Re: [Resin-interest] pb with cxf / soap

2010-07-19 Thread Riccardo Cohen
ok after 2 hours I found the resin-support.jar in the 3.1.9 package, why 
did it disappear in 3.1.10  3.2 ?. I love resin but sometimes it is 
really hard to find the good information...

I could create the web service and produce the wsdl from 
http://localhost:8000/Adlinterface?wsdl . But when it comes to use the 
client it fails :

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: property not supported

this is the config for the client :

   remote-client interface=adlresintest.Adlinterface name=intf

and this is the source class for the client :

public class Adlservice extends HttpServlet
   private static final long serialVersionUID = -5896324971549186162L;
   @In private Adlinterface intf;

   public void init() throws ServletException

   public void service(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
 req.setAttribute(answer,intf.testfunc(a string));
(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();}


I don't see my error, Can it be a compatibility problem between resin 
3.2.1 and resin-support.jar found in 3.1.9 ?

thanks for any help

Riccardo Cohen wrote:
 I try to setup my first soap web service with resin Pro 3.2.1 / macosx 10.5
 I looked at the doc and
 I copied the 66 items / 26Mb jars in WEB-INF/lib (waw huge...) and 
 configured the app like in the samples
 I have the following error :
 resin.local.xml:292: com.caucho.config.types.BeanConfig.setUri(): 'cxf' 
 is an unknown scheme for driver 
 'com.caucho.remote.server.ProtocolServletFactory'.  The available 
 schemes are '[burlap, hessian]'
 I found only this thread from Scott (oct 2008)
 But resin-support.jar is not in the resin distrib, my ext-webapp-lib is 
 Thanks for any help .

Riccardo Cohen
Architecte du Logiciel
+33 (0)
Membre du réseau

resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] A request for caucho apache module - connect to an instance only after CDI deployment finished

2010-07-19 Thread Scott Ferguson
Wesley Wu wrote:
 Hi Scott,

 The request:

 Make caucho apache module to act (maybe should be configurable) as below :

 When check a Resin instance whether it is ready to accept connections,
 make sure it's not only started normally, but also all CDI startup beans were
 already initialized and deployed (after @PostConstuct call finished maybe).

I've filed this as

We do have bind-ports-after-start/, but that only applies to http 
ports, because the internal cluster port is used for both clustering and 
apache, and needs to be open earlier.

So we'll need to do something more sophisticated to handle your situation.

-- Scott
 The problem supposed to be solved:

 I have some @Startup beans to load various configrations from both
 property files and database tables in their @PostConstuct methods.

 This stage usually takes 40~100 seconds to finish.

 Should I call this stage a deployment stage, Or they're indeed tasks which
 the Resin App Server deployment stage will do?

 Almost every my web request (filters/servlets) has dependencies to
 these configurations. There won't be any requests be served and
 they'll be all blocked by either locks I defined or something else until
 the deployment stage finish.

 So I need the caucho apache module not to redirect requests to a resin
 instance in deployment stage, because it's just not ready yet!

 I have to suffer from a 40~100 seconds request halt/blocking after bring a 
 instance on in a cluster, whose forend is an apache httpd server, of course
 without restarting the httpd service.

 Hope I described the problem and the request.
 Or there's any way out to solve this problem currently?


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