit, but there are other considerations, e.g.,
one big challenge will be to go there in a way such that not
all R packages using compiled code will have to be patched
another aspect is how the BLAS / Lapack team will address the

Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] save() object w/o all of the loaded environment

2010-08-25 Thread Martin Maechler
 RL == Roebuck,Paul L
 on Tue, 24 Aug 2010 11:06:54 -0500 writes:

RL I have two packages, one that does the actual work (SC)
RL and the other a Tcl/Tk UI (SCUI) that invokes methods
RL within the former. Within the SCUI's invocation method,
RL I save an object returned from SC, the results of a
RL long-running method.

RL Now the object is completely described by the SC
RL package. Unfortunately, any attempt to load the object
RL (in a fresh R session) fails as below.

R library(SC) setwd(/path/to/results/)
R load(sc-results.rda)
RL Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... done Error: .onLoad failed
RL in loadNamespace() for 'SCUI', details: call:
RL optiondb_add(*Notebook.borderWidth, 2,
RL widgetDefault) error: could not find function tcl

RL That call (which adds resource to Tcl resource database)
RL is made inside SCUI. Loading tcltk package removes the
RL problem.

R library(tcltk) load(sc-results.rda) ls()
RL [1] results

RL But I would really prefer not to need to load tcltk at
RL all just to inspect/use the object, which contains
RL nothing from SCUI anyway. Is there a way to strip the
RL unwanted UI prerequisite (tcltk and SCUI) packages from
RL the environment of the object prior/during save()?

Yes, there is:


  Evelyn Hall: I would like to know how (if) I can extract some of the 
information from the
  summary of my nlme.
  Simon Blomberg: This is R. There is no if. Only how.
 -- Evelyn Hall and Simon 'Yoda' Blomberg
R-help (April 2005)

About the how:  I'd make use of

   ls.str(the environment) 

to start inspecting the objects there.
To help you further, we'd need more details, e.g. such
str()-like results of the things you are talking about.


__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] No [[-.factor()

2010-08-26 Thread Martin Maechler
 WD == William Dunlap
 on Wed, 25 Aug 2010 17:31:27 -0700 writes:

WD Should there be a [[-.factor() that either throws
WD an error or acts like [-.factor() to avoid making
WD an illegal object of class factor?

Yes, one or the other.
Note that both `[-` and `[[-` are Primitive and do some
informal dispatch in addition to the formal method dispatch,
so there's no need for an explicit '[[-.factor' method definition.
For factors, it seems rational and expectable that 
double bracket behaves as single bracket when *one* element is
   z[[2:3]] - c(Two, Three)
however  should continue to give an error.

Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich

 z - factor(c(Two,Two,Three), levels=c(One,Two,Three))
WD [1] Two   Two   Three
WD Levels: One Two Three
WD Factor w/ 3 levels One,Two,Three: 2 2 3
 z[[2]] - One
 str(z) # the .Data part is now character
WD Factor w/ 3 levels One,Two,Three: 2 One 3
WD Levels: One Two Three
 z[2] - One
WD Error in class(x) - cx : adding class factor to an invalid object

WD Bill Dunlap
WD Spotfire, TIBCO Software
WD wdunlap 

WD __
WD mailing list

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] RCMD CHECK and non-methods

2010-08-26 Thread Martin Maechler
 on Wed, 25 Aug 2010 14:06:07 +1000 writes:

 I recently moved a function 'subset.with.warning' into the 'mvbutils' 
package (a version not yet on CRAN). When I tried RCMD CHECK, I got this 
 * checking S3 generic/method consistency ... WARNING
 function(x, ...)
 function(x, cond, mess.head, mess.cond,, sub)

 See section 'Generic functions and methods' of the 'Writing R Extensions'

 I know that S3 method arguments need to be compatible with arguments of 
the generic. However, 'subset.with.warning' is deliberately not a registered S3 

I think that's your real trouble ... and then your users' if you
really insist.
Short answer:  Don't do that!

There have been a few exceptions of 100 years old R functions
which validated this rule,
the most notable probably  t() and t.test(),
and we (R core) have explicitly listed them in the code base
as yes, looks like a method for an S3 generic, but not it ain't!,
but have basically forbidden to commit more such crimes.
{Also, if you are interested: I think both  t() and t.test()
 pre-dated S3}

 and its USAGE section doesn't include a \method{generic}{class} 
statement. I couldn't see anything in R Extensions that says don't do this, 
so I'm wondering: 

Yes, we should add a such don't do this somewhere.

Can you propose a good place to put it in there?

 - should this really be a NOTE not a WARNING (or nothing at all)?

{from the above: definitely a warning, if not worse}

Best regards,

Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich

 - if not, shouldn't there be a more explicit statement to the effect that 
if R decides it's a method, then it damned well is a method, whether you think 
it is or not?

 - and if so, should there also be a check for functions that look like 
methods but aren't registered and declared as such?

 My preference would be for the first, FWIW. Admittedly, just because I 
didn't register 'subset.with.warning' as an S3 method, that won't stop 'subset' 
from trying to use it if it ever encounters an object of class with.warning. 
It's a risk that I'm happy to take, though CRAN might not be...

 I made the warning go away by adding a '...' argument to the end of 
'subset.with.warning', but that's not pretty.

 Mark Bravington

 R version 2.11.1 Patched (2010-06-30 r52418) 

 [1] LC_COLLATE=English_Australia.1252  LC_CTYPE=English_Australia.1252
LC_MONETARY=English_Australia.1252 LC_NUMERIC=C  
 [5] LC_TIME=English_Australia.1252

 attached base packages:
 [1] grDevices tools tcltk stats graphics  utils methods   

 other attached packages:
 [1] ad_1.0 chstuff_1.0handy2_1.2 tweedie_2.0.2  
statmod_1.4.1  handy_1.1  debug_1.2.3mvbutils_2.5.2

 __ mailing list

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] No [[-.factor()

2010-08-30 Thread Martin Maechler
 Prof Brian Ripley
 on Mon, 30 Aug 2010 08:28:24 +0100 (BST) writes:

 On Thu, 26 Aug 2010, Martin Maechler wrote:
 WD == William Dunlap
 on Wed, 25 Aug 2010 17:31:27 -0700 writes:
WD Should there be a [[-.factor() that either throws
WD an error or acts like [-.factor() to avoid making
WD an illegal object of class factor?
 Yes, one or the other.
 Note that both `[-` and `[[-` are Primitive and do some
 informal dispatch in addition to the formal method dispatch,

 I don't think so.  do_subassign2 does formal method dispatch, albeit 
 internally, but nothing else (do_assign2_dflt selects only by 

One consider that as an informal dispatch, notably
distinguishing lists and atomics...

 so there's no need for an explicit '[[-.factor' method definition.
 For factors, it seems rational and expectable that
 double bracket behaves as single bracket when *one* element is
 z[[2:3]] - c(Two, Three)
 however  should continue to give an error.

 I added a [[-.factor yesterday.  Note that we do have a [-.factor 
 which works on the integer codes, and I simply copied its logic.

thank you!

 BTW, you probably meant

 z[[2:3]] - c(Two, Three)

yes, indeed!

  z - factor(c(Two,Two,Three), levels=c(One,Two,Three))
WD [1] Two   Two   Three
WD Levels: One Two Three
WD Factor w/ 3 levels One,Two,Three: 2 2 3
  z[[2]] - One
  str(z) # the .Data part is now character
WD Factor w/ 3 levels One,Two,Three: 2 One 3
WD Levels: One Two Three
  z[2] - One
WD Error in class(x) - cx : adding class factor to an invalid object
WD Bill Dunlap
WD Spotfire, TIBCO Software
WD wdunlap

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] S4 Method Signatures

2010-09-03 Thread Martin Maechler
 DS == Dario Strbenac
 on Fri,  3 Sep 2010 12:00:14 +1000 (EST) writes:

DS Hello,
DS If the signature of a method defines which generic it implements then 
I'm confused about why this minimal example I invented won't work :

very short answer:

 if(FALSE) {  0 == 1 }

slightly longer:

 if( something_wrong )  {  anything_can_be_put_here }

In other words:

Your assumption is wrong.
There's only one generic and potentially many methods, defined
via signatures, but you have not understood what a signature is.

DS setGeneric(myFun, function(rs, ...){standardGeneric(myFun)})
DS setGeneric(myFun, function(cs, ...){standardGeneric(myFun)})

DS setMethod(myFun, numeric, function(rs, colour = Blue)
DS {
DS cat(rs*100, colour)
DS })

DS setMethod(myFun, character, function(cs, colour = Red)
DS {
DS cat(cs, colour)
DS })


setGeneric(myFun, function(x, ...) standardGeneric(myFun))

setMethod(myFun, numeric, 
  function(x, colour = Blue) cat(xs*100, colour))

## etc

where the last is an abbreviated form of 

setMethod(myFun, signature(x = numeric), 
  function(x, colour = Blue) cat(xs*100, colour))

which is abbreviated for

setMethod(myFun, signature = signature(x = numeric), 
  function(x, colour = Blue) cat(xs*100, colour))

I do wonder why the examples on the  ?setMethod   
help page where not sufficient here..

DS Thanks for any tips,

you're welcome.
Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich

DS --
DS Dario Strbenac
DS Research Assistant
DS Cancer Epigenetics
DS Garvan Institute of Medical Research
DS Darlinghurst NSW 2010
DS Australia

DS __
DS mailing list
 DS == Dario Strbenac
 on Fri,  3 Sep 2010 12:00:14 +1000 (EST) writes:

DS Hello, If the signature of a method defines which
DS generic it implements then I'm confused about why this
DS minimal example I invented won't work :

DS setGeneric(myFun, function(rs,
DS ...){standardGeneric(myFun)}) setGeneric(myFun,
DS function(cs, ...){standardGeneric(myFun)})

DS setMethod(myFun, numeric, function(rs, colour =
DS Blue) { cat(rs*100, colour) })

DS setMethod(myFun, character, function(cs, colour =
DS Red) { cat(cs, colour) })

DS Thanks for any tips, Dario.

DS -- Dario Strbenac
DS Research Assistant Cancer Epigenetics Garvan Institute
DS of Medical Research Darlinghurst NSW 2010 Australia

DS __
DS mailing list

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] OT: Reason/history behind ## notation for comments?

2010-09-23 Thread Martin Maechler
 LG == Laurent Gatto
 on Wed, 22 Sep 2010 08:33:20 +0100 writes:

LG For what concerns emacs users, the number of '#' has
LG different effects on the position of the comment. From
LG the ESS manual: 'By default, comments beginning with
LG ‘###’ are aligned to the beginning of the line. Comments
LG beginning with ‘##’ are aligned to the current level of
LG indentation for the block containing the
LG comment. Finally, comments beginning with ‘#’ are
LG aligned to a column on the right...'. I guess that ## is
LG the most wanted indentation for comments.

Yes, that's all correct.
(and Emacs+ESS being used quite a bit by some active R Core
 members, at least historically)

One thing to add:
As most of you probably know, R was built using ideas and
concepts from Lisp (aka LISP), and (Emacs-)Lisp being emacs'
extension language, Emacs has always supported
auto-indenting/filling of comments---which in lisp start with a
; --- using different indentation rules for ;, ;;, ;;; 
So it seems quite apt for R to continue this Lisp convention.
Given the Lisp decent, this tradition is probably quite an old one in
(academic) programming history. 

Martin Maechler,
ETH Zurich (and R Core)

LG Best wishes,

LG Laurent

LG On 22 September 2010 07:26, Henrik Bengtsson
LG wrote:
 Off topic, but since I've observe both styles, does
 anyone know the history behind/reason for using ##
 instead of a single # to start comments in R.  I know
 some editors do this by default.  Is it because in C it
 is easier to distinguish (search/replace/...) comments
 from C preprocessor directives such as #include, and
 that's became a de facto standard elsewhere?
 PS. I don't want to get into a debate on what's the best
 __ mailing list

LG mailing list

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] Recursion error after upgrade to R_2.11.1 [Sec=Unclassified] [Sec=Unclassified]

2010-10-07 Thread Martin Maechler
 TR == Troy Robertson
 on Thu, 7 Oct 2010 13:50:49 +1100 writes:

 On 10/06/2010 06:12 PM, Troy Robertson wrote:
  Hi all,
  After no replies to my previous message I thought I might show some
  code to demonstrate the change and again seek any
 explanation for the
  error now thrown by my code after upgrading from 2.10.1 to 2.11.1.
  representation(test1= character),
  prototype(  test1   = ),
contains = .environment
  setMethod(initialize, PortableObject,
  function(.Object, ..., .xData=new.env(parent=emptyenv())) {
  .Object - callNextMethod(.Object, ...,
  .obj...@test1 - Foo
  # Following line works under 2.10.1 but now throws
  # Error: evaluation nested too deeply:
 infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?
  #.Object[[test2]] - Bar
  # The following does what I want though
  .Object$test3 - Baa
  e - new(PortableObject)
 The explicit example does help -- it's clear what bug you are
 encountering. Here's the code in R-2.10
  selectMethod([[-, .environment)
 Method Definition:
 function (x, i, j, ..., value)
 call -
 call[[2]] -
 and 2.11.1
  selectMethod([[-, .environment)
 Method Definition:
 function (x, i, j, ..., value)
 .local - function (x, i, j, ..., exact = TRUE, value)
 call -
 call[[2]] -
 .local(x, i, j, ..., value = value)
 Apparently the 'exact' argument has been added, and because
 the method signature differs from the generic, a .local
 function is created. That '' originally returned
 the environment in which the generic was called, but now it
 returns the environment in which .local is defined. And so
 eval() keeps evaluating .local(). This I think is a bug.

TR Yes, afer the email from William Dunlop, I found this difference in the 
methods between 2.10.1 and 2.11.1
TR I had a play and by adding my own method to overload [[- for my 
PortableObject was able to reinstate the original functionality without the 
recursive error.

TR setMethod([[-, PortableObject,
TR function (x, i, j, ..., value)
TR {
TR call -
TR call[[2]] -
TR eval.parent(call)
TR x
TR }
TR )

 For what it's worth, if I were interested in minimizing
 copying I would set up initialize so that it ended with
 callNextMethod(...), on the hopes that the method
 eventually called would take care not to make too many copies
 on slot assignment.

TR Hmmm, not sure what you mean here?  My code passes objects such as 
these as parameters to other S4 classes which alter their data.  If the .xData 
slot is used then I have no need to return the object.  No copy-on-change is 
performed but data held by the PortableObject is modified.  This speeds up my 
execution time by a LARGE amount.

TR I could very well have things all arse-about, having come from a Java 
OO background, but this is the only way I have been able to create a 
pass-by-reference paradigm using S4 classes.  Any suggestions for alternative 
solutions would be greatfully received.

TR Troy

R 2.12.2 (currently beta) has in its NEWS :

o A facility for defining reference-based S4 classes (in the OOP
  style of Java, C++, etc.) has been added experimentally to
  package methods; see ?ReferenceClasses.

--- Please get R-2.12.2 beta and tell here about your
experiences. John Chambers (you have in CC) will be particularly
interested in your feedback.

Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] new.env does not recognize parents from subclassesof environment

2010-10-23 Thread Martin Maechler
2010/10/23 Uwe Ligges

 On 23.10.2010 17:08, Uwe Ligges wrote:

 Looks like those ETH pages were nnot updated after the R-2.12.0 release
 (they do not show current R-tached / R-devel), hence CCing Martin

 ... which I actually do now...

Hmm, but why?
The daily snapshot page *does* show the current R-patched and R-devel
tar balls ?

Or what were you talking about ?



 Uwe Ligges

 On 22.10.2010 21:54, Vitally S. wrote:

 John writes:

 You need to update your version of R (r-devel or 2.12 patched) to rev
 53385 or later, and read NEWS, particularly the line:

 - Assignment of an environment to functions or as an attribute to other
 objects now works for subclasses of environment.

 I am following the news in daily snapshots from here
 and the above line is still not in the NEWS of today's version.

 Thanks for the patch. Looking forward to the stable release.


 On 10/22/10 10:20 AM, Vitally S. wrote:

 Yet another inconsistency. environment- does not work with S4:

 setClass(myenv, contains = environment)

 [1] myenv

 env- new(myenv)
 tf- function(x){x}
 environment(tf)- env

 Error in environment(tf)- env :
 replacement object is not an environment


 John writes:

 This is a problem related to the introduction of exact= into the [[
 and [[- functions. As Bill says, the


 method misuses eval.parent() when that argument is added.

 However, a simpler and more efficient solution is to migrate the
 checks for subclasses of environment used in
 other base code into the code for [[- (and for $-), at which
 point the methods for these functions are no



 A solution on these lines is being tested now and will find its way
 into r-devel and 2.12 patched.

 One other point about the original posting:

 Please don't use constructions like e...@.xdata. This depends on the
 current implementation and is not part of


 user-level definition. Use as(env, environment) or equivalent.
 (In this case, the assignment of the object's


 environment was irrelevant to the error.)

 John Chambers

 On 10/21/10 9:21 AM, William Dunlap wrote:

 The traceback looks very similar to a problem
 in R 2.11.1 reported earlier this month by Troy Robertson.
  [] On Behalf Of Troy Robertson
  Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2010 6:13 PM
  To: ''
  Subject: Re: [Rd] Recursion error after upgrade to
 It was due to a miscount of how many frames to go
 up before evaluating an expression in
 getMethod([[-,.environment) because setMethod()
 introduced a local function in the new method.

 Bill Dunlap
 Spotfire, TIBCO Software

 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Vitally S.
 Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2010 9:00 AM
 To: John Chambers
 Subject: Re: [Rd] new.env does not recognize parents from
 subclassesof environment

 Here is an infinite recursion error which occurs only with S4
 subclasses assignment.

 setClass(myenv, contains = environment)
 #[1] myenv
 env- new(myenv)
 env[[.me]]- ∑
 #Error: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion /

 With basic types it works as expected:

 env1- new.env()
 env1[[.me]]- env1

 May be this is related to active bindings that you mentioned,
 but I am still
 reporting it here.


 Thanks for the report. Should now be fixed in r-devel and

 2.12 patched (rev 53383).

 Please do report any cases where a subclass of environment

 doesn't work. There are some known cases in locking and

 active binding, that will be fixed in due course.

 The workaround for any such problem is usually as.environment().

 On 10/20/10 3:17 AM, Vitaly S. wrote:

 Dear Developers,

 A lot has been changed in the R12.0 with respect to

 behavior of environment

 subclasses. Many thanks for that.

 One small irregularity, though; new.env does not allow the

 parent to be from S4


 setClass(myenv, contains=environment)

 [1] myenv


 Error in new.env(parent = new(myenv)) : 'enclos' must be

 an environment

 I wonder if this is a planed behavior.

 The use of .xData slot obviously works:


 environment: 063bb9e8

 __ mailing list
 __ mailing list
 __ mailing list

Re: [Rd] new.env does not recognize parents from subclassesof environment

2010-10-23 Thread Martin Maechler
On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 18:23, Peter Dalgaard wrote:
 On 10/23/2010 05:27 PM, Uwe Ligges wrote:

 On 23.10.2010 17:25, Martin Maechler wrote:
 2010/10/23 Uwe

 On 23.10.2010 17:08, Uwe Ligges wrote:

 Looks like those ETH pages were nnot updated after the R-2.12.0 release
 (they do not show current R-tached / R-devel), hence CCing Martin

 ... which I actually do now...

 Hmm, but why?
 The daily snapshot page *does* show the current R-patched and R-devel
 tar balls ?

 Or what were you talking about ?

 We are talking about the

Thank you Uwe.   The other e-mail cited John mentioning the ./Software/ page.
Indeed those are outdated.

and for about 6 weeks.
The reason has been  ssh host keys changed, disabling a cron job to
run the updates...

I hope this will be ok, within a couple of hours.

 page. R-devel NEWS show R-2.12.0, just as on example.


 You need to get NEWS from $BUILDDIR these days. Anything left in $SRCDIR
 is probably a relic.

Yes, of course, but that has not been the problem here.

Thank you Peter (and Uwe)

 Peter Dalgaard
 Center for Statistics, Copenhagen Business School
 Phone: (+45)38153501
 Email:  Priv:

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] Documentation of option 'help.ports' not in help(options)

2010-11-05 Thread Martin Maechler
 Henrik Bengtsson
 on Wed, 27 Oct 2010 12:54:15 -0700 writes:

 the option 'help.ports' is not document under help(options).  Should
yes, for completeness' sake; I've added it besides the other
help.foobar options.

 It is documented under help(startDynamicHelp, package=tools).

 This is for for R v2.13.0dev and Rv2.12.0.

Thank you, Henrik, for the notice.

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] S4 package warning

2010-11-12 Thread Martin Maechler
 Robin Hankin
 on Wed, 10 Nov 2010 09:53:30 + writes:

 Hello everyone.  R-2.12.0, suse linux 11.3.
 I am debugging a package that uses S4 methods
 and R CMD check gives the following warning:

 Warning in methods::findMethods(g, env) :
 non-generic function 'mdm' given to findMethods()
 See the information on DESCRIPTION files in the chapter 'Creating R
 packages' of the 'Writing R Extensions' manual.

 I don't see anything obvious in that part of the R-exts but
 FWIW, here is my DESCRIPTION file:

 Package: multivator
 Type: Package
 Title: A multivariate emulator
 Version: 1.0-1
 Depends: R(= 2.10.0), emulator, methods, utils
 Date: 2009-10-27
 Author: Robin K. S. Hankin
 Description: A multivariate generalization of the emulator package
 License: GPL-2
 LazyLoad: yes

 I think that the lines in question in my package are:

 setClass(mdm, # mdm == multivariate design matrix
 representation = representation(
 xold  = matrix,
 types = factor
 setMethod(mdm,signature(matrix,factor),function(xold, types){
 new(mdm, xold=xold, types=types)
 } )

 which appear to execute without warning on a virgin console.  In the
 package, there are three
 or four other S4 classes which are on the same footing as the mdm class,
 but do not appear to generate a warning from R CMD check.
 The same happens AFAICS on R-2.13, 53543

 Can anyone advise on how to deal with the warning?

It is probably simply the *order* of your R/*.R files which matters:
The setGeneric() has to come before all its setMethod()s.

A maintenance-intensive solution to the problem is to use a
'Collate:' field in your DESCRIPTION.
A much simpler approach is what we've done in the Matrix
package: use  R/AllClasses.R   and  R/AllGenerics.R
to put all setClass(.) and all setGeneric(.) calls,
(and ensure not to use other file names that collate *before*
 'All*' in some locales).


 thank you


 Robin K. S. Hankin
 Uncertainty Analyst
 University of Cambridge
 19 Silver Street
 Cambridge CB3 9EP

 __ mailing list

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] package matrix dummy.cpp

2010-11-29 Thread Martin Maechler
 Prof Brian Ripley
 on Sun, 28 Nov 2010 16:00:53 + (GMT) writes:

 It is Matrix, not matrix   

 I too have corresponded with them about this.  It seems to
 be a legacy from when the package contained C++ code, and
 can now be deleted.

yes.  Though, as Brian mentions below it's strange that you
can't compile the package (how?) with the file present.
I'd guess that this would mean you cannot (easily) install any
CRAN packages that use C++ ?
I think this will preclude you from using very fine R extensions!

 On Sun, 28 Nov 2010, Ambrus Kaposi wrote:

 The recommended package matrix contains an empty file
 src/dummy.cpp which results in using g++ instead of gcc
 to link  What is the reason for that? Is there
 any difference between using g++ or gcc? (There are no
 other cpp files in the source) I asked the maintainers of
 the package ( 3 weeks ago
 but haven't received any answer.  

I apologize for that. Both Professor Doug Bates and I have been
overloaded, and so this has slipped.

 On my system (NixOS
 Linux distribution, I can't compile
 package Matrix unless this file is deleted.

 Most likely you have not installed the C++ compiler (which
 is usually g++ on Linux) -- but you shouldn't need to in
 order to install R.

Indeed, currently a C++ compiler for compiling/linking the R
sources should not be needed just because of dummy.cpp in
Matrix; and hence I've removed it for the next version of Matrix.
However, as said above, I strongly believe your OS / R setup
should be amended in such a way that you can also easily install
packages with C++ code.

Best regards,
Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich

 Thank you very much, Ambrus Kaposi

__ mailing list

[Rd] RFC: sapply() limitation from vector to matrix, but not further

2010-12-01 Thread Martin Maechler
sapply() stems from S / S+ times and hence has a long tradition.
In spite of that I think that it should be enhanced...

As the subject mentions, sapply() produces a matrix in cases
where the list components of the lapply(.) results are of the
same length (and ...).
However, it unfortunately stops there.
E.g., if you *nest* two sapply() calls where the inner one
produces a matrix, very often the logical behavior would be for
the outer sapply() to stack these matrices into an array of 
rank 3 [array rank(x) := length(dim(x))].
However it does not do that, e.g., an artifical example

p0 - function(...) paste(..., sep=)
myF - function(x,y) {
stopifnot(length(x) = 3)
x - rep(x, length.out=3)
ny - length(y)
r - outer(x,y)
dimnames(r) - list(p0(r,1:3), p0(C, seq_len(ny)))


 (v - structure(10*(5:8), names=LETTERS[1:4]))
 A  B  C  D 
50 60 70 80 

if we let sapply() not simplify, we see the list of same size
matrices it produes:

 sapply(v, myF, y = 2*(1:5), simplify=FALSE)
C1  C2  C3  C4  C5
r1 100 200 300 400 500
r2 100 200 300 400 500
r3 100 200 300 400 500

C1  C2  C3  C4  C5
r1 120 240 360 480 600
r2 120 240 360 480 600
r3 120 240 360 480 600

C1  C2  C3  C4  C5
r1 140 280 420 560 700
r2 140 280 420 560 700
r3 140 280 420 560 700

C1  C2  C3  C4  C5
r1 160 320 480 640 800
r2 160 320 480 640 800
r3 160 320 480 640 800

However, quite deceptively

 sapply(v, myF, y = 2*(1:5))
A   B   C   D
 [1,] 100 120 140 160
 [2,] 100 120 140 160
 [3,] 100 120 140 160
 [4,] 200 240 280 320
 [5,] 200 240 280 320
 [6,] 200 240 280 320
 [7,] 300 360 420 480
 [8,] 300 360 420 480
 [9,] 300 360 420 480
[10,] 400 480 560 640
[11,] 400 480 560 640
[12,] 400 480 560 640
[13,] 500 600 700 800
[14,] 500 600 700 800
[15,] 500 600 700 800

My proposal -- implemented and make check tested --
is to add an optional argument  'ARRAY'
which allows

 sapply(v, myF, y = 2*(1:5), ARRAY=TRUE)
, , A

C1  C2  C3  C4  C5
r1 100 200 300 400 500
r2 100 200 300 400 500
r3 100 200 300 400 500

, , B

C1  C2  C3  C4  C5
r1 120 240 360 480 600
r2 120 240 360 480 600
r3 120 240 360 480 600

, , C

C1  C2  C3  C4  C5
r1 140 280 420 560 700
r2 140 280 420 560 700
r3 140 280 420 560 700

, , D

C1  C2  C3  C4  C5
r1 160 320 480 640 800
r2 160 320 480 640 800
r3 160 320 480 640 800


In the best of all worlds, the default would be 'ARRAY = TRUE',
but of course, given the long-standing different behavior,
it seem much too risky, and my proposal includes remaining
back-compatible with default ARRAY = FALSE.

Martin Maechler,
ETH Zurich

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] [Rcpp-devel] GPL and R Community Policies (Rcpp)

2010-12-02 Thread Martin Maechler
 Dominick Samperi
 on Thu, 2 Dec 2010 03:27:58 -0500 writes:

 On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 2:51 AM, Gavin Simpson
 On Wed, 2010-12-01 at 20:24 -0500, Dominick Samperi wrote:
 snip /
   Just to be clear I have never used the package and am not truly
   commenting on this particular case but only the general ideas in this
   thread.  Also I was not suggesting that the comments in the code were
   purposefully misleading, only that they might be misleading since 
   could be interpreted in terms of contribution even though they are
   stated in terms of lines of code.  The author of the phrase may very
   well have felt that the current team had done a lot of work to add
   design ideas and develop and promote the software but perhaps the
   unfortunate way in how it was expressed in that phrase that came out
   as a seeming comment on the original creator's contribution rather
   than the intended comment on their own, presumably also significant,
  There is no reason given why this
  should happen now, at this moment, and no explanation why
  the same standard should not be applied to other package authors,
  including other authors of Rcpp.
 You feel you are the aggrieved party so of course you will find
 conspiracy in the timing. An equally plausible explanation is that the
 current set of developers on Rcpp intended to alter the contributions,
 to better reflect the current state of the package, some time ago but it
 slipped through the cracks.

 While we are in the housecleaning mood, perhaps the contributions
 can be reflected even better by removing all references to my name
 as I have suggested.

 You are predisposed to see the bad where non may exist. But also, you
 should be discussing this in private with the package developers.
 There is nothing in this thread of relevance to R-devel (other than to
 publicly refute your claims so as to balance the record should someone
 come across this in the archives) as this has nothing to do with
 developing R. There is no-one here who can speak for the R Community,
 because such a thing is not a concrete entity - you will just get the
 opinions of individuals. It is to the credit of this list (R-Devel) that
 this has not descended into a vitriolic stream of claim and counter
 As for your claims about R Core, Doug has succinctly and clearly
 addressed your claims in that regard, regardless what you may personally
 believe. Rcpp is *not* an official product of the R Foundation, and
 neither is it part of the R distribution.
 Can we please take this elsewhere?

Yes, please.
I think Dominick has received several suggestions and has got a few
views from a tiny but not insignificant fraction of the R
-- Thanks to all contributors
and that should be *it*.

Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich
(Administrator of the R-devel mailing list)

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] 0.5 != integrate(dnorm,0,20000) = 0

2010-12-07 Thread Martin Maechler
 Prof Brian Ripley
 on Tue, 7 Dec 2010 07:41:16 + (GMT) writes:

 On Mon, 6 Dec 2010, Spencer Graves wrote:
 The example integrate(dnorm,0,2) says it fails on many systems. 
 I just got 0 from it, when I should have gotten either an error or 
 close to 0.5.  I got this with R 2.12.0 under both Windows Vista_x64 and 
 Linux (Fedora 13);  see the results from Windows below.  I thought you 
 want to know.

 Well, isn't that exactly what the help page says happens?  That 
 example is part of a section entitled

 ## integrate can fail if misused

 and is part of the illustration of

 If the function is
 approximately constant (in particular, zero) over nearly all its
 range it is possible that the result and error estimate may be
 seriously wrong.

yes, of course, 
and the issue has been known for ``ages''  ..
but it seems that too many useRs are not reading the help
page carefully, but only browse it quickly.
I think we (R developers) have to live with this fact
and should consider adapting to it a bit more, particularly in
this case (see below)

 Thanks for all your work in creating and maintaining R.
 Best Wishes,
 Spencer Graves

 integrate(dnorm,0,2) ## fails on many systems

 0 with absolute error  0

and this is particularly unsatisfactory for another reason:

absolute error  0   
is *always* incorrect, so I think we should change *some*thing.

We could just use = (and probably should in any case, or  
 ~= x which would convey ``is less than about x'' which I
think is all we can say),
but could consider giving a different message when the integral
evaluates to 0 or, rather actually,
only when the error bound ('abs.error') is 0 *and* 'subdivisions == 1'
as the latter indicates that the algorithm treated the integrand
f(.) as if f() was a linear function.

But in my quick experiments, even for linear (incl. constant)
functions, the 'abs.error' returned is never 0.

If we want to be cautious,
such a warning could be made explicitly suppressable by an argument
  .warn.if.doubtful = TRUE

An additional possibility I'd like to try, is a new argument
   'min.subdivisions = 3' which specifies the *minimal* number
of subdivisions to be used in addition to the already present
   'subdivisions = 100' (= the maximum number of subintervals.)

Martin Maechler,
ETH Zurich

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] minor problem in strsplit help file

2010-12-27 Thread Martin Maechler
 PatB == Patrick Burns
 on Fri, 24 Dec 2010 10:27:23 + writes:

PatB The 'extended' argument to 'strsplit' has been
PatB removed, but it is still mentioned in the argument
PatB items in the help file for 'fixed' and 'perl'.

Indeed; thank you Pat!
I've committed a fix.


PatB -- Patrick Burns twitter:
PatB @portfolioprobe
PatB (home of 'Some hints for the
PatB R beginner' and 'The R Inferno')

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] RFC: sapply() limitation from vector to matrix, but not further

2010-12-27 Thread Martin Maechler
Finally finding time to come back to this.
Remember that I've started the thread by proposing a version of sapply()
which does not just stop with making a matrix() from the lapply() result, but
instead --- only when the new argument ARRAY = TRUE is set ---
may return an array() of any (appropriate) order, in those cases where
the lapply() result elements all return an array of the same dim().

On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 19:51, Hadley Wickham wrote:
 A downside of that approach is that lapply(X,...) can
 cause a lot of unneeded memory to be allocated (length(X)
 SEXP's).  Those SEXP's would be tossed out by simplify() but
 the peak memory usage would remain high.  sapply() can
 be written to avoid the intermediate list structure.

 But the upside is reusable code that can be used in multiple places -
 what about the simplification code used by mapply and tapply? Why are
 there three different implementations of simplification?


I have now looked into using a version of what Hadley had proposed.
Note (to Bill's point) that the current implementation of sapply()
does go via lapply() and
that we have  vapply()  as a faster version of sapply()  with less
copying (hopefully).

Very unfortunately, vapply() .. which was only created 13 months ago,
has inherited the ``illogical''  behavior of  sapply()
in that it does not make up higher rank arrays if the single element
is already a matrix (say).
Consequently, we also need a patch to vapply(),
and I do wonder if we should not make ARRAY=TRUE the default there,
since with vapply() you specify a result value, and if you specify a
matrix, the total result should stack these matrices into an array of
rank 3, etc.
Looking at it, the patch is not so much work... notably if we don't
use a new argument but really let  FUN.VALUE determine what the result
should look like.

More comments are stil welcome...

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] RFC: sapply() limitation from vector to matrix, but not further

2010-12-28 Thread Martin Maechler
 Gabor Grothendieck
 on Mon, 27 Dec 2010 17:06:25 -0500 writes:

 On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 3:39 AM, Martin Maechler wrote:
 My proposal -- implemented and make check tested -- is
 to add an optional argument  'ARRAY' which allows
 sapply(v, myF, y = 2*(1:5), ARRAY=TRUE)

 It would reduce the proliferation of arguments if the
 simplify= argument were extended to allow this,
 e.g. simplify = array or perhaps simplify = n would
 allow a maximum of n dimensions.

That's a good idea, though it makes the
implementation/documentation very slightly more complicated.

I'm interested to get more feedback on my other questions,
notably the only about *changing*  vapply() (on the C-level) to
behave logical in the sense of adding one  dim(.)ension in
those cases, the FUN.VALUE (result prototype) has a dim().


__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] RFC: sapply() limitation from vector to matrix, but not further

2010-12-28 Thread Martin Maechler
On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 19:14, Tony Plate wrote:
 The abind() function from the abind package is an alternative here -- it can
 take a list argument, which makes it easy to use with the result of
 lapply().  It's also able take direction about which dimension to join on.

 x - list(a=1,b=2,c=3)
 f - function(v) matrix(v, nrow=2, ncol=4)
 sapply(x, f)
     a b c
 [1,] 1 2 3
 [2,] 1 2 3
 [3,] 1 2 3
 [4,] 1 2 3
 [5,] 1 2 3
 [6,] 1 2 3
 [7,] 1 2 3
 [8,] 1 2 3

 # The 'along=' argument to abind() determines on which dimension
 # the list elements are joined.  Use a fractional value to put the new
 # dimension between existing ones.

 dim(abind(lapply(x, f), along=0))
 [1] 3 2 4
 dim(abind(lapply(x, f), along=1.5))
 [1] 2 3 4
 dim(abind(lapply(x, f), along=3))
 [1] 2 4 3
 abind(lapply(x, f), along=3)
 , , a

     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
 [1,]    1    1    1    1
 [2,]    1    1    1    1

 , , b

     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
 [1,]    2    2    2    2
 [2,]    2    2    2    2

 , , c

     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
 [1,]    3    3    3    3
 [2,]    3    3    3    3

Thank you, Tony.
Indeed, yes,  abind() is nice here (and in the good ol' APL spirit !)

Wanting to keep things both simple *and* fast here, of course,
hence I currently contemplate the following code,
where the new  simplify2array()  is  considerably simpler than  abind():

##' Simplify a list of commonly structured components into an array.
##' @title simplify list() to an array if the list elements are
structurally equal
##' @param x a list, typically resulting from lapply()
##' @param higher logical indicating if an array() of higher rank
##'  should be returned when appropriate, namely when all elements of
##' \code{x} have the same \code{\link{dim}()}ension.
##' @return x itself, or an array if the simplification is sensible
simplify2array - function(x, higher = TRUE)
if(length(common.len - unique(unlist(lapply(x, length  1L)
if(common.len == 1L)
unlist(x, recursive = FALSE)
else if(common.len  1L) {
n - length(x)
## make sure that array(*) will not call rep() {e.g. for 'call's}:
r - as.vector(unlist(x, recursive = FALSE))
if(higher  length(c.dim - unique(lapply(x, dim))) == 1 
   is.numeric(c.dim - c.dim[[1L]]) 
   prod(d - c(c.dim, n)) == length(r)) {

iN1 - is.null(n1 - dimnames(x[[1L]]))
n2 - names(x)
dnam -
if(!(iN1  is.null(n2)))
c(if(iN1), length(c.dim)) else n1,
  list(n2)) ## else NULL
array(r, dim = d, dimnames = dnam)

} else if(prod(d - c(common.len, n)) == length(r))
array(r, dim = d,
  dimnames= if(!(is.null(n1 - names(x[[1L]])) 
  is.null(n2 - names(x list(n1,n2))
else x
else x

sapply - function(X, FUN, ..., simplify = TRUE, USE.NAMES = TRUE)
answer - lapply(X, FUN, ...)
if(USE.NAMES  is.character(X)  is.null(names(answer)))
names(answer) - X
if(!identical(simplify, FALSE)  length(answer))
simplify2array(answer, higher = (simplify == array))
else answer

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] aperm() should retain class of input object

2010-12-29 Thread Martin Maechler
 Michael Friendly
 on Wed, 29 Dec 2010 08:33:07 -0500 writes:

 On 12/28/2010 9:43 AM, Tim Hesterberg wrote:
 Having aperm() return an object of the same class is dangerous, there
 are undoubtedly classes for which that is not appropriate, producing an
 illegal object for that class or quietly giving incorrect results.
 OK.  I can see that my initial proposal would be dangerous for xtabs 
 objects without further
 modifications and that it is unwise to change default behavior in base 
 functions without
 very strong reasons.

 Three alternatives are to:
 * add the keep.class option but with default FALSE
 This first option is the minimally invasive corrective surgery.
 This would put the burden on the user (or package writer), but at least 
 make it known
 that keep.class=TRUE is an option.  This version is

 ## add keep.class, non-generic
 aperm - function (a, perm, resize = TRUE, keep.class=FALSE)
 if (missing(perm))
 perm - integer(0L)
 result - .Internal(aperm(a, perm, resize))
 if(keep.class) class(result) - class(a)

 * make aperm a generic function
 - without a keep.class argument
 - with a ... argument
 - methods for classes like table could have keep.class = TRUE
 This would be much better, as long as an aperm.table method was added to 
 base, to complement table() itself,
 and gives the desired behavior for table objects by default.
 This version seems to be:

 ## make generic, with ...
 aperm - function(a, ...)
 UseMethod(aperm, ...)

use  UseMethod(aperm)

instead and then all is fine

 aperm.default - function (a, perm, resize = TRUE, ...)
 if (missing(perm))
 perm - integer(0L)
 .Internal(aperm(a, perm, resize))

 aperm.table - function(a, perm, resize=TRUE, keep.class=TRUE, ...)
 result - aperm.default(a, perm, resize=resize)
 if(keep.class) class(result) - class(a)

 But it throws an error, maybe because I haven't redefined aperm as a 

 UCB - aperm(UCBAdmissions, c(2,1,3))
 Error in aperm(UCBAdmissions, c(2, 1, 3)) :
 '...' used in an incorrect context

.. well,  because you've used extraneous ... in the S3 generic
definition (see above).

I'm really sympathetic with your proposal and would indeed
implement it (for R-devel aka R 2.13.0 to be)
unless someone has good arguments for something else.
{{well, my version *would* keep the  'perm = NULL' default for
  both default and table methods.}}

Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich

 The .table method does work as desired:

 UCB - aperm.table(UCBAdmissions, c(2,1,3))
 table [1:2, 1:2, 1:6] 512 89 313 19 353 17 207 8 120 202 ...
 - attr(*, dimnames)=List of 3
 ..$ Gender: chr [1:2] Male Female
 ..$ Admit : chr [1:2] Admitted Rejected
 ..$ Dept  : chr [1:6] A B C D ...

 * make aperm a generic function
 - without a keep.class argument
 - with a ... argument
 - default method have keep.class = TRUE
 The third option would give the proposed behavior by default, but
 allow a way out for classes where the behavior is wrong.  This puts
 the burden on a class author to realize the potential problem with
 aperm, so my preference is one of the first two options.
 aperm() was designed for multidimensional arrays, but is also useful for
 table objects, particularly
 with the lattice, vcd and vcdExtra packages.  But aperm() was designed
 and implemented before other
 related object classes were conceived, and I propose a small tune-up to
 make it more generally useful.
 The problem is that  aperm() always returns an object of class 'array',
 which causes problems for methods
 designed for table objects. It also requires some package writers to
 implement both .array and .table
 methods for the same functionality, usually one in terms of the other.
 Some examples of unexpected, and initially perplexing results (when only
 methods for one class are implemented)
 are shown below.
 pairs(UCBAdmissions, shade=TRUE)
 UCB- aperm(UCBAdmissions, c(2, 1, 3))
 # UCB is now an array, not a table
 pairs(UCB, shade=TRUE)
 There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)
 # fix it, to get pairs.table
 class(UCB)- table
 pairs(UCB, shade=TRUE)
 Of course, I can define a new function, tperm() that does what I think
 should be the expected behavior:
 # aperm, for table objects
 tperm- function(a, perm, resize = TRUE) {
 result- aperm(a, per, resize)
 class(result)- class(a)
 But I think it is more natural to include this functionality in aperm()
 itself.  Thus, I propose

Re: [Rd] RFC: sapply() limitation from vector to matrix, but not further

2011-01-03 Thread Martin Maechler
 Martin Maechler
 on Tue, 28 Dec 2010 20:06:07 +0100 writes:

 On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 19:14, Tony Plate
 The abind() function from the abind package is an
 alternative here -- it can take a list argument, which
 makes it easy to use with the result of lapply().  It's
 also able take direction about which dimension to join
 x - list(a=1,b=2,c=3) f - function(v) matrix(v,
 nrow=2, ncol=4) sapply(x, f)
     a b c [1,] 1 2 3 [2,] 1 2 3 [3,] 1 2 3 [4,] 1 2 3
 [5,] 1 2 3 [6,] 1 2 3 [7,] 1 2 3 [8,] 1 2 3
 # The 'along=' argument to abind() determines on which
 dimension # the list elements are joined.  Use a
 fractional value to put the new # dimension between
 existing ones.
 dim(abind(lapply(x, f), along=0))
 [1] 3 2 4
 dim(abind(lapply(x, f), along=1.5))
 [1] 2 3 4
 dim(abind(lapply(x, f), along=3))
 [1] 2 4 3
 abind(lapply(x, f), along=3)
 , , a
     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [1,]    1    1    1    1 [2,]  
  1    1    1    1
 , , b
     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [1,]    2    2    2    2 [2,]  
  2    2    2    2
 , , c
     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [1,]    3    3    3    3 [2,]  
  3    3    3    3

 Thank you, Tony.
 Indeed, yes, abind() is nice here (and in the good ol' APL
 spirit !)

 Wanting to keep things both simple *and* fast here, of
 course, hence I currently contemplate the following code,
 where the new simplify2array() is considerably simpler
 than abind():

 ##' Simplify a list of commonly structured components into an array.
 ##' @title simplify list() to an array if the list elements are 
 structurally equal
 ##' @param x a list, typically resulting from lapply()
 ##' @param higher logical indicating if an array() of higher rank
 ##'  should be returned when appropriate, namely when all elements of
 ##' \code{x} have the same \code{\link{dim}()}ension.
 ##' @return x itself, or an array if the simplification is sensible
 simplify2array - function(x, higher = TRUE)
   if(length(common.len - unique(unlist(lapply(x, length  1L)
   if(common.len == 1L)
   unlist(x, recursive = FALSE)
   else if(common.len  1L) {
   n - length(x)
   ## make sure that array(*) will not call rep() {e.g. for 'call's}:
   r - as.vector(unlist(x, recursive = FALSE))
   if(higher  length(c.dim - unique(lapply(x, dim))) == 1 
  is.numeric(c.dim - c.dim[[1L]]) 
  prod(d - c(c.dim, n)) == length(r)) {

   iN1 - is.null(n1 - dimnames(x[[1L]]))
   n2 - names(x)
   dnam -
   if(!(iN1  is.null(n2)))
   c(if(iN1), length(c.dim)) else n1,
 list(n2)) ## else NULL
   array(r, dim = d, dimnames = dnam)

   } else if(prod(d - c(common.len, n)) == length(r))
   array(r, dim = d,
 dimnames= if(!(is.null(n1 - names(x[[1L]])) 
 is.null(n2 - names(x list(n1,n2))
   else x
   else x

 sapply - function(X, FUN, ..., simplify = TRUE, USE.NAMES = TRUE)
   FUN -
   answer - lapply(X, FUN, ...)
   if(USE.NAMES  is.character(X)  is.null(names(answer)))
   names(answer) - X
   if(!identical(simplify, FALSE)  length(answer))
   simplify2array(answer, higher = (simplify == array))
   else answer

As some may have noted, the above has been committed to R-devel
   (r53886 | maechler | 2010-12-29 10:36:01 +0100)

with the extra
NOTE: vapply() and replicate() doing that *by default*
which means that I've deared to let vapply() and replicate()
behave logically (in the above sense) by default, i.e.
*not* back compatibly.

If you want to remain bug-compatible (:-),
for replicate() you can explicitly ask for  'simplify=TRUE'
instead of the new default simplify=array.
For vapply(), the extra work of implementing such a back/bug
compatibility option did not seem worth; in particular, as
vapply() is very new and not used in many places (on CRAN)

The new replicate() default behavior has lead to two CRAN
packages ('emoa', 'plsRglm' whose authors I'll address privately)
to fail 'R CMD check'; inspection however shows that in both cases, 

1) the check failure is from examples / test functions

2) the usage there being

t(replicate(N, foobar()))

where foobar() returns a 1D array instead of a vector, so one
way to fix the problem would be to change the above to

t(replicate(N, t(foobar(

So, in summary, the changed behavior of replicate() seems indeed

Re: [Rd] Minimum of an ordered factor

2011-01-05 Thread Martin Maechler
 Thaler, Thorn, LAUSANNE, Applied Mathematics
 on Wed, 5 Jan 2011 11:20:47 +0100 writes:

 Hi everybody, Is there a particular reason, why this code
 does not work as intended:

 z - factor(LETTERS[1:3], ordered = TRUE)
 u - 4:6
 min(z[u  4])

 Error in Summary.factor(2:3, na.rm = FALSE) :
   min not meaningful for factors

 I agree that min is indeed not meaningful for not ordered
 factors, but it makes sense for ordered
 factors. Especially since

 z[3]  z[2]

 _ARE_ defined and work as expected. 

I agree that it is natural then, to expect  min(), max() and
range() to work as well.

 Of course I can do something like


 but this does not enhance readability of my code. Thus, I
 overloaded Summary.ordered as follows:


 Summary.ordered - function(..., na.rm) {

   ok - switch(.Generic, max = , min = , range = TRUE,

   if (!ok) {

 warning(sprintf('%s' is not meaningful for ordered
 factors, .Generic))



   args - list(...)

   level.list - lapply(args, levels)

   level.set - Reduce(union, level.list)

   if (!all(sapply(args, is.ordered)) ||
 !all(sapply(level.list, identical, y = level.set))) {

 stop(sprintf('%s' is only meaningful for ordered
 factors if all arguments are ordered factors with the same
 level sets,




   codes - lapply(args, as.integer)

   ind -, c(codes, na.rm = na.rm))


   factor(level.set[ind], levels = level.set, ordered =


(the above is now even more garbled than it was already by your
 use of HTML-ified e-mail ..)

But your code is fine, even nice, in most parts,
and I will add (most of) it (and some documentation) to R-devel
unless we get contradicting comments :

 Any comments appreciated.

Thank you, Thorn!

With regards,
Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] Minimum of an ordered factor

2011-01-07 Thread Martin Maechler
 TTLAM == Thaler, Thorn, LAUSANNE, Applied Mathematics
 on Thu, 6 Jan 2011 15:37:01 +0100 writes:

TTLAM Kurt Hornik writes
  if (!all(sapply(args, is.ordered)) ||
  !all(sapply(level.list, identical, y = level.set))) {
 I think it would be better to use something like
 ll - lapply(args, levels)
 !all(sapply(ll, identical, ll[[1L]]))
 [using union() is not quite right]

TTLAM Yes definitely. This line is in fact just a relic from a previous 
idea I
TTLAM had.
I have now committed the amended proposal (rev 53925);
thank you for the feedbacks..

 The general comment is that if we support this I don't see why we
 not also support c.ordered (and in fact also c.factor) with the same
 restrictions (identical level sequences for ordered and level sets for
 factors).  We already have Ops.factor and Ops.ordered using the same
 principle afaic.

Yes, I think, too.

 If we add c.ordered, we should be able to encapsulate the identity of
 levels testing into this, and simply use
 x - c(...)
 and then call .Generic on the codes of x etc.

TTLAM Sounds reasonable. Ack.

Yes, adding c.factor() and c.ordered() seems reasonable in
However, S and R now have a more than 20 year old history of
silently coercing factors to there integer codes with c(),
that I'm not yet sure we can do this without breaking too much
code [[and I am pretty sure this topic has been discusses before]].

I think we should start discussing the issue in a new thread
with proper Subject explicitly mention c() or c.factor/c.ordered.


TTLAM mailing list

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] Minimum of an ordered factor

2011-01-07 Thread Martin Maechler
 Thaler,Thorn,LAUSANNE,Applied Mathematics
 on Fri, 7 Jan 2011 13:35:16 +0100 writes:

 Martin Maechler writes
 I have now committed the amended proposal (rev 53925);
 thank you for the feedbacks..

 I had a look at it and there is a typo:

 stop(gettextf('%s' not defined for \difftime\ objects, .Generic),
 domain = NA)

 should rather be

 stop(gettextf('%s' not defined for ordered factors, .Generic), domain
TM = NA)

aah.. blushshsh !  (and thanks).

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] plotmath indices: suggested addition to help file

2011-01-21 Thread Martin Maechler
Thank you, Claudia,

 CB == Claudia Beleites
 on Thu, 20 Jan 2011 14:05:41 +0100 writes:

CB Dear all, I just stumbled over the fact that subsetting
CB by square bracket will only output the first given
CB index. I guess the rest is thrown away by the CADDR in
CB RenderSub (plotmath.c l. 1399).  Maybe changing this
CB could be considered as low-priority desired (would be
CB nice if the output works for ?

I agree this is a  ``missing feature'' and well worth wish list item.

CB However, I suggest to announce the fact that only the
CB first parameter is printed in plotmath.Rd.

CB E.g. in the table l. 72
CB  \code{x[i]} \tab x subscript i;  escape further indices (\code{x [i, 

How would get the equivalent of  LaTeX  x_{i_1, j_2}  ?
Not by making it a string (that's not  escape, I'd say),
but by something like

plot(0, axes=FALSE, main= expression(paste(x[i[1]],{}[j[2]])))

which works +-  
but of course is unnecessarily ugly, compared to the desired

plot(0, axes=FALSE, main= expression(  x[i[1], j[2]]))


CB Claudia

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] plotmath indices: suggested addition to help file

2011-01-21 Thread Martin Maechler
 PE == Peter Ehlers
 on Fri, 21 Jan 2011 06:17:20 -0800 writes:

PE On 2011-01-21 02:27, Martin Maechler wrote:
 Thank you, Claudia,
 CB == Claudia on Thu,
 20 Jan 2011 14:05:41 +0100 writes:
CB Dear all, I just stumbled over the fact that subsetting
CB by square bracket will only output the first given
CB index. I guess the rest is thrown away by the CADDR in
CB RenderSub (plotmath.c l. 1399).  Maybe changing this
CB could be considered as low-priority desired (would be
CB nice if the output works for ?
 I agree this is a ``missing feature'' and well worth wish
 list item.
CB However, I suggest to announce the fact that only the
CB first parameter is printed in plotmath.Rd.
CB E.g. in the table l. 72 \code{x[i]} \tab x subscript i;
CB escape further indices (\code{x [i, j]})\cr
 How would get the equivalent of LaTeX x_{i_1, j_2} ?  Not
 by making it a string (that's not escape, I'd say), but
 by something like
 plot(0, axes=FALSE, main=
 which works +- but of course is unnecessarily ugly,
 compared to the desired
 plot(0, axes=FALSE, main= expression( x[i[1], j[2]]))

PE I don't know if I've ever disagreed with Martin's advice but,

PE unless I'm missing something, Claudia wants something
PE done about the second index in x[i, j] while Martin is
PE talking about the case of cascading subscripts in
PE 'x_sub_i_sub_1' (as shown in his LaTeX expression).

Well, that was a misunderstanding.
I've use cascaded subscripts as an example of subscripts that
are themselves expressions, and so using a string,
as Claudia's suggestion (on R-devel!) was, is not enough.

Only afterwards, I saw the related thread on R-help,
which included the proposals you give here

PE Both situations are nicely handled with the 'list()' and '[]'
PE constructs in plotmath:

PE plot(0, axes=FALSE, main= expression( x[ list( i[1], j[2] ) ] ) )

PE To handle Claudia's wish, it might be desirable to have plotmath.c
PE automatically recognize such cases but I would consider that to
PE be (as Claudia says) in the 'nice if' category. Claudia's suggestion
PE for the help page could be handled by adding another example. Then
PE again, plotmath (not surprisingly) is like LaTeX in that, the more
PE you use it, the more you become familiar with the special constructs
PE needed to get the output you want. I still find myself scurrying to
PE ?plotmath and scanning the Syntax/Meaning table quite frequently.

Indeed, the following code snippet shows what I deem a summary
of the proposals seen.

Txt - function(y, exp) {
y - y/16 # to allow integer arguments on input
x0 - par(xaxp)[1]
text(y, exp, adj = 0, cex = 5)
text(y, deparse(substitute(exp)), adj = 1.1, cex=1.2)
plot(0, axes=FALSE,ann=FALSE, asp=1, type=n)
## These show no , between the two indices:
Txt( 0, expression(x[paste(i[1],j[2])]))
Txt( 2, expression(x[i[1]][j[2]])) ## -- clearly nicest
## This one does .. that's what Claudia wanted:
Txt(-3, expression(x[list(i[1],j[2])]))
## and this one uses extra space
Txt(-5, expression(x[list(~i[1],j[2])]))
g - seq(-1.6,1, .2)/4; abline(v=g+1, h=g, col=adjustcolor(1, .2))

Notably the distinction between (LaTeX)   
   x_{i,j}  or  x_{i_1, j_2}
   x_{ij}   or   x_{i_1 i_2}

is something that the useR will want to be able to specify with
plotmath as well.
So Claudia's (and my) wish that   x[i,j]  (or x[i[1], j[2]] )
also work automatically in R's plotmath
would still have to say if we want the version with , or


PE Peter Ehlers

CB Claudia

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] help with S4 objects: trying to use a link-glm as a class in an object definition

2011-01-29 Thread Martin Maechler
 Paul Bailey
 on Thu, 27 Jan 2011 23:51:21 -0500 writes:

 Hi, I'm trying to make a new S4 object with a slot for a
 link-glm object. R doesn't like me have a slot of class

 [1] link-glm
 [1] a Warning message: undefined slot classes in
 definition of a: item(class link-glm)

you need a 


before the the setClass() above and then things work.

[1] a
 fa - function() { new(a,  }
 b - fa()
An object of class a
Slot item:
function (mu) 

Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich

 fa - function() {
 + new(a, + }
 Error in validObject(.Object) : invalid class a object:
 undefined class for slot item (link-glm)

 # and a link-glm looks like a list to me, so I thought I
 would tell R it is a list and see what happens

 [1] b
 fb - function() {
 + new(b, + }
 Error in validObject(.Object) : invalid class b object:
 invalid object for slot item in class b: got class
 link-glm, should be or extend class list

 Any advice?

 Regards, Paul Bailey Ph.D. candidate Department of
 Economics University of Maryland

 ## raw code #
 setClass(a,representation(item=link-glm)) fa -
 function() { new(a, } fa()
 setClass(b,representation(item=list)) fb - function()
 { new(b, } fb()
 __ mailing list

__ mailing list

[Rd] patch dendrogram.R from stats [was: Re: dendrogram plot does not draw long labels ?]

2011-01-29 Thread Martin Maechler
 Tobias Verbeke
 on Tue, 25 Jan 2011 21:27:41 +0100 writes:

 Please find below a patch for dendrogram.R (stats package)
 against revision r54107 which allows one to pass the xpd
 parameter as a component of the nodePar list (to be
 passed to plot.dendrogram).

 I hope I did not overlook anything.

Thank you, Tobias.

Note BTW, that on Linux I don't have your problems that the
label is not drawn when it does not fit.
For me, it just is clipped (to the figure region as you note),
so chopped off but the part inside the figure box is well

I was searching a bit and did not find mentioned on ?par or
?clip that clipping happens device dependently,
but I vaguely recall to have seen it stated..

However the patch is a good idea, anyway,
and it will be in R 2.13.x..

Thanks again,
Martin Maechler


 lab.xpd - Xtract(xpd, nPar, default = c(TRUE, TRUE), i)
  text(X, Y, nodeText, xpd = TRUE, srt = srt, adj = adj,
 text(X, Y, nodeText, xpd = lab.xpd, srt = srt, adj = adj,
  text(xBot, yBot + vln, nodeText, xpd = TRUE,
 text(xBot, yBot + vln, nodeText, xpd = lab.xpd,

 On 01/25/2011 04:34 PM, Karl Forner wrote:
 Hi Tobias and thank you for your reply,
 Using your insight I managed to work-around the issue (with some help)
 by increasing
 the mai option of par().
 For example a mai with first coordinate (bottom) set to 5 allows to
 display ~ 42 letters.
 We tried to change the xpd value in the text() call that you mentioned,
 but it did not seem to fix the problem.
 But I think this is very annoying: the dendrogram plot is meant to be
 the common unique plotting for all clustering stuff
 and suddenly if your labels are just too long, nothing get displayed,
 without even a warning.
 I suppose that the margins should be dynamically set based on the max
 label text drawn length...
 The hclust plot seemed to handle very nicely these long labels, but I
 need to display colored labels and the only way I found is to use the
 plot.dendrogram for this.
 On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 12:17 PM, Tobias Verbeke wrote:
 Hi Karl,
 On 01/25/2011 11:27 AM, Karl Forner wrote:
 It seems that the plot function for dendrograms does not draw
 labels when
 they are too long.
 hc- hclust(dist(USArrests), ave)
 dend1- as.dendrogram(hc)
 dend2- cut(dend1, h=70)
 dd- dend2$lower[[1]]
 plot(dd) # first label is drawn
 attr(dd[[1]], label)- aa
 plot(dd) # first label is NOT drawn
 Is this expected ?
 Reading the code of stats:::plotNode, yes.
 Clipping to the figure region is hard-coded.
 You can see it is clipping to the figure region as follows:
 hc - hclust(dist(USArrests), ave)
 dend1 - as.dendrogram(hc)
 dend2 - cut(dend1, h=70)
 dd - dend2$lower[[1]]
 op - par(oma = c(8,4,4,2)+0.1, xpd = NA)
 plot(dd) # first label is drawn
 attr(dd[[1]], label) - abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
 plot(dd) # first label is NOT drawn
 box(which = figure)
 Is it possible to force the drawing ?
 These are (from very quick reading -- not verified)
 the culprit lines in plotNode, I think:
 text(xBot, yBot + vln, nodeText, xpd = TRUE, # - clipping hard-coded
 cex = lab.cex, col = lab.col, font = lab.font)

 __ mailing list

__ mailing list

[Rd] [.raster bug {was str() on raster objects fails ..}

2011-02-01 Thread Martin Maechler
 Henrik Bengtsson
 on Mon, 31 Jan 2011 11:16:59 -0800 writes:

 Hi, str() on raster objects fails for certain dimensions.  For

 str(as.raster(0, nrow=1, ncol=100)) 'raster' chr [1, 1:100]
 #00 #00 #00 #00 ...

 str(as.raster(0, nrow=1, ncol=101)) Error in `[.raster`(object,
 seq_len(max.len)) : subscript out of bounds

 This seems to do with how str() and [.raster() is coded; when
 subsetting as a vector, which str() relies on, [.raster()
 still returns a matrix-like object, e.g.

 img - as.raster(1:25, max=25, nrow=5, ncol=5);
 [,1]  [,2]  [,3]  [,4]  [,5]
 [1,] #0A0A0A #3D3D3D #707070 #A3A3A3 #D6D6D6
 [2,] #141414 #474747 #7A7A7A #ADADAD #E0E0E0

 compare with:

 [1] #0A0A0A #3D3D3D

 The easy but incomplete fix is to do:

 str.raster - function(object, ...) {
 str(as.matrix(object), ...);

 Other suggestions?

The informal raster class is behaving ``illogical''
in the following sense:

  r - as.raster(0, nrow=1, ncol=11)
 Error in `[.raster`(r, seq_along(r)) : subscript out of bounds

or, here equivalently,
 Error in `[.raster`(r, 1:length(r)) : subscript out of bounds

When classes do behave in such a way, they definitely need their
own str() method.

However, the bug really is in [.raster:
Currently,  r[i] is equivalent to  r[i,]  which is not at all 
matrix-like and its help clearly says that subsetting should
work as for matrices.
A recent thread on R-help/R-devel has mentioned the fact that
[ methods for matrix-like methods need to use both nargs() and
missing() and that [.dataframe has been the example to follow
forever, IIRC already in S and S-plus as of 20 years ago.

Thank you, Henrik, for the bug report.

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] [.raster bug {was str() on raster objects fails ..}

2011-02-02 Thread Martin Maechler
On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 02:16, Paul Murrell wrote:

 On 2/02/2011 2:03 p.m., Henrik Bengtsson wrote:

 On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 4:46 PM, Paul


 On 1/02/2011 9:22 p.m., Martin Maechler wrote:

     on Mon, 31 Jan 2011 11:16:59 -0800 writes:

         Hi, str() on raster objects fails for certain dimensions.  For

         str(as.raster(0, nrow=1, ncol=100)) 'raster' chr [1, 1:100]
         #00 #00 #00 #00 ...

         str(as.raster(0, nrow=1, ncol=101)) Error in
         seq_len(max.len)) : subscript out of bounds

         This seems to do with how str() and [.raster() is coded; when
         subsetting as a vector, which str() relies on, [.raster()
         still returns a matrix-like object, e.g.

         img- as.raster(1:25, max=25, nrow=5, ncol=5);
         [,1]      [,2]      [,3]      [,4]      [,5]
         [1,] #0A0A0A #3D3D3D #707070 #A3A3A3 #D6D6D6
         [2,] #141414 #474747 #7A7A7A #ADADAD #E0E0E0

         compare with:

         [1] #0A0A0A #3D3D3D

         The easy but incomplete fix is to do:

         str.raster- function(object, ...) {
         str(as.matrix(object), ...);

         Other suggestions?

 The informal raster class is behaving ``illogical''
 in the following sense:

      r- as.raster(0, nrow=1, ncol=11)
  Error in `[.raster`(r, seq_along(r)) : subscript out of bounds

 or, here equivalently,
  Error in `[.raster`(r, 1:length(r)) : subscript out of bounds

 When classes do behave in such a way, they definitely need their
 own str() method.

 However, the bug really is in [.raster:
 Currently,  r[i] is equivalent to  r[i,]  which is not at all
 matrix-like and its help clearly says that subsetting should
 work as for matrices.
 A recent thread on R-help/R-devel has mentioned the fact that
 [ methods for matrix-like methods need to use both nargs() and
 missing() and that [.dataframe has been the example to follow
 forever, IIRC already in S and S-plus as of 20 years ago.

 The main motivation for non-standard behaviour here is to make sure that
 subset of a raster object NEVER produces a vector (because the conversion
 back to a raster object then produces a single-column raster and that may
 a surprise).  Thanks for making the code more standard and robust.

 The r[i] case is still tricky.  The following behaviour is quite

 r[r == black]- white

 ... but the next behaviour is quite jarring (at least in terms of the
 image that results from it) ...

 r2- r[1:(nrow(r) + 1)]

 So I think there is some justification for further non-standardness to
 to ensure that the subset of a raster image always produces a sensible
 image.  A simple solution would be just to outlaw r[i] for raster objects
 and force the user to write r[i, ] or r[, j], depending on what they

 FYI, I've tried out Martin's updated version at it seems like a
 one-column raster matrix is now returned for r[i], e.g.

 Yes, that's what I've been looking at ...

 r- as.raster(1:8, max=8, nrow=2, ncol=4);

      [,1]      [,2]      [,3]      [,4]
 [1,] #202020 #606060 #9F9F9F #DFDFDF
 [2,] #404040 #808080 #BFBFBF #FF


 [1,] #202020
 [2,] #404040
 [3,] #606060
 [4,] #808080
 [5,] #9F9F9F
 [6,] #BFBFBF
 [7,] #DFDFDF
 [8,] #FF

 ... and the above is exactly the sort of thing that will fry your mind if
 the image that you are subsetting is, for example, a photo.


I agree.  But the  r[i]  case  (not subassignment, but subsetting) case
has been in the code, and that's why I left it .. but changed it to
behave sensibly in the sense of compatible to matrix
... and with the consequence that   r[1:length(r)] does not give an
error ... and in this sense behaves more regular.
Yet another alternative might be to only raise a warning and perhaps
return a (character) vector as that is very compatible to matrix
BTW, you haven't mentioned the  r[xy] indexing where  xy is a
two-column matrix of indices.
There it's even more non-sense to return


 [1,] #202020
 [2,] #404040
 [3,] #606060
 [4,] #808080
 [5,] #9F9F9F
 Warning message:
 In `[.raster`(r, 1:5, drop = TRUE) :
   'drop' is always implicitly FALSE in '[.raster'


 r[1:5]- white

      [,1]    [,2]    [,3]      [,4]
 [1,] white white white   #DFDFDF
 [2,] white white #BFBFBF #FF



 Thank you, Henrik, for the bug report.

 __ mailing list

 Dr Paul Murrell
 Department of Statistics
 The University of Auckland
 Private Bag 92019
 New Zealand
 64 9 3737599 x85392

Re: [Rd] [.raster bug {was str() on raster objects fails ..}

2011-02-02 Thread Martin Maechler
On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 23:30, Simon Urbanek wrote:

 On Feb 1, 2011, at 8:16 PM, Paul Murrell wrote:


 On 2/02/2011 2:03 p.m., Henrik Bengtsson wrote:
 On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 4:46 PM, Paul  

 On 1/02/2011 9:22 p.m., Martin Maechler wrote:

     on Mon, 31 Jan 2011 11:16:59 -0800 writes:

         Hi, str() on raster objects fails for certain dimensions.  For

         str(as.raster(0, nrow=1, ncol=100)) 'raster' chr [1, 1:100]
         #00 #00 #00 #00 ...

         str(as.raster(0, nrow=1, ncol=101)) Error in `[.raster`(object,
         seq_len(max.len)) : subscript out of bounds

         This seems to do with how str() and [.raster() is coded; when
         subsetting as a vector, which str() relies on, [.raster()
         still returns a matrix-like object, e.g.

         img- as.raster(1:25, max=25, nrow=5, ncol=5);
         [,1]      [,2]      [,3]      [,4]      [,5]
         [1,] #0A0A0A #3D3D3D #707070 #A3A3A3 #D6D6D6
         [2,] #141414 #474747 #7A7A7A #ADADAD #E0E0E0

         compare with:

         [1] #0A0A0A #3D3D3D

         The easy but incomplete fix is to do:

         str.raster- function(object, ...) {
         str(as.matrix(object), ...);

         Other suggestions?

 The informal raster class is behaving ``illogical''
 in the following sense:

      r- as.raster(0, nrow=1, ncol=11)
  Error in `[.raster`(r, seq_along(r)) : subscript out of bounds

 or, here equivalently,
  Error in `[.raster`(r, 1:length(r)) : subscript out of bounds

 When classes do behave in such a way, they definitely need their
 own str() method.

 However, the bug really is in [.raster:
 Currently,  r[i] is equivalent to  r[i,]  which is not at all
 matrix-like and its help clearly says that subsetting should
 work as for matrices.
 A recent thread on R-help/R-devel has mentioned the fact that
 [ methods for matrix-like methods need to use both nargs() and
 missing() and that [.dataframe has been the example to follow
 forever, IIRC already in S and S-plus as of 20 years ago.

 The main motivation for non-standard behaviour here is to make sure that a
 subset of a raster object NEVER produces a vector (because the conversion
 back to a raster object then produces a single-column raster and that may 
 a surprise).  Thanks for making the code more standard and robust.

 The r[i] case is still tricky.  The following behaviour is quite convenient

 r[r == black]- white

 ... but the next behaviour is quite jarring (at least in terms of the 
 image that results from it) ...

 r2- r[1:(nrow(r) + 1)]

 So I think there is some justification for further non-standardness to try
 to ensure that the subset of a raster image always produces a sensible
 image.  A simple solution would be just to outlaw r[i] for raster objects
 and force the user to write r[i, ] or r[, j], depending on what they want.

 FYI, I've tried out Martin's updated version at it seems like a
 one-column raster matrix is now returned for r[i], e.g.

 Yes, that's what I've been looking at ...

 r- as.raster(1:8, max=8, nrow=2, ncol=4);
      [,1]      [,2]      [,3]      [,4]
 [1,] #202020 #606060 #9F9F9F #DFDFDF
 [2,] #404040 #808080 #BFBFBF #FF

 [1,] #202020
 [2,] #404040
 [3,] #606060
 [4,] #808080
 [5,] #9F9F9F
 [6,] #BFBFBF
 [7,] #DFDFDF
 [8,] #FF

 ... and the above is exactly the sort of thing that will fry your mind if 
 the image that you are subsetting is, for example, a photo.

 Why doesn't raster behave consistently like any matrix object? I would expect 

 [1] #202020 #404040 #606060 #808080 #9F9F9F #BFBFBF #DFDFDF
 [8] #FF

 Where it's obvious what happened. I saw the comment about the vector but I'm 
 not sure I get it - why don't you want a vector? The raster is no different 
 than matrices - you still need to define the dimensions when going back 
 anyway, moreover what you get now is not consistent at all since there raster 
 never had that dimension anyway ...


I agree that this would be the most logical and notably least
surprising behavior,
which I find the most important argument
(I'm sorry my last message was cut off as it was sent accidentally
before being finished completely).


 [1,] #202020
 [2,] #404040
 [3,] #606060
 [4,] #808080
 [5,] #9F9F9F
 Warning message:
 In `[.raster`(r, 1:5, drop = TRUE) :
   'drop' is always implicitly FALSE in '[.raster'


 r[1:5]- white
      [,1]    [,2]    [,3]      [,4]
 [1,] white white white   #DFDFDF
 [2,] white white #BFBFBF #FF



 Thank you, Henrik, for the bug report.

Re: [Rd] [.raster bug {was str() on raster objects fails ..}

2011-02-07 Thread Martin Maechler
 Simon Urbanek
 on Sun, 6 Feb 2011 20:53:01 -0500 writes:

 On Feb 6, 2011, at 8:10 PM, Paul Murrell wrote:

 On 3/02/2011 1:23 p.m., Simon Urbanek wrote:
 On Feb 2, 2011, at 7:00 PM, Paul Murrell wrote:
 Martin Maechler wrote:
 On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 23:30, Simon wrote:
 On Feb 1, 2011, at 8:16 PM, Paul Murrell wrote:
 On 2/02/2011 2:03 p.m., Henrik Bengtsson wrote:
 On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 4:46 PM, Paul wrote:
 On 1/02/2011 9:22 p.m., Martin Maechler wrote:
 Henrik on
 Mon, 31 Jan 2011 11:16:59 -0800 writes:
 Hi, str() on raster objects fails for certain
 dimensions.  For example:
 str(as.raster(0, nrow=1, ncol=100)) 'raster'
 chr [1, 1:100]
 #00 #00 #00 #00 ...
 str(as.raster(0, nrow=1, ncol=101)) Error in
 seq_len(max.len)) : subscript out of bounds
 This seems to do with how str() and [.raster()
 is coded; when subsetting as a vector, which
 str() relies on, [.raster() still returns a
 matrix-like object, e.g.
 img- as.raster(1:25, max=25, nrow=5, ncol=5);
 [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [1,] #0A0A0A
 #3D3D3D #707070 #A3A3A3 #D6D6D6 [2,]
 #141414 #474747 #7A7A7A #ADADAD
 compare with:
 [1] #0A0A0A #3D3D3D
 The easy but incomplete fix is to do:
 str.raster- function(object, ...) {
 str(as.matrix(object), ...); }
 Other suggestions?
 The informal raster class is behaving
 ``illogical'' in the following sense:
 r- as.raster(0, nrow=1, ncol=11)
 Error in `[.raster`(r, seq_along(r)) : subscript
 out of bounds
 or, here equivalently,
 Error in `[.raster`(r, 1:length(r)) : subscript
 out of bounds
 When classes do behave in such a way, they
 definitely need their own str() method.
 However, the bug really is in [.raster:
 Currently, r[i] is equivalent to r[i,] which is
 not at all matrix-like and its help clearly says
 that subsetting should work as for matrices. A
 recent thread on R-help/R-devel has mentioned the
 fact that [ methods for matrix-like methods
 need to use both nargs() and missing() and that
 [.dataframe has been the example to follow
 forever, IIRC already in S and S-plus as of 20
 years ago.
 The main motivation for non-standard behaviour
 here is to make sure that a subset of a raster
 object NEVER produces a vector (because the
 conversion back to a raster object then produces a
 single-column raster and that may be a
 surprise).  Thanks for making the code more
 standard and robust.
 The r[i] case is still tricky.  The following
 behaviour is quite convenient ...
 r[r == black]- white
 ... but the next behaviour is quite jarring (at
 least in terms of the raster image that results
 from it) ...
 r2- r[1:(nrow(r) + 1)]
 So I think there is some justification for further
 non-standardness to try to ensure that the subset
 of a raster image always produces a sensible
 image.  A simple solution would be just to outlaw
 r[i] for raster objects and force the user to
 write r[i, ] or r[, j], depending on what they
 FYI, I've tried out Martin's updated version at it
 seems like a one-column raster matrix is now
 returned for r[i], e.g.
 Yes, that's what I've been looking at ...
 r- as.raster(1:8, max=8, nrow=2, ncol=4); r
 [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [1,] #202020 #606060
 #9F9F9F #DFDFDF [2,] #404040 #808080
 [,1] [1,] #202020 [2,] #404040 [3,] #606060
 [4,] #808080 [5,] #9F9F9F [6,] #BFBFBF [7,]
 #DFDFDF [8,] #FF
 ... and the above is exactly the sort of thing that
 will fry your mind if the image that you are
 subsetting is, for example, a photo.
 Why doesn't raster behave consistently like any matrix
 I would expect simply
 [1] #202020 #404040 #606060 #808080 #9F9F9F
 #DFDFDF [8] #FF
 Where it's obvious what happened. I saw the comment about
 vector but I'm not sure I get it - why don't you want a
 The raster is no different than matrices - you still need
 define the dimensions when going back anyway, moreover
 what you
 get now is not consistent at all since there raster never
 that dimension anyway ...
 Cheers, Simon
 I agree that this would be the most logical and
 notably least surprising behavior, which I find the
 most important

Re: [Rd] print(...,digits=2) behavior

2011-02-07 Thread Martin Maechler
 to denormalization -- added for R 2.x.y
alpha - (r * 1e+30) / 10^(kp+30)
alpha - r / 10^kpower

## make sure that alpha is in [1,10)

if (10 - alpha  eps) {
  cat(.. scientific(.) correcting alpha=,format(alpha),
  .  x=, formatC(x,dig=2,w=1),RARE ! \n)
  alpha - alpha/10
  kpower- kpower + 1

## compute number of digits

a - alpha
nsig - digits
for (j in 1:nsig) {
  if (abs(a - floor(a+0.5))  eps * a) {
nsig - j
  a - a * 10
  left - kpower + 1
  c(sgn = sgn, kpower = kpower, nsig = nsig,
left = left, right = nsig - left,
sleft = sgn + max(1,left))

names.num - function(v, dig=2)
  ## Purpose: Add names to vector if it hasn't
  ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: 16 Jul 97, 08:49
  names(v) - formatC(v, w=1, dig=dig)

do.sci - function(v, nam.dig = 3, digits = getOption('digits'))
  ## Purpose: Call scientific(.) and do some more
  ## -
  ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: 16 Jul 97, 17:03
  ## -- names.num(.) is from /u/maechler/R/Util.R ---
  r - sapply(names.num(v, dig= nam.dig), scientific, digits=digits)
  cbind(r, min = apply(r,1,min), max = apply(r,1,max))

and here some of the experimentation code:

-- Examples / Experiment, using  scientific(),
   the R function that does the same as 'scientific' in

source(scientific.R)# for function definitions

scientific(pi,17)# 0 0 16

tens - names.num(10 ^ (-2:6))
do.sci(3.1 * tens)
do.sci(pi  * tens)
do.sci(pi  * tens, dig = 12)

## v1 from /u/maechler/R/print-tests.R
if(!exists(v1)) v1 - 10^c(-4:0,2,4)

## Ben's example (*, digits=2)
x2 - c(outer(c(-1,1), c(7.92, 7.921)))
x2 - c(x2, 10^c(-10,-3, -1:1, 3,10))
do.sci(x2, 4, digits = 2)


Now, I'm waiting for comments/suggestions ..
Martin__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] axTicks.Rd documentation bug

2011-02-07 Thread Martin Maechler

 Ben Bolker
 on Fri, 04 Feb 2011 10:44:12 -0500 writes:

 ?axTicks says:

 usr: numeric vector of length four, defaulting to
 ‘par(usr)’ giving horizontal (‘x’) and vertical (‘y’)
 user coordinate limits.

  but this is not how the function is implemented -- in
 fact 'usr' should be a vector of length two corresponding
 to the appropriate elements of par(usr) [1:2 if side is
 1 or 3, 3:4 if side is 2 or 4].

   A patch for src/library/graphics/man/axTicks.Rd against
 the latest SVN is attached (I hope it makes it through).

   I also included an extended example of how to use
 axTicks without reference to an existing plot in the
 logarithmic axis case: it took me quite a bit of digging
 in documentation and source code to figure out how to do
 this for myself, so I think it would be useful to others

Thanks a lot, Ben!

I've also added the new example .. though slightly modified.
Notably I'm a tiny bit disappointed ;-) that you were not aware of
the existence of the  extendrange() function ...

Martin Maechler

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] request for patch in drop1 (add.R)

2011-02-23 Thread Martin Maechler
 Ben Bolker
 on Wed, 23 Feb 2011 09:14:37 -0500 writes:

   By changing three lines in drop1 from access based on $
 to access based on standard accessor methods (terms() and
 residuals()), it becomes *much* easier to extend drop1 to
 work with other model types.  The use of $ rather than
 accessors in this context seems to be an oversight rather
 than a design decision, but maybe someone knows better ...

   In particular, if one makes these changes (which I am
 pretty certain will not break anything, as the original
 code basically mimicked the default methods anyway), it
 becomes possible to make drop1() work with mer objects
 (Doug Bates's new mixed model code) merely by defining:

 terms.mer - function(x, ...) {

 extractAIC.default - function(fit, scale=0, k=2, ...) {
 L - logLik(fit)
 edf - attr(L,df)

 Adding this definition of extractAIC.default also makes drop1() work
 with lme fits ...

 Comments?  Should I submit to the bug database as enhancement
 request?  Are there any hidden downsides to this?

drawback: a possible very small performance cut for the cases
where the $ access is ok.  But that should not count.

I like the idea {it's a pity that only S3 methods work that way,
because residuals(), terms(), etc... are unfortunately not
general (implicit) S4 generics but just S3 ones..

I'm currently testing your change, plus some more in step().
However, for step() to work automagically there is more needed.
It currently relies in more places on 'object' being a list to
which you can append new components, basically by
   fit - object
   fit$new1 - ...
   fit$new2 - ...

That would have to be changed to something like
   fit - list(obj = object)
   fit$new1 - ...
   fit$new2 - ...
and more changes where 'fit' has to be replaced by 'fit$obj'.
Would that not be of interest as well?


 Ben Bolker

 Index: add.R
 --- add.R (revision 54562)
 +++ add.R (working copy)
 @@ -330,7 +330,7 @@
 drop1.default - function(object, scope, scale = 0, test=c(none, 
 k = 2, trace = FALSE, ...)
 -tl - attr(object$terms, term.labels)
 +tl - attr(terms(object), term.labels)
 if(missing(scope)) scope - drop.scope(object)
 else {
 @@ -344,7 +344,7 @@
 ans - matrix(nrow = ns + 1L, ncol = 2L,
 dimnames =  list(c(none, scope), c(df, AIC)))
 ans[1, ] - extractAIC(object, scale, k = k, ...)
 -n0 - length(object$residuals)
 +n0 - length(residuals(object))
 env - environment(formula(object))
 for(i in seq(ns)) {
 tt - scope[i]
 @@ -356,7 +356,7 @@
 evaluate = FALSE)
 nfit - eval(nfit, envir=env) # was  eval.parent(nfit)
 ans[i+1, ] - extractAIC(nfit, scale, k = k, ...)
 -if(length(nfit$residuals) != n0)
 +if(length(residuals(nfit)) != n0)
 stop(number of rows in use has changed: remove missing values?)
 dfs - ans[1L , 1L] - ans[, 1L]

 __ mailing list

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] request for patch in drop1 (add.R)

2011-02-24 Thread Martin Maechler
 Ben Bolker
 on Wed, 23 Feb 2011 19:36:43 -0500 writes:

 On 11-02-23 06:12 PM, Prof Brian Ripley wrote:
 residuals() and $residuals are often very different:
 residuals() is generic, but even the default method is *not*
 simple extraction. Their values can be of different lengths:
 think about an lm fit with na.action = na.exclude.  That is
 precisely the sort of thing the tests in add.R were designed to
 detect, hence the use of $residuals.
 None of this is used in drop1()!  One of the places $residuals
 was used in that file was the default method for drop1(),
 others being step() and the default method for add1().  As
 default methods these have to continue to work for any class of
 object that has previously been thrown at them over the last
 10+ years, and even all CRAN packages will not be a good enough
 test suite.
 In any case, the current code in R-devel makes use of the new
 generic nobs(), which is intended to help sort out the many
 versions of functions called 'BIC in packages, but is also
 useful here.  (It is still under development.)
 terms() is also generic so there is also some danger that its
 substitution could give an inappropriate result.  But as it
 used in several other places in add.R the breakage will
 probably occur elsewhere already.

:-) yes.  I think it is very good change to have drop1.default() and
other R functions that do generic model analysis work
via calls to simpler generic functions such as residuals(), or
the new  nobs() .  Thanks for introducing that, a really good
idea I think (and along which I think I was also musing when I
last looked at the BIC() implementations..).
I'm glad you've started to clean this up nicely.

 Thanks Prof. Ripley.  (I will say that, while I understand why
 residuals(x) and x$residuals could be different, I am happy that
 a more transparent form of coding is being introduced ...)

(indeed, see above).
Advertising the use of nobs(), i.e. asking package authors to
write nobs() methods for their models will be probably worth
doing, as soon as 2.13.0 hits the roads..


 On Wed, 23 Feb 2011, Martin Maechler wrote:
 Ben Bolker
 on Wed, 23 Feb 2011 09:14:37 -0500 writes:
By changing three lines in drop1 from access based on $
  to access based on standard accessor methods (terms() and
  residuals()), it becomes *much* easier to extend drop1 to
  work with other model types.  The use of $ rather than
  accessors in this context seems to be an oversight rather
  than a design decision, but maybe someone knows better ...
In particular, if one makes these changes (which I am
  pretty certain will not break anything, as the original
  code basically mimicked the default methods anyway), it
  becomes possible to make drop1() work with mer objects
  (Doug Bates's new mixed model code) merely by defining:
  terms.mer - function(x, ...) {
  extractAIC.default - function(fit, scale=0, k=2, ...) {
  L - logLik(fit)
  edf - attr(L,df)
  Adding this definition of extractAIC.default also makes
  drop1() work with lme fits ...
  Comments?  Should I submit to the bug database as
  enhancement request?  Are there any hidden downsides to
 drawback: a possible very small performance cut for the cases
 where the $ access is ok.  But that should not count.
 I like the idea {it's a pity that only S3 methods work
 that way, because residuals(), terms(), etc... are
 unfortunately not general (implicit) S4 generics but just S3
 I'm currently testing your change, plus some more in step().
 However, for step() to work automagically there is more
 needed.  It currently relies in more places on 'object' being
 a list to which you can append new components, basically by
 fit - object fit$new1 - ...  fit$new2 - ...
 That would have to be changed to something like fit -
 list(obj = object) fit$new1 - ...  fit$new2 - ...  and more
 changes where 'fit' has to be replaced by 'fit$obj'.  Would
 that not be of interest as well?
  Ben Bolker
  Index: add.R
  --- add.R (revision 54562) +++ add.R (working copy) @@
  -330,7 +330,7 @@ drop1.default - function(object, scope,
  scale = 0,
 test=c(none, Chisq),
  k = 2, trace = FALSE, ...)  { - tl - attr(object$terms,
  term.labels) + tl - attr(terms(object), term.labels)
  if(missing(scope)) scope - drop.scope(object) else

Re: [Rd] Standardized Pearson residuals

2011-03-17 Thread Martin Maechler
 peter dalgaard
 on Thu, 17 Mar 2011 15:45:01 +0100 writes:

 On Mar 16, 2011, at 23:34 , John Maindonald wrote:

 One can easily test for the binary case and not give the
 statistic in that case.

 Warning if expected cell counts  5 would be another

 A general point is that if one gave no output that was not open
 to abuse, there'd be nothing given at all!  One would not be
 giving any output at all from poisson or binomial models, given
 that data that really calls for quasi links (or a glmm with
 observation level random effects) is in my experience the rule
 rather than the exception!

 Hmmm. Not sure I agree on that entirely, but that's a different

 At the very least, why not a function dispersion() or
 pearsonchisquare() that gives this information.

 Lots of options here Offhand, my preference would go to
 something like anova(..., test=score) and/or an extra line in
 summary(). It's not a computationally intensive item as far as I
 can see, it's more about output real estate -- how SAS-like
 do we want to become?

 Apologies that I misattributed this.

 Never mind...

 Back to the original question:

 The current rstandard() code reads

## FIXME ! -- make sure we are following the literature:
rstandard.glm - function(model, infl = lm.influence(model, do.coef=FALSE), ...)
res - infl$wt.res # = dev.res  really
res - res / sqrt(summary(model)$dispersion * (1 - infl$hat))
res[is.infinite(res)] - NaN

 which is svn blame to ripley but that is due to the 2003
 code reorganization (except for the infinity check from
 2005). So apparently, we have had that FIXME since
 forever... and finding its author appears to be awkward
 (Maechler, perhaps?).

yes, almost surely

 I did try Bretts code in lieu of the above (with a mod to
 handle $dispersion) and even switched the default to use
 the Pearson residuals. Make check-devel sailed straight
 through apart from the obvious code/doc mismatch, so we
 don't have any checks in place nor any examples using
 rstandard(). I rather strongly suspect that there aren't
 many user codes using it either.

 It is quite tempting simply to commit the change (after
 updating the docs). One thing holding me back though: I
 don't know what the literature refers to.

well, the relevant publications on the topic ...
and now define that (e.g. using the three 'References' on the
help page).
Really, that's what I think I meant when I (think I) wrote that FIXME.
The point then I think was that we had code donations, and they
partly were clearly providing functionality that was (tested)
correct (according to e.g. McCoullagh  Nelder and probably
another one or two text books I would have consulted ... no
large Wikipedia back then), 
but also provided things for which there was nothing in the
literature, but as the author provided them with other good
code, we would have put it in, as well
== my vague recollection from the past


 Peter Dalgaard Center for Statistics, Copenhagen Business
 School Solbjerg Plads 3, 2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark
 Phone: (+45)38153501 Email: Priv:

 __ mailing list

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] texi2dvi / egrep issue shows (a.o.) up in R-alpha

2011-03-22 Thread Martin Maechler
 Tobias Verbeke
 on Mon, 21 Mar 2011 23:45:33 +0100 writes:

 L.S.  I noticed weird tools::texi2dvi behaviour on R-alpha
 when specifying an absolute path to the .tex file.

 The same phenomenon also appears to occur on R-2.12.2, so
 maybe the issue is independent of R.

Yes. I think it's independent of R.

In any case, there's been a bug in the (Unix/Linux/teTeX/)
texi2dvi  sh script, 
a bug which I think typically only bites if you work in non-ASCII
locales -- as you and I, eg.

Here's the patch that I have had in place for quite a while :

MM@lynne$ diff -ubBw  /usr/bin/texi2dvi /usr/local/bin/scripts/texi2dvi
--- /usr/bin/texi2dvi   2011-01-11 15:33:52.0 +0100
+++ /usr/local/bin/scripts/texi2dvi 2010-07-09 08:32:36.25000 +0200
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 set -e
 # This string is expanded by rcs automatically when this file is checked out.
-rcs_revision='$Revision: 1.135 $'
+rcs_revision='$Revision: 1.135__mod.SfS_ETHZ $'
 rcs_version=`set - $rcs_revision; echo $2`
 program=`echo $0 | sed -e 's!.*/!!'`
@@ -1683,7 +1683,7 @@
   # If the COMMAND_LINE_FILENAME is not absolute (e.g., --debug.tex),
   # prepend `./' in order to avoid that the tools take it as an option.
-  echo $command_line_filename | $EGREP '^(/|[A-Za-z]:/)' 6 \
+  echo $command_line_filename | $EGREP '^(/|[[:alpha:]]:/)' 6 \
   || command_line_filename=./$command_line_filename
   # See if the file exists.  If it doesn't we're in trouble since, even

Best regards,

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] R-alpha typo in ?replicate ?

2011-03-22 Thread Martin Maechler
Thank you, 

I'm committing the fixes.

 Ben Bolker
 on Mon, 21 Mar 2011 23:09:29 -0400 writes:

   simplify: logical or character string; should the result
 be simplified to a vector, matrix or higher dimensional
 array if possible?  The default, ‘TRUE’, returns a vector
 or matrix if appropriate, whereas ‘signify = array’,
 rather recommended typically, the result may be an ‘array’
 of “rank” (=‘length(dim(.))’) one higher than the result
 of ‘FUN(X[[i]])’.

   Should this read

...  whereas if 'simplify=array', typically
 recommended, the result ...


   Also, ?scan says:

 multi.line: logical. Only used if ‘what’ is a list.  If
 ‘FALSE’, all of a record must appear on one line (but more
 than one record can appear on a single line).  Note that
 using ‘fill = TRUE’ implies that a record will terminated
 at the end of a line.

   I think a be is missing between will and

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] core Matrix package segfaulted on R CMD check --use-gct

2011-03-28 Thread Martin Maechler
 Douglas Bates
 on Mon, 28 Mar 2011 09:24:39 -0500 writes:

 Can you provide the output from sessionInfo()

 so we can know the platform?  Also, did you configure R
 with --enable-strict-barrier or set the C compilation flag
 -DTESTING_WRITE_BARRIER?  I think that run-time error
 message can only be thrown under those circumstances (not
 that it isn't an error, it's just not checked for in other


In the mean time, I *did* run --- for several hours! ---
your code example below,
and it did *not* segfault for me (64-bit, Linux Fedora 13).


 Douglas Bates
 on Mon, 28 Mar 2011 09:24:39 -0500 writes:

 Can you provide the output from

 so we can know the platform?  Also, did you configure R with
 --enable-strict-barrier or set the C compilation flag
 -DTESTING_WRITE_BARRIER?  I think that run-time error message can only
 be thrown under those circumstances (not that it isn't an error, it's
 just not checked for in other circumstances).

 On Sat, Mar 26, 2011 at 5:21 PM, Hin-Tak Leung 
 Current core/Recommended Matrix package (0.999375-48) has been 
segfaulting against R 2.13-alpha/2.14-trunk for the last week or so (since 
R-2.13 was branched, when I started trying) when run with R CMD check 
 pkgname - Matrix
 source(file.path(R.home(share), R, examples-header.R))
 options(warn = 1)
 Loading required package: lattice
 Error : .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'Matrix', details:
  call: fun(...)
  error: unprotected object (0x2768b18) encountered (was REALSXP)
 Error: package/namespace load failed for 'Matrix'
 Execution halted
 I traced to this because R CMD check --use-gct snpStats (both 1.1.13 
and 1.1.12) segfaults with the same message, and before that, the snpMatrix which includes some of David's newly written ld() ( which depends on 
 If the Matrix package segfaults, David's new ld() isn't useable.

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] core Matrix package segfaulted on R CMD check --use-gct

2011-04-07 Thread Martin Maechler
 HL == Hin-Tak Leung
 on Thu, 7 Apr 2011 07:51:44 +0100 writes:

HL Douglas Bates wrote:
 I isolated the problem and tested then committed a fix. I am going to
 ask Martin to upload the new release as I have gotten out of sync with
 some of his recent changes and he will, I hope, reconcile the branches
 and trunk.  If you need the fixed version immediately, say for
 testing, the changes are in the file Matrix/src/chm_common.c  You can
 visit the SVN archive for the project,, click on the link to
 Browse Subversion Repository and go to pkg/Matrix/src/chm_common.c
 I made the mistake that I chastised others for making, performing an
 operation on the result of a call to install and another value that
 may have required allocation of memory.  The first time install is
 called on a particular string it allocates and SEXPREC, which may
 cause a garbage collection.

HL Matrix-for-R-2.13@2659 (0.999375-49) has the problem at a different 
 pkgname - Matrix
 source(file.path(R.home(share), R, examples-header.R))
 options(warn = 1)

HL Loading required package: lattice
HL Error in regexpr(package:, envName, fixed = TRUE) :
HL unprotected object (0x2fe5818) encountered (was INTSXP)
HL Error: package/namespace load failed for 'Matrix'

HL That aside - with R 2.13 only about a week to go, which version of 
Matrix will 
HL it ship?

Well, R-2.13.0 is in Release Candidate ('RC') stage, after having
passed the alpha and beta stages.

So, almost surely, the current CRAN version of Matrix, also part
of all recent R-2.13.0 tarballs will be shipped along.

If we can reproduce your problem, we will fix it, hopefully
pretty soon, and release a version of Matrix,  0.9996875-0
close to the release time of R-2.13.0;
but for stability reasons (of R-2.13.0 and all its testing on
all platforms), it would not ship with 2.13.0 and only people
who explicitly update.packages(...) [after R-2.13.0
installation] will get it.


__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] core Matrix package segfaulted on R CMD check --use-gct

2011-04-07 Thread Martin Maechler
 Martin Maechler
 on Thu, 7 Apr 2011 12:24:32 +0200 writes:

 HL == Hin-Tak Leung
 on Thu, 7 Apr 2011 07:51:44 +0100 writes:

HL Douglas Bates wrote:
 I isolated the problem and tested then committed a fix. I am
 going to ask Martin to upload the new release as I have gotten
 out of sync with some of his recent changes and he will, I
 hope, reconcile the branches and trunk.  If you need the fixed
 version immediately, say for testing, the changes are in the
 file Matrix/src/chm_common.c You can visit the SVN archive for
 the project,,
 click on the link to Browse Subversion Repository and go to
 I made the mistake that I chastised others for making,
 performing an operation on the result of a call to install and
 another value that may have required allocation of memory.
 The first time install is called on a particular string it
 allocates and SEXPREC, which may cause a garbage collection.

HL Matrix-for-R-2.13@2659 (0.999375-49) has the problem at a different 

Are you sure that you really took  0.999375-49  and not its
predecessor ???

I haven't been able to reproduce the problem (on 32-bit Linux,
R-2.13.0 RC, after running your code snippet below for a couple
 of hours, I got the prompt back, and things continued working..)
and Doug Bates has had a strong suspicion that the error message
below looks like the problem that he fixed just between *-48 and *-49.

 pkgname - Matrix
 source(file.path(R.home(share), R, examples-header.R))
 options(warn = 1)

HL Loading required package: lattice
HL Error in regexpr(package:, envName, fixed = TRUE) :
HL unprotected object (0x2fe5818) encountered (was INTSXP)
HL Error: package/namespace load failed for 'Matrix'

Can you give more exact info about the platform ?


__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] core Matrix package segfaulted on R CMD check --use-gct

2011-04-07 Thread Martin Maechler
 HL == Hin-Tak Leung
 on Thu, 07 Apr 2011 19:31:35 +0100 writes:

HL Martin Maechler wrote:
 Martin Maechler on Thu,
 7 Apr 2011 12:24:32 +0200 writes:
 HL == Hin-Tak Leung
 on Thu, 7 Apr 2011 07:51:44 +0100 writes:
HL Douglas Bates wrote:
  I isolated the problem and tested then committed a
 fix. I am  going to ask Martin to upload the new
 release as I have gotten  out of sync with some of his
 recent changes and he will, I  hope, reconcile the
 branches and trunk.  If you need the fixed  version
 immediately, say for testing, the changes are in the 
 file Matrix/src/chm_common.c You can visit the SVN
 archive for  the project,,  click
 on the link to Browse Subversion Repository and go to 
  I made the mistake that I chastised others for
 making,  performing an operation on the result of a
 call to install and  another value that may have
 required allocation of memory.   The first time
 install is called on a particular string it  allocates
 and SEXPREC, which may cause a garbage collection.
HL Matrix-for-R-2.13@2659 (0.999375-49) has the problem at
HL a different place:
 Are you sure that you really took 0.999375-49 and not its
 predecessor ???

HL The two errors look similiar but different (the previous
HL one was about a REALSXP), and both are fairly
HL reproducible.

well, in my experience such problems typically don't show
exactly at the same place, and so the exact instance at which
an unprotected object is GC'ed also changes, and
hence I guesed it could be a REALSXP once and an INTSXP next

HL As much as I can be sure, I guess. I overwrote
HL src/library/Recommended and library/Matrix to be sure.

???  But  the prerelease version of R-2.13.0 *contains* already
Matrix_0.999375-49  the one you claim has the bug.

[[and you still haven't told use the exact R version you were using]]

 I haven't been able to reproduce the problem (on 32-bit
 Linux, R-2.13.0 RC, after running your code snippet below
 for a couple of hours, I got the prompt back, and things
 continued working..)  and Doug Bates has had a strong
 suspicion that the error message below looks like the
 problem that he fixed just between *-48 and *-49.
  pkgname - Matrix 
 source(file.path(R.home(share), R,
 examples-header.R))  gctorture(TRUE) 
 options(warn = 1)  options(error=dump.frames) 
HL Loading required package: lattice Error in
HL regexpr(package:, envName, fixed = TRUE) : unprotected
HL object (0x2fe5818) encountered (was INTSXP) Error:
HL package/namespace load failed for 'Matrix'
 Can you give more exact info about the platform ?

HL fedora 14 x86_64.

  ./configure --enable-memory-profiling --enable-strict-barrier \
--enable-byte-compiled-packages --with-valgrind-instrumentation=2

aah, ok.  Well of course that's not an R version I just have at
my disposal ... ... but I'm building it now 
(for R-2.13.0 RC, i.e. the R-2-13-branch in R's subversion
tree, revision 55350), and start your test - with R's  own
(=CRAN's) Matrix before finishing for today.

HL Matrix-for-R-2.13@2659 was the one I was playing with.
HL I am currently testing Matrix trunk@2666, since you
HL seems to have put something relevant in r2661.

That was really something else, also an important clean up step,
but entirely unrelated to protection and garbage collection...
and ... that version will definitely not make it into R-2.13.0
since it has too many changes compared with the one R-2.13.0
RC has been shipping with.


__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] R CMD build now removes empty dirs

2011-04-11 Thread Martin Maechler
 Pages, Herve
 on Tue, 29 Mar 2011 23:56:47 -0700 (PDT) writes:

 Hi, It's unfortunate that with recent revisions of R 2.13
 (this appeared in revision 54640, March 2), 'R CMD build'
 now removes empty dirs in the package. People might have
 good reasons for having empty dirs in their packages. For
 example, in Bioconductor, we have some tools to
 automatically generate annotation packages and those tools
 are implemented in software packages that use templates
 for the annotation packages to be generated. Those package
 templates are stored under the inst/ folder of the
 software package. One of those software packages is the
 AnnotationDbi package: it contains 41 package templates
 under inst/:

 [hpages@latitude Rpacks]$ ls
 AnnotationDbi/inst/AnnDbPkg-templates/ AFFYHUEX.DB

 Those package templates are just the skeletons of the
 hundreds of annotation packages that we generate. Of
 course, each of them contains empty subfolders.

 Having 'R CMD build' remove those empty subfolders breaks
 all the tools that make use of those package templates.
 Maybe I've missed it but I didn't see any mention of this
 feature on this list and the fact that it was added only
 6 weeks before the next R and Bioconductor releases is
 only making this worse.

 I hope this feature can be reverted. Why would people or
 our build system need to start using R CMD build
 --keep-empty-dirs just to get a source tarball right?

 Thanks, H.

 PS: This page

 (referenced from has not
 been updated for months.

Thank you, Herve.
I've only now read your e-mail.
(and I now also agree that --keep-empty-dirs should *not* be needed
 to keep an empty inst/ !)

Thanks for the heads up about NEWS.html.
It's finally current again, and hopefully remains so:
It got outdated accidentally, as it was removed from the default
'make' target, and now needs an extra make call.

Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] core Matrix package segfaulted on R CMD check --use-gct

2011-04-11 Thread Martin Maechler
Fantastic.  Thanks a lot, Luke!

  I can close the thread just to say the finalit wasn't
Matrix after all!

On Fri, Apr 8, 2011 at 20:48, wrote:
 Fixed in R-devel by 55385 and R-2-113-branch by 55386.

 The problem was a call to install() in the C srouce code without
 protecting another value before the install call. This particular
 issue was very unlikely to cause a problem outside of a gctorture
 context, but in that context with the memory checking enabled by the
 strict barrier it will get caught.

 Quick notes in case someone else needs to track this sort of thing
 down: When gctorture is used in conjuction with the memory checks
 enabled by the strict barrier it is very likely that an error will be
 detected and signaled very close to where the problem in the C code
 actually is, which is why I tried an example using only regexpr when
 the error was being signaled there. Once a reproducable example is
 found, setting a breakpoint in memory.c:CHK on the line that signals
 the error gives a stack trace of the C calls involved, and in this
 case the culprit was pretty easy to find at that point.


 On Fri, 8 Apr 2011, Hin-Tak Leung wrote:

 --- On Fri, 8/4/11, peter dalgaard wrote:

 On Apr 7, 2011, at 23:57 , Hin-Tak Leung wrote:

   Oh, I am tracking both R and Matrix via git-svn and
 retrieves all revisions to all branches daily (or at least,
 regularly). I.e. R svn head.  2.13.0 only forked off
 recently and most of the trunk-2.13.0rc differences
 are so far mostly documentation-related. I could switch to
 track R 2.13.x branch if you insist.
 Please do. It's the branch that is supposed to stabilize
 during prerelease times.

 Also, please check the prerelease tarballs, errors in make
 dist are not caught when building from svn.

 Just so that there is no doubt, here is the recipe with the latest rc tar
 ball, cutting-and-pasting from my command history:

 wget -m
 cd /tmp
 tar -zxpvf
 cd R-rc/
 ./configure  --enable-memory-profiling --enable-strict-barrier
 --enable-byte-compiled-packages --with-valgrind-instrumentation=2  ; make
 cd src/library/
 cd Recommended/
 ../../../bin/R CMD check --use-gct Matrix_0.999375-49.tar.gz

 Running examples in ‘Matrix-Ex.R’ failed
 The error occurred in:

 R version 2.13.0 RC (2011-04-07 r55373)
 Copyright (C) 2011 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
 ISBN 3-900051-07-0
 Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit)

 pkgname - Matrix
 source(file.path(R.home(share), R, examples-header.R))
 options(warn = 1)

 Loading required package: lattice
 Error in regexpr(package:, envName, fixed = TRUE) :
  unprotected object (0x3be2ba8) encountered (was INTSXP)
 Error: package/namespace load failed for 'Matrix'
 Execution halted

 __ mailing list

 Luke Tierney
 Statistics and Actuarial Science
 Ralph E. Wareham Professor of Mathematical Sciences
 University of Iowa                  Phone:             319-335-3386
 Department of Statistics and        Fax:               319-335-3017
   Actuarial Science
 241 Schaeffer Hall                  email:
 Iowa City, IA 52242                 WWW:

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Re: [Rd] R CMD build --resave-data

2011-04-13 Thread Martin Maechler
 Hervé Pagès
 on Tue, 12 Apr 2011 22:21:58 -0700 writes:

 On 11-04-12 07:06 PM, Simon Urbanek wrote:
 On Apr 12, 2011, at 8:53 PM, Hervé Pagès wrote:
 Hi Uwe,
 On 11-04-11 08:13 AM, Uwe Ligges wrote:
 On 11.04.2011 02:47, Hervé Pagès wrote:
 More about the new --resave-data option
 As mentioned previously here
 'R CMD build' and 'R CMD INSTALL' handle this new option
 inconsistently. The former does --resave-data=gzip by
 default.  The latter doesn't seem to support the
 --resave-data= syntax: the --resave-data flag must either be
 present or not. And by default 'R CMD INSTALL' won't resave
 the data.
 Also, because now 'R CMD build' is resaving the data,
 shouldn't it reinstall the package in order to be able to do
 this correctly?
 Here is why. There is this new warning in 'R CMD check' that
 complains about files not of a type allowed in a 'data'
 The Icens package also has .R files under data/ with things
 bet- matrix(scan(CMVdata, quiet=TRUE),nc=5,byr=TRUE)
 i.e. the R code needs to access some of the text files
 located in the data/ folder. So in order to get rid of this
 warning I tried to move those text files to inst/extdata/
 and I modified the code in the .R file so it does:
 CMVdata_filepath- system.file(extdata, CMVdata,
 package=Icens) bet- matrix(scan(CMVdata_filepath,
 But now 'R CMD build' fails to resave the data because the
 package was not installed first and the CMVdata file could
 not be found.
 Unfortunately, for a lot of people that means that the safe
 way to build a source tarball now is with
 R CMD build --keep-empty-dirs --no-resave-data
 actually is makes some sense to have these defaults from a
 CRAN maintainer's point of view:
 --keep-empty-dirs: we found many packages containing empty
 dirs unnecessarily and the idea is to exclude them at the
 build state rather than at the later installation stage. Note
 that the package maintainer is supposed to run build (and
 knows if the empty dirs are to be included, the user who runs
 INSTALL does not).
 --no-resave-data: We found many packages with unsufficiently
 compressed data. This should be fixed when building the
 package, not later when installing it, since the reduces size
 is useful in the source tarball already.
 So it does make some sense to have different defaults in
 build as opposed to INSTALL from my point of view (although I
 could live with different, tough).
 If you deliberately ignore the fact that 'R CMD INSTALL' is
 also used by developers to install from the *package source
 tree* (by opposition to end users who use it to install from a
 *source tarball*,
 .. for a good reason, IMHO no serious developer would do that
 for obvious reasons -

 This sounds like saying that no serious developer working on a
 big project involving a lot of files to compile should use
 'make'.  I mean, serious developers like you *always* do 'make
 clean' before they do 'make' on the R tree when they need to
 test a change, even a small one? And this only takes a fraction
 of second for them?  Hey, I'd love to be able to do that too!


 you'd be working on a dirty copy creating many unnecessary
 problems and polluting your sources. The first time you'll
 spend an hour chasing a non-existent problem due to stale
 binary objects in your tree you'll learn that lesson ;). The
 fraction of a second spent in R CMD build is well worth the
 hours saved. IMHO the only valid reason to run INSTALL on a
 (freshly unpacked tar ball) directory is to capture config.log.
 Cheers, Simon
 even though they don't use it directly), then you have a
 point. So maybe I should have been more explicit about the
 problem that it can be for the *developer* to have 'R CMD
 build' and 'R CMD INSTALL' behave differently by default.
 Of course I'm not suggesting that 'R CMD INSTALL' should
 behave differently (by default) depending on whether it's used
 on a source tarball (mode 1) or a package source tree (mode
 I'm suggesting that, by default, the 3 commands (R CMD build +
 R CMD INSTALL in mode 1 and 2) behave consistently.
 With the latest changes, and by default, 'R CMD INSTALL' is
 still doing the right thing, but not 'R CMD build' anymore.

Re: [Rd] Dangerous Bug with IF function of R

2011-04-19 Thread Martin Maechler
 on Mon, 18 Apr 2011 11:11:28 -0700 (PDT) writes:

 Thanks a lot Petr it works!!!  
of course ..

 You know for someone who is used to work with matlab it is not so 

well, what do you mean with that?

I'm intrigued. After such a blatantly wrong claim about a bug in
R...  what exactly are you claiming about Matlab here?
That it implements (software) decimal arithmetic on top of the
cpu-internal binary arithmetic ?   probably rather not ...


__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] FW: [Rcpp-devel] Question on 5.6 Interfacing C++ code

2011-04-23 Thread Martin Maechler
 Simon Urbanek
 on Thu, 21 Apr 2011 10:57:19 -0400 writes:

 On Apr 21, 2011, at 10:52 AM, Sean Robert McGuffee wrote:

 That's great, but I don't know how to determine what foo is.

 It's the name of your package.

 How do I declare the name of the package?

 Package: name

 and the directory of your package has to have the same name -

that is no longer true ( since .. rough guess ... about two
And that's actually quite an important feature to me.
E.g., I can have a directory, say   lme4_MM_2001-04-18/
with a particularly hacked version version,
and then simply  do  
R CMD check lme4_MM_2001-04-18
which will install and check it in  lme4_MM_2001-04-18.Rcheck/

 please do read

so indeed, we should cancel the sentence
   The package subdirectory should be given the same name as the package.  
in there, or maybe rather replace it by
   The package subdirectory typically has the same name as the package.  



 On 4/21/11 7:16 AM, Duncan Murdoch
 On 11-04-20 11:33 AM, Sean Robert McGuffee wrote:
 Hi, apparently I sent my question about using R and C++ to
 the wrong list, ironically seeing as that list was called
 Rcpp. Anyway, I was directed to post my question here. To
 summarize my current question, I have found two commands that
 I want to be able to put into a package. The commands are 'R
 'dyn.load(paste(X,.Platform$dynlib.ext,sep=)),' which I
 would like to run when my package is installed and maybe have
 the second command run again when my package is to be
 used. I've been trying to figure out the documentation and
 learn through examples, but I'm just not getting it and have
 been trying for weeks.  Does anyone on this site have any
 suggestions for me?
 Assuming those lines work on their own, just do the following:
 1.  Put those *.cc files into the src directory of your
 package.  (You may need to create it.)
 2.  Put useDynLib(foo) into the NAMESPACE file of your foo
 3.  Call those functions using .C(X, args, PACKAGE=foo).
 That's it.
 Duncan Murdoch
 Thanks, Sean
 |On 20 April 2011 at 10:20, Sean Robert McGuffee wrote:
 | Hi, thanks!
 |On 4/20/11 10:03 AM, Steve wrote: | Hi,
 | On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 9:49 AM, Sean Robert McGuffee | wrote: | Hi, I have a quick
 couple of questions about some of the documentation on |
 the web page:
 n | t_002dends-to-R | under the heading: | 5.6
 Interfacing C++ code
 | Question 1: | If I’m at a terminal, I can type the
 instructions they suggest: | R CMD SHLIB |
 If I wanted a package to do this, how would I tell the
 package to do that | same thing?
 | Just to make sure we're all on the same page, you want an
 R package to | compile some source code into a shared
 library/dll from inside R?
 | Not sure if there's a baked in way for that to happen,
 but maybe you | can invoke `R CMD WHATEVER` from inside R
 using the `system` function:
 | R ?system
 | ok, so where in the package would I put the system call in
 the package to | have it run when installing the package?
 You don't. As I said, 'R CMD INSTALL' et all do that.
 Download an existing package with source, install it.  Study
 its sources, study the 'Writing R Extensions' manual.  Ask
 on r-devel.  Basic R questions are off-topic here.
 | Would I use the same command and just include it in a
 file somewhere in the | package?  | If so, which file?
 | Hmm ... I'm curious what you're trying to do, exactly?
 | I'm trying to figure out how take commands such as  R CMD
 SHLIB | followed by dyn.load(paste(X,
 .Platform$dynlib.ext, sep = | )), which are commands I can
 get to work for myself as a human | interactively, and put
 the commands into a package to be automatically run | when
 installing the package. I mean, it's great if I can compile a
 c++ file | and then use it inside R, but I'm only doing that
 so I can let other people | do that via a package. As much as
 I read this documentation, I keep missing
 Again, I like working from an existing, working package. As
 I said, there are almost 1000 to pick from.  Please direct
 follow-ups that have no bearing on Rcpp to r-devel.  Dirk
 I've tried to figure this 

Re: [Rd] An update of the Distribustions man page

2011-04-23 Thread Martin Maechler
 Christophe Dutang
 on Tue, 19 Apr 2011 16:03:06 +0200 writes:

 Dear list, I would like to suggest a small update the
 ?Distributions man page of the stats package. The current
 version contains the following line.

 The CRAN package \pkg{SuppDists} for additional distributions.

 I think it would be better to put in this man page a link to the
 CRAN task view on Distributions It is
 not true that the SuppDists package alone contains distributions
 which are not implemented in R base.

 Could it be possible to modify this sentence?

Yes, I have done so now.
The  Distributions  task view is indeed much more comprehensive
than just the SuppDists package ... which indeed used to be the
first (or one of the..) CRAN package extending distributions

 I don't know if there are other overview man pages in R related
 to other task views? But a link to the task views on those man
 pages could increase the popularity of the CRAN task views.

Good point Up to now I haven't take time to look through the
R sources for such candidate pages.

Suggestions are welcome.

 Kind regards

Thank you for the suggestion, Christophe!

Martin Maechler,
ETH Zurich

 Christophe DUTANG
 Ph. D. student at ISFA, Lyon, France

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] request for R-exts addition

2011-04-29 Thread Martin Maechler
 Ben Bolker
 on Thu, 28 Apr 2011 10:06:01 -0400 writes:

   would it be possible / make sense to copy some of the
 information in ?news into the R-exts manual, where package
 writers are most likely (?)  to look for it?  


 The information therein seems more appropriate for the
 extensions manual ...

you mean when we (R core) add extensions to package handling, Rd
syntax, the C API, ... and only report it in NEWS instead of
also updating the  R Extensions  manual?
Well, that happens as you can imagine.

In some cases, the entry in NEWS will say that a feature is
experimental, so we don't want to document it yet in stone, as
we expect the details to change.

But apart from those, I'm sure it will also happen otherwise,
since most of R core have more fun writing code than manuals 
but when we are called to duty we typically eventually oblige ;-)

So, yes indeed, it makes very much sense to keep the manual as
up-to-date as possible, and some of us  consider the manual to
be an important part of R's source tarball.

So, patches  and even other (concrete!) proposals for
improvement are welcome.
Ideally using texinfo syntax or even better a patch towards
a current version of the manual
from subversion, a nightly tarball, or simply

With many thanks in advance,

Martin Maechler, 
ETH Zurich

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] median and data frames

2011-04-29 Thread Martin Maechler
 Paul Johnson
 on Thu, 28 Apr 2011 00:20:27 -0500 writes:

 On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 12:44 PM, Patrick Burns wrote:
 Here are some data frames:
 df3.2 - data.frame(1:3, 7:9)
 df4.2 - data.frame(1:4, 7:10)
 df3.3 - data.frame(1:3, 7:9, 10:12)
 df4.3 - data.frame(1:4, 7:10, 10:13)
 df3.4 - data.frame(1:3, 7:9, 10:12, 15:17)
 df4.4 - data.frame(1:4, 7:10, 10:13, 15:18)
 Now here are some commands and their answers:

 [1]  8.5 11.5
 [1] 2 8
 [1]  2 NA
 Warning message:
 In mean.default(X[[2L]], ...) :
  argument is not numeric or logical: returning NA
 The sessionInfo is below, but it looks
 to me like the present behavior started
 in 2.10.0.
 Sometimes it gets the right answer.  I'd
 be grateful to hear how it does that -- I
 can't figure it out.

 Hello, Pat.

 Nice poetry there!  I think I have an actual answer, as opposed to the
 usual crap I spew.

 I would agree if you said ought to be written to
 work columnwise, similar to

 apply and sapply  always give the correct answer

 apply(df3.3, 2, median)
 X1.3   X7.9 X10.12
 2  8 11


exactly is now implemented as - function(x, ...) sapply(x, mean, ...)


My personal oppinion is that should never have
been written.
People should know, or learn, to use apply functions for such a

The unfortunate fact that exists makes people
think that should too,
and then

all just in order to *not* to have to know  sapply() 

No, rather not.

My vote is for deprecating


__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] Kendall's tau code

2011-04-30 Thread Martin Maechler
 S == SeshanV
 on Sat, 30 Apr 2011 11:20:59 -0400 writes:

 I discovered that the Kendall's tau calculation in R uses
 all pairwise comparisons which is O(n^2) and takes a long time for
 large vectors. I implemented a O(n*log(n)) algorithm based on
 merge-sort. Is this of interest to be included in core R? 

Yes, quite a bit of interest!

I know about the O(n^2) feature for quite a while, and it is
indeed a considerable problem in copula modelling which has
become an interest of mine in the recent year.

 The code (fortran and R wrapper) is available in my package clinfun v0.9.7
 (not exported in NAMESPACE).  

Thank you! Yes, I see you've put them there quite recently.
I see the Fortran code uses modern allocate / deallocate
constructs (that I don't know).
As I think we'd want to use this in the C code which is also
cor(*, method=kendall)
I'll eventually want a C version, not the least because we may
look into dealing with  NA 's in the same -- flexible -- way
that they are handled currently via the  'use = ...'

I may contact you privately for more.
Thanks again,

Martin Maechler, 
ETH Zurich (and R Core Team).

Thanks, Venkat

 Venkatraman E. Seshan, Ph.D. | Attending Biostatistician
 Director of Biostatistics Computer-Intensive Support Services
 Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics | MSKCC
 307 E 63rd St 3rd Floor | New York, NY 10065
 Phone: 646-735-8126 | Fax: 646-735-0010

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__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] R CMD check and Suggests Packages

2011-05-03 Thread Martin Maechler
 Hervé Pagès
 on Mon, 02 May 2011 11:55:08 -0700 writes:

 Hi, On 11-04-28 07:00 PM, Dario Strbenac wrote:
 In my description file, I have an example data package in
 Suggests: that I've deleted from my library to test what
 the user who doesn't have it will experience.
 However, R CMD check won't even pass my package :
 * checking package dependencies ... ERROR 
 Package required but not available: RepitoolsExamples

 Wouldn't a message like

Package required for full checking but not available:

 be more appropriate and avoid a confusion that we've seen
 for a very long time now?

Sure.  But such messages are already produced in current
versions of R, .. at least they are there in the package checking
source, see 
format.check_package_depends()  in  
which has e.g.,

  if(length(bad - x$suggests_but_not_installed)  1L) {
  c(gettext(Packages suggested but not available for checking:),

and similar for 'Enhances' in lieu of 'Suggests'.

If Dario really uses R 2.13.0 (or newer),
and he gets the above error message for a package that is not
required but only suggested,
I think we'd need a clear, ideally simple,
reproducible example, here.


__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] Add See Also: missing to help('exists')?

2011-05-16 Thread Martin Maechler

SpGMight it be feasible to add, See Also: missing
SpG to the help page for exists?

SpGCurrently, one can spend hours studying the help
SpG page for exists without getting a clue to the answer
SpG to the post copied below.

Yes. I've added such a link now...
though quite disillusioned with a very vague hope that useRs
would read the help page so thoroughly ...

Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich

SpGThanks, Spencer

SpG On 5/14/2011 3:30 AM, David Winsemius wrote:
 On May 14, 2011, at 3:30 AM, utkarshsinghal wrote:
   Hi all,
   I want to define a function such that one of its argument if passed 
 do one
   thing and if not passed do the second thing.


 So basically, I have to check
   whether the argument is passed or not inside the function. I am 
 trying to
   use 'exists' function to do this.
 f = function(a,b){exists(b)}
 f(a=3, b=4)
   [1] TRUE
   This is working as expected.
   But if I do the following:
   [1] TRUE
   Can anybody explain why this function is returning TRUE here.
 Many thanks,


 David Winsemius, MD
 West Hartford, CT

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] (no subject)

2011-07-19 Thread Martin Maechler
 Simon Urbanek
 on Tue, 28 Jun 2011 11:31:58 -0400 writes:

 On Jun 28, 2011, at 9:58 AM, Michelle.Carey wrote:

 I am trying to write code in C for an R package. I need
 high precision in the form of the mpfr and gmp packages.

 gmp is available as R package do
 you really need it at a lower level than that?

and so is MPFR:  Package 'Rmpfr'

(both on CRAN and R-forge)

.. and I am asking the same question as Simon:
Are you sure you need to use your own C code, 
instead of simply using the R packages 'gmp' and 'Rmpfr' and
work with R code?

Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich

 I have installed mpfr and gmp under the instructions of
 the following website
 and I get no errors. I have put the header files (mpfr.h
 and gmp.h) in the folder C:\Program

 That doesn't sound right - the instructions you quote
 install in the default location which is presumably
 /usr/local so you should simply set your flags to use that

 allowing my c code to identify the header files by
 incorporating includegmp.h and includempfr.h.
 Unfortunately when I try to include any of the functions
 listed in the header file I get compile error stating
 that these functions are undeclared,

 That doesn't sound plausible, either - undeclared function
 don't cause errors (not in C). Undefined functions do and
 you have to make sure you link the libraries installed

 even though the source code is in the same directory as
 my c code that I am trying to compile.

 That bears no meaning - as you said you installed the
 libraries, so you have to use those. Source code of
 gmp/mpfr has no effect on your code and should not be
 anywhere near it.

 Cheers, Simon

 Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
 Kind Regards,
 Michelle Carey

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] short documentation suggestion for by --- reference simplify2array and ave

2011-07-21 Thread Martin Maechler
 iw == ivo welch
 on Fri, 8 Jul 2011 20:47:08 -0700 writes:

iw in the documentation for by, please change the See
iw also section to \seealso{\code{\link{tapply}},
iw \code{\link{simplify2array}}, \code{\link{ave}}}

iw (simplify2array, by, and ave should probably also be
iw mentioned in the See also section of apply.)

iw hope this helps.

Yes, thank you.

I did (something like) that.

Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich

iw /iaw  Ivo Welch (

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] heatmap documentation typo

2011-07-21 Thread Martin Maechler

 Jonathan Dushoff
 on Thu, 30 Jun 2011 14:09:30 -0400 writes:

 Under Details, the documentation says [if Rowv or Colv] is 'NULL',
 _no reordering_ will be done for the corresponding side.  In fact, as
 explained elsewhere in the documentation, 'NA' is required, not

 An anonymous expert suggested that I should attach an svn diff file to
 this report, so I will.

Not necessary.  I've now committed the fix.

Thank you, Jonathan, for the report.

Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich

 Index: heatmap.Rd
 --- heatmap.Rd(revision 56237)
 +++ heatmap.Rd(working copy)
 @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
 If either is missing, as by default, then the ordering of the
 corresponding dendrogram is by the mean value of the rows/columns,
 i.e., in the case of rows, \code{Rowv - rowMeans(x, na.rm=na.rm)}.
 -  If either is \code{\link{NULL}}, \emph{no reordering} will be done for
 +  If either is \code{\link{NA}}, \emph{no reordering} will be done for
 the corresponding side.
 By default (\code{scale = row}) the rows are scaled to have mean


__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] Same class name, different package

2011-07-25 Thread Martin Maechler
 John Chambers
 on Sun, 24 Jul 2011 14:58:23 -0700 writes:

 A point that has come up a couple of times with the new
 test is that two classes from two packages may be the
 same class.  Should that turn on duplicate classes?

 One situation where the answer seems to be No is when the
 two classes are identical declarations of S3 classes, via

 A recent update (rev. 56492) tries to check for equivalent
 classes, with some special leeway for that case, and does
 not turn on the duplicate class flag.  It's not clear what
 is really needed or wanted in all circumstances, so
 further experience will be helpful.

 If duplicate classes do exist, a utility
 findDuplicateClasses(details = FALSE) will give the names
 of the duplicated classes.  It's not yet exported so you
 need to call methods:::findDuplicateClasses()


I haven't yet looked into the many situations that are out
there for CRAN and Bioconductor packages and am just speaking
from my own S4-using perspective:

I think 


should be much more widely used, in order to diminish such class
Wherever the new code produces warnings (does it?) about
duplicate class names, it would be good to advertize the 
ImportClassesFrom()   clause for those cases where the two
class definitions look to be identical.


 On 7/21/11 10:29 AM, John Chambers wrote:
 In principle, two separately developed packages could use
 the same class name, and a user could then attach both
 and attempt to use methods for both classes.
 That has never worked, but some changes have been added
 to r-devel to handle this case.  The changes involve
 extending the signature class to include package
 information.  For compatibility, packages will need to be
 re-installed from a version of R labelled 56466 or later,
 although an attempt is made to fill in missing

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] 'data.frame' method for base::rep()

2011-08-03 Thread Martin Maechler
 David Winsemius
 on Tue, 2 Aug 2011 10:14:59 -0400 writes:

 On Aug 2, 2011, at 7:55 AM, Liviu Andronic wrote:

 Dear R developers Would you consider adding a
 'data.frame' method for the base::rep function? The need
 to replicate a df row-wise can easily arise while
 programming, and rep() is unable to handle such a
 case. See below.
 x - iris[1, ]
 x[ rep(1,2), ] # works

Yes, indeed, and that I think is my definitive answer
to the proposal.
Defining a rep() method for data frames seems much less sensible
First because one simple substitute exists (namely indexing,
see above), and to me, not the least because there are several problems /
questions that would have to be answered

- Why should rep() for data frame necessarily replicate rows and
  not columns?
- If some rows should be resampled, why each row exactly the
  same number of times?
- any solution that is not compatible tox [ rep(i, k) , ]
  would be unsatisfactory
- What rownames should the new data frame get in case of real
  rownames (i.e., not the fast 1:n pseudo-rownames)?
  The informal definition of a data frame says that the rownames
  must be unique.
  -- and of course, the indexing solution

 xx - iris[ rep(1:nrow(iris), 3) , ]
  does implement one sensible way of producing unique row.names,
  {though, I must say, not the optimal one if the issue is efficiency}

Rather keep using [,] and let's not get into having to maintain
yet another data.frame method ..

Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] X11.options().

2011-08-08 Thread Martin Maechler
Hi Rolf,

please excuse a short top-reply:

As I see you are using an operating system (instead of Win..),
can you try in the shell

   echo 'X11.options()$type' | R --vanilla --slave

and does that really *not* report 
[1] cairo


(and BTW: Your subject had   tolower(LL)  instead of  11 )

 Rolf Turner
 on Mon, 8 Aug 2011 12:49:44 +1200 writes:

 This question seemed to me to be more appropriate for
 r-devel than for r-help.  My apologies if this is not the

 Recently I installed ``cairo'' on my lap-top so that I
 could make use of the (newish) polypath() function, with
 on-screen graphics.  (The polypath() function does not
 work with X11(type=Xlib).)

 The installation went smoothly, X11(type=cairo) works
 just fine, and polypath() works just fine.

 However the default type for X11() remains Xlib rather
 than cairo.

 The help for X11.options() says (in respect of type):

  Default cairo where available and reliable,
 otherwise Xlib.

 Now cairo is definitely available:

  cairo TRUE

 and moreover it works (just fine!) when I do
 X11(type=cairo) explicitly.

 I know that I can set the default to be cairo in my
 .Rprofile, but I am curious as to why cairo does not
 become the default automatically.

 Is it the case that cairo is ``not reliable'' under my
 system?  It ***seems*** to be reliable.

 R version 2.13.1 Patched (2011-07-17 r56404) Platform:
 i686-pc-linux-gnu (32-bit)

 locale: [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 LC_NUMERIC=C [3]

 attached base packages: [1] datasets utils stats graphics
 grDevices methods base

 other attached packages: [1] misc_0.0-13 gtools_2.6.2
 spatstat_1.23-1 deldir_0.0-15 [5] mgcv_1.7-6
 fortunes_1.4-2 MASS_7.3-13

 loaded via a namespace (and not attached): [1] grid_2.13.1
 lattice_0.19-30 Matrix_0.999375-50 nlme_3.1-101


  Rolf Turner

 __ mailing list

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] X11.options().

2011-08-08 Thread Martin Maechler
 Uwe Ligges
 on Mon, 8 Aug 2011 21:38:06 +0200 writes:

 On 08.08.2011 10:20, Martin Maechler wrote:
 Hi Rolf,
 please excuse a short top-reply:
 As I see you are using an operating system (instead of
 Win..), can you try in the shell
 echo 'X11.options()$type' | R --vanilla --slave


 given the R on my non-OS had X11.options, I'd rather

 R --slave --vanilla -e X11.options()$type

 Don't know why you have to type more on your OS.


touché,  Uwe!


__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] matrix bands

2011-08-26 Thread Martin Maechler
 Jeremy David Silver
 on Fri, 26 Aug 2011 13:23:43 +0200 writes:

 Dear R developers, I was looking for a function analogous
 to base::diag() for getting and setting bands of a
 matrix. The closest I could find was Matrix::band(), but
 this was not exactly what I wanted for two
 reasons. Firstly, Matrix::band() returns a matrix rather
 than just the specified band.  Secondly, Matrix::band()
 cannot be used for setting the values for a matrix band.

Yes, but did you not look at  help(band)
or not look carefully enough ?


  See Also:

   ‘bandSparse’ for the _construction_ of a banded sparse matrix
   directly from its non-zero diagonals.

 Setting or getting a matrix band could be of interest for
 sufficiently many users that you might consider including
 it in base R.  Alternatively, something like this could be
 included in the Matrix package.

well, see above and let us know if you see anything lacking in
Till now we haven't got much feedback about it, and there may
well be room for improvement.

Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich  and co- maintainer(Matrix)

 I have included two versions of these functions, a simple
 and naive version, and a more efficient version. The band
 index, n, is positive for bands above the diagonal and
 negative for bands below the diagonal.

 Regards, Jeremy Silver


## less clear formulation - more efficient
 band - function(x,n = 0){ dx - dim(x) if(length(dx) !=
 2L) stop(only matrix bands can be accessed)

max.dx - max(dx) n - as.integer(n)

ij - cbind(i = seq(1,max.dx) - n, j = seq(1,max.dx))
 ij - ij[1 = ij[,1]  ij[,1] = dx[1]  1 = ij[,2] 
 ij[,2] = dx[2],,drop=FALSE]

if(nrow(ij) == 0) stop('cannot access this matrix

x[ij] }

 'band-' - function(x,n = 0, value){ dx - dim(x)
 if(length(dx) != 2L) stop(only matrix bands can be

max.dx - max(dx) n - as.integer(n)

ij - cbind(i = seq(1,max.dx) - n, j = seq(1,max.dx))
 ij - ij[1 = ij[,1]  ij[,1] = dx[1]  1 = ij[,2] 
 ij[,2] = dx[2],,drop=FALSE]

if(nrow(ij) == 0) stop('cannot replace this matrix

x[ij] - value

x }

 ## simple, clear formulation - not very efficient band2 -
 function(x, n = 0) { x[col(x) - row(x) == as.integer(n)] }

 'band2-' - function(x, n = 0, value) { x[which(col(x) -
 row(x) == as.integer(n))] - value x }

 ## here are some examples to show that it works

 ## define a test matrix
 A - matrix(rnorm(12),3,4) A
 [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [1,] -1.5560200 0.6452762
 1.072565 0.1923451 [2,] 0.7940685 1.2441817 1.699486
 -0.2998814 [3,] -0.7762252 -0.4824173 -0.981055 -0.9265627

 ## access some of the bands

 [1] 0.6452762 1.6994858 -0.9265627
 [1] -0.7762252
 [1] 1.0725649 -0.2998814

 ## set one of the bands

 band(A,2) - 2:1 A
 [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [1,] -1.5560200 0.6452762
 2.00 0.1923451 [2,] 0.7940685 1.2441817 1.699486
 1.000 [3,] -0.7762252 -0.4824173 -0.981055 -0.9265627

 ## another example - a single column

 A - matrix(1:10) A
[,1] [1,] 1 [2,] 2 [3,] 3 [4,] 4 [5,] 5 [6,] 6 [7,]
 7 [8,] 8 [9,] 9 [10,] 10
 [1] 1
 Error in band(A, 1) : cannot access this matrix band
 [1] 2
 [1] 6

 ## compare the results from the two versions of the

 for(i in -2:3){print(band(A,i));print(band2(A,i))}
 [1] -0.7762252 [1] -0.7762252 [1] 0.7940685 -0.4824173 [1]
 0.7940685 -0.4824173 [1] -1.556020 1.244182 -0.981055 [1]
 -1.556020 1.244182 -0.981055 [1] 0.6452762 1.6994858
 -0.9265627 [1] 0.6452762 1.6994858 -0.9265627 [1] 2 1 [1]
 2 1 [1] 0.1923451 [1] 0.1923451

 ## show that the naive version is very slow for large

 N - 1e4 M - matrix(0,N,N) system.time(band(M,2))
 user system elapsed 0.005 0.003 0.007
 user system elapsed 18.509 2.121 20.754

 __ mailing list

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] matrix bands

2011-08-26 Thread Martin Maechler
 Jeremy David Silver
 on Fri, 26 Aug 2011 15:08:03 +0200 writes:

 Thanks for the suggestion, Martin!  I looked at both
 Matrix::band and Matrix::bandSparse. Maybe I misunderstand the
 help pages and the examples, but from what I can see neither of
 them provides the functionality I was looking for.

 For the getter version of the function I was looking for, I
 can't use Matrix::band (by extracting the non-zero elements)
 because this would require the assumption that the specified
 band is entirely non-zero, e.g.:

 band3 - function(x,n){
x - Matrix::band(x,n,n)
x[x!=0] ## works for a dense matrix, but not if band n has zeroes

 As for the setter version of the function I was looking for, it should 
 set the values of a specified band in an existing matrix to be the 
 vector of values provided. As far as I understand, Matrix::bandSparse 
 constructs a matrix rather than modifying the values of an existing matrix.

Yes, you are right.  The current bandSparse() doesn't do that...
and while you could use constructions like  
diag(A[,-1]) - dd
there will probably better (more efficient) alternatives.

 The functions included in my last post filled this gap. If Matrix::band 
 and Matrix::bandSparse can set/get bands in this way, I would like to 
 see how this can be done. If not, then perhaps they could be extended to 
 achieve this functionality.

That's a good suggestion, and I'll look at it,
further I'll look at your examples of getting ... 
and at the moment I'm still a bit curious why, i.e., to what end
/ in what application you need them [ rather than  band(*,.,.) ].
We may e-talk about this off-public if you want.


 On 2011-08-26 14:08, Martin Maechler wrote:
  Jeremy David
   on Fri, 26 Aug 2011 13:23:43 +0200 writes:
 Dear R developers, I was looking for a function analogous
 to base::diag() for getting and setting bands of a
 matrix. The closest I could find was Matrix::band(), but
 this was not exactly what I wanted for two
 reasons. Firstly, Matrix::band() returns a matrix rather
 than just the specified band.  Secondly, Matrix::band()
 cannot be used for setting the values for a matrix band.
  Yes, but did you not look at  help(band)
  or not look carefully enough ?
 See Also:
  ‘bandSparse’ for the _construction_ of a banded sparse matrix
  directly from its non-zero diagonals.
 Setting or getting a matrix band could be of interest for
 sufficiently many users that you might consider including
 it in base R.  Alternatively, something like this could be
 included in the Matrix package.
  well, see above and let us know if you see anything lacking in
  Till now we haven't got much feedback about it, and there may
  well be room for improvement.
  Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich  and co- maintainer(Matrix)

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] An example of very slow computation

2011-09-01 Thread Martin Maechler
 Michael Lachmann
 on Fri, 19 Aug 2011 02:08:48 +0200 writes:

 On my trials, after eliminating all the extra matrix-dgeMatrix
 conversions, using expm() and the method below were equally fast.


I'm sorry I hadn't time to get into this thread when it was
and I have told Ravi in the mean time what I would have said
*VERY* early here:

1) There's an 'expm' package --- which will be mentioned on the 
   Matrix::expm help page in the next version of Matrix ---
   that has better and faster algorithms (notably also some
   which work with *sparse* matrices!) than the one in Matrix.

2) Matrix::expm()  is really more reliable than one of the 19
   dubious ways that Peter mentioned correctly,
   and, it is really typically not a good idea to use a faster
   but considerably less reliable method.

   Reliability  is *much* *much* more important
   than speed, *really*
   and we (R-core) have always tried to emphasize this approach
   in all contexts.

3) Thanks to Ravi, an upcoming version of the 'expm' package
   will also contain a (Krylov space) version of expm()
   which is faster for the special case of evaluating
  expm(A * t) %*% v{A matrix, v vector, t scalar}
   and *still* numerically reliable.

Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich

 Which is why I said it applies when the system is diagonalizable.
 It won't work for non-diagonalizable matrix A, because T (eigenvector
 matrix) is singular.
 Ravi.   From: peter dalgaard
 [] Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2011 6:37 PM To: Ravi
 Varadhan Cc: '';;
 '' Subject: Re: [Rd] An example of very slow
 On Aug 17, 2011, at 23:24 , Ravi Varadhan wrote:
 A principled way to solve this system of ODEs is to use the idea of
 fundamental matrix, which is the same idea as that of
 diagonalization of a matrix (see Boyce and DiPrima or any ODE text).
 Here is the code for that:
 nlogL2 - function(theta){ k - exp(theta[1:3]) sigma -
 exp(theta[4]) A - rbind( c(-k[1], k[2]), c( k[1], -(k[2]+k[3])) ) eA
 - eigen(A) T - eA$vectors r - eA$values x0 - c(0,100) Tx0 - T
 %*% x0
 sol - function(t) 100 - sum(T %*% diag(exp(r*t)) %*% Tx0) pred -
 sapply(dat[,1], sol) -sum(dnorm(dat[,2], mean=pred, sd=sigma,
 log=TRUE)) } This is much faster than using expm(A*t), but much
 slower than by hand calculations since we have to repeatedly do the
 diagonalization.  An obvious advantage of this fuunction is that it
 applies to *any* linear system of ODEs for which the eigenvalues are
 real (and negative).
 I believe this is method 14 of the 19 dubious ways... (Google for
 it) and doesn't work for certain non-symmetric A matrices.
 Ravi Varadhan, Ph.D.
 Assistant Professor,
 Division of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology School of Medicine Johns 
Hopkins University
 Ph. (410) 502-2619
 -Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Ravi Varadhan
 Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2011 2:33 PM
 To: '';; 
 Subject: Re: [Rd] An example of very slow computation
 Yes, the culprit is the evaluation of expm(A*t).  This is a lazy way of 
solving the system of ODEs, where you save analytic effort, but you pay for it 
dearly in terms of computational effort!
 Even in this lazy approach, I am sure there ought to be faster ways to 
evaluating exponent of a matrix than that in Matrix package.
 Ravi Varadhan, Ph.D.
 Assistant Professor,
 Division of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology School of Medicine Johns 
Hopkins University
 Ph. (410) 502-2619
 -Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
 Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2011 1:08 PM
 Subject: Re: [Rd] An example of very slow computation
 John C Nash writes:
 This message is about a curious difference in timing between two ways 
of computing the
 same function. One uses expm, so is expected to be a bit slower, but 
a bit turned out to
 be a factor of 1000. The code is below. We would be grateful if 
anyone can point out any
 egregious bad practice in our code, or enlighten us on why one 
approach is so much slower
 than the other.
 Looks like A*t in expm(A*t

Re: [Rd] repeatable segfault - on Mac

2011-09-08 Thread Martin Maechler
 David Winsemius
 on Tue, 6 Sep 2011 00:38:13 -0400 writes:

 I can reproduce:
 eigen(crossprod(matrix(1:2000, 50)) + (0+0i), T, T)

 *** caught segfault ***
 address 0x102d0e028, cause 'memory not mapped'

 1: .Call(La_rs_cmplx, x, only.values, PACKAGE = base)
 2: eigen(crossprod(matrix(1:2000, 50)) + (0 + (0+0i)), T, T)
 ## after restart
 R version 2.13.1 (2011-07-08)
 Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin9.8.0/x86_64 (64-bit)

 [1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

 attached base packages:
 [1] stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods   base

 With OSX 10.5.8

 Also happens with 32 bit R
 [ GUI 1.41 (5874) i386-apple-darwin9.8.0]

It does not happen on Linux (different versions) 
nor Windows (2.13.1 patched, early August).

As this is calling LAPACK code,
I guess that this is yet another case where the Mac version
of optimized BLAS / LAPACK is playing wrongly.

Martin Maechler

 David Winsemius

 On Sep 6, 2011, at 12:12 AM, robin hankin wrote:

 Hi.  macosx 10.6.8
 With R-2.13.1 and also revision 56948 I get the following repeatable  
 wt118:~% R --vanilla --quiet
 [1] x86_64-apple-darwin9.8.0
 [1] x86_64
 [1] darwin9.8.0
 [1] x86_64, darwin9.8.0
 [1] 2
 [1] 13.1
 [1] 2011
 [1] 07
 [1] 08
 $`svn rev`
 [1] 56322
 [1] R
 [1] R version 2.13.1 (2011-07-08)
 eigen(crossprod(matrix(1:2000, 50)) + (0+0i), T, T)
 *** caught segfault ***
 address 0x1038000a8, cause 'memory not mapped'
 1: .Call(La_rs_cmplx, x, only.values, PACKAGE = base)
 2: eigen(crossprod(matrix(1:2000, 50)) + (0 + (0+0i)), T, T)
 Possible actions:
 1: abort (with core dump, if enabled)
 2: normal R exit
 3: exit R without saving workspace
 4: exit R saving workspace
 Selection: 2
 Robin Hankin
 Uncertainty Analyst
 __ mailing list

 David Winsemius, MD
 Heritage Laboratories
 West Hartford, CT

 __ mailing list

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] repeatable segfault - on Mac

2011-09-08 Thread Martin Maechler
 Simon Urbanek
 on Thu, 8 Sep 2011 09:33:23 -0400 writes:

 On Sep 8, 2011, at 4:01 AM, Martin Maechler wrote:

 David Winsemius
 on Tue, 6 Sep 2011 00:38:13 -0400 writes:
 I can reproduce:
 eigen(crossprod(matrix(1:2000, 50)) + (0+0i), T, T)
 *** caught segfault ***
 address 0x102d0e028, cause 'memory not mapped'
 1: .Call(La_rs_cmplx, x, only.values, PACKAGE = base)
 2: eigen(crossprod(matrix(1:2000, 50)) + (0 + (0+0i)), T, T)
 ## after restart
 R version 2.13.1 (2011-07-08)
 Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin9.8.0/x86_64 (64-bit)
 [1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8
 attached base packages:
 [1] stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods   base
 With OSX 10.5.8
 Also happens with 32 bit R
 [ GUI 1.41 (5874) i386-apple-darwin9.8.0]
 It does not happen on Linux (different versions) 
 nor Windows (2.13.1 patched, early August).
 As this is calling LAPACK code,
 I guess that this is yet another case where the Mac version
 of optimized BLAS / LAPACK is playing wrongly.

 Nope, this is R's BLAS / LAPACK! 

yes, it seems, as Peter is confirming as well.

*BUT* as far as we currently know, the problem was never seen 
outside of MacOS X , right?

Martin Maechler

 David Winsemius
 On Sep 6, 2011, at 12:12 AM, robin hankin wrote:
 Hi.  macosx 10.6.8
 With R-2.13.1 and also revision 56948 I get the following repeatable
 wt118:~% R --vanilla --quiet
 [1] x86_64-apple-darwin9.8.0
 [1] x86_64
 [1] darwin9.8.0
 [1] x86_64, darwin9.8.0
 [1] 2
 [1] 13.1
 [1] 2011
 [1] 07
 [1] 08
 $`svn rev`
 [1] 56322
 [1] R
 [1] R version 2.13.1 (2011-07-08)
 eigen(crossprod(matrix(1:2000, 50)) + (0+0i), T, T)
 *** caught segfault ***
 address 0x1038000a8, cause 'memory not mapped'
 1: .Call(La_rs_cmplx, x, only.values, PACKAGE = base)
 2: eigen(crossprod(matrix(1:2000, 50)) + (0 + (0+0i)), T, T)
 Possible actions:
 1: abort (with core dump, if enabled)
 2: normal R exit
 3: exit R without saving workspace
 4: exit R saving workspace
 Selection: 2
 Robin Hankin
 Uncertainty Analyst
 __ mailing list
 David Winsemius, MD
 Heritage Laboratories
 West Hartford, CT
 __ mailing list
 __ mailing list

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] should dir(all=TRUE) return . and ..?

2011-09-23 Thread Martin Maechler
 William Dunlap
 on Fri, 23 Sep 2011 15:49:43 + writes:

 dir(all=TRUE) returns the file names . and ..  while
 dir(recursive=TRUE, all=TRUE, include.dirs=TRUE) does not.
 I always filter out the . and .. entries and was
 wondering if anyone would mind if dir(all=TRUE) just
 omitted them?  It might make recursive file operations
 like cleaning out a directory safer, as
 unlink(recursive=TRUE, dir(all=TRUE, dirToClean)) might
 start attacking dirToClean/.., then dirToClean/../..,
 etc., until your disk is empty.


Thank you, Bill.
I agree that there is a problem.  It seems wrong to me that 

   dir(all.files=TRUE, recursive=TRUE, include.dirs=TRUE)

*omits* the (symbolic) directories  '.' and '..'  when simple


includes them.

However, from a strict description (of the argument names, and
also the help file) I would have expected that both would *include* 
rather than omit them.
But then --the scenario abov, and also more general
reasoning -- would rather suggest to follow your proposal.


 dir.create(tdir - tempfile(tdir))
 file.create(file.path(tdir, c(.dotFile, noDotFile)))
   [1] TRUE TRUE
 dir.create(file.path(tdir, .dotDir))
 file.create(file.path(tdir, .dotDir,
 c(noDotFileInDotDir, .dotFileInDotDir)))
   [1] TRUE TRUE
 dir(tdir, all=TRUE) # omit . and .. here?
   [1] .  ..  .dotDir .dotFile [5] noDotFile
 dir(tdir, all=TRUE, recursive=TRUE, include.dirs=TRUE)
   [1] .dotDir .dotDir/.dotFileInDotDir [3]
 .dotDir/noDotFileInDotDir .dotFile [5] noDotFile

 Bill Dunlap Spotfire, TIBCO Software wdunlap

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] broken save(..., compress=xy)

2011-09-23 Thread Martin Maechler
 Hervé Pagès
 on Fri, 23 Sep 2011 11:44:32 -0700 writes:

 On 11-09-23 11:02 AM, Sarah Goslee wrote:
 2011/9/23 Hervé Pagè
 With current R devel and R 2.13.1:
 aa=1:5 save(aa, file=aa.rda, compress=xy)
 Error in identical(compress, gzip) || compress :
 invalid 'y' type in 'x || y'
 The options for compress are gzip bzip2 or xz (and
 not xy), at least on my linux system. Are you sure you
 want xy?

 Right, I wanted xz, sorry... Maybe error handling could
 be improved though so a typo in the input doesn't break
 the code?

well, what every  ' break the code '  means,
you are right that a more informative error message makes sense
here (though, the code now is slightly longer).
I've committed such a change {svn rev 57057}.


 Thanks, H.

 Thanks!  H.
 R version 2.13.1 (2011-07-08) Platform:
 x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit)
 locale: [1] LC_CTYPE=en_CA.UTF-8 LC_NUMERIC=C [3]
 attached base packages: [1] stats graphics grDevices
 utils datasets methods base

Hervé Pagès

 Program in Computational Biology Division of Public Health
 Sciences Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center 1100
 Fairview Ave. N, M1-B514 P.O. Box 19024 Seattle, WA

 E-mail: Phone: (206) 667-5791 Fax: (206)

 __ mailing list

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] load.R patch suggestion

2011-09-28 Thread Martin Maechler
 Ben Bolker
 on Thu, 15 Sep 2011 11:03:26 +0200 writes:

 Inspired by

 I wrote the following very small (one-line) patch which
 returns an *informative* error message when R tries to
 load a zero-byte file rather than

 Error in if (!grepl(RD[AX]2\n, magic)) { : argument is
 of length zero

   I would guess that error messages with the word magic
 in them would be disturbing to new users, who are probably
 worried already that R is magic ...

:-)  indeed...

While it would not be a good idea to program around such error
messages in general, as each extra if(...) is executed everytime
the function is called, i.e. has a (albeit *very small*) penalty for
every correct call just for the sake of that message in the
erronous call case,
I do agree that it is worth here and so have added it (for
R-devel only).

Thank you, Ben.

   Ben Bolker

 Index: load.R
 --- load.R(revision 56743)
 +++ load.R(working copy)
 @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
  ## Since the connection is not open this opens it in binary mode
  ## and closes it again.
  magic - readChar(con, 5L, useBytes = TRUE)
 +if (length(magic)==0) stop(empty (zero-byte) file)
  if (!grepl(RD[AX]2\n, magic)) {
  ## a check while we still know the call to load()
  if(grepl(RD[ABX][12]\r, magic))

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] [R] are arithmetic comparison operators binary?

2009-02-24 Thread Martin Maechler
 WK == Wacek Kusnierczyk
 on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 19:29:31 +0100 writes:

WK Martin Maechler wrote:
 WK == Wacek Kusnierczyk
 on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 12:06:32 +0100 writes:
 Thank you, Wacek, 
 though .. wrong mailing list 

WK apologies.  i was actually asking for explanation, assuming that it
WK might be my misunderstanding, rather than reporting a bug.

( yes; but it is really a technical topic, also touching on
  extending R [below], hence -- R-devel )

WK the man page for relational operators (see, e.g., ?'') says:
WK Binary operators which allow the comparison of values in atomic vectors.
WK Arguments:
WK x, y: atomic vectors, symbols, calls, or other objects for which
WK methods have been written.
WK it is somewhat surprizing that the following works:
WK ''(1)
WK # logical(0)
WK ''()
WK # logical(0)
WK ''(1,2,3)
 a bit surprising (sic!), indeed, even for me.
 Thanks for your notice and report!

WK you're welcome. 

WK shouldn't the tests have captured it?  i think you should have a check
WK for every feature following from the docs.  

yes, we should.  

   R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
   You are welcome to ..

   R is a collaborative project with many contributors.

I think we'd gladly accept well-written  commented extra
files or patches to existing ./tests/*.R 
particularly if the contributor shows the new tests are
systematically covering currently untested areas...
Again: this really belongs to R-devel

-- I'm CCing there  {and write a quick reply on R-help about
the mailing list redirection}

WK plus those undocumented, but assumed by the developers.

  ;-) :-)

Indeed, we are also grateful for (concise!) patches to  man/*.Rd
help files.

 If you'd looked a bit in the sources, you'd seen that they
 really are supposed to be binary only.

WK it wouldn't be nonsensical to let them be of arbitrary arity (in a
WK well-documented manner), though it might confuse users.

Yes (to the latter).  One of the beauties of S and R is the
syntax closeness to  mathematical notation.
Many of us know that  Lisp  has beauties that S can never have,
but that's really in different beauty-space. 

 A very small change in the sources does accomplish this, passes
 the standard checks (and I cannot imagine reasonable code that
 would have relied on the more lenient behavior), so
 this will have changed in one of the next versions of R-devel.

WK thanks.

WK just a question (i haven't checked the sources, maybe i should):  what
WK is it that happens when one of the operators is called with n = 0 or 1
WK argument?  how does it come up with logical(0) rather than NA?

In some of the cases  e.g. 

it basically does   [empty]  1  and hence returns the same as

   NULL  1

Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] [R] Semantics of sequences in R

2009-02-24 Thread Martin Maechler
 WK == Wacek Kusnierczyk
 on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 11:31:13 +0100 writes:

WK Dimitris Rizopoulos wrote:
 in my opinion the point of the whole discussion could be summarized by
 the question, what is a design flaw? This is totally subjective, and
 it happens almost everywhere in life. Take human languages as an
 example and in particular, English. I do not know the history of the
 English language but I can guess at some point some people decided
 that the past tense for give should be gave and not gived
 according to the standard rule, possibly because they thought it has
 better acoustic.
 Is this a design flaw of English? Some might argue yes, maybe they
 would think gived does not have a that bad acoustic or they could
 have come up with another possibility than gave. Does this confuse
 new users of English? Of course it does -- I had to spent many hours
 learning the past tense and past particle of the irregular verbs.
 Should it be changed? Then almost all existing code (i.e., English
 texts) should be rewritten, which I think demonstrates why some people
 are a bit reluctant in design changes.
 To close I'd like to share with you a Greek saying (maybe also a
 saying in other parts of the world) that goes, for every rule there is
 an exception. The important thing, in my opinion, is that these
 exceptions are documented.

WK all this is true;  however, programming languages are not natural
WK languages, there are substantial differences, and conclusions valid for
WK natural languages are not necessarily valid for programming languages.

You are are right, Wacek.

However, Dimitris' comparison is still a valuable one, and I
think I know that you don't quite agree :

The S language has a long history and a relatively large user
base that goes back many years (say 20). As you know, the vast
majority are not professional programmers, not even
semi-professional ones. 
Rather  applied statisticians, scientists in many fields, also
mathematicians, most very happy about how productively they can
apply the S language by using R.
The books they have written do exist however (namely mostly collections
of R script files), and for almost all of them it would just
lead to considerable frustration if one of 
the exceptions in the language was replaced by the rule in a
way that makes their books contain typos.

We very occasionally do this, i.e., back-incompatible
improvements to R, inspite, but only rarely, when we are
convinced that the costs (user frustration, need to re-write
books) seem to be outweighed by the benefits. 

I think this is one of the big differences between (S and) R
and other computer languages you've mentioned.
So, indeed, Dimitris' parabola was more to the point than you
may have appreciated.

Hmm, but now let's return to something a bit more
productive, please...


__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] Unexpected side effect of the ::: operator on the value of isGeneric

2009-02-28 Thread Martin Maechler
 Wolfi == Wolfgang Huber
 on Wed, 25 Feb 2009 18:15:03 + writes:

Wolfi Hi,
Wolfi when running the following on a fresh R,

Wolfi library(IRanges)
Wolfi annotation
Wolfi showMethods(annotation)
Wolfi Biobase:::annotation
Wolfi showMethods(annotation)

Wolfi I get (see the ^ marked output at the bottom):


Wolfi Carico il pacchetto richiesto: 'IRanges'

Wolfi The following object(s) are masked from package:base :

Wolfi cbind,
Wolfi order,
Wolfi pmax,
Wolfi pmin,
Wolfi rbind,
Wolfi table

Wolfi standardGeneric for annotation defined from package IRanges

Wolfi function (x, ...)
Wolfi standardGeneric(annotation)
Wolfi environment: 0x1a302b0
Wolfi Methods may be defined for arguments: x
Wolfi Use  showMethods(annotation)  for currently available ones.

Wolfi Function: annotation (package IRanges)
Wolfi x=AnnotatedList

Wolfi standardGeneric for annotation defined from package Biobase

Wolfi function (object)
Wolfi standardGeneric(annotation)
Wolfi environment: 0x205cee0
Wolfi Methods may be defined for arguments: object
Wolfi Use  showMethods(annotation)  for currently available ones.


Wolfi Function annotation:
Wolfi not a generic function
Wolfi ^^^

Wolfi It seems that the value of isGeneric(annotation), when it is called
Wolfi within showMethods, is FALSE, while it is TRUE when called outside.

Hi Wolfgang,

I have looked at the NAMESPACE files of the two packages  
Biobase and IRanges, (the Bioconductor development version in SVN),
and I think the problem might result from the fact
that IRanges  does export the  annotation  generic, does not 
exportMethods( ...  annotation ...).

OTOH,  Biobase  exportMethods(  annotation ) only [but not the generic].
and then both packages do not at all mention each other,

Either you are talking about conceptually the same generic
annotation(); in that case one package needs to import*() it
from the other, 
or then you have two completely different animals, but then
(masking) problems are unavoidable 
-- in spite of the fact that I vaguely remember that some
   Bioconductor developers repeatedly emphasize that these
   problems are not problems for them

Wolfi R version 2.9.0 Under development (unstable) (2009-02-25 r48007)
Wolfi x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu

Wolfi locale:

Wolfi attached base packages:
Wolfi [1] stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods   base

Wolfi other attached packages:
Wolfi [1] IRanges_1.1.40

Wolfi loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
Wolfi [1] Biobase_2.3.10

Wolfi Best wishes
Wolfi Wolfgang

Wolfi --
Wolfi Wolfgang Huber  EBI/EMBL  Cambridge UK

Wolfi __
Wolfi mailing list

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] Unexpected side effect of the ::: operator on the value of isGeneric

2009-03-02 Thread Martin Maechler
 Wolfi == Wolfgang Huber
 on Sat, 28 Feb 2009 18:01:19 + writes:

Wolfi Dear Martin name masking is a separate issue, which I
Wolfi do not want to explore here.

Wolfi If one accepts the notion that unrelated generics of
Wolfi the same name may exist in different namespaces (user
Wolfi confusion aside, I don't see a technical reason why
Wolfi one shouldn't), then I find the behaviour of R in the
Wolfi below case puzzling: the value of
Wolfi showMethods(something) called from the global
Wolfi environment depends on whether or not the expression
Wolfi package::something has previously been
Wolfi evaluated. The value of isGeneric(something) is
Wolfi different when called from top-level and when called
Wolfi within showMethods.

Wolfi Best wishes Wolfgang

Wolfi PS1: I do apologize if this behaviour is intentional,
Wolfi and documented somewhere. I would then be puzzled
Wolfi even more though.

Wolfi PS2: My code example used :::, and there are some
Wolfi vague warnings in its man page that ::: is
Wolfi dangerous. The problem also occurs with ::.

Thank you, Wolfgang (and Martin Morgan), for the clarification,
here and off-line. 
Just for a public summary:  
You have convinced me that this is indeed pointing to a bug in the current
R implementation, and IIUC, at least one expert (JMC) is looking at a fix.


__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] array subsetting of S4 object that inherits from array

2009-03-06 Thread Martin Maechler
 BB == Bradley Buchsbaum
 on Thu, 5 Mar 2009 21:16:40 -0500 writes:

BB Hi,
BB I have an S4 class that inherits from array but does not add generic
BB implementations of the [ method.

BB A simplified example is:

BB setClass(fooarray, contains=array)

BB If I create a fooarray object and subset it with a one-dimensional
BB index vector, the return value is of class fooarray. Other variants
BB (see below), however, return primitive values consistent with
BB ordinary array subsetting.

BB x - new(fooarray, array(0,c(10,10,10)))

BB class(x[1,1,1])# prints numeric
BB class(x[1,,])   # prints matrix
BB class(x[1]) #  prints fooarray
BB class(x[1:10])#  prints fooarray

BB This behavior seems to have been introduced in R2.8.1 as I have not
BB encountered it before. I tested it on R.2.7.0 and confirmed that
BB class(x[1]) returned numeric.

BB In my case, the desired behavior is for array subsetting in all cases
BB to return primitive data structures, so if there is a way to override
BB the new behavior I would opt for that.

Yes,  the new behavior was introduced (into R 2.8.0) by me,
and ... coincidence ?! ...  two days ago, in e-talking with John
Chambers, I have been convinced, that the new feature really has
been a mis-feature.  Consequentley, yesterday (!) I'v committed
changes to both R-patched (2.8.1 patched) and R-devel which we
revert the mis-feature.

So, the override is to use  2.8.1 patched (or newer).

I'm sorry for my thinko that may also affect other
R-S4-programmers [of course I hope not, but then there's
Murphy's law].

Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich

BB Regards,

BB Brad Buchsbaum

BB R version 2.8.1 (2008-12-22)
BB i386-pc-mingw32

BB locale:
BB LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252;LC_CTYPE=English_United
BB States.1252;LC_MONETARY=English_United
BB States.1252;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=English_United States.1252

BB attached base packages:
BB [1] stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods   base

BB -- 
BB Bradley R. Buchsbaum
BB Rotman Research Institute
BB 3560 Bathurst St.
BB Toronto, ON Canada M6A 2E1
BB email:

BB __
BB mailing list

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] Putting demo shell scripts, text files, and RScript files with a package?

2009-03-18 Thread Martin Maechler
 DR == David Rosenberg
 on Tue, 17 Mar 2009 13:25:46 -0400 writes:

DR I've written a package to assist with using R in Hadoop Streaming.
DR The main point of the package is to help make command-line runnable  
DR RScript files.  I'd like to provide a demo RScript file, a demo data  
DR file (e.g. a plaintext file, not something already processed by R) ,  
DR as well as demo bash shell scripts that demonstrate how to run the job  
DR from the command line and in a Hadoop cluster.

DR My best idea so far for distributing these files is to package the  
DR contents of these files as a list of strings in a data file in the  
DR data directory, and include a function in the package, say  
DR generateDemoFolder(targetDir), that writes the files to a user- 
DR specified directory, ready for use from the command line.

I think you've overlooked the  possibility  of   sourcePkg/inst/

I would use something like  sourcePkg/inst/scripts/
which will become   installedPkg/scripts/

[accessible from within R  by  system.file(scripts, package= yourPkg)

One famous example being the  R scripts for VenablesRipley's
MASS book, available from all R installations via
 system.file(scripts, package=MASS)


  list.files(system.file(scripts, package=MASS))
 [1] ch01.R ch02.R ch03.R ch04.R ch05.R ch06.R ch07.R ch08.R 
[10] ch10.R ch11.R ch12.R ch13.R ch14.R ch15.R ch16.R

  source(system.file(scripts, ch01.R, package=MASS))

{ which ends in an error: It's not made for source();
  it might well be source()able if  
  'if(interactive()) ' where replaced by
  'if(dev.interactive()) ' 


Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] suggestion/request: install.packages and unnecessary file modifications

2009-03-19 Thread Martin Maechler
Thank you, Mark,

I've now committed (a version of) your suggestion to R-devel
(destined to become R 2.9.0 on April 17).

Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich
 on Tue, 10 Mar 2009 21:52:30 +1100 writes:

 Dear R-devel
 When 'install.packages' runs, it updates all html files in all packages. 
Mostly, there seems to be no actual change to the html file contents, but the 
date/time does change. This has causing been me a bit of trouble, because I 
keep synchronized versions of R on several different machines, and whenever I 
install a package, many MB of file transfers are required; my slow upload link 
can't cope.

 The culprit appears to be 'utils:::fixup.package.URLs'. Adding the 
commented lines below, near the end of the function, avoids the unnecessary 

 Mark Bravington

 for (f in files) {
 page - readLines(f) - page # MVB
 page - gsub(olddoc, doc, page, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)
 page - gsub(oldbase, base, page, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)
 page - gsub(oldutils, utils, page, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)
 page - gsub(oldgraphics, graphics, page, fixed = TRUE, 
 useBytes = TRUE)
 page - gsub(oldstats, stats, page, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)
 page - gsub(olddata, datasets, page, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)
 page - gsub(oldgrD, grD, page, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)
 page - gsub(oldmeth, meth, page, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)
 if( identical( page, # MVB
 next # MVB
 out - try(file(f, open = w), silent = TRUE)
 if (inherits(out, try-error)) {
 warning(gettextf(cannot update '%s', f), domain = NA)
 writeLines(page, out)

 __ mailing list

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] incoherent treatment of NULL

2009-03-23 Thread Martin Maechler
 WK == Wacek Kusnierczyk
 on Mon, 23 Mar 2009 09:52:19 +0100 writes:

WK somewhat related to a previous discussion [1] on how 'names-' would
WK sometimes modify its argument in place, and sometimes produce a modified
WK copy without changing the original, here's another example of how it
WK becomes visible to the user when r makes or doesn't make a copy of an
WK object:

WK dput(x)
WK class(x) = 'integer'
WK # error: invalid (NULL) left side of assignment

does not happen for me in R-2.8.1,  R-patched or newer

So you must be using your own patched version of  R ?

WK x = c()
WK dput(x)
WK class(x) = 'integer'
WK dput(x)
WK # integer(0)

WK in both cases, x ends up with the value NULL (the no-value object).  in
WK both cases, dput explains that x is NULL.  in both cases, an attempt is
WK made to make x be an empty integer vector.  the first fails, because it
WK tries to modify NULL itself, the latter apparently does not and 

WK however, the following has a different pattern:

WK dput(x)
WK names(x) = character(0)
WK # error: attempt to set an attribute on NULL

WK x = c()
WK dput(x)
WK names(x) = character(0)
WK # error: attempt to set an attribute on NULL

WK and also:

WK x = c()
WK class(x) = 'integer'
WK # fine
WK class(x) = 'foo'
WK # error: attempt to set an attribute on NULL

WK how come?  the behaviour can obviously be explained by looking at the
WK source code (hardly surprisingly, because it is as it is because the
WK source is as it is), and referring to the NAMED property (i.e., the
WK sxpinfo.named field of a SEXPREC struct).  but can the *design* be
WK justified?  can the apparent incoherences visible above the interface be
WK defended? 

WK why should the first example above be unable to produce an empty integer
WK vector? 

WK why is it possible to set a class attribute, but not a names attribute,
WK on c()? 

WK why is it possible to set the class attribute in c() to 'integer', but
WK not to 'foo'? 

WK why are there different error messages for apparently the same problem?


WK [1] search the rd archives for 'surprising behaviour of names-'

WK __
WK mailing list

__ mailing list

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