Is there any way to restore/create hardlinks lost in incremental backups?

2020-12-10 Thread Chris Green via rsync
I run a simple self written incremental backup system using rsync's
--link-dest option.

Occasionally, because I've moved things around or because I've done
something else that breaks things, the hard links aren't created as
they should be and I get a very space consuming backup increment.

Is there any easy way that one can restore hard links in the *middle*
of a series?  For example say I have:-


and I notice that day4/pictures is using as much space as
day1/pictures but all the others are relatively small, i.e.
day2 day3 and day5 have correctly hard linked to the previous day but
day4 hasn't.

It needs a tool that can scan day4, check a file is identical with the
one in day3 then hardlink it without losing the link from day5.

There's jdupes but that does lose the link from day5 so you'd have to
apply it to all the directories after the one that's lost the links.

Chris Green

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Re: Is there any way to restore/create hardlinks lost in incremental backups?

2020-12-11 Thread Chris Green via rsync
Paul Slootman via rsync  wrote:
> On Thu 10 Dec 2020, Chris Green via rsync wrote:
> > 
> > Occasionally, because I've moved things around or because I've done
> > something else that breaks things, the hard links aren't created as
> > they should be and I get a very space consuming backup increment.
> > 
> > Is there any easy way that one can restore hard links in the *middle*
> > of a series?  For example say I have:-
> > 
> > day1/pictures
> > day2/pictures
> > day3/pictures
> > day4/pictures
> > day5/pictures
> > 
> > and I notice that day4/pictures is using as much space as
> > day1/pictures but all the others are relatively small, i.e.
> > day2 day3 and day5 have correctly hard linked to the previous day but
> > day4 hasn't.
> > 
> > It needs a tool that can scan day4, check a file is identical with the
> > one in day3 then hardlink it without losing the link from day5.
> If you have these files that are hardlinked:
> day1/pictures/1.jpg
> day2/pictures/1.jpg
> day3/pictures/1.jpg
> And these are hardlinked, but to a different inode:
> day4/pictures/1.jpg
> day5/pictures/1.jpg
> then there is no way of linking the second group to the first in one
> step; you will have to individually link day3/pictures/1.jpg to
> day4/pictures/1.jpg and then day3/pictures/1.jpg (or
> day4/pictures/1.jpg) to day5/pictures/1.jpg.
> It's not like a group of directory entries that are hardlinked to one
> inode are some sort of actual group; they just happen to be directory
> entries that point to the same inode number. There is no other relation
> between those directory entries.
> So you will have to incrementally process each next day against the
> previous day.
Yes, that's what I have done, wrote a trivial[ish] script that copied
all the backups to a new destination sequentially (using --link-dest)
and then removed the original tree, having checked the new backups
were OK of course.

Fortunately I have lots of spare space on the backup system at the
moment having just upgraded it with a new 8Tb drive, so duplicating
the whole backup wasn't an issue (though rather slow because it was
from and to the same drive).

> If I make a significant change in such a directory structure (e.g.
> renaming a directory) I try to remember to do the same thing on the
> backup which some say is wrong, but it saves a lot of space, like you
> discovered :)
Yes, I've sometimes done that.

Chris Green

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Re: Is there any way to restore/create hardlinks lost in incremental backups?

2020-12-11 Thread Chris Green via rsync
Guillaume Outters via rsync  wrote:
> On 2020-12-11 12:53, Chris Green wrote :
> > […] wrote a trivial[ish] script that copied
> > all the backups to a new destination sequentially (using --link-dest)
> > and then removed the original tree, having checked the new backups
> > were OK of course.
> With the same cause as yours, I once worked out exactly the same 
> solution.
> But then, having to automate it, I worked a bit more on it, and ended 
> up having a shell script that:
> - recursively listed files as "file size - inode - path"
> - with sort and awk, output the list of "every size that has different 
> inodes"
> - for each output size, cksumed one file for each inode
> - if two different inodes (with the same file size) had their cksum 
> match, then it replaced every file for the last inode, with a link to 
> the first inode
> If you have to run it frequently, you may want to implement something 
> similar.
> Although it ignores mtime info (and thus strips it when lning),
> it has the great benefit of finding every duplicate, be it renamed and 
> move to another dir
> (as in 
> ./her.2020-12-01/Library/Mail/…/Sent.mbox/…/Attachments/…/PhotoDeFamille.JPG 
> versus ./his.2020-11-26/perso/photos/100_.JPG).
> (and by the way I reimplemented it in C, "just for fun" and for speed 
> too: . Hmm, in C but in French)
The program jdupes will do it for you as well.  

The disadvantage (for me) of jdupes is that, given 40 or so incremental
backups (which is what I had when I saw the problem) each with many
tens of thousands of files in them it will take a *very* long time to
do its job.

Like your solution it's general, files can have different names and be
in totally different places in the directory hierarchy and it will
find the duplicates.

In my case the files which should be duplicates (and thus be hard
linked) are always ones with the same name in the same place in the
hierarchy.  It feels as if there should be a better/faster way of
addressing this particular case but I don't know what it is.

Chris Green

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Re: Is there a default for 'pid file' for rsync in daemon mode?

2021-01-01 Thread Chris Green via rsync
Francis.Montagnac--- via rsync  wrote:
> Hi.
> On Fri, 01 Jan 2021 09:57:38 + Chris Green via rsync wrote:
> > My backup system crashed a couple of nights ago due to a power cut
> > (can't really blame it!) and I went and restarted it after the power
> > came back.  However, as I note above, files in /home/chris/tmp/pid
> > aren't cleared out so rsync refused to run when systemd attempted to
> > start it up.
> > I guess the pid file should either be in /tmp or somewhere in
> > /run/user.  However shouldn't there be some sort of sensible default
> > if it isn't set in rsyncd.conf?
> Since rsyncd is launched by systemd, I would say that no pid file is
> needed: systemd will prevent simultaneous launch of rsyncd.
> Can you try without spicifying "pid file" in rsyncd.conf ?
> What is the content of the rsyncd.service file on your system ?
> On Fedora it is a system (not user) service:
> cat /lib/systemd/system/rsyncd.service 
> [Unit]
> Description=fast remote file copy program daemon
> ConditionPathExists=/etc/rsyncd.conf
> [Service]
> EnvironmentFile=/etc/sysconfig/rsyncd
> ExecStart=/usr/bin/rsync --daemon --no-detach "$OPTIONS"
> [Install]
You're quite right, simply removing the 'pid file' setting from
rsynd.conf seems to work perfectly.

Maybe this should be noted somwhere in the rsyncd.conf man page.

Chris Green

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Is there a default for 'pid file' for rsync in daemon mode?

2021-01-01 Thread Chris Green via rsync
I just got bitten by a (fairly) subtle problem due to having an
inappropriate location for 'pid file' in my rsyncd.conf.

What I had was:-

pid file = /home/chris/tmp/pid

This works fine until the system running rsync in daemon mode crashes
rather than being properly shut down.  The pid file doesn't get
removed and rsync doesn't restart because it thinks it's already

My backup system crashed a couple of nights ago due to a power cut
(can't really blame it!) and I went and restarted it after the power
came back.  However, as I note above, files in /home/chris/tmp/pid
aren't cleared out so rsync refused to run when systemd attempted to
start it up.

I guess the pid file should either be in /tmp or somewhere in
/run/user.  However shouldn't there be some sort of sensible default
if it isn't set in rsyncd.conf?

Chris Green

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Simplest way to copy only .log files, and then delete them?

2021-05-08 Thread Chris Green via rsync
I can see very complex ways to do this but I can't see a reasonably
simple way to do it.

I want to copy all *.log files from a directory hierarchy and then
delete them.  I want to preserve the hierarchy at the destination so
(if I ever need to) I can associate the log files with the place they
came from.

Is the only way to exclude all files and then include '*.log' files?

Chris Green

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How to manage root<-->root rsync keeping permissions?

2021-08-03 Thread Chris Green via rsync
Is there a way to copy (for example) the /etc hierarchy from one
system to another preserving root ownership of files and without
revealing root passwords all over the place?

This is actually from and to Debian based systems (from Raspberry Pi
to Xubuntu) so there's no actual root user login anyway, it's all sudo
from privileged user.

So, it's easy for the sending end to be run as root as it's going to be
run by a script in /etc/cron.daily, so it can access all the files in
/etc even if only readable by root.

But how do you handle the other end to restore the root ownership etc.?
The script has to do something like:-

rsync -a /etc/ chris@remote:backups/etc/

So at the remote end it only has chris' privileges.

I want to automate this, I don't want any manual intervention to be

Chris Green

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Re: How to manage root<-->root rsync keeping permissions?

2021-08-03 Thread Chris Green via rsync
Chris Green via rsync  wrote:
> Is there a way to copy (for example) the /etc hierarchy from one
> system to another preserving root ownership of files and without
> revealing root passwords all over the place?
> This is actually from and to Debian based systems (from Raspberry Pi
> to Xubuntu) so there's no actual root user login anyway, it's all sudo
> from privileged user.
> So, it's easy for the sending end to be run as root as it's going to be
> run by a script in /etc/cron.daily, so it can access all the files in
> /etc even if only readable by root.
> But how do you handle the other end to restore the root ownership etc.?
> The script has to do something like:-
> rsync -a /etc/ chris@remote:backups/etc/
> So at the remote end it only has chris' privileges.
> I want to automate this, I don't want any manual intervention to be
> needed.

If I used the --super option (in a command like the one above) and
chris can run rsync as root on the remote end (via options in the
sudoers file) will this do what I want?  I guess I can go away and try
it! :-)

Chris Green

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Re: How to manage root<-->root rsync keeping permissions?

2021-08-03 Thread Chris Green via rsync
Andy Smith via rsync  wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> On Tue, Aug 03, 2021 at 11:48:31AM +0100, Chris Green via rsync wrote:
> > If I used the --super option (in a command like the one above) and
> > chris can run rsync as root on the remote end (via options in the
> > sudoers file) will this do what I want?  I guess I can go away and try
> > it! :-)
> You don't need --super if the remote side actually is running as
> root (either because you logged in as "root" or you logged in as
> "chris" but told it to execute "sudo rsync").
Remember, as I said, this is all Debianland with no real root login,
while I could add one I'd prefer not to.  

> If you're going to use sudo then you'll want to set it NOPASSWD so
> it doesn't ask for a sudo password. Possibly restricting that only
> to uses of rsync or a specific script, otherwise it is giving
> "chris" blanket sudo access without a password.
Yes, I've set it up so chris can run rsync with root permissions.
However I'm not quite sure how to get it to work as one needs to say
"sudo rsync" to get the root privilege.  How do you do that?

Chris Green

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Re: How to manage root<-->root rsync keeping permissions?

2021-08-03 Thread Chris Green via rsync
Andy Smith via rsync  wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> On Tue, Aug 03, 2021 at 09:48:37AM +0100, Chris Green via rsync wrote:
> > But how do you handle the other end to restore the root ownership etc.?
> > The script has to do something like:-
> > 
> > rsync -a /etc/ chris@remote:backups/etc/
> > 
> > So at the remote end it only has chris' privileges.
> A couple of options:
> Since you want to automate it I'd go with letting root log in by ssh
> key only, and force the key to work only with a specific script.
> Here is an example forced command that only allows rsync
> This is still vulnerable to doing anything that rsync can do. You
> can secure it further by making a script that only does the specific
> things you need rsync to do, e.g. the exact parameters and paths,
> and force that script instead.
Ah yes, I've done this elsewhere using 'rrsync' at the receiving end,
it's another possible approach to investigate, thanks.

Chris Green

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Re: How to manage root<-->root rsync keeping permissions?

2021-08-03 Thread Chris Green via rsync
Paul Slootman via rsync  wrote:
> On Tue 03 Aug 2021, Chris Green via rsync wrote:
> > Is there a way to copy (for example) the /etc hierarchy from one
> > system to another preserving root ownership of files and without
> > revealing root passwords all over the place?
> Best way is to run an rsync daemon on the source system, and be sure to
> use "uid = 0" so that the daemon reads the source as root.
> > So, it's easy for the sending end to be run as root as it's going to be
> > run by a script in /etc/cron.daily, so it can access all the files in
> > /etc even if only readable by root.
> Hmm I prefer to use "pull" mechanisms as that's more secure (harder to
> screw up the destination).
> So create a /etc/rsyncd.conf file with the appropriate config, something
> like:
> [etc]
>   path = /etc
>   read only = yes
>   hosts allow = another-system
>   uid = 0
> If using systemd then enable and start the daemon:
> systemctl enable rsync.service
> systemctl start rsync.service
> Then on another-system as root run rsync:
> rsync -a one-system::etc/ /backups/etc/
> I usually also use -H for hard links, but /etc usually won't have those.
> You can also use an rsync password to make this a bit more secure so
> that not everyone on another-system can read all of /etc from
> one-system. Details in the manpage.
I already have an rsync daemon server running elsewhere, I can add
this requirement to that I think.  Thank you.

Chris Green

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Re: How to manage root<-->root rsync keeping permissions?

2021-08-07 Thread Chris Green via rsync
L A Walsh via rsync  wrote:
> On 2021/08/03 07:09, Chris Green via rsync wrote:
> > I already have an rsync daemon server running elsewhere, I can add
> > this requirement to that I think.  Thank you.
> >   
> It seems to me, a safer bet would be to generate an ssh-cert
> that allows a passwdless login from your sys to the remote.
The trouble with that is that it leaves a big security hole.

If (for example) I leave my laptop turned on somewhere, or someone
wanders into my study where my desktop machine is they have instant,
passwordless access to the remote backup machine.

I try very hard to make my backups secure from attack so that if my
desktop or laptop is compromised somehow the (remote) backups are
still secure.

The backup system that runs the rsync daemon has its rsync configured
with 'refuse options = delete' so not only does someone with access to
my desktop/laptop need to know the rsyncd username and password but
they also cannot delete my existing backups.  It runs incremental
backups so nothing is ever overwritten either.

Chris Green

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Re: How to manage root<-->root rsync keeping permissions?

2021-08-07 Thread Chris Green via rsync
Greg Minshall via rsync  wrote:
> >If you only do backups at 1am (or whenever), why would your
> > backup machine enable ssh outside of the range 12:59 - 01:01?
> Greg's rule of windows: the narrower the window, the more likely it will
> be hit.  :)
But I use Linux, not windows..  :-)

Chris Green

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Re: How to manage root<-->root rsync keeping permissions?

2021-08-07 Thread Chris Green via rsync
On Sat, Aug 07, 2021 at 08:10:47AM -0700, L A Walsh wrote:
> On 2021/08/07 03:44, Chris Green via rsync wrote:
> > L A Walsh via rsync  wrote:
> > > It seems to me, a safer bet would be to generate an ssh-cert
> > > that allows a passwdless login from your sys to the remote.
> > > 
> > The trouble with that is that it leaves a big security hole.
>If you only do backups at 1am (or whenever), why would your
> backup machine enable ssh outside of the range 12:59 - 01:01?
Because cron/anacron isn't perfect and the machine being backed up nay
not be turned on all the time so the time that it tries to backup is
most definitely not fixed accurately!

> > 
> > If (for example) I leave my laptop turned on somewhere, or someone
> > wanders into my study where my desktop machine is they have instant,
> > passwordless access to the remote backup machine.
>If your desktop machine is that open to casual wanderers, perhaps
> you should enable a passwd locked screen saver activating after a few
> minutes?  I keep my home computer unlocked all the time as well, but I
> don't have walk-through visitors that might mess with it.
Neither do I, though we do have family and friends around the place
quite a lot.  I agree, in general, my desktop machine isn't
particularly accessible or vulnerable but it *might* get hacked or
accessed by an intruder and I thus try my best to protect the backup
machine from it.

> > I try very hard to make my backups secure from attack so that if my
> > desktop or laptop is compromised somehow the (remote) backups are
> > still secure.
> ---
>Excellent!  In my case, my laptop/desktop (used to be a laptop) is
> thoroughly entwined with the server such that one has trouble functioning
> without the other.
>In your case, though, I was thinking of a backup process that would
> only be used when my laptop was on a secure network (like @ home).
Yes, but as above, if my laptop is compromised in any way (hopefully
unlikely but still possible) I want my backups to be safe still.

>If there is risk to your laptop while @ home, hopefully it has a
> short-timeout that bounces it to the screen saver that requires a
> password to unlock?t
> > 
> > The backup system that runs the rsync daemon has its rsync configured
> > with 'refuse options = delete'
> ---
>Ahh...I thought you were actually trying to keep them in sync.
> Maybe you might think about using an actual backup prog like tar.
> In my case, the Users/groups are the same.  Tar handles ext attrs and
> acls and can keep track of backing files up that have actually changed
> rather than relying on time/date stamps.
My *backups* of important data are incremental backups done once a day
for every machine. I also do hourly incremental backups on my desktop
machine but that is more for protecting myself against myself than for
protecting against intruders or hardware failure.

The original point of this thread is about something closer to
synchronising my (small, Raspberry Pi) DNS server so that if it fails
I can get a DNS server back up and running as quickly as possible.

> >  so not only does someone with access to
> > my desktop/laptop need to know the rsyncd username and password but
> > they also cannot delete my existing backups.  It runs incremental
> > backups so nothing is ever overwritten either.
>BTW, incremental backups aren't really the same as 'update' backups,
> they keep track of the state of the file system (including files no longer
> there)
> so you can restore your desktop to a specific day before some unwanted
> updated was introduced and kept by an update-only backup system.
Yes, exactly, or more to the point (in my case anyway) I can restore a
specific file to a few hours ago after I've scrambled it in some
disastrous way! :-)

I use the rsync --link-dest option to make the incremental backups
(and, yes, I know this means that I only really have one copy of
unchanging files.  I do have more than one backup)

> Constructed it using rsync, but it really was too much work for
> too little feature.
Mine too, as I said, is rsync with 'before the backup' and 'after the
backup' python scripts that do the housekeeping like thinning out
backups as they get older.

Chris Green

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Re: How to manage root<-->root rsync keeping permissions?

2021-08-04 Thread Chris Green via rsync
Andy Smith via rsync  wrote:
> > I've set it up so chris can run rsync with root permissions.
> > However I'm not quite sure how to get it to work as one needs to say
> > "sudo rsync" to get the root privilege.  How do you do that?
> The first link I sent you had an example of that: --rsync-path="sudo
> rsync"
Ah, oops, I'm sure I looked for that in the man page! :-)  I thought
it should be possible but couldn't find it.  Thanks.

Chris Green

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rsync using a lot of memory at receiving end (receiving end is cPanel ssh login)

2022-10-19 Thread Chris Green via rsync
I have been using rsync to copy some web site files to a new (to me)
hosting platform.  Yesterday I was doing this and noticed that my ssh
login to cPanel in another terminal window was unresponsive.

On looking at the browser display of my cPanel admin window I saw that
the 'Physical Memory Usage' was banging up against my limit of 1Gb.
No other limits are being reached at all, at most there's 4 or 5
processes running, CPU load and I/O use is negligable.

I'm running rsync  version 3.0.9  protocol version 30 and the cPanel
receiving end is rsync  version 3.0.9  protocol version 30.

Is this to be expected (using so much memory) or is something going
wrong somewhere?  More to the point is there anything I can do about
Chris Green

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Re: rsync using a lot of memory at receiving end (receiving end is cPanel ssh login)

2022-10-19 Thread Chris Green via rsync
Chris Green via rsync  wrote:
> I have been using rsync to copy some web site files to a new (to me)
> hosting platform.  Yesterday I was doing this and noticed that my ssh
> login to cPanel in another terminal window was unresponsive.
> On looking at the browser display of my cPanel admin window I saw that
> the 'Physical Memory Usage' was banging up against my limit of 1Gb.
> No other limits are being reached at all, at most there's 4 or 5
> processes running, CPU load and I/O use is negligable.
> I'm running rsync  version 3.0.9  protocol version 30
Oops, I meant to change that! I'm running rsync  version 3.2.3
protocol version 31.

>   and the cPanel
> receiving end is rsync  version 3.0.9  protocol version 30.
> Is this to be expected (using so much memory) or is something going
> wrong somewhere?  More to the point is there anything I can do about
> it? 
> -- 
> Chris Green

Chris Green

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Can rsync write to a FIFO?

2023-02-10 Thread Chris Green via rsync
I have searched a little and read the man page but I can't really find
a good definite answer to this.

Can rsync write to a FIFO?  Obviously one needs the --inplace to do
this, does one also need --write-devices?

It would be very handy if one can do this, to use as a simple message
passing mechanism.  Write something to a file on system A and rsync it
to a FIFO on system B where there is a simple script reading the FIFO.
The script gets the contents of the file every time it's written.

(this is all within a LAN behind a reasonably secure firewall)

Chris Green

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Re: Is it possible to use rsync daemon running on 64-bit machine from a 32-bit machine?

2024-06-04 Thread Chris Green via rsync
Paul Slootman via rsync  wrote:
> On Sun 02 Jun 2024, Chris Green via rsync wrote:
> > I have an rsync daemon running on a 64-bit (x86_64) system which I
> > successfully use for backups from several other 64-bit systems on my
> > LAN.
> > 
> > I want to use it for backups from a BeagleBone Black (32-bit, armv7l)
> > but it fails as follows:-
> > 
> > root@bbb:~# rsync -a /etc chris@backup::bbb
> > Password: 
> > pre-xfer exec returned failure (256)
> > rsync error: requested action not supported (code 4) at
> > clientserver.c(1171) [Receiver=3.2.7]
> > rsync: [sender] read error: Connection reset by peer (104)
> > root@bbb:~# 
> > 
> > Is it simply not possible to do what I'm trying to do or is there some
> > way to tell the rsync daemon to work with connections from 32-bit
> > clients?
> There should be no problem communicating between 32-bit and 64-bit
> systems with rsync.
> Make sure that the versions of rsync aren't too different, you may run
> into problems with rsync options not being supported on the old one.
> The error message says that there was a problem with the pre-xfer exec.
> Check what that's doing (in the daemon's rsyncd.conf), most probably
> that is the problem.
Yes, I saw that the error is in the 'pre-xfer exec' but it's exactly
the same as works with all the 64-bit clients.  I.e. it's the same
rsyncd and configuration on the server.

 after a lot of digging around I found the problem.  The first
pass of the pre-xfer exec generates a warning error message which was
failing because it was trying to send it to a system that no longer
exists.  The 64-bit/32-bit difference was a red herring, it was just
that the 64-bit systems had been doing backups for a while so didn't
generate any error messages (and so no mail failures).

Thanks for making me dig further! :-)

Chris Green

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Is it possible to use rsync daemon running on 64-bit machine from a 32-bit machine?

2024-06-04 Thread Chris Green via rsync
I have an rsync daemon running on a 64-bit (x86_64) system which I
successfully use for backups from several other 64-bit systems on my

I want to use it for backups from a BeagleBone Black (32-bit, armv7l)
but it fails as follows:-

root@bbb:~# rsync -a /etc chris@backup::bbb
pre-xfer exec returned failure (256)
rsync error: requested action not supported (code 4) at
clientserver.c(1171) [Receiver=3.2.7]
rsync: [sender] read error: Connection reset by peer (104)

Is it simply not possible to do what I'm trying to do or is there some
way to tell the rsync daemon to work with connections from 32-bit

Chris Green

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