Re: JSTL Tags Vs. JavaBeans

2004-04-12 Thread Keith

Here's an example of how I did what you were looking for in regards to building a 
menu based on data pulled from a database. There is a page before this one in which 
user selects which project they're looking to edit and it's passed on to the page 
containing the code below. The first query is used to get the values to build the 
select menu. The second query gets the technology that associated with the chosen 
ID. The nested 'forEach' that I did also allows for if there is more than one 
associated with the project they chose and generates multiple drop-down menus if there 
are. As it builds the select menu it compares the current value to the chosen one. If 
is, the 'selected' attribute is inserted. 
If you have any questions about it, feel free to ask!


sql:query var=tech_menu
SELECT technology_id, technology_name FROM technology_types ORDER BY 

sql:query var=chosen_tech 
SELECT technology_id 
FROM technology_registry
WHERE project_id = ? sql:param value=${param.project_id} /
ORDER BY technology_name
  c:forEach items=${chosen_tech.rows} var=current_tech
  select name=technology_id
c:forEach items=${tech_menu.rows} var=tech_row
option value=${tech_row.technology_id}
c:if test=${current_tech.technology_id == 
%-- end forEach for tech_row --%
  %-- end forEach for chosen_tech --%

-- Original Message ---
From: Jeff Brewer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sun, 11 Apr 2004 18:17:05 -0400
Subject: Re: JSTL Tags Vs. JavaBeans

 Sure. Here's a piece of what I'm in the middle of trying to update right
 now. It started out using the jsp:useBean tag followed by the
 jsp:getProperty tags. One of the limitations (probably due to my own
 ignorance) I ran into was some way of writing the options for a select tag
 that would select the appropriate option corresponding to the value found
 in the database. Note in the source select tag below, I simply wrote a
 function in my bean that would iterate all of the options in the bean while
 building a string containing all the necessary HTML code.
 Contrast that with link_type options that I built this afternoon where I'm
 using JSTL to iterate a collection of very simple objects. Here all of the
 HTML code is on the JSP page.
 I guess what I mean by using beans vs. using JSTL tags has to do more with
 how I get the data onto the page. For example, on this page I can write the
 sourceUrl value by either...
 c:out value=${dumfriesArticle.sourceUrl} /
 jsp:getProperty name=dumfriesArticle property=sourceUrl /
 Right now I'm inclined to be consistent (as consistently as I can) and since
 I like using the c:forEach approach to building the option elements for
 my select tag I'm inclined to use the c: set of tags throughout and just
 get rid of the jsp: tags.
 Anyway, that's enough rambling for one post. Thanks for responding! Here's
 my code sample...
 %@ page import = com.dumfries.utilities.*, java.util.ArrayList,
 java.util.Iterator, java.util.Collections%
 %@ taglib prefix=c uri=/WEB-INF/lib/c.tld %
 jsp:useBean id=dumfriesArticle scope=request
 type=com.dumfries.utilities.ArticleForm /
 form name=article_detail method=post action=updatearticle
 table border=1 width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4
   td align=rightp class=fID:/td
   tdjsp:getProperty name=dumfriesArticle property=articleKey
input type=hidden name=article_id value=jsp:getProperty
 name=dumfriesArticle property=articleKey /
   td align=rightp class=fTitle:/td
   tdtextarea cols=75 name=title rows=3
 wrap=softjsp:getProperty name=dumfriesArticle property=title
   td align=rightp class=fSubtitle:/td
   tdtextarea name=subtitle cols=75 rows=3
 wrap=softjsp:getProperty name=dumfriesArticle property=subtitle
   td align=rightp class=fByline:/td
   tdtextarea name=byline cols=75 rows=3
 wrap=softjsp:getProperty name=dumfriesArticle property=byline
   td align=rightp class=fArticle Date:/td
   tdinput type=text name=article_date size=10
 value=jsp:getProperty name=dumfriesArticle property=articleDate
   td align=rightp class=fsource:/td
 jsp:getProperty name=dumfriesArticle property=articleSource /
   td align=rightp class=fBody:/td

Prohibited content

2004-04-12 Thread Keith
Can someone please do something about the Taglibs mailing list responding 
with Prohibited Content? Nearly every message I send bounces this back to me (even 
it doesn't contain JSP code), and a number of others keep resending their messages, 
thinking they never get through because of the same thing. All we're sending is plain 
text messages with no attachments. 


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RE: Tomcat 5.0 - x:forEach returns incorrect result?

2004-04-12 Thread Johnson, Chris

When you do a x:forEach, the forEach action sets the current context
node to whatever the select attribute is pointing to.  So, when you
point back to $test/teamname[1] in the x:out action, x:out can't find
that under the context that forEach is currently pointing to.

Try this instead:

  x:forEach select=$teams/doc/teamname varStatus=status
 %-- Same two lines as above but inside x:forEach, they return
nothing --%
Team c:out value=${status.count}/: x:out select=. / br /

The only difference is that it will only give you the list once, since
it only iterates over the two teams once.  Notice how I had to add a
counting mechanism as well, for which I used varStatus and the count

Remember also to add %@ taglib prefix=c
uri=; % at the top of your page to
use the core library.

Hope this helps!


-Original Message-
From: Mark Brunkhart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, April 10, 2004 8:16 PM
Subject: Tomcat 5.0 - x:forEach returns incorrect result?

Hi all,

Unless we've botched our installation of Tomcat 5.0 somehow or don't
understand some nuance of JSTL 1.2 (both reasonable possibilities), I
believe we've hit a major bug with x:forEach.  

Inside of a x:forEach, node-set variables defined outside the forEach
appear to change their values (see test case below).  I did not see this
reported in the bug database.

Could someone test this sample on a working Tomcat 5.0 and confirm our
suspicion that this is a bug?



--- Test case ---

[EMAIL PROTECTED] contentType=text/html; charset=UTF-8 session=true % %@
taglib prefix=x uri=; %

  x:parse var=teams

  x:set var=test select=$teams/doc/* /
  Team 1: x:out select=$test/teamname[1] /br /
  Team 2: x:out select=$test/teamname[2] /br /
  x:forEach select=$teams/doc/teamname 
%-- Same two lines as above but inside x:forEach, they return
nothing --%
Team 1: x:out select=$test/teamname[1] / br /
Team 2: x:out select=$test/teamname[2] / br /


-- Test results ---
Team 1: Redskins
Team 2: Cowboys
Team 1: 
Team 2: 
Team 1: 
Team 2: 

--- Should be ---
Team 1: Redskins
Team 2: Cowboys
Team 1: Redskins
Team 2: Cowboys
Team 1: Redskins
Team 2: Cowboys

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RE: isLast() method of LoopTagStatus class

2004-04-12 Thread Felix Velasco
try loop_status.last instead of loop_status.isLast(). EL will translate it
as per javabeans specification

-Original Message-
From: Keith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 12 April 2004 18:41
To: Taglibs
Subject: isLast() method of LoopTagStatus class

I'm trying to output a comma delimited list based on a varying list of
statuses that will 
be input from a select menu in a form. I was trying to figure out how to
avoid putting a 
comma after the last value, and it seemed like testing with the isLast()
method of the 
LoopTagStatus class would be a good thing to use. I'm not quite sure how to
go about 
using it, though. Reading about it, it looks like the 'varStatus' attribute
of the 
c:forEach tag creates a variable to hold a LoopTagStatus object. My code
below was how 
I assumed I would then be able to access the isLast() method:

%@ page contentType=text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 language=java %
%@ taglib prefix=c uri=; %
%@ taglib prefix=sql uri=; %
c:forEach items=${paramValues.status} var=status_row
  c:if test=${!(loop_status.isLast())}, /c:if

But when I do this, I get the following error back:

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /report_status_data.jsp(20,3) The
function isLast must 
be used with a prefix when a default namespace is not specified

Here's an example of the kind of output I'm trying to generate. The list has
possibility of being shorter or longer than this:

'In-Progress', 'Closed', 'Terminated', 'Withdrawn'

Thanks in advance!


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RE: isLast() method of LoopTagStatus class

2004-04-12 Thread Keith
Perfect! Thanks!

Where would I have looked to find that info? I'm still really new to Beans and raw 
code. Main reason why I'm going with JSTL right now. I had tried looking in the Java 
Docs, but I really didn't know where to begin. 


-- Original Message ---
From: Felix Velasco [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Tag Libraries Users List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Mon, 12 Apr 2004 18:41:51 +0200
Subject: RE: isLast() method of LoopTagStatus class

 try loop_status.last instead of loop_status.isLast(). EL will translate it
 as per javabeans specification
 -Original Message-
 From: Keith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 12 April 2004 18:41
 To: Taglibs
 Subject: isLast() method of LoopTagStatus class
 I'm trying to output a comma delimited list based on a varying list of
 statuses that will 
 be input from a select menu in a form. I was trying to figure out how to
 avoid putting a 
 comma after the last value, and it seemed like testing with the isLast()
 method of the 
 LoopTagStatus class would be a good thing to use. I'm not quite sure how to
 go about 
 using it, though. Reading about it, it looks like the 'varStatus' attribute
 of the 
 c:forEach tag creates a variable to hold a LoopTagStatus object. My code
 below was how 
 I assumed I would then be able to access the isLast() method:
 %@ page contentType=text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 language=java %
 %@ taglib prefix=c uri=; %
 %@ taglib prefix=sql uri=; %
 c:forEach items=${paramValues.status} var=status_row
   c:if test=${!(loop_status.isLast())}, /c:if
 But when I do this, I get the following error back:
 org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /report_status_data.jsp(20,3) The
 function isLast must 
 be used with a prefix when a default namespace is not specified
 Here's an example of the kind of output I'm trying to generate. The list has
 possibility of being shorter or longer than this:
 'In-Progress', 'Closed', 'Terminated', 'Withdrawn'
 Thanks in advance!
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RE: isLast() method of LoopTagStatus class

2004-04-12 Thread Felix Velasco
this is a very basic application of the JavaBeans spec, and I don't really
think you should read it to use in jstl. You just need to know that any
class with non-static methods starting with get, set or is (this last
one only for booleans) is a JavaBean to you. Then, to call this method,
remove the prefix and lowercase the first letter after it. Unless there are
more than one uppercase letters, so:

getId() --  .id
getID() --  .ID

In most EL tutorials you'll find this better explained, I'd start with Shawn
Bayern's book, JSTL in Action, probably the best there is for JSTL.

-Original Message-
From: Keith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 12 April 2004 18:57
To: Tag Libraries Users List
Subject: RE: isLast() method of LoopTagStatus class

Perfect! Thanks!

Where would I have looked to find that info? I'm still really new to Beans
and raw Java 
code. Main reason why I'm going with JSTL right now. I had tried looking in
the Java 
Docs, but I really didn't know where to begin. 


-- Original Message ---
From: Felix Velasco [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Tag Libraries Users List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Mon, 12 Apr 2004 18:41:51 +0200
Subject: RE: isLast() method of LoopTagStatus class

 try loop_status.last instead of loop_status.isLast(). EL will translate it
 as per javabeans specification
 -Original Message-
 From: Keith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 12 April 2004 18:41
 To: Taglibs
 Subject: isLast() method of LoopTagStatus class
 I'm trying to output a comma delimited list based on a varying list of
 statuses that will 
 be input from a select menu in a form. I was trying to figure out how to
 avoid putting a 
 comma after the last value, and it seemed like testing with the isLast()
 method of the 
 LoopTagStatus class would be a good thing to use. I'm not quite sure how
 go about 
 using it, though. Reading about it, it looks like the 'varStatus'
 of the 
 c:forEach tag creates a variable to hold a LoopTagStatus object. My code
 below was how 
 I assumed I would then be able to access the isLast() method:
 %@ page contentType=text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 language=java %
 %@ taglib prefix=c uri=; %
 %@ taglib prefix=sql uri=; %
 c:forEach items=${paramValues.status} var=status_row
   c:if test=${!(loop_status.isLast())}, /c:if
 But when I do this, I get the following error back:
 org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /report_status_data.jsp(20,3) The
 function isLast must 
 be used with a prefix when a default namespace is not specified
 Here's an example of the kind of output I'm trying to generate. The list
 possibility of being shorter or longer than this:
 'In-Progress', 'Closed', 'Terminated', 'Withdrawn'
 Thanks in advance!
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RE: isLast() method of LoopTagStatus class

2004-04-12 Thread Keith
I have Hans Bergsten's JSP book from O'Reilly. I'm only about 1/3 of the way through 
so far, so I may not have gotten to a point where he explained that yet. Thanks for 
reference and Bean explination, though! Helps a lot.


-- Original Message ---
From: Felix Velasco [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Tag Libraries Users List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Mon, 12 Apr 2004 19:02:54 +0200
Subject: RE: isLast() method of LoopTagStatus class

 this is a very basic application of the JavaBeans spec, and I don't really
 think you should read it to use in jstl. You just need to know that any
 class with non-static methods starting with get, set or is (this last
 one only for booleans) is a JavaBean to you. Then, to call this method,
 remove the prefix and lowercase the first letter after it. Unless there are
 more than one uppercase letters, so:
 getId() --  .id
 getID() --  .ID
 In most EL tutorials you'll find this better explained, I'd start with Shawn
 Bayern's book, JSTL in Action, probably the best there is for JSTL.
 -Original Message-
 From: Keith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 12 April 2004 18:57
 To: Tag Libraries Users List
 Subject: RE: isLast() method of LoopTagStatus class
 Perfect! Thanks!
 Where would I have looked to find that info? I'm still really new to Beans
 and raw Java 
 code. Main reason why I'm going with JSTL right now. I had tried looking in
 the Java 
 Docs, but I really didn't know where to begin.
 -- Original Message ---
 From: Felix Velasco [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: 'Tag Libraries Users List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Mon, 12 Apr 2004 18:41:51 +0200
 Subject: RE: isLast() method of LoopTagStatus class
  try loop_status.last instead of loop_status.isLast(). EL will translate it
  as per javabeans specification
  -Original Message-
  From: Keith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: 12 April 2004 18:41
  To: Taglibs
  Subject: isLast() method of LoopTagStatus class
  I'm trying to output a comma delimited list based on a varying list of
  statuses that will 
  be input from a select menu in a form. I was trying to figure out how to
  avoid putting a 
  comma after the last value, and it seemed like testing with the isLast()
  method of the 
  LoopTagStatus class would be a good thing to use. I'm not quite sure how
  go about 
  using it, though. Reading about it, it looks like the 'varStatus'
  of the 
  c:forEach tag creates a variable to hold a LoopTagStatus object. My code
  below was how 
  I assumed I would then be able to access the isLast() method:
  %@ page contentType=text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 language=java %
  %@ taglib prefix=c uri=; %
  %@ taglib prefix=sql uri=; %
  c:forEach items=${paramValues.status} var=status_row
c:if test=${!(loop_status.isLast())}, /c:if
  But when I do this, I get the following error back:
  org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /report_status_data.jsp(20,3) The
  function isLast must 
  be used with a prefix when a default namespace is not specified
  Here's an example of the kind of output I'm trying to generate. The list
  possibility of being shorter or longer than this:
  'In-Progress', 'Closed', 'Terminated', 'Withdrawn'
  Thanks in advance!
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