Re: [Resin-interest] Resin 4.0.0 embedded

2009-05-24 Thread Daniel Lopez
Hi Scott,

S'està citant Scott Ferguson
 I've added a bug report for this.  It's been something that's been
 bugging me a bit.  For normal Resin, we take control of the logging as
 soon as it's launched (so you could duplicate that -D... header), but
 we don't have a clean way of managing the logging if we're not in
 control at the start.

I understand. The options that I've seen in other embedded containers are:
.- Allow seetings to be configured through the API.
.- Allow a partial configuration file where some settings can be specified.
Both options have pros and cons, depending on whether you want to  
control everything programatically or just start it from your Java  
class and be able to configure it externally.

In my case, I'd probably go for the second option, but that's just  
because it is the option that better suits my particular needs :D.

 .- The embedded engine requires a JDK for compiling as it needs a Java
 compiler, but... is it possible to configure it to use an embedded
 compiler like Apache Jasper or similar so it can be packed with the

 I'm not sure I understand.  Jasper is the JSP implementation.  It
 isn't a compiler.

Well, I might be wrong as I did not get into details, but with Tomcat  
a library is included that reads jasper-compiler.jar and that is in  
charge, if I'm not mistaken, of compiling the JSPs. And I can run that  
version using a JRE, so I asumed it included everything that was  
needed, JSP compiling included.

 You can bundle Resin with the eclipse compiler.  We already have a
 compiler=eclipse option.

I know that and I know how to configure it in the resin.conf file, but  
how does one configure the embedded version to use it? Is is detected  
automatically if is is found in the classpath? Otherwise, it might be  
another candidate to be included in the API/partial config file.

 That sounds fine.

Great. I'll provide a separate package licensed under the GPL and let  
you revise it in case you want to add something for the Resin part.

On a related note, I cannot get the embedded container to run a .war  
file and I came across a quite weird thing. I'm setting it like that:
WebAppEmbed theApp = new WebAppEmbed(/);
After starting the server, I see that a WEB-INF directory is created  
in c:/tmp and a single empty directory classes inside it. Nothing  
else is there, so all I get are 404s.

And then the weird thing. I wanted to test if using it with my full  
Resin 3.1.5 installation, so I changed the host configuration to be  
like this:
web-app id=/ archive-path=D:/Apps/deploy/Wembed/demo.war/

The result was that it tried to deploy the application in the Resin  
directory, removing all the files... So Resin ended up removing itself!

I'll have to try with the latest versions, but it looks like a problem :).


resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] Memory leak - in Resin?

2009-03-29 Thread Daniel Lopez

Using that .war as a sample application, I did some more tests and  
found some things that might be interesting:

I added groovy-1.5.7.jar, and  
scala-compiler-2.7.2.jar to WEB-INF/lib. Nothing is done with them,  
they simply live there. Important data: total size for WEB-INF/lib:  
10.3 MB.

I then deployed the application, start it and here's some data I  
gathered after accessing the application a couple of times and hitting  
Force Garbage Collector until the memory is stable:

Heap Memory used: 31MB
Instances of com.caucho.loader.EnvironmentClassLoader: 1

I then re-save web.xml so the context is reloaded, access and force GC  
until memory is stable again:

Heap Memory used: 41MB
Instances of com.caucho.loader.EnvironmentClassLoader: 2

Once again:

Heap Memory used: 51MB
Instances of com.caucho.loader.EnvironmentClassLoader: 3

Focusing on the last memory snapshot the 3 EnvironmentClassLoader come  
from (shortest GC roots):
1.- contextClassLoader of  
java.util.prefs.AbstractPreferences$EventDispatchThread [Stack Local,  
2.- _classLoader of com.caucho.server.dispatch.Invocation -
 _invocation of com.caucho.server.http.HttpRequest [Stack Local] -
3.- loader of$1 -
 class of$1 -
 [1] of java.util.prefs.PreferenceChangeListener[3] -
 prefListeners of java.util.prefs.WindowsPreferences -
 STORE of -
 [771] of java.lang.Object[2560] -
 elementData of java.util.Vector -
 classes of com.caucho.loader.EnvironmentClassLoader -
 contextClassLoader of  
java.util.prefs.AbstractPreferences$EventDispatchThread [Stack Local,  

They are ordered using order of appearance (in the first memory SS,  
one like 1 is present, after the first restart one like the 2 is  

And looking at one of the suspected classes to be replicated,, you can see that  
indeed there are 3 instances of that class, each one loaded by a  
different EnvironmentClassLoader.

So, I would say there is indeed a leak and the jackpot would be to  
find out why the EnvironmentClassLoader instances are not being  
cleaned. Without knowing how Resin is internally supposed to work and  
which loaders are supposed not to be there, it's difficult to know. As  
the classes inside the lib directory are not even used at all, one  
would suspect is a Resin internal issue, but seeing Preferences  
classes and ThreadLocal in the mix makes the whole thing quite  
suspicious :).

Any idea or test to find out more?

 Seems to me nothing has changed in this regard in the 4.0 snapshot. I
 did my leak test as previously described, see below, and no classes were

 - Dowload
 - Add some JARs to the WEB-INF/lib directory; preferrably a couple of
 large ones like spring.jar and hibernate.jar (don't use Resin JARs though).
 - Drop the WAR in a clean installation of Resin
 - Hit http://...:nn/leak (once is enough)
 - Force a redeploy by either deleting the webapps/leak dir or touch:ing
 - Hit http://...:nn/leak again
 - Repeat the last two steps for as long as you'd like


resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] Remote programmatic authentication

2009-03-24 Thread Daniel Lopez
While on that topic... I have been fighting through the years, since  
version 3.2, to get the servlet spec. to improve the security part but  
well, not very successfully one could say. I guess not being famous or  
working for a mega-vendor does not help :).

Bitching at forums and blogs (sending feedback to the servlet spec  
feedback email was like throwing it to the trash can) I've managed to  
get some attention lately,
so if some of you that think along the same lines would also to say  
something, we might get the small voices to the be heard if we push  
together. So feel free to add your feedback, please, so at least they  
cannot say any longer that users do not complain so it must be  
nothing needs to change.

On a side node, what we did long ago was to separate the security  
settings from the business logic and also divide it in two parts:
.- The security model specifies the relationship between roles and  
users and if a user is authenticated or not.
.- The security policy specifies which roles are required to perform a  
request, this can be done per-request-on-the-fly so the same URL can  
have different requirements depending on the parameters, something on  
the session, the context, the date... the weather ;)... whatever.

The security engine asks both entities and decides (it can decide  
first if a user is logged in or not, and knowing which roles are  
required for that specific request, deny or accept the request,  
redirect to the login page...). Some information is passed to the  
business logic in case it is required for something (usually the  
username) and some more complex checkings can be done, but in many  
applications that is more than enough.

That also allows us to re-use the security model between applications,  
sharing the security policy is not that common as it tends to be  
app-specific, and be able to deploy the applications on any container.

In any case, I wish it was part of the spec. so I did not have to  
maintain the code myself, and we cannot make use of isUserInRole()  
etc., but in any case it's worked for us since 1998, so I think we  
already made the ROI positive :).


S'està citant Scott Ferguson

 On Mar 19, 2009, at 8:30 PM, Jeff Schnitzer wrote:

 The problem is, j2ee automatic authentication is nearly useless.


 It doesn't allow for autologin cookies nor does it allow me to sign up
 new users - they would have to then log in again.  It blows my mind
 that a decade later the servlet spec hasn't addressed these simple

 Yep.  Almost as bizarre as not having multipart/mime (upload) support.

 Resin 4.0 has refactored Resin's login/authentication (because our old
 model really didn't make much sense.)

 The new Login handles servlet/http interaction and the Authenticator
 handles pure user/credentials (the old model mixed the two concepts
 into the old ServletAuthenticator.)  So, the capabilities you're
 looking for would be added to a Login class.  I don't know if you're
 looking for customizing the Login, or if you want a more general
 capability in our AbstractLogin.

 Since the new configuration uses Java DI, your application can grab
 the login.  The configuration looks like:


 And then you could use

@Current AbstractLogin _login;


@Current BasicLogin _login;

 (At present, the Login interface itself wouldn't be useful from a
 programmatic standpoint, while we could add methods to AbstractLogin.)

 -- Scott

 I need a way, in my web app, to programmatically say to the container
 authenticate as this user/pass.  Then these credentials will be used
 for further calls into the EJB tier or for responding to
 HttpServletRequest.isUserInRole() calls.  Of course at the SPI level
 these will end up calling into my Resin Authenticator.

 This is a pretty common problem, there must be a Resin way to do it.
 In JBoss5, it looks like this:

 SecurityClient securityClient =
 securityClient.setSimple(user, password);


 On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 7:38 PM, Aaron Freeman

 #2 is still a mystery to me.  I'm in a servlet, how do I
 programmatically tell the container to log me in with a username

 This page has a good overview of how to do it:

 So you set up your security constraints in your resin.xml and
 a custom authenticator inside the login-config.  The create your
 authenticator by AbstractAuthenticator.

 Note the code in the example is referencing:
 com.caucho.server.http.AbstractAuthenticator but I think you want to
 extend com.caucho.server.AbstractAuthenticator instead, as I think
 .http. version is deprecated.

 - Aaron

Re: [Resin-interest] Perf Issues

2009-03-21 Thread Daniel Lopez
 From our years using Resin and other containers, even though  
basically Resin, we have found basically 2 things that containers do  
not like:

.- Swap memory. I know it's stating the obvious, but when your app is  
running out of memory and the GC starts working like frenzy, the worst  
it can happen is that the memory it is working with is on disk. That's  
where the CPU usage starts going up the roof and there's no way to  
stop the JVM but with a hard kill.

.- Restarting the context. Yeah, contexts should not be restarted in  
production, but sometimes it happens. No matter how good a container  
is or how careful you are with your application, there are many  
third-party libraries that were not really well thought-out for a  
multi-classloader environment and they leave dangling references,  
which in many cases means the old classloader is not properly cleaned  
and retains, sort of, a copy of all your WEB-INF/lib/.jar's in memory.  
Unless you do all on your own, we consider this one a lost battle,  
because there are so many popular libraries that cause such problems...

We don't use mod_caucho, so we don't usually have problems with  
Apache, so in our case we simply make sure to stay in the safe RAM  
memory zone and restart the servers once a day just to stay on the  
safe side as well. There are some nodes we don't restart and can stay  
up for months, but our environment is many small applications and they  
don't need to be 24/7, so that works better for us.

 From your description it looks more probable to be a problem of your  
application, but even if it is not, as the other people recommended, a  
memory profiler should do wonders to find out what's going on. Take a  
memory snapshot when the application is in regular usage and then  
another when the memory starts growing too much and compare them. I've  
used YourKit Java Profiler in those situation with the  
compare-snapshots option and worked quite well. Many other profilers  
also have that capability.


S'està citant Jeff Schnitzer

 It's also worth mentioning that for serious application tuning, there
 is no substitute for a good profiling tool.  In the past I have had
 great results with JProfiler:

 I've even gone so far as to take one node in a production cluster,
 give it a reduced load profile at the balancer (because profiling
 slows things down considerably), and run the profiler against it live.
  You'll be amazed what you discover.


 On Sat, Mar 21, 2009 at 7:39 AM, Adam Allgaier wrote:

 I would plug jconsole into your resin instance and watch what's   
 happening to the JVM memory.  Could be loose open threads (and   
 large thread size) that grows over time and eats up free memory.   
  Restarting would kill all the threads and free the memory.


 - Original Message 
 From: Stargazer
 To: General Discussion for the Resin application server
 Sent: Saturday, March 21, 2009 4:39:56 AM
 Subject: Re: [Resin-interest] Perf Issues

 Ronan Lucio wrote:

 We have had a perf issue.

 Our servers have 4Gb RAM. It has just Resin and Apache installed.

 The problem is, when I start Resin, the whole server uses about 2.5 Gb RAM
 After that memory usage keep growing til it reachs the 4Gb RAM, use swap
 and so on.

 After few hours the application start getting slow.
 Analyzing the server sources, it's using so low CPU, load about 1... I
 see none overload evidence, except for RAM memory.

 So I just restart Resin and/or Apache and application gets fast again,
 but few ours later it will raise the same issue.

 I have been suffering from exactly those symptoms for years.
 Do your httpd processes consume all the swap, with top showing some at
 450Mb? (default httpd.conf values)  I.e does restarting apache alone,
 and not resin, cause the swap to drop back down to normal until the next
 slow growth starts it all again?

 That is my pattern. So when I profile resin theres no unusual growth
 even through the whole server is effectiviley dead until restart. Given
 that, whos to blame? Could mod_caucho somehow be at fault even though
 resin itself is ok?

 I have another identical server running a couple of PHP CMS apps, no
 resin or java in sight - because of this problem actually. The plan is
 to move everything over when stable but these have become too critical
 to play with. Their typical httpd swap use is 25Mb, and its the default
 httpd.conf. I would dearly love to know what the httpd on the failing
 server thinks it needs to hold onto 450Mb for, without tweaking there
 could be 20 of these. There are other non-quercus PHP apps running on
 that server btw.

 My solution is to kill child httpd processes at a far quicker rate
 than you'd normally want, and it works of 

Re: [Resin-interest] reverse proxy support like ProxyPass in apache?

2009-03-05 Thread Daniel Lopez

In our case, it is usually enough to use mod_proxy with simply a  
ProxxPass and ProxyPassReverse directive, forwarding complete  
directories to the back end.
That means we forward all requests to the applications, which reside  
in another machine in the backend, as they also include styles,  
images... One could configure some requests to be served directly by  
Apache, but that would mean we would have to split the applications in  
two pieces, one to reside in the Apache host, the dynamic one to  
reside in the application server... and that is something we don't  
want, due to the number of applications we have to mantain.

In any case, in those specific cases where we needed to proxy specific  
types of requests, we would then use mod_rewrite and then mod_proxy,  
as the version of Apache we use, for other unrelated reasons, still  
does not have ProxyPassMatch.

So, even if ProxyPassMatch is broken, you could still go back to the  
good ol' mod_rewrite/mod_proxy combo for those specific needs.


S'està citant david day

 This is a smashing idea, and I feel like an idiot for not seeing it.
 Unfortunately, ProxyPassMatch is broken in the RPM based RedHat
 Apache.  This is at the same time mod_caucho will not build on any new
 CentOS or RedHat servers.

 Is your use of mod_proxy fairly basic, or have you been required to do
 some imaginative directives with regex?  At least with mod_proxy, I
 can upgrade Apache and utilize ProxyPassMatch where mod_caucho fails
 under any configuration.  I'm not excited about this prospect either,
 but there is nothing we can do about mod_caucho.  You have given me
 another option out of this problem.


 resin-interest mailing list

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Re: [Resin-interest] Profiling...

2009-02-23 Thread Daniel Lopez

On Windows, the DLLs have to be somewhere in the PATH, not  
LD_LIBRARY_PATH which is a *nix thing. Moving them to Windows\System32  
works as that's part of the standard PATH, but you can also do it just  
starting Resin with a .bat file with something like...
set PATH=C:\Wherever\Your\DLLs\are;%PATH%
set JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=your-profiler-extra-options %JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS%

I use something like that successfully with YourKit Java Profiler and  
Resin 3.1.X, 3.2.X (in this latter case it is resin.exe instead of  
httpd.exe) and I didn't have to move any DLLs around, which really  
helps when you have to upgrade your profiler.

I hope it helps,

PS: I have not used the -Xdebug, so I'm not sure if that affects or not.

S'està citant Jan Simacek

 On Windows (tested on vista but should work elsewhere) for me worked copying
 all the dlls from jprofiler6\bin\windows to Windows\System32 cause that's
 one of the default locations where windows look for dll's

 Andrew Fritz-2 wrote:

 Hmm... Ok, I think you may have it. I copied the jprofiler tree instead
 of installing it. I bet it adds itself to my LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

 I tried removing the debug options already with no luck.

 In any case, I'll try looking for a .so file tomorrow and if that
 doesn't fix it, I'll try the verbose option.


 Knut Forkalsrud wrote:

 Andrew Fritz wrote:

 Regardless, I still get a Could not find agent library on the library
 path or in the local directory: jprofilerti.

 The profiler likely comes with a binary, a file whose name end in .so,
 at least for Linux.  For jprofilerti the file name would be I think.  Make sure that file is available to the
 dynamic loader by for example setting the environment variable
 LD_LIBRARY_PATH (Linux) or DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH (Mac if I remember
 correctly) or just copy it to ${resin.home}/libexec/ if you have such a


 PS: I still think removing -Xdebug is worth an attempt.  I had very
 similar symptoms and that change did the trick.

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Re: [Resin-interest] Quercus + Web Services / Zend

2008-11-02 Thread Daniel Lopez
Hi again,

I think I found something related to the issue, as Quercus seems to  
have some problems with PHP static members.
I created the following test:
class Test
protected static $_instance = null;
protected $_variable = null;
  * Singleton instance
 public static function getInstance()
 $reflection = new ReflectionClass('Test');
 foreach ($reflection-getProperties() as $property) {
 $name = $property-getName();
echo Member: .$name.BR /
if (null === self::$_instance) {
 self::$_instance = new self();

 return self::$_instance;
$testInstance = Test::getInstance();
If I execute the test under regular PHP, the result is:
Member: _instance
Member: _variable
If I execute it under Quercus, I just get
Member: _variable
The strange thing is that accessing the $_instance static memeber in  
this little test works, but a very similar code is inside  
Zend_Controller_Front class in the Zend framework and there it  
complains that $_instance has not been declared, even though you can  
see the declaration a couple of lines above.

So, even though is seems it is not the full issue, it seems to be  
strongly related. In any case, one would say that reflection in  
Quercus is broken, right?

Tested using Resin 3.1.7a and resin 3.2.1. Trying to use Zend in 3.2.1  
I don't get the error I was showing above, but a blank page and no  
error message anywhere.


resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] Quercus + Web Services / Zend

2008-11-02 Thread Daniel Lopez
Well, moving forward

I've advanced a bit on the 3.2.1 front as the $_instance not defined  
problem is no longer there, even if reflection is still broken. The  
next issue I found is that accesing a stack, the isset(stack-{$name})  
returns 1 (true) and then stack-{$name} returns false, where isset  
is expected to return false directly as the object is not really  
inside the stack. Not sure how that is supposed to work in PHP, but  
Zend checked with isset() for existance, this failing.

This happens in Zend/Controller/Action/HelperBroker.pjp, line 232

Then I also found out PHP_EOL is not defined, which is not exactly a  
bug, but Zend uses it, so I defined it not to get tons of PHP_EOL  
all around :).

With those changes I was able to render the layout, but not content is  
being displayed and, if I have to believe the traces, neither the  
Controller or the View are being called.

This time I'm getting no error, trace or anything... Aren't  
interpreted languages fun? :)


resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] Quercus + Web Services / Zend

2008-10-31 Thread Daniel Lopez
Hi Adriano,

Thanks for your answer. I'm trying with the latest release of Zend,  
(1.6.2)  fresh from their site.

I follow their quickstart guide, substituting the Apache .htaccess  
file with the URLRewrite filter to redirect all requests to  
WEB-INF/php/public/index.php, storing the Zend framework in  
WEB-INF/php/library/Zend and creating the  
WEB-INF/php/application/bootstrap.php file the instructions mandate.

If using Resin 3.1.5, accessing the application raises a
Fatal Error: 'Array' is an unknown function. [spl_autoload_register]
but that's a well-know bug of Quercus in 3.1.5, fixed in 3.1.7.

I then try with 3.1.7a and I get these errors:
...bootstrap.php:16: Fatal Error: Zend_Controller_Front::$_instance is  
an undeclared static property
An exception occured while bootstrapping the application.
...bootstrap.php:16: Fatal Error: Zend_Controller_Front::$_instance is  
an undeclared static property
Stack Trace:

As I used copy/paste and I used the same files in a MAMP environment  
some days ago, I thought it might be a Quercus thing, but I could not  
find anything about it.

I can send you my setup if you wish, but I just followed the steps in  
the quickstart guide, copy/pasting the content of index.php and  

Regarding the simple NuSOAP test, I include the library and try one of  
the samples that issues something like:
$client = new  
true,$proxyhost, $proxyport, $proxyusername, $proxypassword);
And always in these lines I get Server failed to send headers, even  
though if I try accessing the WSDL files with my browser, I can see  
them normally. The debug trace claims that the answer returned an  
empty answer... but they are answering the browser so...

Thanks for your help,

Adriano Bonat [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha escrito:

 Hello Daniel,

 I had success running my project that uses ZF 1.5.2 on top of Quercus,
 as it is using PDO, and the Quercus support at that time (dunno know,
 I'm not watching its progress) didn't implement some necessary things,
 I did implement and so it worked fine.

 Which version of ZF were you using? Share your basic test too, so we
 can try to figure out what is happening.


resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] Quercus PHP for TCP Servers?

2008-09-04 Thread Daniel Lopez

To migrate the C++ daemon, Resin includes some utilities to run tasks  
(Java classes in the end) periodically, we have also used Open  
Symphony's Quartz scheduler to develop such thing in a container  
independent way. The benefit of it is that you don't have to care  
about two different pieces of software. OTOH, if you have to have the  
server running independently of the servlet container, then a Java  
application running as a service daemon would do fine.

Regarding using PHP for the business logic, the approach we have  
experimented with is to call the Quercus engine through the Java  
Scripting Interface and return XML from that, which is then fed to  
FreeMarker/XSLT to generate the output. We have not developed it  
specifically for PHP, it works with any scripting language, but PHP is  
just fine if you have PHP resources and want to re-use them.

One could use PHP directly through the Quercus servlet, but that would  
mean no SoC, and we want it.

We have a mini-example application that uses it and the framework that  
does the work is also Open Source, in case you wanted to have a look  
at it and see how it's done.

We had no PHP resources so we are not currently using the language  
itself, but we use it with Groovy and it is conceptually the same.

BTW: There's a memory leak in version 3.1.5/6 when Quercus is called  
through the Java Scripting API, so don't test the combination with  
that version. Not sure if the leak is still present in latest version  
as I had no time to test it yet.  


S'està citant Emil Ong [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 On Thu, Sep 04, 2008 at 06:06:04PM +0200, Clemens Perz wrote:
 Hi Guys!

 I am playing around with Resin/Quercus now for a few days, trying to
 make one of my PHP applications work in this environment.

 It consists out of two parts, a traditional web frontend that I think I
 will get up and running with Resin.

 The other part is a TCP server, which I usually start through inetd or a
 daemon written in C++. All the logic for the server is pure PHP.

 Do you think I can port this to be controlled by a daemon/service
 written in Java and still have the logic in PHP, processed by Quercus?
 Could you give me any hints how to approach this? Where could be
 pitfalls, what kind of wrappers you think I might have to write?

 Any information that helps would be highly welcome :))

 Hi Clemens,

 This can be done in Resin, but it will take a bit of work.  First,
 you'll need write a custom protocol.  Resin has a facility that lets
 you do that and configure it pretty easily:

 Next, you'll need to integrate Quercus into that protocol.  There are
 a couple ways of doing that, but the easiest would probably be to use the
 javax.script interface.  You'll just use the Quercus engine for the
 language.  Looks like we don't have an example up for that yet, so I'll
 throw a quick one up on the blog ( later today.
 If you have experience with javax.script though, it should be pretty
 straight forward.

 Keep us updated on your progress!  It sounds like a very interesting



 Emil Ong
 Chief Evangelist
 Caucho Technology, Inc.
 Tel. (858) 456-0300

 Caucho: Reliable Open Source
 -- Resin: application server
 -- Quercus: PHP in Java
 -- Hessian Web Services

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[Resin-interest] Configuring a JNDI javax.mail.Session for a TLS SMTP server (gmail) (3.1.5)

2008-07-21 Thread Daniel Lopez
Hi there,

I'm trying to configure an application, JIRA, to send notification  
through a mail server, gmail, and for that I have to define a JNDI  
resource with all the data to be able to connect to the SMTP server.
However, the problem is that the gmail SMTP server requires TLS and  
I've been unable to find out how to configure the resource so it  
connects appropriately.

After a bit of searching, I came up with this configuration as a starter:
mail uri=properties:mail.smtp.starttls.enable=true

However, all I get is:
com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPSendFailedException: 530 5.7.0 Must issue a  
STARTTLS command first.

Which I believe is caused by the uri:properties being ignored or  
something similar. I also tried with:
mail uri=properties:mail.smtp.starttls.enable=true;mail.smtp.auth=true
In case it is not working due to mail.smtp.auth missing, but I'm not  
sure that is the correct way of specifying two properties.  
Documentation is kind of scarce in this area.

I could not find any example of using a mail JNDI resource in resin to  
connect to a TLS smtp server. I found some examples using Tomcat, but  
of course the configuration is different (thanks lovely spec.).

Is it possible at all?

resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] Bug when using thirdparty persistence layer with @PersistenceUnit

2008-03-06 Thread Daniel Lopez

You will probably need to specify which version of Resin 3.1.X you are  
using, as things have changed greatly during the last versions.

This week I've been playing with JPA and using different providers  
inside Resin, and I had to resort to 3.1.5 (I jumped from 3.1.2).  
However, I'm using PERSISTENCE_LOCAL (We manage the  
EntityManager/Factory ourselves) so I'm not sure how the IoC works.

Good luck!

S'està citant wesley [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hi Scott,

 I've expierenced a wired problen using @PersistenceUnit.

 ===Not functional!
 public class PersistenceStrategy {

 // @PersistenceContext(unitName = myunit)
 // EntityManager em;

 @PersistenceUnit(unitName = myunit)
 EntityManagerFactory emf;

 ... // using emf, resin said
 // com.mycompany.PersistenceStrategy.emf: @PersistenceUnit(unitName='myunit')
 // is an unknown persistence unit.
 // No matching JPA persistence-units have been deployed


 public class PersistenceStrategy {

 @PersistenceContext(unitName = myunit)
 EntityManager em;

 @PersistenceUnit(unitName = myunit)
 EntityManagerFactory emf;

 ... // using emf, just leaving em unused

 I'm use Hibernate 3.2 as my persistence layer, with 3.1.s080304 snapshot.
 Other configurations were normal and simple, as recommended.


 - Wesley

resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] 2008-02-11 snapshot

2008-02-13 Thread Daniel Lopez
That sounds great! That's most of what our current shell scripts do,  
so I'll be able to reduce them to an alias od run resin with that  
specific conf file with the command I pass to you.


S'està citant Scott Ferguson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 On Feb 12, 2008, at 11:10 PM, Daniel López wrote:

 Regarding your explanation, Scott, that makes sense as I usually try
 stop the instance normally, and just after that, if the process is
 alive I kill it manually. It might happen that if the JVM is in the
 process of stopping itself but it takes too long, I kill it in the
 middle of the stop action... would that help to explain the watchdog
 stop process to fail and the inconsistent state?

 Yes.  The next snapshot will give you a way to get out of that
 situation (probably tomorrow).

 1) There's a new kill command, java -jar lib/resin.jar kill, which
 detaches the task from inside the watchdog and also kills the process
 (currently using the Process.destroy().  For Resin-Pro, it might be
 possible to add kill -9 at some point.)

 In your case, where you've killed the broken Resin instance with kill
 -9, the kill command will force the process detachment from the
 watchdog-manager, i.e. it will let you start a new instance even if
 the original stop thread gets stuck.

 2) There's a new status command, java -jar lib/resin.jar status
 which will tell you the current state of the watchdog-manager and help

 3) The watchdog instances are now registered with JMX.  So you can use
 jconsole to hunt down the problem.

 4) Most importantly, the watchdog has been refactored considerably.
 Specifically, the number of objects/fields changing on a start/stop
 has been reduced to essentially a single field/task.  So there's much
 less opportunity for anything to go wrong.

 The docs will be in
 It's a bit sketchy at the moment, but several watchdog examples that
 should help people configuring it.

 -- Scott


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Re: [Resin-interest] Resin 3.1 independent instances

2008-02-07 Thread Daniel Lopez
Would then be the recommended way to work to set all watchdog ports on  
all resin.conf files to be the same one? I'm thinking that might be  
causing some of the issues as side effect.

I understand the reason to use a well-known port, but sometimes the  
instances stop responding due to some application misbehaving (in our  
case, usually a DB breaks connections the wrong way and ends up  
blocking the JVM) and that's the time to kill the process manually. We  
have some scripts to check the status of the OS processes as sometimes  
the applications themselves, as bad patients, are not reliable on  
answering about their status :). Having an option to hard-kill  
instances have been proven very useful through the years, with this or  
any long lived processes. It's not an issue specific to Resin or any  
other server.

My only issue was the watchdog process reporting instances to be up  
when they were not, as this woud mean it would not startup the new  
instance. So thanks for creating the bug reports, I'll keep an eyem on  
them to upgrade again.


 So my question would be... is there any configuration setting I can
 with 3.1 to have several instances totally independent, so I can
 start/stop/kill one of them without affecting the rest? Unfortunately,
 sharing ONE resin.conf file is not an option and using ONE instance is
 not an option as well.

 That's the purpose of the watchdog-port.  The start/stop program needs
 a well-known port so it can tell the instance to shut down.  The old
 3.0 method used pid files to handle the same situation.

 -- Scott

resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] Resin/Tomcat Common Authenticator [SOLVED]

2007-10-30 Thread Daniel Lopez
Hi Mattias,

Checking again, the method you mention did not work for me because it  
is calling the PasswordDigest method that specifies the username and  
password but not the realm, so it was using the default realm -  
getting a different encription. I tried providing an empty realm but  
that just reverted to the default.

However looking at the code, it seems that in order to be able to use  
the method with an empty realm, one needs to specify a realm but use  
none as name. So if you pass no value, you get a default but if you  
pass a value, you can make it use null... a bit convoluted, I would  
say :).

So one could use your class and specify none as realm or use mine,  
both should work. I tested it on 3.1.1


Mattias Jiderhamn [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha escrito:

 Daniel Lopez wrote (2007-10-29 18:19):
 I'd like to confirm that this strategy works (with a tiny detail I   
 will explain) and I have now an application that is able to   
 authenticate through the container in Resin and Tomcat.

 The only detail I had to modify is that wherever it reads:

 return super.getPasswordDigest(...

 it should read

 return super.getPasswordDigest().getPasswordDigest(...

 The reason being that the class that really performs the encrypting is
 not the authenticator itself but a utility class called PasswordDigest
 that can be accessed through getPasswordDigest().
 Just for the record: The has an overloaded
 getPasswordDigest() that does just that:

   public String getPasswordDigest(HttpServletRequest request,
   HttpServletResponse response,
   ServletContext app,
   String user, String password)
 throws ServletException

 if (_passwordDigest != null)
   return _passwordDigest.getPasswordDigest(request, response, app,
user, password);
   return password;

 So I still claim the code below is sufficient (at least for Resin 3.0).
 Anyway, glad I could help.


resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] Resin/Tomcat Common Authenticator [SOLVED]

2007-10-29 Thread Daniel Lopez
It took me a while because I was busy with other things but for the  
benefit of future generations, I'd like to confirm that this strategy  
works (with a tiny detail I will explain) and I have now an  
application that is able to authenticate through the container in  
Resin and Tomcat.

The only detail I had to modify is that wherever it reads:

return super.getPasswordDigest(...

it should read

return super.getPasswordDigest().getPasswordDigest(...

The reason being that the class that really performs the encrypting is  
not the authenticator itself but a utility class called PasswordDigest  
that can be accessed through getPasswordDigest(). The weird choice  
of names in this case (methods and class names equal) is surely  
going to confuse people, as it did to me at the beginning.

Thanks again, Mattias.

S'està citant Daniel López [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Thanks Mattias,

 I had thought about the subclassing option, but I had to try to see if
 there was some configuration option I had missed :). In any case, that
 will work fine, I believe. I'll be out of town for a week but when I go
 back I'll give it a go and let you know how it worked.

 Thanks again,

 Mattias Jiderhamn escribió:
 You could probably implement your own authenticator, possibly just
 subclassing the JdbcAuthenticator (see below), then use that
 authenticator in resin-web.xml.
 I myself wrote a patch for a Tomcat only webapp, that contains this
 plus dummy implementations of Tomcat classes/interfaces like
 org.apache.catalina.Container, Engine, Host, Realm, Server.

 Maybe this code suites your needs too:

 public class MyJdbcAuthenticator extends JdbcAuthenticator {
   public MyJdbcAuthenticator() {

   public String getPasswordDigest(HttpServletRequest request,
 HttpServletResponse response, ServletContext app, String user, String
 password) throws ServletException {
 return super.getPasswordDigest(request, response, app, null, password);

   public String getPasswordDigest(String password) throws ServletException {
 return super.getPasswordDigest(null, null, null, null, password);


resin-interest mailing list

[Resin-interest] Resin/Tomcat Common Authenticator

2007-10-09 Thread Daniel Lopez
Hi all,

Long story short: I started consulting in a company that is developing  
a product using Tomcat. They want to be able to run the application in  
different containers to make sure they are spec compliant and all, so  
I suggested Resin as an alternative.

I've been able to configure the datasources, massage the web.xml to be  
more compliant etc. but now I came across a problem I'm not sure how  
easy it is to solve: the authenticator.

Both containers have an implementation of a typical jdbc  
authenticator... but for a tiny detail: Resin uses  
username+realm+password for the digest and Tomcat uses just the  
password, hence the digests do not match and all password are  
considered wrong in one of the containers.

  The passwords in use are already stored like that and changing them  
would not really solve the problem but move it to the Tomcat side.

I don't use container based authentication in my own applications for  
this very reason, but they are using it and I thought that might not  
be an uncommon problem so... is there any way to configure to use just the password  
for the digests?


resin-interest mailing list

[Resin-interest] Fwd: Re: Security Manager

2007-08-09 Thread Daniel Lopez
If Resin/Your application is starting without problems and you have
nothing granted in your policy file, then it is sure the policy is not
being applied :).

We have one of our nodes configured in a similar manner and you have,
at the very minimum, to grant permissions to the Caucho classes to
allow Resin to open ports, write to temporary directories etc. so if
Resin is starting without that, no policy is being applied.

I'm out of the office and I have no way to get to that policy file now
from my holidays place, but first of all you will need to get the
policy file to be applied.

We were using a previous version of Resin where the policy file could
be specified as a startup parameter for, but AFAIK it is no
longer possible with recent versions of Resin so you'll have to find
out how to do it with the latest versions.


S'està citant Mktg. Incorporate Fast [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


 I am trying to implement resin as an ISP for many hosts in a shared
 environment.  We are setting up resin to run with a separate JVM per host
 and we hope to use the security manager to restrict server rights per user.

 1.) We want to prohibit users from reading system files.

 2.) We want to prohibit malicious attacks via java, i.e. system.exit();

 I have included security-manager/ with the resin.conf file and we are
 When the system restarts, it does not appear that it is using the policy
 file that we specified.  After restart a JSP page is still able to read all
 files on server and execute system.exit.  Can anybody please help me to
 identify what I am missing.

 Lastly the resin.policy file does not have anything granted.



resin-interest mailing list

[Resin-interest] Resin 3.0.2x Quercus/Scripting Engine and Java 6 scripting issues

2007-03-30 Thread Daniel Lopez
Hi there,

I'm extending our home-made framework to be able to take advantage of Java
6 scripting capabilities, and I have found some issues with
Quercus/Scripting Engine due to the way the scripting works in Java 6.

In short, I developed the scripting module this morning in my office, using
an older version of Resin, and all seemed to work fine (tests done with
Rhino and Groovy), but then I went home to keep working there with Resin
3.0.21. All of sudden, I was unable to execute any script more than once
and the error was being generated by Quercus, even though I was not trying
to execute PHP.

To make a long story short, after playing with the sources and some search
I found out that the problem was the was scripting works and bug 1473

which has been fixed in version 3.1.

However, just having the conflicting files in the classpath in version 3.2X
can break scripting with other engines in a Resin 3.2.0X, as all engines
can to be queried when you tried to find one engine, so I was wondering
whether back porting those changes was worthwhile. Otherwise, users of
version 3.0.2X might encounter the problem even when trying to use other
scripting engines, and even migrating from older versions of Resin. As I
believe version 3.1 changed quite a bit, some users might try to migrate
first to 3.0.2X and then...

So, just a warning that it's not just the Quercus engine not being able to
be used but causing conflicts also, just by being in the classpath.

On a related note, I noticed the Quercus Scripting engine is not
Invocable, are there any plans to implement this feature? I tested other
engines (Rhino, Groovy, Jython) and Quercus was the only one not
Invocable. Just wondering as that might mean I would also need to allow
scripts to be just called using eval instead of eval+invoke, which suits me
better, if I wanted to support Quercus.


resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] Which webapp is misbehaving?

2007-03-26 Thread Daniel Lopez

Not sure if that would help, but what we do is to have various resin
instances with the applications distributed among them, and then use
mod_proxy instead of mod_caucho to forward requests. It's easier then to
pinpoint the applications having problems, as you can see the process
eating all the memory and move web applications between hosts until you
find the bad boy.

On the other hand, if you are having problems with mod_caucho, that would
simply side step the issue, so it won't help diagnosing it.


 John Steel wrote:
  RH Fed 3/Resin 3.0.23 Pro
  There are about 30 webapps, spread across several virtual hosts on one 
  of our servers using resin/Apache (mod_caucho).
  After about a days uptime, all Linux Swap is used and the server grids 
  to a halt. A reboot is needed.
  If one of the webapps is playing naughty with memory, are there any 
  tools/tricks available to see which one please?

 Its this - reported Jan 2005!
 As it was dying, I managed to issue service httpd restart (i.e. restart 
 apache, I left resin alone) and it recovered fine, where top 
 previously showed all swap used it then showed most free.
 I turn on logging to finer as suggested but don't really know what to 
 look for in all that verbosity.

resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] EJB and Resin 3.1

2006-12-08 Thread Daniel Lopez
Do you mean simply having a web application as a place where you deploy
your EJBs that are then accessed from other web applications? Or do you
mean simply not packaging your web application as an .ear/.war file and
still have your EJBs deployed?

For the latter case, I don't use .war/.ear files for deployment and I don't
remember this being a problem when I used to use EJB with Resin. For the
first... the only problem I could think of would be if your application was
not set up to start automatically when the server starts, as it could be
waiting for the first web access to start the web context. I'm not sure
if an EJB call would have the same effect, I don't think so.

In any case, one of the first hurdles when deploying EJB is actually
finding them in the JNDI tree, so it might be a problem of simply not
looking under a wrong name. I used to have a test.jsp page that simply
crawled the JNDI tree, it was useful to debug such kind of problems as JNDI
does not answer you you almost got it!, so an extra 'jdb/', 'ejb' in your
lookup name could be simply your problem. I don't have it here at the
moment, but it is quite simple to create such a page, simply to crawl the
JNDI tree.

Good luck!

 Hash: SHA1
 Hi there,
 is it possible to create EJBs packaged in a JAR file and have them
 available without creating a WAR file and a servlet to access them?
 Are there any examples on this?
 I see in the server logfile that my EJBs are compiled, but I get a
 NamingException when trying to access the from JNDI (from local scope,
 e.g. packaged in an EAR file).
 Thanks in advance
 Markus Wolf
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