Re: KMeans code is rubbish

2014-07-14 Thread Wanda Hawk
The problem is that I get the same results every time

On Friday, July 11, 2014 7:22 PM, Ameet Talwalkar wrote:

Hi Wanda,

As Sean mentioned, K-means is not guaranteed to find an optimal answer, even 
for seemingly simple toy examples. A common heuristic to deal with this issue 
is to run kmeans multiple times and choose the best answer.  You can do this by 
changing the runs parameter from the default value (1) to something larger (say 


On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 1:20 AM, Wanda Hawk wrote:

I also took a look at 
 and ran the code in a shell.

There is an issue here:
    val initMode = params.initializationMode match {
      case Random = KMeans.RANDOM
      case Parallel = KMeans.K_MEANS_PARALLEL

If I use initMode=KMeans.RANDOM everything is ok.
If I use initMode=KMeans.K_MEANS_PARALLEL I get a wrong result. I do not know 
why. The example proposed is a really simple one that should not accept 
multiple solutions and always converge to the correct one.

Now what can be altered in the original SparkKMeans.scala (the seed or 
something else ?) to get the correct results each and every single time ?
On Thursday, July 10, 2014 7:58 PM, Xiangrui Meng wrote:

SparkKMeans is a naive implementation. Please use
mllib.clustering.KMeans in practice. I created a JIRA for this: -Xiangrui

On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 2:45 AM, Tathagata Das wrote:
 I ran the SparkKMeans example (not the mllib KMeans that Sean ran) with your
 dataset as well, I got the expected answer. And I believe that even though
 initialization is done using sampling, the example actually sets the seed to
 a constant 42, so the result should always be the same no matter how many
 times you run it. So I am not really sure whats going on here.

 Can you tell us more about which version of Spark you are running? Which
 Java version?


 [tdas @ Xion spark2] cat input
 2 1
 1 2
 3 2
 2 3
 4 1
 5 1
 6 1
 4 2
 6 2
 4 3
 5 3
 6 3
 [tdas @ Xion spark2] ./bin/run-example SparkKMeans input 2 0.001
 2014-07-10 02:45:06.764 java[45244:d17] Unable to load realm info
 14/07/10 02:45:07 WARN NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop
 library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
 14/07/10 02:45:07 WARN LoadSnappy:
 Snappy native library not loaded
 14/07/10 02:45:08 WARN BLAS: Failed to load implementation from:
 14/07/10 02:45:08 WARN BLAS: Failed to load implementation from:
 Finished iteration (delta = 3.0)
 Finished iteration (delta = 0.0)
 Final centers:
 DenseVector(5.0, 2.0)
 DenseVector(2.0, 2.0)

 On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 2:17 AM, Wanda Hawk wrote:

 so this is what I am running:
 ./bin/run-example SparkKMeans
 ~/Documents/2dim2.txt 2 0.001

 And this is the input file:
 └───#!cat ~/Documents/2dim2.txt
 2 1
 1 2
 3 2
 2 3
 4 1
 5 1
 6 1
 4 2
 6 2
 4 3
 5 3
 6 3

 This is the final output from spark:
 14/07/10 20:05:12 INFO BlockFetcherIterator$BasicBlockFetcherIterator:
 Getting 2 non-empty blocks
 out of 2 blocks
 14/07/10 20:05:12 INFO BlockFetcherIterator$BasicBlockFetcherIterator:
 Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
 14/07/10 20:05:12 INFO BlockFetcherIterator$BasicBlockFetcherIterator:
 maxBytesInFlight: 50331648, targetRequestSize: 10066329
 14/07/10 20:05:12 INFO BlockFetcherIterator$BasicBlockFetcherIterator:
 Getting 2 non-empty blocks out of 2 blocks
 14/07/10 20:05:12 INFO BlockFetcherIterator$BasicBlockFetcherIterator:
 Started 0 remote fetches in 0 ms
 14/07/10 20:05:12 INFO Executor: Serialized size of result for 14 is 1433
 14/07/10 20:05:12 INFO Executor: Sending result for 14 directly to driver
 14/07/10 20:05:12 INFO Executor: Finished task ID 14

 14/07/10 20:05:12 INFO DAGScheduler: Completed ResultTask(6, 0)
 14/07/10 20:05:12 INFO TaskSetManager: Finished TID 14 in 5 ms on
 localhost (progress: 1/2)
 14/07/10 20:05:12 INFO Executor: Serialized size of result for 15 is 1433
 14/07/10 20:05:12 INFO Executor: Sending result for 15 directly to driver
 14/07/10 20:05:12 INFO Executor: Finished task ID 15
 14/07/10 20:05:12 INFO DAGScheduler: Completed ResultTask(6, 1)
 14/07/10 20:05:12 INFO TaskSetManager: Finished TID 15 in 7 ms on
 localhost (progress: 2/2)
 14/07/10 20:05:12 INFO DAGScheduler: Stage 6 (collectAsMap at
 SparkKMeans.scala:75) finished in 0.008 s
 14/07/10 20:05:12 INFO TaskSchedulerImpl: Removed TaskSet 6.0, whose
 have all completed, from pool
 14/07/10 20:05:12 INFO SparkContext: Job finished: collectAsMap at
 SparkKMeans.scala:75, took 0.02472681 s
 Finished iteration (delta = 0.0)
 Final centers:

Re: mapPartitionsWithIndex

2014-07-14 Thread Xiangrui Meng
You should return an iterator in mapPartitionsWIthIndex. This is from
the programming guide

mapPartitionsWithIndex(func): Similar to mapPartitions, but also
provides func with an integer value representing the index of the
partition, so func must be of type (Int, IteratorT) = IteratorU
when running on an RDD of type T.

For your case, try something similar to the following:

val keyval=dRDD.mapPartitionsWithIndex { (ind,iter) = = process(ind,x.trim().split(' ').map(_.toDouble),q,m,r))


On Sun, Jul 13, 2014 at 11:26 PM, Madhura wrote:
 I have a text file consisting of a large number of random floating values
 separated by spaces. I am loading this file into a RDD in scala.

 I have heard of mapPartitionsWithIndex but I haven't been able to implement
 it. For each partition I want to call a method(process in this case) to
 which I want to pass the partition and it's respective index as parameters.

 My method returns a pair of values.
 This is what I have done.

 val dRDD = sc.textFile(hdfs://master:54310/Data/input*)
 var ind:Int=0
 val keyval= dRDD.mapPartitionsWithIndex((ind,x) = process(ind,x,...))
 val res=keyval.collect()

 We are not able to access res(0)._1 and res(0)._2

 The error log is as follows.

 [error] SimpleApp.scala:420: value trim is not a member of Iterator[String]
 [error] Error occurred in an application involving default arguments.
 [error] val keyval=dRDD.mapPartitionsWithIndex( (ind,x) =
 process(ind,x.trim().split(' ').map(_.toDouble),q,m,r))
 [error] SimpleApp.scala:425: value mkString is not a member of
 [error]   println(res.mkString())
 [error]   ^
 [error] /SimpleApp.scala:427: value _1 is not a member of Nothing
 [error]   var final= res(0)._1
 [error] ^
 [error] /home/madhura/DTWspark/src/main/scala/SimpleApp.scala:428: value _2
 is not a member of Nothing
 [error]   var final1 = res(0)._2 - m +1
 [error]  ^

 View this message in context:
 Sent from the Apache Spark User List mailing list archive at

Error when testing with large sparse svm

2014-07-14 Thread crater

I encounter an error when testing svm (example one) on very large sparse
data. The dataset I ran on was a toy dataset with only ten examples but 13
million sparse vector with a few thousands non-zero entries.

The errors is showing below. I am wondering is this a bug or I am missing

14/07/13 23:59:44 INFO SecurityManager: Using Spark's default log4j profile:
14/07/13 23:59:44 INFO SecurityManager: Changing view acls to: chengjie
14/07/13 23:59:44 INFO SecurityManager: SecurityManager: authentication
disabled; ui acls disabled; users with view permissions: Set(chengjie)
14/07/13 23:59:45 INFO Slf4jLogger: Slf4jLogger started
14/07/13 23:59:45 INFO Remoting: Starting remoting
14/07/13 23:59:45 INFO Remoting: Remoting started; listening on addresses
14/07/13 23:59:45 INFO Remoting: Remoting now listens on addresses:
14/07/13 23:59:45 INFO SparkEnv: Registering MapOutputTracker
14/07/13 23:59:45 INFO SparkEnv: Registering BlockManagerMaster
14/07/13 23:59:45 INFO DiskBlockManager: Created local directory at
14/07/13 23:59:45 INFO MemoryStore: MemoryStore started with capacity 14.4
14/07/13 23:59:45 INFO ConnectionManager: Bound socket to port 37674 with id
= ConnectionManagerId(master,37674)
14/07/13 23:59:45 INFO BlockManagerMaster: Trying to register BlockManager
14/07/13 23:59:45 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Registering block manager
master:37674 with 14.4 GB RAM
14/07/13 23:59:45 INFO BlockManagerMaster: Registered BlockManager
14/07/13 23:59:45 INFO HttpServer: Starting HTTP Server
14/07/13 23:59:45 INFO HttpBroadcast: Broadcast server started at
14/07/13 23:59:45 INFO HttpFileServer: HTTP File server directory is
14/07/13 23:59:45 INFO HttpServer: Starting HTTP Server
14/07/13 23:59:51 INFO SparkUI: Started SparkUI at http://master:4040
14/07/13 23:59:51 WARN NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop
library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
14/07/13 23:59:52 INFO EventLoggingListener: Logging events to
14/07/13 23:59:52 INFO SparkContext: Added JAR
at with
timestamp 1405317592653
14/07/13 23:59:52 INFO AppClient$ClientActor: Connecting to master
14/07/14 00:00:08 WARN TaskSchedulerImpl: Initial job has not accepted any
resources; check your cluster UI to ensure that workers are registered and
have sufficient memory
14/07/14 00:00:23 WARN TaskSchedulerImpl: Initial job has not accepted any
resources; check your cluster UI to ensure that workers are registered and
have sufficient memory
14/07/14 00:00:38 WARN TaskSchedulerImpl: Initial job has not accepted any
resources; check your cluster UI to ensure that workers are registered and
have sufficient memory
14/07/14 00:00:53 WARN TaskSchedulerImpl: Initial job has not accepted any
resources; check your cluster UI to ensure that workers are registered and
have sufficient memory
Training: 10
14/07/14 00:01:09 WARN BLAS: Failed to load implementation from:
14/07/14 00:01:09 WARN BLAS: Failed to load implementation from:
*Exception in thread main org.apache.spark.SparkException: Job aborted due
to stage failure: Serialized task 20:0 was 94453098 bytes which exceeds
spark.akka.frameSize (10485760 bytes). Consider using broadcast variables
for large values.*
at scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.foreach(ArrayBuffer.scala:47)
at scala.Option.foreach(Option.scala:236)

Re: Catalyst dependency on Spark Core

2014-07-14 Thread Yanbo Liang
Make Catalyst independent of Spark is the goal of Catalyst, maybe need time
and evolution.
I awared that package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util
embraced org.apache.spark.util.{Utils = SparkUtils},
so that Catalyst has a dependency on Spark core.
I'm not sure whether it will be replaced by other component independent of
Spark in later release.

2014-07-14 11:51 GMT+08:00 Aniket Bhatnagar

 As per the recent presentation given in Scala days (, it
 was mentioned that Catalyst is independent of Spark. But on inspecting
 pom.xml of sql/catalyst module, it seems it has a dependency on Spark Core.
 Any particular reason for the dependency? I would love to use Catalyst
 outside Spark

 (reposted as previous email bounced. Sorry if this is a duplicate).

Re: Supported SQL syntax in Spark SQL

2014-07-14 Thread Martin Gammelsæter
I am very interested in the original question as well, is there any
list (even if it is simply in the code) of all supported syntax for
Spark SQL?

On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 6:41 AM, Nicholas Chammas wrote:
 Are you sure the code running on the cluster has been updated?

 I launched the cluster using spark-ec2 from the 1.0.1 release, so I’m
 assuming that’s taken care of, at least in theory.

 I just spun down the clusters I had up, but I will revisit this tomorrow and
 provide the information you requested.


Martin Gammelsæter

Re: Error when testing with large sparse svm

2014-07-14 Thread Xiangrui Meng
You need to set a larger `spark.akka.frameSize`, e.g., 128, for the
serialized weight vector. There is a JIRA about switching
automatically between sending through akka or broadcast: . -Xiangrui

On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 12:15 AM, crater wrote:

 I encounter an error when testing svm (example one) on very large sparse
 data. The dataset I ran on was a toy dataset with only ten examples but 13
 million sparse vector with a few thousands non-zero entries.

 The errors is showing below. I am wondering is this a bug or I am missing

 14/07/13 23:59:44 INFO SecurityManager: Using Spark's default log4j profile:
 14/07/13 23:59:44 INFO SecurityManager: Changing view acls to: chengjie
 14/07/13 23:59:44 INFO SecurityManager: SecurityManager: authentication
 disabled; ui acls disabled; users with view permissions: Set(chengjie)
 14/07/13 23:59:45 INFO Slf4jLogger: Slf4jLogger started
 14/07/13 23:59:45 INFO Remoting: Starting remoting
 14/07/13 23:59:45 INFO Remoting: Remoting started; listening on addresses
 14/07/13 23:59:45 INFO Remoting: Remoting now listens on addresses:
 14/07/13 23:59:45 INFO SparkEnv: Registering MapOutputTracker
 14/07/13 23:59:45 INFO SparkEnv: Registering BlockManagerMaster
 14/07/13 23:59:45 INFO DiskBlockManager: Created local directory at
 14/07/13 23:59:45 INFO MemoryStore: MemoryStore started with capacity 14.4
 14/07/13 23:59:45 INFO ConnectionManager: Bound socket to port 37674 with id
 = ConnectionManagerId(master,37674)
 14/07/13 23:59:45 INFO BlockManagerMaster: Trying to register BlockManager
 14/07/13 23:59:45 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Registering block manager
 master:37674 with 14.4 GB RAM
 14/07/13 23:59:45 INFO BlockManagerMaster: Registered BlockManager
 14/07/13 23:59:45 INFO HttpServer: Starting HTTP Server
 14/07/13 23:59:45 INFO HttpBroadcast: Broadcast server started at
 14/07/13 23:59:45 INFO HttpFileServer: HTTP File server directory is
 14/07/13 23:59:45 INFO HttpServer: Starting HTTP Server
 14/07/13 23:59:51 INFO SparkUI: Started SparkUI at http://master:4040
 14/07/13 23:59:51 WARN NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop
 library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
 14/07/13 23:59:52 INFO EventLoggingListener: Logging events to
 14/07/13 23:59:52 INFO SparkContext: Added JAR
 at with
 timestamp 1405317592653
 14/07/13 23:59:52 INFO AppClient$ClientActor: Connecting to master
 14/07/14 00:00:08 WARN TaskSchedulerImpl: Initial job has not accepted any
 resources; check your cluster UI to ensure that workers are registered and
 have sufficient memory
 14/07/14 00:00:23 WARN TaskSchedulerImpl: Initial job has not accepted any
 resources; check your cluster UI to ensure that workers are registered and
 have sufficient memory
 14/07/14 00:00:38 WARN TaskSchedulerImpl: Initial job has not accepted any
 resources; check your cluster UI to ensure that workers are registered and
 have sufficient memory
 14/07/14 00:00:53 WARN TaskSchedulerImpl: Initial job has not accepted any
 resources; check your cluster UI to ensure that workers are registered and
 have sufficient memory
 Training: 10
 14/07/14 00:01:09 WARN BLAS: Failed to load implementation from:
 14/07/14 00:01:09 WARN BLAS: Failed to load implementation from:
 *Exception in thread main org.apache.spark.SparkException: Job aborted due
 to stage failure: Serialized task 20:0 was 94453098 bytes which exceeds
 spark.akka.frameSize (10485760 bytes). Consider using broadcast variables
 for large values.*
 at scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.foreach(ArrayBuffer.scala:47)

Re: Graphx traversal and merge interesting edges

2014-07-14 Thread HHB
Hi Ankur,

FYI - in a naive attempt to enhance your solution, managed to create 
MergePatternPath. I think it works in expected way (atleast for the traversing 
problem in last email). 

I modified your code a bit. Also instead of EdgePattern I used List of 
Functions that match the whole edge triplets along the path... and it returns a 
*new Graph* which preserves the vertices attributes, but only with new merged 


Here's a Gist of how I was using it:

This prolly is very naive attempt :-). Is there any possibility of adding it to 
the graphx.lib albeit one which is sophisticated  performant?


On 08-Jul-2014, at 4:57 pm, HHB wrote:

 Hi Ankur,
 I was trying out the PatterMatcher it works for smaller path, but I see that 
 for the longer ones it continues to run forever...
 Here's what I am trying:  (The example of 3 
 share traders transacting in appl shares)
 The first edge pattern list (Line 66) works okay, but the second one (Line 
 76) never return..
 On 05-Jul-2014, at 3:23 pm, Ankur Dave wrote:
 Interesting problem! My understanding is that you want to (1) find paths 
 matching a particular pattern, and (2) add edges between the start and end 
 vertices of the matched paths.
 For (1), I implemented a pattern matcher for GraphX that iteratively 
 accumulates partial pattern matches. I used your example in the unit test.
 For (2), you can take the output of the pattern matcher (the set of matching 
 paths organized by their terminal vertices) and construct a set of new edges 
 using the initial and terminal vertices of each path. Then you can make a 
 new graph consisting of the union of the original edge set and the new 
 edges. Let me know if you'd like help with this.

Re: mapPartitionsWithIndex

2014-07-14 Thread Madhura
It worked! I was struggling for a week. Thanks a lot!

On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 12:31 PM, Xiangrui Meng [via Apache Spark User
List] wrote:

 You should return an iterator in mapPartitionsWIthIndex. This is from
 the programming guide

 mapPartitionsWithIndex(func): Similar to mapPartitions, but also
 provides func with an integer value representing the index of the
 partition, so func must be of type (Int, IteratorT) = IteratorU
 when running on an RDD of type T.

 For your case, try something similar to the following:

 val keyval=dRDD.mapPartitionsWithIndex { (ind,iter) = = process(ind,x.trim().split(' ').map(_.toDouble),q,m,r))


 On Sun, Jul 13, 2014 at 11:26 PM, Madhura [hidden email]
 http://user/SendEmail.jtp?type=nodenode=9591i=0 wrote:

  I have a text file consisting of a large number of random floating
  separated by spaces. I am loading this file into a RDD in scala.
  I have heard of mapPartitionsWithIndex but I haven't been able to
  it. For each partition I want to call a method(process in this case) to
  which I want to pass the partition and it's respective index as
  My method returns a pair of values.
  This is what I have done.
  val dRDD = sc.textFile(hdfs://master:54310/Data/input*)
  var ind:Int=0
  val keyval= dRDD.mapPartitionsWithIndex((ind,x) = process(ind,x,...))
  val res=keyval.collect()
  We are not able to access res(0)._1 and res(0)._2
  The error log is as follows.
  [error] SimpleApp.scala:420: value trim is not a member of
  [error] Error occurred in an application involving default arguments.
  [error] val keyval=dRDD.mapPartitionsWithIndex( (ind,x) =
  process(ind,x.trim().split(' ').map(_.toDouble),q,m,r))
  [error] SimpleApp.scala:425: value mkString is not a member of
  [error]   println(res.mkString())
  [error]   ^
  [error] /SimpleApp.scala:427: value _1 is not a member of Nothing
  [error]   var final= res(0)._1
  [error] ^
  [error] /home/madhura/DTWspark/src/main/scala/SimpleApp.scala:428: value
  is not a member of Nothing
  [error]   var final1 = res(0)._2 - m +1
  [error]  ^
  View this message in context:
  Sent from the Apache Spark User List mailing list archive at

  If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion
  To unsubscribe from mapPartitionsWithIndex, click here

View this message in context:
Sent from the Apache Spark User List mailing list archive at

spark1.0.1 catalyst transform filter not push down

2014-07-14 Thread victor sheng
Hi, I encountered a weird problem in spark sql.
I use sbt/sbt hive/console  to go into the shell.

I test the filter push down by using catalyst.

scala  val queryPlan = sql(select value from (select key,value from src)a
where a.key=86 )
scala queryPlan.baseLogicalPlan
res0: org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.LogicalPlan = 
Project ['value]
 Filter ('a.key = 86)
  Subquery a
   Project ['key,'value]
UnresolvedRelation None, src, None

I want to achieve the Filter Push Down.

So I run :
scala var newQuery = queryPlan.baseLogicalPlan transform {
 | case f @ Filter(_, p @ Project(_,grandChild)) 
 | if (f.references subsetOf grandChild.output) = 
 | p.copy(child = f.copy(child = grandChild))
 | }
console:42: error: type mismatch;
 found   : Seq[org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Attribute]
   if (f.references subsetOf grandChild.output) = 
It throws exception above. I don't know what's wrong.

If I run :
var newQuery = queryPlan.baseLogicalPlan transform {
case f @ Filter(_, p @ Project(_,grandChild)) 
if true = 
p.copy(child = f.copy(child = grandChild))
scala var newQuery = queryPlan.baseLogicalPlan transform {
 | case f @ Filter(_, p @ Project(_,grandChild)) 
 | if true = 
 | p.copy(child = f.copy(child = grandChild))
 | }
newQuery: org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.LogicalPlan = 
Project ['value]
 Filter ('a.key = 86)
  Subquery a
   Project ['key,'value]
UnresolvedRelation None, src, None

It seems the Filter also in the same position, not switch the order.
Can anyone guide me about it?

View this message in context:
Sent from the Apache Spark User List mailing list archive at

sbt + idea + test

2014-07-14 Thread boci
Hi guys,

I want to use Elasticsearch and HBase in my spark project, I want to create
a test. I pulled up ES and Zookeeper, but if I put val htest = new
HBaseTestingUtility() to my app I got a strange exception (compilation
time, not runtime).

Any idea?

Skype: boci13, Hangout:

Running Spark on Microsoft Azure HDInsight

2014-07-14 Thread Niek Tax
Hi everyone,

Currently I am working on parallelizing a machine learning algorithm using
a Microsoft HDInsight cluster. I tried running my algorithm on Hadoop
MapReduce, but since my algorithm is iterative the job scheduling overhead
and data loading overhead severely limits the performance of my algorithm
in terms of training time.

Since recently, HDInsight supports Hadoop 2 with YARN, which I thought
would allow me to use run Spark jobs, which seem more fitting for my task. So
far I have not been able however to find how I can run Apache Spark jobs on
a HDInsight cluster.

It seems like remote job submission (which would have my preference) is not
possible for Spark on HDInsight, as REST endpoints for Oozie and templeton
do not seem to support submission of Spark jobs. I also tried to RDP to the
headnode for job submission from the headnode. On the headnode drives I can
find other new YARN computation models like Tez and I also managed to run
Tez jobs on it through YARN. However, Spark seems to be missing. Does this
mean that HDInsight currently does not support Spark, even though it
supports Hadoop versions with YARN? Or do I need to install Spark on the
HDInsight cluster first, in some way? Or is there maybe something else that
I'm missing and can I run Spark jobs on HDInsight some other way?

Many thanks in advance!

Kind regards,

Niek Tax

Spark SQL 1.0.1 error on reading fixed length byte array

2014-07-14 Thread Pei-Lun Lee

I am using spark-sql 1.0.1 to load parquet files generated from method
described in:

When I try to submit a select query with columns of type fixed length byte
array, the following error pops up:

14/07/14 11:09:14 INFO scheduler.DAGScheduler: Failed to run take at
org.apache.spark.SparkDriverExecutionException: Execution error
Caused by: Can not read value at 0 in
block -1 in file s3n://foo/bar/part-r-0.snappy.parquet
at scala.collection.Iterator$$anon$11.hasNext(Iterator.scala:327)
at scala.collection.Iterator$$anon$14.hasNext(Iterator.scala:388)
at scala.collection.Iterator$$anon$11.hasNext(Iterator.scala:327)
at scala.collection.Iterator$$anon$10.hasNext(Iterator.scala:308)
at scala.collection.Iterator$class.foreach(Iterator.scala:727)
at scala.collection.AbstractIterator.foreach(Iterator.scala:1157)
at scala.collection.TraversableOnce$
at scala.collection.AbstractIterator.toBuffer(Iterator.scala:1157)
at scala.collection.AbstractIterator.toArray(Iterator.scala:1157)
at org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD$$anonfun$27.apply(RDD.scala:989)
at org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD$$anonfun$27.apply(RDD.scala:989)
... 1 more
Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: Expected instance of primitive
converter but got
... 24 more

Is fixed length byte array supposed to work in this version? I noticed that
other array types like int or string already work.


Error in spark: Exception in thread delete Spark temp dir

2014-07-14 Thread Rahul Bhojwani
I am getting an error saying:

 Exception in thread delete Spark temp dir
ion: Failed to delete:
at org.apache.spark.util.Utils$.deleteRecursively(Utils.scala:483)
at org.apache.spark.util.Utils$.deleteRecursively(Utils.scala:478)
at org.apache.spark.util.Utils$$anon$

Can anyone help me out of it? If the logs are required then I can forward

Rahul K Bhojwani
3rd Year B.Tech
Computer Science and Engineering
National Institute of Technology, Karnataka

Re: Problem reading in LZO compressed files

2014-07-14 Thread Ognen Duzlevski
Nicholas, thanks nevertheless! I am going to spend some time to try and 
figure this out and report back :-)


On 7/13/14, 7:05 PM, Nicholas Chammas wrote:

I actually never got this to work, which is part of the reason why I 
filed that JIRA. Apart from using |--jar| when starting the shell, I 
don’t have any more pointers for you. :(


On Sun, Jul 13, 2014 at 12:57 PM, Ognen Duzlevski wrote:



How do I make spark assemble against a local version of Hadoop?

I have 2.4.1 running on a test cluster and I did
SPARK_HADOOP_VERSION=2.4.1 sbt/sbt assembly but all it did was
pull in hadoop-2.4.1 dependencies via sbt (which is sufficient for
using a 2.4.1 HDFS). I am guessing my local version of Hadoop
libraries/jars is not used. Alternatively, how do I add the
hadoop-gpl-compression-0.1.0.jar (responsible for the lzo stuff)
to this hand assembled Spark?

I am running the spark-shell like this:
bin/spark-shell --jars

and getting this:

scala val f =
14/07/13 16:53:01 INFO MemoryStore: ensureFreeSpace(216014) called
with curMem=0, maxMem=311387750
14/07/13 16:53:01 INFO MemoryStore: Block broadcast_0 stored as
values to memory (estimated size 211.0 KB, free 296.8 MB)
f: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(,] = NewHadoopRDD[0] at newAPIHadoopFile
at console:12

scala f.take(1)
14/07/13 16:53:08 INFO FileInputFormat: Total input paths to
process : 1
java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Found interface
org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.JobContext, but class was expected


which makes me think something is not linked to something properly
(not a Java expert unfortunately).


On 7/13/14, 10:35 AM, Nicholas Chammas wrote:

If you’re still seeing gibberish, it’s because Spark is not using
the LZO libraries properly. In your case, I believe you should be
calling |newAPIHadoopFile()| instead of |textFile()|.

For example:


On a side note, here’s a related JIRA issue: SPARK-2394: Make it
easier to read LZO-compressed files from EC2 clusters



On Sun, Jul 13, 2014 at 10:49 AM, Ognen Duzlevski wrote:


I have been trying to play with the Google ngram dataset
provided by Amazon in form of LZO compressed files.

I am having trouble understanding what is going on ;). I have
added the compression jar and native library to the
underlying Hadoop/HDFS installation, restarted the name node
and the datanodes, Spark can obviously see the file but I get
gibberish on a read. Any ideas?

See output below:

14/07/13 14:39:19 INFO SparkContext: Added JAR
at with
timestamp 1405262359777
14/07/13 14:39:20 INFO SparkILoop: Created spark context..
Spark context available as sc.

scala val f =
14/07/13 14:39:34 INFO MemoryStore: ensureFreeSpace(163793)
called with curMem=0, maxMem=311387750
14/07/13 14:39:34 INFO MemoryStore: Block broadcast_0 stored
as values to memory (estimated size 160.0 KB, free 296.8 MB)
f: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[String] = MappedRDD[1] at
textFile at console:12

scala f.take(10)
14/07/13 14:39:43 INFO SparkContext: Job finished: take at
console:15, took 0.419708348 s
res0: Array[String] =


�?, �? �? �?, 

Can we get a spark context inside a mapper

2014-07-14 Thread Rahul Bhojwani
Hey, My question is for this situation:
Suppose we have 10 files each containing list of features in each row.

Task is that for each file cluster the features in that file and write the
corresponding cluster along with it in a new file.  So we have to generate
10 more files by applying clustering in each file individually.

So can I do it this way, that get rdd of list of files and apply map.
Inside the mapper function which will be handling each file, get another
spark context and use Mllib kmeans to get the clustered output file.

Please suggest the appropriate method to tackle this problem.

Rahul Kumar Bhojwani
3rd year, B.Tech
Computer Science Engineering
National Institute Of Technology, Karnataka

Re: Spark Questions

2014-07-14 Thread Gonzalo Zarza
Thanks for your answers Shuo Xiang and Aaron Davidson!


*Gonzalo Zarza* | PhD in High-Performance Computing | Big-Data Specialist |
*GLOBANT* | AR: +54 11 4109 1700 ext. 15494 | US: +1 877 215 5230 ext. 15494
 | [image: Facebook] [image: Twitter] [image: Youtube] [image: Linkedin] [image: Pinterest] [image: Globant]

On Sat, Jul 12, 2014 at 9:02 PM, Aaron Davidson wrote:

 I am not entirely certain I understand your questions, but let me assume
 you are mostly interested in SparkSQL and are thinking about your problem
 in terms of SQL-like tables.

 1. Shuo Xiang mentioned Spark partitioning strategies, but in case you are
 talking about data partitioning or sharding as exist in Hive, SparkSQL does
 not currently support this, though it is on the roadmap. We can read from
 partitioned Hive tables, however.

 2. If by entries/record you mean something like columns/row, SparkSQL does
 allow you to project out the columns you want, or select all columns. The
 efficiency of such a projection is determined by the how the data is
 stored, however: If your data is stored in an inherently row-based format,
 this projection will be no faster than doing an initial map() over the data
 to only select the desired columns. If it's stored in something like
 Parquet, or cached in memory, however, we would avoid ever looking at the
 unused columns.

 3. Spark has a very generalized data source API, so it is capable of
 interacting with whatever data source. However, I don't think we currently
 have any SparkSQL connectors to RDBMSes that would support column pruning
 or other push-downs. This is all very much viable, however.

 On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 1:35 PM, Gonzalo Zarza

 Hi all,

 We've been evaluating Spark for a long-term project. Although we've been
 reading several topics in forum, any hints on the following topics we'll be
 extremely welcomed:

 1. Which are the data partition strategies available in Spark? How
 configurable are these strategies?

 2. How would be the best way to use Spark if queries can touch only 3-5
 entries/records? Which strategy is the best if they want to perform a full
 scan of the entries?

 3. Is Spark capable of interacting with RDBMS?

 Thanks a lot!

 Best regards,

 *Gonzalo Zarza* | PhD in High-Performance Computing | Big-Data
 Specialist |
 *GLOBANT* | AR: +54 11 4109 1700 ext. 15494 | US: +1 877 215 5230 ext.
 15494 | [image: Facebook] [image:
 Twitter] [image: Youtube] [image: Linkedin] [image: Pinterest] [image: Globant]

Re: spark1.0.1 catalyst transform filter not push down

2014-07-14 Thread Yin Huai

queryPlan.baseLogicalPlan is not the plan used to execution. Actually,
the baseLogicalPlan
of a SchemaRDD (queryPlan in your case) is just the parsed plan (the parsed
plan will be analyzed, and then optimized. Finally, a physical plan will be
created). The plan shows up after you execute val queryPlan = sql(select
value from (select key,value from src)a where a.key=86 ) is the physical
plan. Or, you can use queryPlan.queryExecution to see the Logical Plan,
Optimized Logical Plan, and Physical Plan. You can find the physical plan

== Physical Plan ==
Project [value#3:0]
 Filter (key#2:1 = 86)
  HiveTableScan [value#3,key#2], (MetastoreRelation default, src, None),



On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 3:42 AM, victor sheng

 Hi, I encountered a weird problem in spark sql.
 I use sbt/sbt hive/console  to go into the shell.

 I test the filter push down by using catalyst.

 scala  val queryPlan = sql(select value from (select key,value from src)a
 where a.key=86 )
 scala queryPlan.baseLogicalPlan
 res0: org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.LogicalPlan =
 Project ['value]
  Filter ('a.key = 86)
   Subquery a
Project ['key,'value]
 UnresolvedRelation None, src, None

 I want to achieve the Filter Push Down.

 So I run :
 scala var newQuery = queryPlan.baseLogicalPlan transform {
  | case f @ Filter(_, p @ Project(_,grandChild))
  | if (f.references subsetOf grandChild.output) =
  | p.copy(child = f.copy(child = grandChild))
  | }
 console:42: error: type mismatch;
  found   : Seq[org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Attribute]

if (f.references subsetOf grandChild.output) =
 It throws exception above. I don't know what's wrong.

 If I run :
 var newQuery = queryPlan.baseLogicalPlan transform {
 case f @ Filter(_, p @ Project(_,grandChild))
 if true =
 p.copy(child = f.copy(child = grandChild))
 scala var newQuery = queryPlan.baseLogicalPlan transform {
  | case f @ Filter(_, p @ Project(_,grandChild))
  | if true =
  | p.copy(child = f.copy(child = grandChild))
  | }
 newQuery: org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.LogicalPlan =
 Project ['value]
  Filter ('a.key = 86)
   Subquery a
Project ['key,'value]
 UnresolvedRelation None, src, None

 It seems the Filter also in the same position, not switch the order.
 Can anyone guide me about it?

 View this message in context:
 Sent from the Apache Spark User List mailing list archive at

Re: Running Spark on Microsoft Azure HDInsight

2014-07-14 Thread Marco Shaw
I'm a Spark and HDInsight novice, so I could be wrong...

HDInsight is based on HDP2, so my guess here is that you have the option of
installing/configuring Spark in cluster mode (YARN) or in standalone mode
and package the Spark binaries with your job.

Everything I seem to look at is related to UNIX shell scripts.  So, one
might need to pull apart some of these scripts to pick out how to run this
on Windows.

Interesting project...


On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 8:00 AM, Niek Tax wrote:

 Hi everyone,

 Currently I am working on parallelizing a machine learning algorithm using
 a Microsoft HDInsight cluster. I tried running my algorithm on Hadoop
 MapReduce, but since my algorithm is iterative the job scheduling overhead
 and data loading overhead severely limits the performance of my algorithm
 in terms of training time.

 Since recently, HDInsight supports Hadoop 2 with YARN, which I thought
 would allow me to use run Spark jobs, which seem more fitting for my task. So
 far I have not been able however to find how I can run Apache Spark jobs on
 a HDInsight cluster.

 It seems like remote job submission (which would have my preference) is
 not possible for Spark on HDInsight, as REST endpoints for Oozie and
 templeton do not seem to support submission of Spark jobs. I also tried to
 RDP to the headnode for job submission from the headnode. On the headnode
 drives I can find other new YARN computation models like Tez and I also
 managed to run Tez jobs on it through YARN. However, Spark seems to be
 missing. Does this mean that HDInsight currently does not support Spark,
 even though it supports Hadoop versions with YARN? Or do I need to install
 Spark on the HDInsight cluster first, in some way? Or is there maybe
 something else that I'm missing and can I run Spark jobs on HDInsight some
 other way?

 Many thanks in advance!

 Kind regards,

 Niek Tax

Re: Announcing Spark 1.0.1

2014-07-14 Thread Philip Ogren

Hi Patrick,

This is great news but I nearly missed the announcement because it had 
scrolled off the folder view that I have Spark users list messages go 
to.  40+ new threads since you sent the email out on Friday evening.

You might consider having someone on your team create a 
spark-announcement list so that it is easier to disseminate important 
information like this release announcement.

Thanks again for all your hard work.  I know you and the rest of the 
team are getting a million requests a day


On 07/11/2014 07:35 PM, Patrick Wendell wrote:

I am happy to announce the availability of Spark 1.0.1! This release
includes contributions from 70 developers. Spark 1.0.0 includes fixes
across several areas of Spark, including the core API, PySpark, and
MLlib. It also includes new features in Spark's (alpha) SQL library,
including support for JSON data and performance and stability fixes.

Visit the release notes[1] to read about this release or download[2]
the release today.


Re: Running Spark on Microsoft Azure HDInsight

2014-07-14 Thread Marco Shaw
Looks like going with cluster mode is not a good idea:

Seems like a non-HDInsight VM might be needed to make it the Spark master


On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 12:43 PM, Marco Shaw wrote:

 I'm a Spark and HDInsight novice, so I could be wrong...

 HDInsight is based on HDP2, so my guess here is that you have the option
 of installing/configuring Spark in cluster mode (YARN) or in standalone
 mode and package the Spark binaries with your job.

 Everything I seem to look at is related to UNIX shell scripts.  So, one
 might need to pull apart some of these scripts to pick out how to run this
 on Windows.

 Interesting project...


 On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 8:00 AM, Niek Tax wrote:

 Hi everyone,

 Currently I am working on parallelizing a machine learning algorithm
 using a Microsoft HDInsight cluster. I tried running my algorithm on Hadoop
 MapReduce, but since my algorithm is iterative the job scheduling overhead
 and data loading overhead severely limits the performance of my algorithm
 in terms of training time.

 Since recently, HDInsight supports Hadoop 2 with YARN, which I thought
 would allow me to use run Spark jobs, which seem more fitting for my task. So
 far I have not been able however to find how I can run Apache Spark jobs on
 a HDInsight cluster.

 It seems like remote job submission (which would have my preference) is
 not possible for Spark on HDInsight, as REST endpoints for Oozie and
 templeton do not seem to support submission of Spark jobs. I also tried to
 RDP to the headnode for job submission from the headnode. On the headnode
 drives I can find other new YARN computation models like Tez and I also
 managed to run Tez jobs on it through YARN. However, Spark seems to be
 missing. Does this mean that HDInsight currently does not support Spark,
 even though it supports Hadoop versions with YARN? Or do I need to install
 Spark on the HDInsight cluster first, in some way? Or is there maybe
 something else that I'm missing and can I run Spark jobs on HDInsight some
 other way?

 Many thanks in advance!

 Kind regards,

 Niek Tax

RE: writing FLume data to HDFS

2014-07-14 Thread Sundaram, Muthu X.
I am not sure how to write it…I tried writing to local file system using 
FileWriter and Print Writer. I tried it inside the while loop. I am able to get 
the text and able to print it but it fails when I use regular java classes. 
Shouldn’t I use regular java classes here? Can I write to only HDFS? Should I 
have to create the file in HDFS using HDFS classes? I thought of using Spark’s 
SaveAsTextFile(). But I have JavaRDDSparkFlumeEvent of this..not 
JavaRDDAvroEvent. So I am not sure whether SaveAsText() will work. I 
appreciate any guidance here. How do I get more code examples? Books, URL?

  flumeStream.foreach(new FunctionJavaRDDSparkFlumeEvent,Void () {
  public Void call(JavaRDDSparkFlumeEvent eventsData) throws 
Exception {
 String logRecord = null;
 ListSparkFlumeEvent events = eventsData.collect();
 IteratorSparkFlumeEvent batchedEvents = 
 long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
 AvroFlumeEvent avroEvent = null;
 ByteBuffer bytePayload = null;
 // All the user level data is carried as payload in Flume 
 while(batchedEvents.hasNext()) {
SparkFlumeEvent flumeEvent =;
avroEvent = flumeEvent.event();
bytePayload = avroEvent.getBody();
logRecord = new String(bytePayload.array());

System.out.println(LOG RECORD =  + 

   ??I was trying to write the data to hdfs..but it 

From: Tathagata Das []
Sent: Friday, July 11, 2014 1:43 PM
Subject: Re: writing FLume data to HDFS

What is the error you are getting when you say ??I was trying to write the 
data to hdfs..but it fails…


On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 1:36 PM, Sundaram, Muthu X. wrote:
I am new to spark. I am trying to do the following.
Netcat--Flume--Spark streaming(process Flume Data)--HDFS.

My flume config file has following set up.

Source = netcat

Spark Streaming code:
I am able to print data from flume to the monitor. But I am struggling to 
create a file. In order to get the real data I need to convert SparkEvent to 
JavaRDD.saveAsText()--might not work..because JavaRDD is collection of 
SparkEvent..Do I need to convert this in to collection of JavaRDDAvroEvent?
Please share any code examples… Thanks.


 Duration batchInterval = new Duration(2000);
SparkConf sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName(JavaFlumeEventCount);
JavaStreamingContext ssc = new JavaStreamingContext(sparkConf, 
JavaDStreamSparkFlumeEvent flumeStream = FlumeUtils.createStream(ssc, 
host, port);

 public Void call(JavaRDDSparkFlumeEvent events1,JavaRDDSparkFlumeEvent 
events2) throws Exception{
return null;

/*flumeStream.count().map(new FunctionLong, String() {
  public String call(Long in) {
return Received  + in +  flume events.;

flumeStream.foreach(new FunctionJavaRDDSparkFlumeEvent,Void () {
  public Void call(JavaRDDSparkFlumeEvent eventsData) throws 
Exception {
 String logRecord = null;
 ListSparkFlumeEvent events = eventsData.collect();
 IteratorSparkFlumeEvent batchedEvents = 

 long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
 AvroFlumeEvent avroEvent = null;
 ByteBuffer bytePayload = null;

 // All the user level data is carried as payload in Flume 

 while(batchedEvents.hasNext()) {
SparkFlumeEvent flumeEvent =;
avroEvent = flumeEvent.event();
bytePayload = avroEvent.getBody();
logRecord = new String(bytePayload.array());

System.out.println(LOG RECORD =  + 

   ??I was trying to write the data to hdfs..but it 

 System.out.println(Processed this batch in:  + 
(System.currentTimeMillis() - t1)/1000 +  seconds);
 return null;

Re: Error when testing with large sparse svm

2014-07-14 Thread crater
Hi xiangrui,

Where can I set the spark.akka.frameSize ?

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Re: Error when testing with large sparse svm

2014-07-14 Thread Srikrishna S
If you use Scala, you can do:

  val conf = new SparkConf()
 .setAppName(Logistic regression SGD fixed)
 .set(spark.akka.frameSize, 100)
 .setExecutorEnv(SPARK_JAVA_OPTS,  -Dspark.akka.frameSize=100)
var sc = new SparkContext(conf)

I have been struggling with this too. I was trying to run Spark on the
KDDB website which has about 29M features. It implodes and dies. Let
me know if you are able to figure out how to get things to work well
on really really wide datasets.


On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 10:18 AM, crater wrote:
 Hi xiangrui,

 Where can I set the spark.akka.frameSize ?

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Spark Streaming Json file groupby function

2014-07-14 Thread srinivas
  I am new to spark and scala and I am trying to do some aggregations on
json file stream using Spark Streaming. I am able to parse the json string
and it is converted to map(id - 123, name - srini, mobile - 12324214,
score - 123, test_type - math) now i want to use GROUPBY function on each
student map data and wanted to do some aggregations on scores. Here is my
main function 
val Array(zkQuorum, group, topics, numThreads) = args
val sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName(KafkaWordCount)
val ssc = new StreamingContext(sparkConf, Seconds(10))
   // ssc.checkpoint(checkpoint)

val topicpMap = topics.split(,).map((_,numThreads.toInt)).toMap
 val lines = KafkaUtils.createStream(ssc, zkQuorum, group,
 val jsonf =[scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,



Can anyone please Let me know how to use groupby function..thanks 

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Trouble with spark-ec2 script: --ebs-vol-size

2014-07-14 Thread Ben Horner

I'm using the spark-0.9.1-bin-hadoop1 distribution, and the ec2/spark-ec2
script within it to spin up a cluster.  I tried running my processing just
using the default (ephemeral) HDFS configuration, but my job errored out,
saying that there was no space left.  So now I'm trying to increase the size
of HDFS on the cluster.

My launch command:
ec2/spark-ec2 -k ... -i ... -z us-east-1d -s 4 -t m3.2xlarge
--ebs-vol-size=250 -m r3.2xlarge launch ...

My understanding is that I should get a cluster, where each slave node has
an ebs backed drive with 250 GB of storage, with a persistent HDFS set to
use these slave drives.

I turn off the ephemeral HDFS on the cluster master:

Then I turn on the persistent HDFS on the cluster master:

Once I discovered the proper URL to hit the persistent name node page (not
the ephemeral standard 50070 port):

The page shows 4 nodes as expected, but the configured capacity shows as
31.5 GB, not the expected 1 TB (250 GB x 4)

Please help!
Don't be shy to let me know if I've made mis-steps, or if I'm not
understanding things correctly!

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Re: Supported SQL syntax in Spark SQL

2014-07-14 Thread Michael Armbrust
You can find the parser here:

In general the hive parser provided by HQL is much more complete at the
moment.  Long term we will likely stop using parser combinators and either
write a more complete parser, or adopt one from an existing project.

On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 12:25 AM, Martin Gammelsæter wrote:

 I am very interested in the original question as well, is there any
 list (even if it is simply in the code) of all supported syntax for
 Spark SQL?

 On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 6:41 AM, Nicholas Chammas wrote:
  Are you sure the code running on the cluster has been updated?
  I launched the cluster using spark-ec2 from the 1.0.1 release, so I’m
  assuming that’s taken care of, at least in theory.
  I just spun down the clusters I had up, but I will revisit this tomorrow
  provide the information you requested.

 Martin Gammelsæter

Gradient Boosted Machines

2014-07-14 Thread Daniel Bendavid

My company is strongly considering implementing a recommendation engine that is 
built off of statistical models using Spark.  We attended the Spark Summit and 
were incredibly impressed with the technology and the entire community.  Since 
then, we have been exploring the technology and determining how we could use it 
for our specific needs.

One algorithm that we ideally want to use as part of our project is Gradient 
Boosted Machines.  We are aware that they have not yet been implemented in MLib 
and would like to submit our request that they be considered for future 
implementation.  Additionally, we would love to see the AdaBoost algorithm 
implemented in Mlib and Feature Preprocessing implemented in Python (as it 
already exists for Scala).

Otherwise, thank you for taking our feedback and for providing us with this 
incredible technology.


Re: Can we get a spark context inside a mapper

2014-07-14 Thread Rahul Bhojwani
I understand that the question is very unprofessional, but I am a newbie.
If you could share some link where I can ask such questions, if not here.

But please answer.

On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 6:52 PM, Rahul Bhojwani

 Hey, My question is for this situation:
 Suppose we have 10 files each containing list of features in each row.

 Task is that for each file cluster the features in that file and write the
 corresponding cluster along with it in a new file.  So we have to generate
 10 more files by applying clustering in each file individually.

 So can I do it this way, that get rdd of list of files and apply map.
 Inside the mapper function which will be handling each file, get another
 spark context and use Mllib kmeans to get the clustered output file.

 Please suggest the appropriate method to tackle this problem.

 Rahul Kumar Bhojwani
 3rd year, B.Tech
 Computer Science Engineering
 National Institute Of Technology, Karnataka

Rahul K Bhojwani
3rd Year B.Tech
Computer Science and Engineering
National Institute of Technology, Karnataka

Re: Error when testing with large sparse svm

2014-07-14 Thread crater
Hi Krishna,

Thanks for your help. Are you able to get your 29M data running yet? I fix
the previous problem by setting larger spark.akka.frameSize, but now I get
some other errors below. Did you get these errors before?

14/07/14 11:32:20 ERROR TaskSchedulerImpl: Lost executor 1 on node7: remote
Akka client disassociated
14/07/14 11:32:20 WARN TaskSetManager: Lost TID 20 (task 13.0:0)
14/07/14 11:32:21 ERROR TaskSchedulerImpl: Lost executor 3 on node8: remote
Akka client disassociated
14/07/14 11:32:21 WARN TaskSetManager: Lost TID 21 (task 13.0:1)
14/07/14 11:32:23 ERROR TaskSchedulerImpl: Lost executor 6 on node3: remote
Akka client disassociated
14/07/14 11:32:23 WARN TaskSetManager: Lost TID 22 (task 13.0:0)
14/07/14 11:32:25 ERROR TaskSchedulerImpl: Lost executor 0 on node4: remote
Akka client disassociated
14/07/14 11:32:25 WARN TaskSetManager: Lost TID 23 (task 13.0:1)
14/07/14 11:32:26 ERROR TaskSchedulerImpl: Lost executor 5 on node1: remote
Akka client disassociated
14/07/14 11:32:26 WARN TaskSetManager: Lost TID 24 (task 13.0:0)
14/07/14 11:32:28 ERROR TaskSchedulerImpl: Lost executor 7 on node6: remote
Akka client disassociated
14/07/14 11:32:28 WARN TaskSetManager: Lost TID 26 (task 13.0:0)
14/07/14 11:32:28 ERROR TaskSetManager: Task 13.0:0 failed 4 times; aborting
Exception in thread main org.apache.spark.SparkException: Job aborted due
to stage failure: Task 13.0:0 failed 4 times, most recent failure: TID 26 on
host node6 failed for unknown reason
Driver stacktrace:
at scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.foreach(ArrayBuffer.scala:47)
at scala.Option.foreach(Option.scala:236)
at akka.dispatch.Mailbox.processMailbox(Mailbox.scala:237)
at scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinTask.doExec(

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Sent from the Apache Spark User List mailing list archive at

Re: Can we get a spark context inside a mapper

2014-07-14 Thread Daniel Siegmann
Rahul, I'm not sure what you mean by your question being very
unprofessional. You can feel free to answer such questions here. You may
or may not receive an answer, and you shouldn't necessarily expect to have
your question answered within five hours.

I've never tried to do anything like your case. I imagine the easiest thing
would be to read and process each file individually, since you are
intending to produce a separate result for each. You could also look at
RDD.wholeTextFiles - maybe that will be of some use if your files are small
- but I don't know of any corresponding save method which would generate
files with different names from within a single RDD.

On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 2:30 PM, Rahul Bhojwani

 I understand that the question is very unprofessional, but I am a newbie.
 If you could share some link where I can ask such questions, if not here.

 But please answer.

 On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 6:52 PM, Rahul Bhojwani wrote:

 Hey, My question is for this situation:
 Suppose we have 10 files each containing list of features in each row.

 Task is that for each file cluster the features in that file and write
 the corresponding cluster along with it in a new file.  So we have to
 generate 10 more files by applying clustering in each file

 So can I do it this way, that get rdd of list of files and apply map.
 Inside the mapper function which will be handling each file, get another
 spark context and use Mllib kmeans to get the clustered output file.

 Please suggest the appropriate method to tackle this problem.

 Rahul Kumar Bhojwani
 3rd year, B.Tech
 Computer Science Engineering
 National Institute Of Technology, Karnataka

 Rahul K Bhojwani
 3rd Year B.Tech
 Computer Science and Engineering
 National Institute of Technology, Karnataka

Daniel Siegmann, Software Developer
Accelerating Machine Learning

E: W:

Re: Can we get a spark context inside a mapper

2014-07-14 Thread Matei Zaharia
You currently can't use SparkContext inside a Spark task, so in this case you'd 
have to call some kind of local K-means library. One example you can try to use 
is Weka ( You can then load your text 
files as an RDD of strings with SparkContext.wholeTextFiles and call Weka on 
each one.


On Jul 14, 2014, at 11:30 AM, Rahul Bhojwani 

 I understand that the question is very unprofessional, but I am a newbie. If 
 you could share some link where I can ask such questions, if not here. 
 But please answer.
 On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 6:52 PM, Rahul Bhojwani 
 Hey, My question is for this situation:
 Suppose we have 10 files each containing list of features in each row.
 Task is that for each file cluster the features in that file and write the 
 corresponding cluster along with it in a new file.  So we have to generate 
 10 more files by applying clustering in each file individually.
 So can I do it this way, that get rdd of list of files and apply map. Inside 
 the mapper function which will be handling each file, get another spark 
 context and use Mllib kmeans to get the clustered output file.
 Please suggest the appropriate method to tackle this problem.
 Rahul Kumar Bhojwani
 3rd year, B.Tech
 Computer Science Engineering
 National Institute Of Technology, Karnataka
 Rahul K Bhojwani
 3rd Year B.Tech
 Computer Science and Engineering
 National Institute of Technology, Karnataka

Re: Error when testing with large sparse svm

2014-07-14 Thread Srikrishna S
That is exactly the same error that I got. I am still having no success.


On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 11:50 AM, crater wrote:
 Hi Krishna,

 Thanks for your help. Are you able to get your 29M data running yet? I fix
 the previous problem by setting larger spark.akka.frameSize, but now I get
 some other errors below. Did you get these errors before?

 14/07/14 11:32:20 ERROR TaskSchedulerImpl: Lost executor 1 on node7: remote
 Akka client disassociated
 14/07/14 11:32:20 WARN TaskSetManager: Lost TID 20 (task 13.0:0)
 14/07/14 11:32:21 ERROR TaskSchedulerImpl: Lost executor 3 on node8: remote
 Akka client disassociated
 14/07/14 11:32:21 WARN TaskSetManager: Lost TID 21 (task 13.0:1)
 14/07/14 11:32:23 ERROR TaskSchedulerImpl: Lost executor 6 on node3: remote
 Akka client disassociated
 14/07/14 11:32:23 WARN TaskSetManager: Lost TID 22 (task 13.0:0)
 14/07/14 11:32:25 ERROR TaskSchedulerImpl: Lost executor 0 on node4: remote
 Akka client disassociated
 14/07/14 11:32:25 WARN TaskSetManager: Lost TID 23 (task 13.0:1)
 14/07/14 11:32:26 ERROR TaskSchedulerImpl: Lost executor 5 on node1: remote
 Akka client disassociated
 14/07/14 11:32:26 WARN TaskSetManager: Lost TID 24 (task 13.0:0)
 14/07/14 11:32:28 ERROR TaskSchedulerImpl: Lost executor 7 on node6: remote
 Akka client disassociated
 14/07/14 11:32:28 WARN TaskSetManager: Lost TID 26 (task 13.0:0)
 14/07/14 11:32:28 ERROR TaskSetManager: Task 13.0:0 failed 4 times; aborting
 Exception in thread main org.apache.spark.SparkException: Job aborted due
 to stage failure: Task 13.0:0 failed 4 times, most recent failure: TID 26 on
 host node6 failed for unknown reason
 Driver stacktrace:
 at scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.foreach(ArrayBuffer.scala:47)
 at scala.Option.foreach(Option.scala:236)
 at akka.dispatch.Mailbox.processMailbox(Mailbox.scala:237)

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Re: Can we get a spark context inside a mapper

2014-07-14 Thread Jerry Lam
Hi there,

I think the question is interesting; a spark of sparks = spark
I wonder if you can use the spark job server (

So in the spark task that requires a new spark context, instead of creating
it in the task, contact the job server to create one and use the data in
the task as the data source either via hdfs/tachyon/s3. Wait until the
sub-task is done then continue. Since the job server has the notion of job
id, you might use it as a reference to the sub-task.

I don't know if this is a good idea or bad one. Maybe this is an
anti-pattern of spark, but maybe not.



On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 3:09 PM, Matei Zaharia

 You currently can't use SparkContext inside a Spark task, so in this case
 you'd have to call some kind of local K-means library. One example you can
 try to use is Weka ( You can then
 load your text files as an RDD of strings with SparkContext.wholeTextFiles
 and call Weka on each one.


 On Jul 14, 2014, at 11:30 AM, Rahul Bhojwani

 I understand that the question is very unprofessional, but I am a newbie.
 If you could share some link where I can ask such questions, if not here.

 But please answer.

 On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 6:52 PM, Rahul Bhojwani wrote:

 Hey, My question is for this situation:
 Suppose we have 10 files each containing list of features in each row.

 Task is that for each file cluster the features in that file and write
 the corresponding cluster along with it in a new file.  So we have to
 generate 10 more files by applying clustering in each file

 So can I do it this way, that get rdd of list of files and apply map.
 Inside the mapper function which will be handling each file, get another
 spark context and use Mllib kmeans to get the clustered output file.

 Please suggest the appropriate method to tackle this problem.

 Rahul Kumar Bhojwani
 3rd year, B.Tech
 Computer Science Engineering
 National Institute Of Technology, Karnataka

 Rahul K Bhojwani
 3rd Year B.Tech
 Computer Science and Engineering
 National Institute of Technology, Karnataka

Re: writing FLume data to HDFS

2014-07-14 Thread Tathagata Das
Stepping a bit back, if you just want to write flume data to HDFS, you can
use flume's HDFS sink for that.

Trying to do this using Spark Streaming and SparkFlumeEvent is
unnecessarily complex. And I guess it is tricky to write the raw bytes from
the sparkflumevent into a file. If you want to do it this way, I suggest
trying this (not tested, pure guess work).

RDD[SparkFlumeEvent] --- map to get the RDD of payload bytes --- do
RDD.mapPartition() to write the whole RDD's partition of bytes into a HDFS
file (using HDFS's file output stream interface)

You will have to take care of making the file names of each parititon
unique, and dealing with failures in writing, etc.


On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 9:29 AM, Sundaram, Muthu X. wrote:

 I am not sure how to write it…I tried writing to local file system using
 FileWriter and Print Writer. I tried it inside the while loop. I am able to
 get the text and able to print it but it fails when I use regular java
 classes. Shouldn’t I use regular java classes here? Can I write to only
 HDFS? Should I have to create the file in HDFS using HDFS classes? I
 thought of using Spark’s SaveAsTextFile(). But I have JavaRDDSparkFlumeEvent
 of this..not JavaRDDAvroEvent. So I am not sure whether SaveAsText() will
 work. I appreciate any guidance here. How do I get more code examples?
 Books, URL?

   flumeStream.foreach(new FunctionJavaRDDSparkFlumeEvent,Void () {


   public Void call(JavaRDDSparkFlumeEvent eventsData) throws
 Exception {

  String logRecord = null;

  ListSparkFlumeEvent events = eventsData.collect();

  IteratorSparkFlumeEvent batchedEvents =

  long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();

  AvroFlumeEvent avroEvent = null;

  ByteBuffer bytePayload =

  // All the user level data is carried as payload in
 Flume Event

  while(batchedEvents.hasNext()) {

 SparkFlumeEvent flumeEvent =;

 avroEvent = flumeEvent.event();

 bytePayload = avroEvent.getBody();

 logRecord = new

 System.out.println(LOG RECORD =  +

??I was trying to write the data to hdfs..but
 it fails…

 *From:* Tathagata Das []
 *Sent:* Friday, July 11, 2014 1:43 PM
 *Subject:* Re: writing FLume data to HDFS

 What is the error you are getting when you say ??I was trying to write
 the data to hdfs..but it fails…


 On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 1:36 PM, Sundaram, Muthu X. wrote:

 I am new to spark. I am trying to do the following.

 NetcatàFlumeàSpark streaming(process Flume Data)àHDFS.

 My flume config file has following set up.

 Source = netcat


 Spark Streaming code:

 I am able to print data from flume to the monitor. But I am struggling to
 create a file. In order to get the real data I need to convert SparkEvent
 to avroEvent.

 JavaRDD.saveAsText()àmight not work..because JavaRDD is collection of
 SparkEvent..Do I need to convert this in to collection of

 Please share any code examples… Thanks.


  Duration batchInterval = new Duration(2000);

 SparkConf sparkConf = new

 JavaStreamingContext ssc = new JavaStreamingContext(sparkConf,

 JavaDStreamSparkFlumeEvent flumeStream =
 FlumeUtils.createStream(ssc, host, port);




  public Void call(JavaRDDSparkFlumeEvent
 events1,JavaRDDSparkFlumeEvent events2) throws Exception{


 return null;



 /*flumeStream.count().map(new FunctionLong, String() {


   public String call(Long in) {

 return Received  + in +  flume events.;



 flumeStream.foreach(new FunctionJavaRDDSparkFlumeEvent,Void () {


   public Void call(JavaRDDSparkFlumeEvent eventsData) throws
 Exception {

  String logRecord = null;

  ListSparkFlumeEvent events = eventsData.collect();

  IteratorSparkFlumeEvent batchedEvents =

  long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();

  AvroFlumeEvent avroEvent = null;

  ByteBuffer bytePayload = null;

  // All the user level data is carried as 

Re: Ideal core count within a single JVM

2014-07-14 Thread lokesh.gidra
Thanks a lot for replying back.

Actually, I am running the SparkPageRank example with 160GB heap (I am sure
the problem is not GC because the excess time is being spent in java code

What I have observed in Jprofiler and Oprofile outputs is that the amount of
time spent in following 2 functions increases substantially with increasing

2) scala.Tuple2.hashCode 

I don't think that Linux file system could be causing the issue as my
machine has 256GB RAM, and I am using a tmpfs for So, I
don't think there is much disk access involved, if that is what you meant.


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Re: Spark Streaming Json file groupby function

2014-07-14 Thread Tathagata Das
You have to import StreamingContext._  to enable groupByKey operations on
DStreams. After importing that you can apply groupByKey on any DStream,
that is a DStream of key-value pairs (e.g. DStream[(String, Int)]) . The
data in each pair RDDs will be grouped by the first element in the tuple as
the grouping element.


On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 10:59 AM, srinivas wrote:

   I am new to spark and scala and I am trying to do some aggregations on
 json file stream using Spark Streaming. I am able to parse the json string
 and it is converted to map(id - 123, name - srini, mobile - 12324214,
 score - 123, test_type - math) now i want to use GROUPBY function on each
 student map data and wanted to do some aggregations on scores. Here is my
 main function
 val Array(zkQuorum, group, topics, numThreads) = args
 val sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName(KafkaWordCount)
 val ssc = new StreamingContext(sparkConf, Seconds(10))
// ssc.checkpoint(checkpoint)

 val topicpMap = topics.split(,).map((_,numThreads.toInt)).toMap
  val lines = KafkaUtils.createStream(ssc, zkQuorum, group,
  val jsonf =[scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,



 Can anyone please Let me know how to use groupby function..thanks

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Re: All of the tasks have been completed but the Stage is still shown as Active?

2014-07-14 Thread Tathagata Das
Seems like it is related. Possibly those PRs that Andrew mentioned are
going to fix this issue.

On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 5:51 AM, Haopu Wang wrote:

   I saw some exceptions like this in driver log. Can you shed some
 lights? Is it related with the behaviour?

 14/07/11 20:40:09 ERROR LiveListenerBus: Listener JobProgressListener
 threw an exception

 java.util.NoSuchElementException: key not found: 64019

  at scala.collection.MapLike$class.default(MapLike.scala:228)

  at scala.collection.AbstractMap.default(Map.scala:58)

  at scala.collection.mutable.HashMap.apply(HashMap.scala:64)













  at scala.Option.foreach(Option.scala:236)







 *From:* Haopu Wang
 *Sent:* Thursday, July 10, 2014 7:38 PM
 *Subject:* RE: All of the tasks have been completed but the Stage is
 still shown as Active?

 I didn't keep the driver's log. It's a lesson.

 I will try to run it again to see if it happens again.


 *From:* Tathagata Das []
 *Sent:* 2014年7月10日 17:29
 *Subject:* Re: All of the tasks have been completed but the Stage is
 still shown as Active?

 Do you see any errors in the logs of the driver?

 On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 1:21 AM, Haopu Wang wrote:

 I'm running an App for hours in a standalone cluster. From the data
 injector and Streaming tab of web ui, it's running well.

 However, I see quite a lot of Active stages in web ui even some of them
 have all of their tasks completed.

 I attach a screenshot for your reference.

 Do you ever see this kind of behavior?

Re: Spark streaming - tasks and stages continue to be generated when using reduce by key

2014-07-14 Thread Tathagata Das
The depends on your requirements. If you want to process the 250 GB input
file as a stream to emulate the stream of data, then it should be split
into files (such that event ordering is maintained in those splits, if
necessary). And then those splits should be moved one-by-one in the
directory monitored by the streaming app. You will need to figure out the
split size, etc, depending on what is your intended batch size (in terms of
seconds) in the streaming app.
And it doesnt really need to be a multiple of hdfs block sizes.


On Sat, Jul 12, 2014 at 7:31 AM, M Singh wrote:

 Thanks TD.

 BTW - If I have input file ~ 250 GBs - Is there any guideline on whether
 to use:

- a single input (250 GB) (in this case is there any max upper bound)
- split into 1000 files each of 250 MB (hdfs block size is 250 MB) or
- a multiple of hdfs block size.


   On Friday, July 11, 2014 4:38 PM, Tathagata Das wrote:

 The model for file stream is to pick up and process new files written
 atomically (by move) into a directory. So your file is being processed in a
 single batch, and then its waiting for any new files to be written into
 that directory.


 On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 11:46 AM, M Singh wrote:

 So, is it expected for the process to generate stages/tasks even after
 processing a file ?

 Also, is there a way to figure out the file that is getting processed and
 when that process is complete ?


   On Friday, July 11, 2014 1:51 PM, Tathagata Das wrote:

 Whenever you need to do a shuffle=based operation like reduceByKey,
 groupByKey, join, etc., the system is essentially redistributing the data
 across the cluster and it needs to know how many parts should it divide the
 data into. Thats where the default parallelism is used.


 On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 3:16 AM, M Singh wrote:

 Hi TD:

 The input file is on hdfs.

  The file is approx 2.7 GB and when the process starts, there are 11
 tasks (since hdfs block size is 256M) for processing and 2 tasks for reduce
 by key.  After the file has been processed, I see new stages with 2 tasks
 that continue to be generated. I understand this value (2) is the default
 value for spark.default.parallelism but don't quite understand how is the
 value determined for generating tasks for reduceByKey, how is it used
 besides reduceByKey and what should be the optimal value for this.


   On Thursday, July 10, 2014 7:24 PM, Tathagata Das wrote:

 How are you supplying the text file?

 On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 11:51 AM, M Singh wrote:

 Hi Folks:

 I am working on an application which uses spark streaming (version 1.1.0
 snapshot on a standalone cluster) to process text file and save counters in
 cassandra based on fields in each row.  I am testing the application in two

- Process each row and save the counter in cassandra.  In this
scenario after the text file has been consumed, there is no task/stages
seen in the spark UI.
- If instead I use reduce by key before saving to cassandra, the spark
UI shows continuous generation of tasks/stages even after processing the
file has been completed.

 I believe this is because the reduce by key requires merging of data from
 different partitions.  But I was wondering if anyone has any
 insights/pointers for understanding this difference in behavior and how to
 avoid generating tasks/stages when there is no data (new file) available.



Re: Ideal core count within a single JVM

2014-07-14 Thread Matei Zaharia
Are you increasing the number of parallel tasks with cores as well? With more 
tasks there will be more data communicated and hence more calls to these 

Unfortunately contention is kind of hard to measure, since often the result is 
that you see many cores idle as they're waiting on a lock. ObjectOutputStream 
should not lock anything, but if it's blocking on a FileOutputStream to write 
data, that could be a problem. Look for BLOCKED threads in a stack trace too 
(do jstack on your Java process and look at the TaskRunner threads).

Incidentally you can probably speed this up by using Kryo serialization instead 
of Java (see That might make 
it less CPU-bound and it would also create less IO.


On Jul 14, 2014, at 12:23 PM, lokesh.gidra wrote:

 Thanks a lot for replying back.
 Actually, I am running the SparkPageRank example with 160GB heap (I am sure
 the problem is not GC because the excess time is being spent in java code
 What I have observed in Jprofiler and Oprofile outputs is that the amount of
 time spent in following 2 functions increases substantially with increasing
 2) scala.Tuple2.hashCode 
 I don't think that Linux file system could be causing the issue as my
 machine has 256GB RAM, and I am using a tmpfs for So, I
 don't think there is much disk access involved, if that is what you meant.
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Re: Streaming. Cannot get socketTextStream to receive anything.

2014-07-14 Thread Tathagata Das
When you are sending data using simple socket code to send messages, are
those messages \n delimited? If its not, then the receiver of
socketTextSTream, wont identify them as separate events, and keep buffering


On Sun, Jul 13, 2014 at 10:49 PM, kytay wrote:

 Hi Tobias

 I have been using local[4] to test.
 My problem is likely caused by the tcp host server that I am trying the
 emulate. I was trying to emulate the tcp host to send out messages.
 (although I am not sure at the moment :D)

 First way I tried was to use a tcp tool called, Hercules.

 Second way was to write a simple socket code to send message at interval.
 Like the one shown in #2 of my first post. I suspect the reason why it
 work is due the messages are not flush so no message was received on

 I think I will need to do more testing to understand the behavior. I am
 currently not sure why nc -lk is working, and not the other tools or
 I am testing with.


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Re: Error in example

2014-07-14 Thread Tathagata Das
Are you compiling it within Spark using Spark's recommended way (see doc
web page)? Or are you compiling it in your own project? In the latter case,
make sure you are using the Scala 2.10.4.


On Sun, Jul 13, 2014 at 6:43 AM, Mahebub Sayyed


 I am referring following example:

 I am getting following C*ompilation Error* :
 \example\[62,70] error: cannot access ClassTag

 Please help me.
 Thanks in advance.

 *Mahebub Sayyed*

Re: Spark SQL 1.0.1 error on reading fixed length byte array

2014-07-14 Thread Michael Armbrust
This is not supported yet, but there is a PR open to fix it:

On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 4:17 AM, Pei-Lun Lee wrote:


 I am using spark-sql 1.0.1 to load parquet files generated from method
 described in:

 When I try to submit a select query with columns of type fixed length byte
 array, the following error pops up:

 14/07/14 11:09:14 INFO scheduler.DAGScheduler: Failed to run take at
 org.apache.spark.SparkDriverExecutionException: Execution error
 Caused by: Can not read value at 0 in
 block -1 in file s3n://foo/bar/part-r-0.snappy.parquet
 at scala.collection.Iterator$$anon$11.hasNext(Iterator.scala:327)
 at scala.collection.Iterator$$anon$14.hasNext(Iterator.scala:388)
 at scala.collection.Iterator$$anon$11.hasNext(Iterator.scala:327)
 at scala.collection.Iterator$$anon$10.hasNext(Iterator.scala:308)
 at scala.collection.Iterator$class.foreach(Iterator.scala:727)
 at scala.collection.AbstractIterator.foreach(Iterator.scala:1157)
 at scala.collection.TraversableOnce$
 at scala.collection.AbstractIterator.toBuffer(Iterator.scala:1157)
 at scala.collection.AbstractIterator.toArray(Iterator.scala:1157)
 at org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD$$anonfun$27.apply(RDD.scala:989)
 at org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD$$anonfun$27.apply(RDD.scala:989)
 ... 1 more
 Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: Expected instance of primitive
 converter but got
 ... 24 more

 Is fixed length byte array supposed to work in this version? I noticed
 that other array types like int or string already work.


Re: can't print DStream after reduce

2014-07-14 Thread Tathagata Das
The problem is not really for local[1] or local. The problem arises when
there are more input streams than there are cores.
But I agree, for people who are just beginning to use it by running it
locally, there should be a check addressing this.

I made a JIRA for this.


On Sun, Jul 13, 2014 at 4:26 PM, Sean Owen wrote:

 How about a PR that rejects a context configured for local or local[1]? As
 I understand it is not intended to work and has bitten several people.
 On Jul 14, 2014 12:24 AM, Michael Campbell

 This almost had me not using Spark; I couldn't get any output.  It is not
 at all obvious what's going on here to the layman (and to the best of my
 knowledge, not documented anywhere), but now you know you'll be able to
 answer this question for the numerous people that will also have it.

 On Sun, Jul 13, 2014 at 5:24 PM, Walrus theCat

 Great success!

 I was able to get output to the driver console by changing the
 construction of the Streaming Spark Context from:

  val ssc = new StreamingContext(local /**TODO change once a cluster is
 up **/,
 AppName, Seconds(1))


 val ssc = new StreamingContext(local[2] /**TODO change once a cluster
 is up **/,
 AppName, Seconds(1))

 I found something that tipped me off that this might work by digging
 through this mailing list.

 On Sun, Jul 13, 2014 at 2:00 PM, Walrus theCat

 More strange behavior:

 lines.foreachRDD(x = println(x.first)) // works
 lines.foreachRDD(x = println((x.count,x.first))) // no output is
 printed to driver console

 On Sun, Jul 13, 2014 at 11:47 AM, Walrus theCat

 Thanks for your interest.

 lines.foreachRDD(x = println(x.count))

  And I got 0 every once in a while (which I think is strange, because
 lines.print prints the input I'm giving it over the socket.)

 When I tried: = println(x.count))

 I got no count.


 On Sun, Jul 13, 2014 at 11:34 AM, Tathagata Das wrote:

 Try doing DStream.foreachRDD and then printing the RDD count and
 further inspecting the RDD.
  On Jul 13, 2014 1:03 AM, Walrus theCat


 I have a DStream that works just fine when I say:


 If I say:,1).print

 that works, too.  However, if I do the following:

 dstream.reduce{case(x,y) = x}.print

 I don't get anything on my console.  What's going on?


Re: Catalyst dependency on Spark Core

2014-07-14 Thread Michael Armbrust
Yeah, sadly this dependency was introduced when someone consolidated the
logging infrastructure.  However, the dependency should be very small and
thus easy to remove, and I would like catalyst to be usable outside of
Spark.  A pull request to make this possible would be welcome.

Ideally, we'd create some sort of spark common package that has things like
logging.  That way catalyst could depend on that, without pulling in all of
Hadoop, etc.  Maybe others have opinions though, so I'm cc-ing the dev list.

On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 12:21 AM, Yanbo Liang wrote:

 Make Catalyst independent of Spark is the goal of Catalyst, maybe need
 time and evolution.
 I awared that package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util
 embraced org.apache.spark.util.{Utils = SparkUtils},
 so that Catalyst has a dependency on Spark core.
 I'm not sure whether it will be replaced by other component independent of
 Spark in later release.

 2014-07-14 11:51 GMT+08:00 Aniket Bhatnagar

 As per the recent presentation given in Scala days (, it
 was mentioned that Catalyst is independent of Spark. But on inspecting
 pom.xml of sql/catalyst module, it seems it has a dependency on Spark Core.
 Any particular reason for the dependency? I would love to use Catalyst
 outside Spark

 (reposted as previous email bounced. Sorry if this is a duplicate).

Re: Nested Query With Spark SQL(1.0.1)

2014-07-14 Thread Michael Armbrust
What sort of nested query are you talking about?  Right now we only support
nested queries in the FROM clause.  I'd like to add support for other cases
in the future.

On Sun, Jul 13, 2014 at 4:11 AM, anyweil wrote:

 Or is it supported? I know I could doing it myself with filter, but if SQL
 could support, would be much better, thx!

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Memory compute-intensive tasks

2014-07-14 Thread Ravi Pandya
I'm trying to run a job that includes an invocation of a memory 
compute-intensive multithreaded C++ program, and so I'd like to run one
task per physical node. Using rdd.coalesce(# nodes) seems to just allocate
one task per core, and so runs out of memory on the node. Is there any way
to give the scheduler a hint that the task uses lots of memory and cores so
it spreads it out more evenly?


Ravi Pandya
Microsoft Research

Spark 1.0.1 EC2 - Launching Applications

2014-07-14 Thread Josh Happoldt
Hi All,

I've used the spark-ec2 scripts to build a simple 1.0.1 Standalone cluster on 
EC2.  It appears that the spark-submit script is not bundled with a spark-ec2 
install.  Given that:  What is the recommended way to execute spark jobs on a 
standalone EC2 cluster?  Spark-submit provides extremely useful features that 
are still useful for EC2 deployments.

We've used workarounds like modifying the spark-classpath and using run-example 
in the past to run simple one-time EC2 jobs.  The 'Running Applications' 
section of the EC2-Scripts documentation does not mention how to actually 
submit jobs to the cluster either.



Re: Repeated data item search with Spark SQL(1.0.1)

2014-07-14 Thread Michael Armbrust
Handling of complex types is somewhat limited in SQL at the moment.  It'll
be more complete if you use HiveQL.

That said, the problem here is you are calling .name on an array.  You need
to pick an item from the array (using [..]) or use something like a lateral
view explode.

On Sat, Jul 12, 2014 at 11:16 PM, anyweil wrote:

 Hi All:

 I am using Spark SQL 1.0.1 for a simple test, the loaded data (JSON format)
 which is registered as table people is:

 {name:Andy, age:30,scores:{eng:98,phy:89}}
 {name:Justin, age:19}

 the schools has repeated value {name:XXX,time:X}, how should I write
 the SQL to select the people who has schools with name ABC? I have tried
 SELECT name FROM people WHERE = 'ABC' ,but seems wrong

 [error] (run-main-0)
 org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.errors.package$TreeNodeException: Unresolved
 attributes: 'name, tree:
 [error] Project ['name]
 [error]  Filter (' = ABC)
 [error]   Subquery people
 [error]ParquetRelation people.parquet, Some(Configuration:
 core-default.xml, core-site.xml, mapred-default.xml, mapred-site.xml)
 org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.errors.package$TreeNodeException: Unresolved
 attributes: 'name, tree:

 Project ['name]
  Filter (' = ABC)
   Subquery people
ParquetRelation people.parquet, Some(Configuration: core-default.xml,
 core-site.xml, mapred-default.xml, mapred-site.xml)



 Could anybody show me how to write a right SQL for the repeated data item
 search in Spark SQL? Thank you!

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Client application that calls Spark and receives an MLlib *model* Scala Object, not just result

2014-07-14 Thread Aris Vlasakakis
Hello Spark community,

I would like to write an application in Scala that i a model server. It
should have an MLlib Linear Regression model that is already trained on
some big set of data, and then is able to repeatedly call
myLinearRegressionModel.predict() many times and return the result.

Now, I want this client application to submit a job to Spark and tell the
Spark cluster job to

1) train its particular MLlib model, which produces a LinearRegression
model, and then

2) take the produced Scala
org.apache.spark.mllib.regression.LinearRegressionModel *object*, serialize
that object, and return this serialized object over the wire to my calling

3) My client application receives the serialized Scala (model) object, and
can call .predict() on it over and over.

I am separating the heavy lifting of training the model and doing model
predictions; the client application will only do predictions using the
MLlib model it received from the Spark application.

The confusion I have is that I only know how to submit jobs to Spark by
using the bin/spark-submit script, and then the only output I receive is
stdout (as in, text). I want my scala appliction to hopefully submit the
spark model-training programmatically, and for the Spark application to
return a SERIALIZED MLLIB OBJECT, not just some stdout text!

How can I do this? I think my use case of separating long-running jobs to
Spark and using it's libraries in another application should be a pretty
common design pattern.


Άρης Βλασακάκης
Aris Vlasakakis

Re: Client application that calls Spark and receives an MLlib *model* Scala Object, not just result

2014-07-14 Thread Soumya Simanta
Please look at the following.

You can train your model convert it to PMML and return that to your client

You can train your model and write that model (serialized object) to the
file system (local, HDFS, S3 etc) or a datastore and return a location back
to the client on a successful write.

On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 4:27 PM, Aris Vlasakakis

 Hello Spark community,

 I would like to write an application in Scala that i a model server. It
 should have an MLlib Linear Regression model that is already trained on
 some big set of data, and then is able to repeatedly call
 myLinearRegressionModel.predict() many times and return the result.

 Now, I want this client application to submit a job to Spark and tell the
 Spark cluster job to

 1) train its particular MLlib model, which produces a LinearRegression
 model, and then

 2) take the produced Scala
 org.apache.spark.mllib.regression.LinearRegressionModel *object*, serialize
 that object, and return this serialized object over the wire to my calling

 3) My client application receives the serialized Scala (model) object, and
 can call .predict() on it over and over.

 I am separating the heavy lifting of training the model and doing model
 predictions; the client application will only do predictions using the
 MLlib model it received from the Spark application.

 The confusion I have is that I only know how to submit jobs to Spark by
 using the bin/spark-submit script, and then the only output I receive is
 stdout (as in, text). I want my scala appliction to hopefully submit the
 spark model-training programmatically, and for the Spark application to
 return a SERIALIZED MLLIB OBJECT, not just some stdout text!

 How can I do this? I think my use case of separating long-running jobs to
 Spark and using it's libraries in another application should be a pretty
 common design pattern.


 Άρης Βλασακάκης
 Aris Vlasakakis

Re: Memory compute-intensive tasks

2014-07-14 Thread Daniel Siegmann
I don't have a solution for you (sorry), but do note that
rdd.coalesce(numNodes) keeps data on the same nodes where it was. If you
set shuffle=true then it should repartition and redistribute the data. But
it uses the hash partitioner according to the ScalaDoc - I don't know of
any way to supply a custom partitioner.

On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 4:09 PM, Ravi Pandya wrote:

 I'm trying to run a job that includes an invocation of a memory 
 compute-intensive multithreaded C++ program, and so I'd like to run one
 task per physical node. Using rdd.coalesce(# nodes) seems to just allocate
 one task per core, and so runs out of memory on the node. Is there any way
 to give the scheduler a hint that the task uses lots of memory and cores so
 it spreads it out more evenly?


 Ravi Pandya
 Microsoft Research

Daniel Siegmann, Software Developer
Accelerating Machine Learning

E: W:

How to kill running spark yarn application

2014-07-14 Thread
Hi all,

A newbie question, I start a spark yarn application through spark-submit

How do I kill this app. I can kill the yarn app by yarn application -kill
appid but the application master is still running. What's the proper way
to shutdown the entire app?


Re: Number of executors change during job running

2014-07-14 Thread Bill Jay
Hi Tathagata,

It seems repartition does not necessarily force Spark to distribute the
data into different executors. I have launched a new job which uses
repartition right after I received data from Kafka. For the first two
batches, the reduce stage used more than 80 executors. Starting from the
third batch, there were always only 2 executors in the reduce task
(combineByKey). Even with the first batch which used more than 80
executors, it took 2.4 mins to finish the reduce stage for a very small
amount of data.


On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 12:30 PM, Tathagata Das

 After using repartition(300), how many executors did it run on? By the
 way, repartitions(300) means it will divide the shuffled data into 300
 partitions. Since there are many cores on each of the 300
 machines/executors, these partitions (each requiring a core) may not be
 spread all 300 executors. Hence, if you really want spread it all 300
 executors, you may have to bump up the partitions even more. However,
 increasing the partitions to too high may not be beneficial, and you will
 have play around with the number to figure out sweet spot that reduces the
 time to process the stage / time to process the whole batch.


 On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 8:32 PM, Bill Jay

 Hi Tathagata,

 Do you mean that the data is not shuffled until the reduce stage? That
 means groupBy still only uses 2 machines?

 I think I used repartition(300) after I read the data from Kafka into
 DStream. It seems that it did not guarantee that the map or reduce stages
 will be run on 300 machines. I am currently trying to initiate 100 DStream
 from KafkaUtils.createDStream and union them. Now the reduce stages had
 around 80 machines for all the batches. However, this method will introduce
 many dstreams. It will be good if we can control the number of executors in
 the groupBy operation because the calculation needs to be finished within 1
 minute for different size of input data based on our production need.



 On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 7:29 PM, Tathagata Das wrote:

 Aah, I get it now. That is because the input data streams is replicated
 on two machines, so by locality the data is processed on those two
 machines. So the map stage on the data uses 2 executors, but the reduce
 stage, (after groupByKey) the saveAsTextFiles would use 300 tasks. And the
 default parallelism takes into affect only when the data is explicitly
 shuffled around.

 You can fix this by explicitly repartitioning the data.


 This is covered in the streaming tuning guide


 On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 4:11 PM, Bill Jay

 Hi folks,

 I just ran another job that only received data from Kafka, did some
 filtering, and then save as text files in HDFS. There was no reducing work
 involved. Surprisingly, the number of executors for the saveAsTextFiles
 stage was also 2 although I specified 300 executors in the job submission.
 As a result, the simple save file action took more than 2 minutes. Do you
 have any idea how Spark determined the number of executors
 for different stages?



 On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 2:01 PM, Bill Jay

 Hi Tathagata,

 Below is my main function. I omit some filtering and data conversion
 functions. These functions are just a one-to-one mapping, which may not
 possible increase running time. The only reduce function I have here is
 groupByKey. There are 4 topics in my Kafka brokers and two of the topics
 have 240k lines each minute. And the other two topics have less than 30k
 lines per minute. The batch size is one minute and I specified 300
 executors in my spark-submit script. The default parallelism is 300.

 val parition = 300
 val zkQuorum = zk1,zk2,zk3
 val group = my-group- + currentTime.toString
 val topics = topic1,topic2,topic3,topic4
 val numThreads = 4
 val topicMap = topics.split(,).map((_,numThreads.toInt)).toMap
 ssc = new StreamingContext(conf, Seconds(batch))
 ssc.checkpoint(hadoopOutput + checkpoint)
 val lines = lines1
 val jsonData =
 val mapData = jsonData.filter(_.isDefined)

 .map(_.get.asInstanceOf[scala.collection.immutable.Map[String, Any]])
 val validMapData = mapData.filter(isValidData(_))
 val fields = = (data(id).toString,

  timestampToUTCUnix(data(local_time).toString), data(id2).toString,
 data(log_type).toString, data(sub_log_type).toString))
 val timeDiff = 3600L
 val filteredFields = fields.filter(field = abs(field._2 -
 field._3) = timeDiff)


Re: Memory compute-intensive tasks

2014-07-14 Thread Matei Zaharia
I think coalesce with shuffle=true will force it to have one task per node. 
Without that, it might be that due to data locality it decides to launch 
multiple ones on the same node even though the total # of tasks is equal to the 
# of nodes.

If this is the *only* thing you run on the cluster, you could also configure 
the Workers to only report one core by manually launching the 
spark.deploy.worker.Worker process with that flag (see


On Jul 14, 2014, at 1:59 PM, Daniel Siegmann wrote:

 I don't have a solution for you (sorry), but do note that 
 rdd.coalesce(numNodes) keeps data on the same nodes where it was. If you set 
 shuffle=true then it should repartition and redistribute the data. But it 
 uses the hash partitioner according to the ScalaDoc - I don't know of any way 
 to supply a custom partitioner.
 On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 4:09 PM, Ravi Pandya wrote:
 I'm trying to run a job that includes an invocation of a memory  
 compute-intensive multithreaded C++ program, and so I'd like to run one task 
 per physical node. Using rdd.coalesce(# nodes) seems to just allocate one 
 task per core, and so runs out of memory on the node. Is there any way to 
 give the scheduler a hint that the task uses lots of memory and cores so it 
 spreads it out more evenly?
 Ravi Pandya
 Microsoft Research
 Daniel Siegmann, Software Developer
 Accelerating Machine Learning
 E: W:

Re: Catalyst dependency on Spark Core

2014-07-14 Thread Matei Zaharia
Yeah, I'd just add a spark-util that has these things.


On Jul 14, 2014, at 1:04 PM, Michael Armbrust wrote:

 Yeah, sadly this dependency was introduced when someone consolidated the 
 logging infrastructure.  However, the dependency should be very small and 
 thus easy to remove, and I would like catalyst to be usable outside of Spark. 
  A pull request to make this possible would be welcome.
 Ideally, we'd create some sort of spark common package that has things like 
 logging.  That way catalyst could depend on that, without pulling in all of 
 Hadoop, etc.  Maybe others have opinions though, so I'm cc-ing the dev list.
 On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 12:21 AM, Yanbo Liang wrote:
 Make Catalyst independent of Spark is the goal of Catalyst, maybe need time 
 and evolution.
 I awared that package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util embraced 
 org.apache.spark.util.{Utils = SparkUtils},
 so that Catalyst has a dependency on Spark core. 
 I'm not sure whether it will be replaced by other component independent of 
 Spark in later release.
 2014-07-14 11:51 GMT+08:00 Aniket Bhatnagar
 As per the recent presentation given in Scala days 
 (, it was 
 mentioned that Catalyst is independent of Spark. But on inspecting pom.xml of 
 sql/catalyst module, it seems it has a dependency on Spark Core. Any 
 particular reason for the dependency? I would love to use Catalyst outside 
 (reposted as previous email bounced. Sorry if this is a duplicate).

Re: Spark 1.0.1 EC2 - Launching Applications

2014-07-14 Thread Matei Zaharia
The script should be there, in the spark/bin directory. What command did you 
use to launch the cluster?


On Jul 14, 2014, at 1:12 PM, Josh Happoldt wrote:

 Hi All,
 I've used the spark-ec2 scripts to build a simple 1.0.1 Standalone cluster on 
 EC2.  It appears that the spark-submit script is not bundled with a spark-ec2 
 install.  Given that:  What is the recommended way to execute spark jobs on a 
 standalone EC2 cluster?  Spark-submit provides extremely useful features that 
 are still useful for EC2 deployments.
 We've used workarounds like modifying the spark-classpath and using 
 run-example in the past to run simple one-time EC2 jobs.  The 'Running 
 Applications' section of the EC2-Scripts documentation does not mention how 
 to actually submit jobs to the cluster either.

Re: Memory compute-intensive tasks

2014-07-14 Thread Daniel Siegmann
Depending on how your C++ program is designed, maybe you can feed the data
from multiple partitions into the same process? Getting the results back
might be tricky. But that may be the only way to guarantee you're only
using one invocation per node.

On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 5:12 PM, Matei Zaharia

 I think coalesce with shuffle=true will force it to have one task per
 node. Without that, it might be that due to data locality it decides to
 launch multiple ones on the same node even though the total # of tasks is
 equal to the # of nodes.

 If this is the *only* thing you run on the cluster, you could also
 configure the Workers to only report one core by manually launching the
 spark.deploy.worker.Worker process with that flag (see


 On Jul 14, 2014, at 1:59 PM, Daniel Siegmann

 I don't have a solution for you (sorry), but do note that
 rdd.coalesce(numNodes) keeps data on the same nodes where it was. If you
 set shuffle=true then it should repartition and redistribute the data.
 But it uses the hash partitioner according to the ScalaDoc - I don't know
 of any way to supply a custom partitioner.

 On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 4:09 PM, Ravi Pandya wrote:

 I'm trying to run a job that includes an invocation of a memory 
 compute-intensive multithreaded C++ program, and so I'd like to run one
 task per physical node. Using rdd.coalesce(# nodes) seems to just allocate
 one task per core, and so runs out of memory on the node. Is there any way
 to give the scheduler a hint that the task uses lots of memory and cores so
 it spreads it out more evenly?


 Ravi Pandya
 Microsoft Research

 Daniel Siegmann, Software Developer
 Accelerating Machine Learning

 E: W:

Daniel Siegmann, Software Developer
Accelerating Machine Learning

E: W:

Re: pyspark sc.parallelize running OOM with smallish data

2014-07-14 Thread Mohit Jaggi
Continuing to debug with Scala, I tried this on local with enough memory
(10g) and it is able to count the dataset. With more memory(for executor
and driver) in a cluster it still fails. The data is about 2Gbytes. It is
30k * 4k doubles.

On Sat, Jul 12, 2014 at 6:31 PM, Aaron Davidson wrote:

 I think this is probably dying on the driver itself, as you are probably
 materializing the whole dataset inside your python driver. How large is
 spark_data_array compared to your driver memory?

 On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 7:30 PM, Mohit Jaggi wrote:

 I put the same dataset into scala (using spark-shell) and it acts weird.
 I cannot do a count on it, the executors seem to hang. The WebUI shows 0/96
 in the status bar, shows details about the worker nodes but there is no
 sc.parallelize does finish (takes too long for the data size) in scala.

 On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 2:00 PM, Mohit Jaggi

 spark_data_array here has about 35k rows with 4k columns. I have 4 nodes
 in the cluster and gave 48g to executors. also tried kyro serialization.

 traceback (most recent call last):

   File /mohit/./, line 58, in module

 spark_data = sc.parallelize(spark_data_array)

   File /mohit/spark/python/pyspark/, line 265, in parallelize

 jrdd = readRDDFromFile(self._jsc,, numSlices)

 /mohit/spark/python/lib/, line
 537, in __call__

   File /mohit/spark/python/lib/,
 line 300, in get_return_value

 py4j.protocol.Py4JJavaError: An error occurred while calling

 : java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space


 at org.apache.spark.api.python.PythonRDD.readRDDFromFile(PythonRDD.scala)

 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)



 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(

 at py4j.reflection.MethodInvoker.invoke(

 at py4j.reflection.ReflectionEngine.invoke(

 at py4j.Gateway.invoke(

 at py4j.commands.AbstractCommand.invokeMethod(

 at py4j.commands.CallCommand.execute(



Re: Spark Streaming Json file groupby function

2014-07-14 Thread srinivas
  Thanks for ur reply...i imported StreamingContext and right now i am
getting my Dstream as something like
 map(id - 123, name - srini, mobile - 12324214, score - 123, test_type
- math)
 map(id - 321, name - vasu, mobile - 73942090, score - 324, test_type
 map(id - 432, name -, mobile -423141234,score - 322,test_type -

each map collection is from json string. now if i want aggregrate the scores
on only math or if i want to find out who got the highest score in math that
shows both name and score..i would like to what transformation should i do
to my existing dstream.I am very new to dealing with maps and dstream please advise on how to proceed from here. 

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Re: SparkR failed to connect to the master

2014-07-14 Thread cjwang
I restarted Spark Master with spark-0.9.1 and SparkR was able to communicate
with the Master.  I am using the latest SparkR pkg-e1f95b6.  Maybe it has
problem communicating to Spark 1.0.0?

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Sent from the Apache Spark User List mailing list archive at

Re: Spark Streaming Json file groupby function

2014-07-14 Thread srinivas
  Thanks for ur reply...i imported StreamingContext and right now i am
getting my Dstream as something like
 map(id - 123, name - srini, mobile - 12324214, score - 123, test_type
- math)
 map(id - 321, name - vasu, mobile - 73942090, score - 324, test_type
 map(id - 432, name -, mobile -423141234,score - 322,test_type -

each map collection is from json string. now if i want aggregrate the scores
on only math or if i want to find out who got the highest score in math that
shows both name and score..i would like to what transformation should i do
to my existing dstream.I am very new to dealing with maps and dstream please advise on how to proceed from here. 

View this message in context:
Sent from the Apache Spark User List mailing list archive at

Re: Number of executors change during job running

2014-07-14 Thread Tathagata Das
Can you give me a screen shot of the stages page in the web ui, the spark
logs, and the code that is causing this behavior. This seems quite weird to


On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 2:11 PM, Bill Jay

 Hi Tathagata,

 It seems repartition does not necessarily force Spark to distribute the
 data into different executors. I have launched a new job which uses
 repartition right after I received data from Kafka. For the first two
 batches, the reduce stage used more than 80 executors. Starting from the
 third batch, there were always only 2 executors in the reduce task
 (combineByKey). Even with the first batch which used more than 80
 executors, it took 2.4 mins to finish the reduce stage for a very small
 amount of data.


 On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 12:30 PM, Tathagata Das wrote:

 After using repartition(300), how many executors did it run on? By the
 way, repartitions(300) means it will divide the shuffled data into 300
 partitions. Since there are many cores on each of the 300
 machines/executors, these partitions (each requiring a core) may not be
 spread all 300 executors. Hence, if you really want spread it all 300
 executors, you may have to bump up the partitions even more. However,
 increasing the partitions to too high may not be beneficial, and you will
 have play around with the number to figure out sweet spot that reduces the
 time to process the stage / time to process the whole batch.


 On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 8:32 PM, Bill Jay

 Hi Tathagata,

 Do you mean that the data is not shuffled until the reduce stage? That
 means groupBy still only uses 2 machines?

 I think I used repartition(300) after I read the data from Kafka into
 DStream. It seems that it did not guarantee that the map or reduce stages
 will be run on 300 machines. I am currently trying to initiate 100 DStream
 from KafkaUtils.createDStream and union them. Now the reduce stages had
 around 80 machines for all the batches. However, this method will introduce
 many dstreams. It will be good if we can control the number of executors in
 the groupBy operation because the calculation needs to be finished within 1
 minute for different size of input data based on our production need.



 On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 7:29 PM, Tathagata Das wrote:

 Aah, I get it now. That is because the input data streams is replicated
 on two machines, so by locality the data is processed on those two
 machines. So the map stage on the data uses 2 executors, but the reduce
 stage, (after groupByKey) the saveAsTextFiles would use 300 tasks. And the
 default parallelism takes into affect only when the data is explicitly
 shuffled around.

 You can fix this by explicitly repartitioning the data.


 This is covered in the streaming tuning guide


 On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 4:11 PM, Bill Jay

 Hi folks,

 I just ran another job that only received data from Kafka, did some
 filtering, and then save as text files in HDFS. There was no reducing work
 involved. Surprisingly, the number of executors for the saveAsTextFiles
 stage was also 2 although I specified 300 executors in the job submission.
 As a result, the simple save file action took more than 2 minutes. Do you
 have any idea how Spark determined the number of executors
 for different stages?



 On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 2:01 PM, Bill Jay

 Hi Tathagata,

 Below is my main function. I omit some filtering and data conversion
 functions. These functions are just a one-to-one mapping, which may not
 possible increase running time. The only reduce function I have here is
 groupByKey. There are 4 topics in my Kafka brokers and two of the topics
 have 240k lines each minute. And the other two topics have less than 30k
 lines per minute. The batch size is one minute and I specified 300
 executors in my spark-submit script. The default parallelism is 300.

 val parition = 300
 val zkQuorum = zk1,zk2,zk3
 val group = my-group- + currentTime.toString
 val topics = topic1,topic2,topic3,topic4
 val numThreads = 4
 val topicMap = topics.split(,).map((_,numThreads.toInt)).toMap
 ssc = new StreamingContext(conf, Seconds(batch))
 ssc.checkpoint(hadoopOutput + checkpoint)
 val lines = lines1
 val jsonData =
 val mapData = jsonData.filter(_.isDefined)

 .map(_.get.asInstanceOf[scala.collection.immutable.Map[String, Any]])
 val validMapData = mapData.filter(isValidData(_))
 val fields = = (data(id).toString,


Re: Spark Streaming Json file groupby function

2014-07-14 Thread Tathagata Das
In general it may be a better idea to actually convert the records from
hashmaps, to a specific data structure. Say

case class Record(id: int, name: String, mobile: String, score: Int,
test_type: String ... )

Then you should be able to do something like

val records = = convertMapToRecord(m))

Then to filter only math results you can do records.filter(r = r.test_type
== math). ...

If you have to do aggregations (sum, max, etc.) you have to figure out
whether you want to aggregate in every batch, or aggregate over a window of

If you want to do each batch, then

filteredRecords.foreachRDD(rdd = {
   // get aggregates for each batch

If you want to do across a window of time (say 1 minute), then

filteredRecords.window(Minutes(1)).foreachRDD( rdd = {
   // get aggregates over last 1 minute, every 10 seconds (since 10 second
is the batch interval)

On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 3:06 PM, srinivas wrote:

   Thanks for ur reply...i imported StreamingContext and right now i am
 getting my Dstream as something like
  map(id - 123, name - srini, mobile - 12324214, score - 123, test_type
 - math)
  map(id - 321, name - vasu, mobile - 73942090, score - 324, test_type
  map(id - 432, name -, mobile -423141234,score - 322,test_type -

 each map collection is from json string. now if i want aggregrate the
 on only math or if i want to find out who got the highest score in math
 shows both name and score..i would like to what transformation should i do
 to my existing dstream.I am very new to dealing with maps and dstream please advise on how to proceed from here.

 View this message in context:
 Sent from the Apache Spark User List mailing list archive at

import org.apache.spark.streaming.twitter._ in Shell

2014-07-14 Thread durin
I'm using spark  1.0.0 (three weeks old build of latest). 
Along the lines of  this tutorial
, I want to read some tweets from twitter.
When trying to execute  in the Spark-Shell, I get

The tutorial builds an app via sbt/sbt. Are there any special requirements
for importing the TwitterUtils in the shell?

Best regards,

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Sent from the Apache Spark User List mailing list archive at

Re: import org.apache.spark.streaming.twitter._ in Shell

2014-07-14 Thread Tathagata Das
The twitter functionality is not available through the shell.
1) we separated these non-core functionality into separate subprojects so
that their dependencies do not collide/pollute those of of core spark
2) a shell is not really the best way to start a long running stream.

Its best to use twitter through a separate project.


On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 3:47 PM, durin wrote:

 I'm using spark  1.0.0 (three weeks old build of latest).
 Along the lines of  this tutorial
 , I want to read some tweets from twitter.
 When trying to execute  in the Spark-Shell, I get

 The tutorial builds an app via sbt/sbt. Are there any special requirements
 for importing the TwitterUtils in the shell?

 Best regards,

 View this message in context:
 Sent from the Apache Spark User List mailing list archive at

Change when loading/storing String data using Parquet

2014-07-14 Thread Michael Armbrust
I just wanted to send out a quick note about a change in the handling of
strings when loading / storing data using parquet and Spark SQL.  Before,
Spark SQL did not support binary data in Parquet, so all binary blobs were
implicitly treated as Strings.  9fe693
this limitation by adding support for binary data.

However, data written out with a prior version of Spark SQL will be missing
the annotation telling us to interpret a given column as a String, so old
string data will now be loaded as binary data.  If you would like to use
the data as a string, you will need to add a CAST to convert the datatype.

New string data written out after this change, will correctly be loaded in
as a string as now we will include an annotation about the desired type.
 Additionally, this should now interoperate correctly with other systems
that write Parquet data (hive, thrift, etc).


SQL + streaming

2014-07-14 Thread
Hi All,

Couple days ago, I tried to integrate SQL and streaming together. My
understanding is I can transform RDD from Dstream to schemaRDD and execute
SQL on each RDD. But I got no luck
Would you guys help me take a look at my code?  Thank you very much!

object KafkaSpark {

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
if (args.length  4) {
  System.err.println(Usage: KafkaSpark zkQuorum group topics

val Array(zkQuorum, group, topics, numThreads) = args
val sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName(KafkaSpark)
val ssc =  new StreamingContext(sparkConf, Seconds(10))
val sc = new SparkContext(sparkConf)
val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc);

// Importing the SQL context gives access to all the SQL functions and
implicit conversions.
import sqlContext._

val tt = Time(1)
val topicpMap = topics.split(,).map((_,numThreads.toInt)).toMap
val recordsStream = KafkaUtils.createStream(ssc, zkQuorum, group,
topicpMap).map(t = getRecord(t._2.split(#)))

val result = recordsStream.foreachRDD((recRDD, tt)={
  val result = sql(select * from records)



  def getRecord(l:Array[String]):Record = {
println(Getting the record)
Record(l(0), l(1))}

Re: Stateful RDDs?

2014-07-14 Thread Tathagata Das
Trying answer your questions as concisely as possible

1. In the current implementation, the entire state RDD needs to loaded for
any update. It is a known limitation, that we want to overcome in the
future. Therefore the state Dstream should not be persisted to disk as all
the data in the state RDDs are touched in every batch. Since spark
streaming is not really a dedicated data store, its not really designed to
separate out hot data and cold data.
2. For each key, in the state you could maintain a timestamp of when it was
updated and accordingly return None to filter that state out. Regarding
filtering by the minimum key, there may be a way to periodically figure out
the minimum key at the driver, then propagate out that information to the
executors (update a static variable in the executors) and use that to
filter out the keys.

Hope this helps.


On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 10:25 AM, Sargun Dhillon wrote:

 So, one portion of our Spark streaming application requires some
 state. Our application takes a bunch of application events (i.e.
 user_session_started, user_session_ended, etc..), and calculates out
 metrics from these, and writes them to a serving layer (see: Lambda
 Architecture). Two related events can be ingested into the streaming
 context moments apart, or time inderminate. Given this, and the fact
 that our normal windows pump data out every 500-1 ms, with a step
 of 500ms, you might end up with two related pieces of data across two
 windows. In order to work around this, we go ahead and do
 updateStateByKey to persist state, as opposed to persisting key
 intermediate state in some external system, as building a system to
 handle the complexities of (concurrent, idempotent) updates, as well
 as ensure scalability is non-trivial.

 The questions I have around this, is even in a highly-partitionable
 dataset, what's the upper scalability limits with stateful dstreams?
 If I have a dataset, starting at around 10-million keys, growing at
 that rate monthly, what are the complexities within? Most of the data
 is cold. I realize that I can remove data from the stateful dstream,
 by sending (key, null) to it, but there is not necessarily an easy way
 of knowing when the last update is coming in (unless there is some way
 in spark of saying, Wait N windows, and send this tuple or Wait
 until all keys in the upstream Dstreams smaller than M are processed
 before sending such a tuple. Additionally, given that my data is
 partitionable by datetime, does it make sense to have a custom
 datetime partitioner, and just persist the dstream to disk, to ensure
 that its RDDs are only pulled off of disk (into memory) occasionally?
 What's the cost of having a bunch of relatively large, stateful RDDs
 around on disk? Does Spark have to load / deserialize the entire RDD
 to update one key?

Spark-Streaming collect/take functionality.

2014-07-14 Thread jon.burns
Hello everyone,

I'm an undergrad working on a summarization project. I've created a
summarizer in normal Spark and it works great, however I want to write it
for Spark_Streaming to increase it's functionality. Basically I take in a
bunch of text and get the most popular words as well as most popular
bi-grams (Two words together), and I've managed to do this with streaming
(And made it stateful, which is great). However the next part of my
algorithm requires me to get the top 10 words and top 10 bigrams and store
them in a vector like structure. With just spark I would use code like;

array_of_words = words.sortByKey().top(50)

Is there a way to mimick this with streaming? I was following along with the
ampcamp  tutorial
so I know that you can print the top 10 by using; 

sortedCounts.foreach(rdd =
  println(\nTop 10 hashtags:\n + rdd.take(10).mkString(\n)))

However I can't seem to alter this to make it store the top 10, just print
them. The instructor mentions at the end that

one can get the top 10 hashtags in each partition, collect them together at
the driver and then find the top 10 hashtags among them but they leave it
as an exercise. I would appreciate any help :)


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Re: How to kill running spark yarn application

2014-07-14 Thread Jerry Lam
Then yarn application -kill appid should work. This is what I did 2 hours ago.

Sorry I cannot provide more help.

Sent from my iPhone

 On 14 Jul, 2014, at 6:05 pm, wrote:
 On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 2:44 PM, Jerry Lam wrote:
 Hi Siyuan,
 I wonder if you --master yarn-cluster or yarn-client?
 Best Regards,
 On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 5:08 PM, wrote:
 Hi all,
 A newbie question, I start a spark yarn application through spark-submit 
 How do I kill this app. I can kill the yarn app by yarn application -kill 
 appid but the application master is still running. What's the proper way 
 to shutdown the entire app?

Re: How to kill running spark yarn application

2014-07-14 Thread
Before yarn application -kill If you do jps You'll have a list
of SparkSubmit and ApplicationMaster

After you use yarn applicaton -kill you only kill the SparkSubmit

On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 4:29 PM, Jerry Lam wrote:

 Then yarn application -kill appid should work. This is what I did 2 hours

 Sorry I cannot provide more help.

 Sent from my iPhone

 On 14 Jul, 2014, at 6:05 pm, wrote:


 On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 2:44 PM, Jerry Lam wrote:

 Hi Siyuan,

 I wonder if you --master yarn-cluster or yarn-client?

 Best Regards,


 On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 5:08 PM,

 Hi all,

 A newbie question, I start a spark yarn application through spark-submit
 How do I kill this app. I can kill the yarn app by yarn application
 -kill appid but the application master is still running. What's the proper
 way to shutdown the entire app?


Re: SQL + streaming

2014-07-14 Thread Tathagata Das
Could you elaborate on what is the problem you are facing? Compiler error?
Runtime error? Class-not-found error? Not receiving any data from Kafka?
Receiving data but SQL command throwing error? No errors but no output


On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 4:06 PM, wrote:

 Hi All,

 Couple days ago, I tried to integrate SQL and streaming together. My
 understanding is I can transform RDD from Dstream to schemaRDD and execute
 SQL on each RDD. But I got no luck
 Would you guys help me take a look at my code?  Thank you very much!

 object KafkaSpark {

   def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
 if (args.length  4) {
   System.err.println(Usage: KafkaSpark zkQuorum group topics

 val Array(zkQuorum, group, topics, numThreads) = args
 val sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName(KafkaSpark)
 val ssc =  new StreamingContext(sparkConf, Seconds(10))
 val sc = new SparkContext(sparkConf)
 val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc);

 // Importing the SQL context gives access to all the SQL functions and
 implicit conversions.
 import sqlContext._

 val tt = Time(1)
 val topicpMap = topics.split(,).map((_,numThreads.toInt)).toMap
 val recordsStream = KafkaUtils.createStream(ssc, zkQuorum, group,
 topicpMap).map(t = getRecord(t._2.split(#)))

 val result = recordsStream.foreachRDD((recRDD, tt)={
   val result = sql(select * from records)



   def getRecord(l:Array[String]):Record = {
 println(Getting the record)
 Record(l(0), l(1))}

Re: Spark-Streaming collect/take functionality.

2014-07-14 Thread Tathagata Das
Why doesnt something like this work? If you want a continuously updated
reference to the top counts, you can use a global variable.

var topCounts: Array[(String, Int)] = null

sortedCounts.foreachRDD (rdd =
val currentTopCounts = rdd.take(10)
// print currentTopCounts it or watever
   topCounts = currentTopCounts


On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 4:11 PM, jon.burns wrote:

 Hello everyone,

 I'm an undergrad working on a summarization project. I've created a
 summarizer in normal Spark and it works great, however I want to write it
 for Spark_Streaming to increase it's functionality. Basically I take in a
 bunch of text and get the most popular words as well as most popular
 bi-grams (Two words together), and I've managed to do this with streaming
 (And made it stateful, which is great). However the next part of my
 algorithm requires me to get the top 10 words and top 10 bigrams and store
 them in a vector like structure. With just spark I would use code like;

 array_of_words = words.sortByKey().top(50)

 Is there a way to mimick this with streaming? I was following along with
 ampcamp  tutorial
 so I know that you can print the top 10 by using;

 sortedCounts.foreach(rdd =
   println(\nTop 10 hashtags:\n + rdd.take(10).mkString(\n)))

 However I can't seem to alter this to make it store the top 10, just print
 them. The instructor mentions at the end that

 one can get the top 10 hashtags in each partition, collect them together
 the driver and then find the top 10 hashtags among them but they leave it
 as an exercise. I would appreciate any help :)


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Re: Possible bug in Spark Streaming :: TextFileStream

2014-07-14 Thread Tathagata Das
Oh yes, this was a bug and it has been fixed. Checkout from the master


On Mon, Jul 7, 2014 at 7:11 AM, Luis Ángel Vicente Sánchez wrote:

 I have a basic spark streaming job that is watching a folder, processing
 any new file and updating a column family in cassandra using the new

 I think there is a problem with SparkStreamingContext.textFileStream... if
 I start my job in local mode with no files in the folder that is watched
 and then I copy a bunch of files, sometimes spark is continually processing
 those files again and again.

 I have noticed that it usually happens when spark doesn't detect all new
 files in one go... i.e. I copied 6 files and spark detected 3 of them as
 new and processed them; then it detected the other 3 as new and processed
 them. After it finished to process all 6 files, it detected again the first
 3 files as new files and processed them... then the other 3... and again...
 and again... and again.

 Should I rise a JIRA issue?



Re: SQL + streaming

2014-07-14 Thread
No errors but no output either... Thanks!

On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 4:59 PM, Tathagata Das

 Could you elaborate on what is the problem you are facing? Compiler error?
 Runtime error? Class-not-found error? Not receiving any data from Kafka?
 Receiving data but SQL command throwing error? No errors but no output


 On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 4:06 PM,

 Hi All,

 Couple days ago, I tried to integrate SQL and streaming together. My
 understanding is I can transform RDD from Dstream to schemaRDD and execute
 SQL on each RDD. But I got no luck
 Would you guys help me take a look at my code?  Thank you very much!

 object KafkaSpark {

   def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
 if (args.length  4) {
   System.err.println(Usage: KafkaSpark zkQuorum group topics

 val Array(zkQuorum, group, topics, numThreads) = args
 val sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName(KafkaSpark)
 val ssc =  new StreamingContext(sparkConf, Seconds(10))
 val sc = new SparkContext(sparkConf)
 val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc);

 // Importing the SQL context gives access to all the SQL functions
 and implicit conversions.
 import sqlContext._

 val tt = Time(1)
 val topicpMap = topics.split(,).map((_,numThreads.toInt)).toMap
 val recordsStream = KafkaUtils.createStream(ssc, zkQuorum, group,
 topicpMap).map(t = getRecord(t._2.split(#)))

 val result = recordsStream.foreachRDD((recRDD, tt)={
   val result = sql(select * from records)



   def getRecord(l:Array[String]):Record = {
 println(Getting the record)
 Record(l(0), l(1))}

Re: import org.apache.spark.streaming.twitter._ in Shell

2014-07-14 Thread durin
Thanks. Can I see that a Class is not available in the shell somewhere in the
API Docs or do I have to find out by trial and error?

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Re: Error when testing with large sparse svm

2014-07-14 Thread Xiangrui Meng
Is it on a standalone server? There are several settings worthing checking:

1) number of partitions, which should match the number of cores
2) driver memory (you can see it from the executor tab of the Spark
WebUI and set it with --driver-memory 10g
3) the version of Spark you were running


On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 12:14 PM, Srikrishna S wrote:
 That is exactly the same error that I got. I am still having no success.


 On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 11:50 AM, crater wrote:
 Hi Krishna,

 Thanks for your help. Are you able to get your 29M data running yet? I fix
 the previous problem by setting larger spark.akka.frameSize, but now I get
 some other errors below. Did you get these errors before?

 14/07/14 11:32:20 ERROR TaskSchedulerImpl: Lost executor 1 on node7: remote
 Akka client disassociated
 14/07/14 11:32:20 WARN TaskSetManager: Lost TID 20 (task 13.0:0)
 14/07/14 11:32:21 ERROR TaskSchedulerImpl: Lost executor 3 on node8: remote
 Akka client disassociated
 14/07/14 11:32:21 WARN TaskSetManager: Lost TID 21 (task 13.0:1)
 14/07/14 11:32:23 ERROR TaskSchedulerImpl: Lost executor 6 on node3: remote
 Akka client disassociated
 14/07/14 11:32:23 WARN TaskSetManager: Lost TID 22 (task 13.0:0)
 14/07/14 11:32:25 ERROR TaskSchedulerImpl: Lost executor 0 on node4: remote
 Akka client disassociated
 14/07/14 11:32:25 WARN TaskSetManager: Lost TID 23 (task 13.0:1)
 14/07/14 11:32:26 ERROR TaskSchedulerImpl: Lost executor 5 on node1: remote
 Akka client disassociated
 14/07/14 11:32:26 WARN TaskSetManager: Lost TID 24 (task 13.0:0)
 14/07/14 11:32:28 ERROR TaskSchedulerImpl: Lost executor 7 on node6: remote
 Akka client disassociated
 14/07/14 11:32:28 WARN TaskSetManager: Lost TID 26 (task 13.0:0)
 14/07/14 11:32:28 ERROR TaskSetManager: Task 13.0:0 failed 4 times; aborting
 Exception in thread main org.apache.spark.SparkException: Job aborted due
 to stage failure: Task 13.0:0 failed 4 times, most recent failure: TID 26 on
 host node6 failed for unknown reason
 Driver stacktrace:
 at scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.foreach(ArrayBuffer.scala:47)
 at scala.Option.foreach(Option.scala:236)
 at akka.dispatch.Mailbox.processMailbox(Mailbox.scala:237)

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Re: SparkR failed to connect to the master

2014-07-14 Thread cjwang
I tried installing the latest Spark 1.0.1 and SparkR couldn't find the master
either.  I restarted with Spark 0.9.1 and SparkR was able to find the
master.  So, there seemed to be something that changed after Spark 1.0.0.

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Re: SQL + streaming

2014-07-14 Thread Tathagata Das
Can you make sure you are running locally on more than 1 local cores? You
could set the master in the SparkConf as conf.setMaster(local[4]). Then
see if there are jobs running on every batch of data in the Spark web ui
(running on localhost:4040). If you still dont get any output, try first
simple printing recRDD.count() in the foreachRDD (that is, first test spark
streaming). If you can get that to work, then I would test the Spark SQL


On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 5:25 PM, wrote:

 No errors but no output either... Thanks!

 On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 4:59 PM, Tathagata Das wrote:

 Could you elaborate on what is the problem you are facing? Compiler
 error? Runtime error? Class-not-found error? Not receiving any data from
 Kafka? Receiving data but SQL command throwing error? No errors but no
 output either?


 On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 4:06 PM,

 Hi All,

 Couple days ago, I tried to integrate SQL and streaming together. My
 understanding is I can transform RDD from Dstream to schemaRDD and execute
 SQL on each RDD. But I got no luck
 Would you guys help me take a look at my code?  Thank you very much!

 object KafkaSpark {

   def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
 if (args.length  4) {
   System.err.println(Usage: KafkaSpark zkQuorum group topics

 val Array(zkQuorum, group, topics, numThreads) = args
 val sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName(KafkaSpark)
 val ssc =  new StreamingContext(sparkConf, Seconds(10))
 val sc = new SparkContext(sparkConf)
 val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc);

 // Importing the SQL context gives access to all the SQL functions
 and implicit conversions.
 import sqlContext._

 val tt = Time(1)
 val topicpMap = topics.split(,).map((_,numThreads.toInt)).toMap
 val recordsStream = KafkaUtils.createStream(ssc, zkQuorum, group,
 topicpMap).map(t = getRecord(t._2.split(#)))

 val result = recordsStream.foreachRDD((recRDD, tt)={
   val result = sql(select * from records)



   def getRecord(l:Array[String]):Record = {
 println(Getting the record)
 Record(l(0), l(1))}

Re: import org.apache.spark.streaming.twitter._ in Shell

2014-07-14 Thread Tathagata Das
I guess this is not clearly documented. At a high level, any class that is
in the package

org.apache.spark.streaming.XXX   where XXX is in { twitter, kafka, flume,
zeromq, mqtt }

is not available in the Spark shell.

I have added this to the larger JIRA of things-to-add-to-streaming-docs

Thanks for bringing this to attention.


On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 5:53 PM, durin wrote:

 Thanks. Can I see that a Class is not available in the shell somewhere in
 API Docs or do I have to find out by trial and error?

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Re: import org.apache.spark.streaming.twitter._ in Shell

2014-07-14 Thread Nicholas Chammas
On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 6:52 PM, Tathagata Das

 The twitter functionality is not available through the shell.

I've been processing Tweets live from the shell, though not for a long
time. That's how I uncovered the problem with the Twitter receiver not
deregistering, btw.

Did I misunderstand your comment?


Re: Error when testing with large sparse svm

2014-07-14 Thread Srikrishna S
I am running Spark 1.0.1 on a 5 node yarn cluster. I have set the
driver memory to 8G and executor memory to about 12G.


On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 5:56 PM, Xiangrui Meng wrote:
 Is it on a standalone server? There are several settings worthing checking:

 1) number of partitions, which should match the number of cores
 2) driver memory (you can see it from the executor tab of the Spark
 WebUI and set it with --driver-memory 10g
 3) the version of Spark you were running


 On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 12:14 PM, Srikrishna S 
 That is exactly the same error that I got. I am still having no success.


 On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 11:50 AM, crater wrote:
 Hi Krishna,

 Thanks for your help. Are you able to get your 29M data running yet? I fix
 the previous problem by setting larger spark.akka.frameSize, but now I get
 some other errors below. Did you get these errors before?

 14/07/14 11:32:20 ERROR TaskSchedulerImpl: Lost executor 1 on node7: remote
 Akka client disassociated
 14/07/14 11:32:20 WARN TaskSetManager: Lost TID 20 (task 13.0:0)
 14/07/14 11:32:21 ERROR TaskSchedulerImpl: Lost executor 3 on node8: remote
 Akka client disassociated
 14/07/14 11:32:21 WARN TaskSetManager: Lost TID 21 (task 13.0:1)
 14/07/14 11:32:23 ERROR TaskSchedulerImpl: Lost executor 6 on node3: remote
 Akka client disassociated
 14/07/14 11:32:23 WARN TaskSetManager: Lost TID 22 (task 13.0:0)
 14/07/14 11:32:25 ERROR TaskSchedulerImpl: Lost executor 0 on node4: remote
 Akka client disassociated
 14/07/14 11:32:25 WARN TaskSetManager: Lost TID 23 (task 13.0:1)
 14/07/14 11:32:26 ERROR TaskSchedulerImpl: Lost executor 5 on node1: remote
 Akka client disassociated
 14/07/14 11:32:26 WARN TaskSetManager: Lost TID 24 (task 13.0:0)
 14/07/14 11:32:28 ERROR TaskSchedulerImpl: Lost executor 7 on node6: remote
 Akka client disassociated
 14/07/14 11:32:28 WARN TaskSetManager: Lost TID 26 (task 13.0:0)
 14/07/14 11:32:28 ERROR TaskSetManager: Task 13.0:0 failed 4 times; aborting
 Exception in thread main org.apache.spark.SparkException: Job aborted due
 to stage failure: Task 13.0:0 failed 4 times, most recent failure: TID 26 on
 host node6 failed for unknown reason
 Driver stacktrace:
 at scala.Option.foreach(Option.scala:236)
 at akka.dispatch.Mailbox.processMailbox(Mailbox.scala:237)

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Re: Ideal core count within a single JVM

2014-07-14 Thread Matei Zaharia
BTW you can see the number of parallel tasks in the application UI 
(http://localhost:4040) or in the log messages (e.g. when it says progress: 
17/20, that means there are 20 tasks total and 17 are done). Spark will try to 
use at least one task per core in local mode so there might be more of them 
here, but if your file is big it will also have at least one task per 32 MB 
block of the file.


On Jul 14, 2014, at 6:39 PM, Matei Zaharia wrote:

 I see, so here might be the problem. With more cores, there's less memory 
 available per core, and now many of your threads are doing external hashing 
 (spilling data to disk), as evidenced by the calls to 
 ExternalAppendOnlyMap.spill. Maybe with 10 threads, there was enough memory 
 per task to do all its hashing there. It's true though that these threads 
 appear to be CPU-bound, largely due to Java Serialization. You could get this 
 to run quite a bit faster using Kryo. However that won't eliminate the issue 
 of spilling here.
 On Jul 14, 2014, at 1:02 PM, lokesh.gidra wrote:
 I am only playing with 'N' in local[N]. I thought that by increasing N, Spark
 will automatically use more parallel tasks. Isn't it so? Can you please tell
 me how can I modify the number of parallel tasks?
 For me, there are hardly any threads in BLOCKED state in jstack output. In
 'top' I see my application consuming all the 48 cores all the time with
 I am attaching two jstack outputs that I took will the application was
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SPARK_WORKER_PORT (standalone cluster)

2014-07-14 Thread jay vyas
Hi spark !

What is the purpose of the randomly assigned SPARK_WORKER_PORT

from the documentation it sais to join a cluster, but its not clear to me
how a random port could be used to communicate with other members of a
spark  pool.

This question might be grounded in my ignorance ... if so please just point
me to the right documentation if im mising something obvious :)

thanks !
jay vyas

jsonRDD: NoSuchMethodError

2014-07-14 Thread SK

I am using Spark 1.0.1. I am using the following piece of code to parse a
json file. It is based on the code snippet in the SparkSQL programming
guide. However, the compiler outputs an error stating: 


I get a similar error for jsonFile() as well. I have included the spark-sql
1.0.1 jar when building my program using sbt. What is the right library to
import for jsonRDD and jsonFile?


import org.apache.spark._
import org.apache.spark.sql._
import org.apache.spark.sql.json

object SQLExample{
   def main(args : Array[String]) {

  val sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName(JsonExample)
  val sc = new SparkContext(sparkConf)
  val sqlc = new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc)

  val jrdd = sc.textFile(args(0)).filter(r= r.trim != )
  val data = sqlc.jsonRDD(jrdd)


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Re: spark1.0.1 catalyst transform filter not push down

2014-07-14 Thread Victor Sheng
I use queryPlan.queryExecution.analyzed to get the logical plan.

it works.

And What you explained to me is very useful. 

Thank you very much.

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Re: ---cores option in spark-shell

2014-07-14 Thread cjwang
Neither do they work in new 1.0.1 either

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Re: jsonRDD: NoSuchMethodError

2014-07-14 Thread Michael Armbrust
Have you upgraded the cluster where you are running this 1.0.1 as
well?  A NoSuchMethodError
almost always means that the class files available at runtime are different
from those that were there when you compiled your program.

On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 7:06 PM, SK wrote:


 I am using Spark 1.0.1. I am using the following piece of code to parse a
 json file. It is based on the code snippet in the SparkSQL programming
 guide. However, the compiler outputs an error stating:



 I get a similar error for jsonFile() as well. I have included the spark-sql
 1.0.1 jar when building my program using sbt. What is the right library to
 import for jsonRDD and jsonFile?


 import org.apache.spark._
 import org.apache.spark.sql._
 import org.apache.spark.sql.json

 object SQLExample{
def main(args : Array[String]) {

   val sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName(JsonExample)
   val sc = new SparkContext(sparkConf)
   val sqlc = new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc)

   val jrdd = sc.textFile(args(0)).filter(r= r.trim != )
   val data = sqlc.jsonRDD(jrdd)


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Re: ---cores option in spark-shell

2014-07-14 Thread Andrew Or
Yes, the documentation is actually a little outdated. We will get around to
fix it shortly. Please use --driver-cores or --executor-cores instead.

2014-07-14 19:10 GMT-07:00 cjwang

 Neither do they work in new 1.0.1 either

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Re: import org.apache.spark.streaming.twitter._ in Shell

2014-07-14 Thread Tathagata Das
Did you make any updates in Spark version recently, after which you noticed
this problem? Because if you were using Spark 0.8 and below, then twitter
would have worked in the Spark shell. In Spark 0.9, we moved those
dependencies out of the core spark for those to update more freely without
raising dependency-related concerns into the core of spark streaming.


On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 6:29 PM, Nicholas Chammas wrote:

 On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 6:52 PM, Tathagata Das wrote:

 The twitter functionality is not available through the shell.

 I've been processing Tweets live from the shell, though not for a long
 time. That's how I uncovered the problem with the Twitter receiver not
 deregistering, btw.

 Did I misunderstand your comment?


Re: import org.apache.spark.streaming.twitter._ in Shell

2014-07-14 Thread Nicholas Chammas
If we're talking about the issue you captured in SPARK-2464, then it was a newly
launched EC2 cluster on 1.0.1.

On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 10:48 PM, Tathagata Das

 Did you make any updates in Spark version recently, after which you
 noticed this problem? Because if you were using Spark 0.8 and below, then
 twitter would have worked in the Spark shell. In Spark 0.9, we moved those
 dependencies out of the core spark for those to update more freely without
 raising dependency-related concerns into the core of spark streaming.


 On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 6:29 PM, Nicholas Chammas wrote:

 On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 6:52 PM, Tathagata Das wrote:

 The twitter functionality is not available through the shell.

 I've been processing Tweets live from the shell, though not for a long
 time. That's how I uncovered the problem with the Twitter receiver not
 deregistering, btw.

 Did I misunderstand your comment?


RACK_LOCAL Tasks Failed to finish

2014-07-14 Thread 洪奇
Hi all,When running GraphX applications on Spark, task scheduler may schedule 
some tasks to be executed on RACK_LOCAL executors,but the tasks get halting in 
that case, repeating print the following log information:
14-07-14 15:59:14 INFO [Executor task launch worker-6] 
BlockFetcherIterator$BasicBlockFetcherIterator: Started 1 remote fetches in 3 ms
14-07-14 15:59:14 INFO [Executor task launch worker-1] BlockManager: Found 
block rdd_29_38 locally
14-07-14 15:59:14 INFO [Executor task launch worker-1] BlockManager: Found 
block rdd_29_38 locally
14-07-14 15:59:14 INFO [Executor task launch worker-1] BlockManager: Found 
block rdd_29_38 locally
14-07-14 15:59:14 INFO [Executor task launch worker-1] 
BlockFetcherIterator$BasicBlockFetcherIterator: maxBytesInFlight: 50331648, 
targetRequestSize: 10066329
14-07-14 15:59:14 INFO [Executor task launch worker-1] 
BlockFetcherIterator$BasicBlockFetcherIterator: Getting 300 non-empty blocks 
out of 300 blocks
14-07-14 15:59:14 INFO [Executor task launch worker-1] 
BlockFetcherIterator$BasicBlockFetcherIterator: Started 1 remote fetches in 3 ms
14-07-14 15:59:14 INFO [Executor task launch worker-0] 
BlockFetcherIterator$BasicBlockFetcherIterator: maxBytesInFlight: 50331648, 
targetRequestSize: 10066329
14-07-14 15:59:14 INFO [Executor task launch worker-0] 
BlockFetcherIterator$BasicBlockFetcherIterator: Getting 300 non-empty blocks 
out of 300 blocks
14-07-14 15:59:14 INFO [Executor task launch worker-0] 
BlockFetcherIterator$BasicBlockFetcherIterator: Started 1 remote fetches in 3 ms
14-07-14 15:59:14 INFO [Executor task launch worker-2] BlockManager: Found 
block rdd_29_2 locally
14-07-14 15:59:14 INFO [Executor task launch worker-2] BlockManager: Found 
block rdd_29_2 locally
14-07-14 15:59:14 INFO [Executor task launch worker-2] BlockManager: Found 
block rdd_29_2 locally
BlockManager's `get` and `getMultiple` are being called continually, and I 
don't know why. Are there some rdds being recomputed?Thanks for your help.Qiping

Re: Announcing Spark 1.0.1

2014-07-14 Thread Tobias Pfeiffer

congratulations on the release! I'm always pleased to see how features pop
up in new Spark versions that I had added for myself in a very hackish way
before (such as JSON support for Spark SQL).

I am wondering if there is any good way to learn early about what is going
to be in upcoming versions, except than tracking JIRA...?


On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 12:50 AM, Philip Ogren

 Hi Patrick,

 This is great news but I nearly missed the announcement because it had
 scrolled off the folder view that I have Spark users list messages go to.
  40+ new threads since you sent the email out on Friday evening.

 You might consider having someone on your team create a spark-announcement
 list so that it is easier to disseminate important information like this
 release announcement.

 Thanks again for all your hard work.  I know you and the rest of the team
 are getting a million requests a day


 On 07/11/2014 07:35 PM, Patrick Wendell wrote:

 I am happy to announce the availability of Spark 1.0.1! This release
 includes contributions from 70 developers. Spark 1.0.0 includes fixes
 across several areas of Spark, including the core API, PySpark, and
 MLlib. It also includes new features in Spark's (alpha) SQL library,
 including support for JSON data and performance and stability fixes.

 Visit the release notes[1] to read about this release or download[2]
 the release today.


branch-1.0-jdbc on EC2?

2014-07-14 Thread billk
I'm wondering if anyone has had success with an EC2 deployment of the   branch that Michael
Armbrust referenced in his  Unified Data Access with Spark SQL
talk at Spark Summit 2014.  Is the script is set-up for this
branch? I don't see how to build the tgz file that the master and worker scripts pull from github.

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Re: hdfs replication on saving RDD

2014-07-14 Thread valgrind_girl
eager to know this issue too,does any one knows how?

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Re: hdfs replication on saving RDD

2014-07-14 Thread Matei Zaharia
You can change this setting through SparkContext.hadoopConfiguration, or put 
the conf/ directory of your Hadoop installation on the CLASSPATH when you 
launch your app so that it reads the config values from there.


On Jul 14, 2014, at 8:06 PM, valgrind_girl wrote:

 eager to know this issue too,does any one knows how?
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truly bizarre behavior with local[n] on Spark 1.0.1

2014-07-14 Thread Walrus theCat

I've got a socketTextStream through which I'm reading input.  I have three
Dstreams, all of which are the same window operation over that
socketTextStream.  I have a four core machine.  As we've been covering
lately, I have to give a cores parameter to my StreamingSparkContext:

ssc = new StreamingContext(local[4] /**TODO change once a cluster is up
  AppName, Seconds(1))

Now, I have three dstreams, and all I ask them to do is print or count.  I
should preface this with the statement that they all work on their own.

dstream1 // 1 second window
dstream2 // 2 second window
dstream3 // 5 minute window

If I construct the ssc with local[8], and put these statements in this
order, I get prints on the first one, and zero counts on the second one:

ssc(local[8])  // hyperthread dat sheezy
dstream1.print // works
dstream2.count.print // always prints 0

If I do this, this happens:
dstream1.print // doesn't work, just gives me the Time:  ms message
dstream2.count.print // doesn't work, prints 0

dstream1.print // doesn't work, just gives me the Time:  ms message
dstream2.count.print // works, prints 1

Sometimes these results switch up, seemingly at random. How can I get
things to the point where I can develop and test my application locally?


Re: import org.apache.spark.streaming.twitter._ in Shell

2014-07-14 Thread Tathagata Das
Oh right, that could have happened only after Spark 1.0.0. So let me
clarify. At some point, you were able to access TwitterUtils from spark
shell using Spark 1.0.0+ ?  If yes, then what change in Spark caused it to
not work any more?


On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 7:52 PM, Nicholas Chammas wrote:

 If we're talking about the issue you captured in SPARK-2464, then it was a newly
 launched EC2 cluster on 1.0.1.

 On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 10:48 PM, Tathagata Das wrote:

 Did you make any updates in Spark version recently, after which you
 noticed this problem? Because if you were using Spark 0.8 and below, then
 twitter would have worked in the Spark shell. In Spark 0.9, we moved those
 dependencies out of the core spark for those to update more freely without
 raising dependency-related concerns into the core of spark streaming.


 On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 6:29 PM, Nicholas Chammas wrote:

 On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 6:52 PM, Tathagata Das wrote:

 The twitter functionality is not available through the shell.

 I've been processing Tweets live from the shell, though not for a long
 time. That's how I uncovered the problem with the Twitter receiver not
 deregistering, btw.

 Did I misunderstand your comment?


Re: Error when testing with large sparse svm

2014-07-14 Thread crater

(1) What is number of partitions? Is it number of workers per node?
(2) I already set the driver memory pretty big, which is 25g.
(3) I am running Spark 1.0.1 in standalone cluster with 9 nodes, 1 one them
works as master, others are workers.

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Re: Possible bug in Spark Streaming :: TextFileStream

2014-07-14 Thread Madabhattula Rajesh Kumar
Hi Team,

Is this issue with JavaStreamingContext.textFileStream(hdfsfolderpath)
API also? Please conform. If yes, could you please help me to fix this
issue. I'm using spark 1.0.0 version.


On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 5:42 AM, Tathagata Das

 Oh yes, this was a bug and it has been fixed. Checkout from the master


 On Mon, Jul 7, 2014 at 7:11 AM, Luis Ángel Vicente Sánchez wrote:

 I have a basic spark streaming job that is watching a folder, processing
 any new file and updating a column family in cassandra using the new

 I think there is a problem with SparkStreamingContext.textFileStream...
 if I start my job in local mode with no files in the folder that is watched
 and then I copy a bunch of files, sometimes spark is continually processing
 those files again and again.

 I have noticed that it usually happens when spark doesn't detect all new
 files in one go... i.e. I copied 6 files and spark detected 3 of them as
 new and processed them; then it detected the other 3 as new and processed
 them. After it finished to process all 6 files, it detected again the first
 3 files as new files and processed them... then the other 3... and again...
 and again... and again.

 Should I rise a JIRA issue?



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