RE: RE: error while creating HiveContext

2015-11-27 Thread Chandra Mohan, Ananda Vel Murugan
Hi Sun,

I could connect to Hive in spark command line and run sql commands. So I don’t 
think it is the problem with hive config file.


From: []
Sent: Friday, November 27, 2015 3:25 PM
To: Chandra Mohan, Ananda Vel Murugan <>; user 
Subject: Re: RE: error while creating HiveContext

Could you provide your hive-site.xml file info ?

From: Chandra Mohan, Ananda Vel Murugan<>
Date: 2015-11-27 17:04
Subject: RE: error while creating HiveContext

I verified and I could see hive-site.xml in spark conf directory.


From:<> []
Sent: Friday, November 27, 2015 12:53 PM
To: Chandra Mohan, Ananda Vel Murugan 
<<>>; user 
Subject: Re: error while creating HiveContext

I think you just want to put the hive-site.xml in the spark/conf directory and 
it would load
it into spark classpath.



From: Chandra Mohan, Ananda Vel Murugan<>
Date: 2015-11-27 15:04
To: user<>
Subject: error while creating HiveContext

I am building a spark-sql application in Java. I created a maven project in 
Eclipse and added all dependencies including spark-core and spark-sql. I am 
creating HiveContext in my spark program and then try to run sql queries 
against my Hive Table. When I submit this job in spark, for some reasons it is 
trying to create derby metastore. But my hive-site.xml clearly specifies the 
jdbc url of my MySQL . So I think my hive-site.xml is not getting picked by 
spark program. I specified hive-site.xml path using “—files” argument in 
spark-submit. I also tried placing hive-site.xml file in my jar . I even tried 
creating Configuration object with hive-site.xml path and updated my 
HiveContext by calling addResource() method.

I want to know where I should put hive config files in my jar or in my eclipse 
project or in my cluster for it to be picked by correctly in my spark program.

Thanks for any help.


RE: error while creating HiveContext

2015-11-27 Thread Chandra Mohan, Ananda Vel Murugan

I verified and I could see hive-site.xml in spark conf directory.


From: []
Sent: Friday, November 27, 2015 12:53 PM
To: Chandra Mohan, Ananda Vel Murugan <>; user 
Subject: Re: error while creating HiveContext

I think you just want to put the hive-site.xml in the spark/conf directory and 
it would load
it into spark classpath.


From: Chandra Mohan, Ananda Vel Murugan<>
Date: 2015-11-27 15:04
To: user<>
Subject: error while creating HiveContext

I am building a spark-sql application in Java. I created a maven project in 
Eclipse and added all dependencies including spark-core and spark-sql. I am 
creating HiveContext in my spark program and then try to run sql queries 
against my Hive Table. When I submit this job in spark, for some reasons it is 
trying to create derby metastore. But my hive-site.xml clearly specifies the 
jdbc url of my MySQL . So I think my hive-site.xml is not getting picked by 
spark program. I specified hive-site.xml path using “—files” argument in 
spark-submit. I also tried placing hive-site.xml file in my jar . I even tried 
creating Configuration object with hive-site.xml path and updated my 
HiveContext by calling addResource() method.

I want to know where I should put hive config files in my jar or in my eclipse 
project or in my cluster for it to be picked by correctly in my spark program.

Thanks for any help.


error while creating HiveContext

2015-11-26 Thread Chandra Mohan, Ananda Vel Murugan

I am building a spark-sql application in Java. I created a maven project in 
Eclipse and added all dependencies including spark-core and spark-sql. I am 
creating HiveContext in my spark program and then try to run sql queries 
against my Hive Table. When I submit this job in spark, for some reasons it is 
trying to create derby metastore. But my hive-site.xml clearly specifies the 
jdbc url of my MySQL . So I think my hive-site.xml is not getting picked by 
spark program. I specified hive-site.xml path using "-files" argument in 
spark-submit. I also tried placing hive-site.xml file in my jar . I even tried 
creating Configuration object with hive-site.xml path and updated my 
HiveContext by calling addResource() method.

I want to know where I should put hive config files in my jar or in my eclipse 
project or in my cluster for it to be picked by correctly in my spark program.

Thanks for any help.


Count of streams processed

2015-11-17 Thread Chandra Mohan, Ananda Vel Murugan

Is it possible to have a running count of number of kafka messages processed in 
a spark streaming application? Thanks


Partitioned Parquet based external table

2015-11-12 Thread Chandra Mohan, Ananda Vel Murugan

I am using Spark 1.5.1.
 I have slightly modified this example to create partitioned parquet file

Instead of this line


I use this line


I have also updated the Person class and added country attribute. I have also 
updated my input file accordingly.

When I run this code in spark, it seems to work. I could see partitioned folder 
and parquet file inside it in HDFS where I store this parquet file.

But when I create a external table in Hive, it does not work. When I do "select 
 *  from person5", it returns no rows.

This is how I create the table

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE person5(name string, age int,city string)
PARTITIONED BY (country string)
LOCATION '/user/ananda/people.parquet/';

When I create a non partitioned table, it works fine.

Please help if you have any idea.


RE: Partitioned Parquet based external table

2015-11-12 Thread Chandra Mohan, Ananda Vel Murugan
My primary interface to access the data is going to be Hive. I am planning to 
use spark to ingest data (in future I will use spark streaming, but for now it 
is just spark sql). Another group will analyze this data using Hive queries.  
For this scenario, earlier suggestion seems to work.


From: Michael Armbrust []
Sent: Friday, November 13, 2015 2:25 AM
To: Chandra Mohan, Ananda Vel Murugan
Cc: Michal Klos; user
Subject: Re: Partitioned Parquet based external table

Note that if you read in the table using or if you 
use saveAsTable(...) the partitions will be auto-discovered.  However, this is 
not compatible with Hive if you also want to be able to read the data there.

On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 6:23 AM, Chandra Mohan, Ananda Vel Murugan 
<<>> wrote:
Thank you. It works perfectly fine. I enabled dynamic partition in my table and 
then fired “msck repair table your_table” and it works now


From: Michal Klos 
Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2015 6:32 PM
To: Chandra Mohan, Ananda Vel Murugan
Cc: user
Subject: Re: Partitioned Parquet based external table

You must add the partitions to the Hive table with something like "alter table 
your_table add if not exists partition (country='us');".

If you have dynamic partitioning turned on,  you can do 'msck repair table 
your_table' to recover the partitions.

I would recommend reviewing the Hive documentation on partitions


On Nov 12, 2015, at 6:38 AM, Chandra Mohan, Ananda Vel Murugan 
<<>> wrote:

I am using Spark 1.5.1.
 I have slightly modified this example to create partitioned parquet file

Instead of this line


I use this line


I have also updated the Person class and added country attribute. I have also 
updated my input file accordingly.

When I run this code in spark, it seems to work. I could see partitioned folder 
and parquet file inside it in HDFS where I store this parquet file.

But when I create a external table in Hive, it does not work. When I do “select 
 *  from person5”, it returns no rows.

This is how I create the table

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE person5(name string, age int,city string)
PARTITIONED BY (country string)
LOCATION '/user/ananda/people.parquet/';

When I create a non partitioned table, it works fine.

Please help if you have any idea.


RE: Partitioned Parquet based external table

2015-11-12 Thread Chandra Mohan, Ananda Vel Murugan
Thank you. It works perfectly fine. I enabled dynamic partition in my table and 
then fired “msck repair table your_table” and it works now


From: Michal Klos []
Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2015 6:32 PM
To: Chandra Mohan, Ananda Vel Murugan
Cc: user
Subject: Re: Partitioned Parquet based external table

You must add the partitions to the Hive table with something like "alter table 
your_table add if not exists partition (country='us');".

If you have dynamic partitioning turned on,  you can do 'msck repair table 
your_table' to recover the partitions.

I would recommend reviewing the Hive documentation on partitions


On Nov 12, 2015, at 6:38 AM, Chandra Mohan, Ananda Vel Murugan 
<<>> wrote:

I am using Spark 1.5.1.
 I have slightly modified this example to create partitioned parquet file

Instead of this line


I use this line


I have also updated the Person class and added country attribute. I have also 
updated my input file accordingly.

When I run this code in spark, it seems to work. I could see partitioned folder 
and parquet file inside it in HDFS where I store this parquet file.

But when I create a external table in Hive, it does not work. When I do “select 
 *  from person5”, it returns no rows.

This is how I create the table

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE person5(name string, age int,city string)
PARTITIONED BY (country string)
LOCATION '/user/ananda/people.parquet/';

When I create a non partitioned table, it works fine.

Please help if you have any idea.


RE: Get the previous state string in Spark streaming

2015-10-16 Thread Chandra Mohan, Ananda Vel Murugan

Thanks for the response. We are trying to implement something similar as 
discussed in the following SFO post.

We are doing it in java while accepted answer(second answer) in this post is in 

We wrote our java code taking this scala code as reference. But we are getting 
exception in highlighted line i.e. in  return 
Optional.of(events.add(state.toString());); Specifically, it happens when we 
call events.add()

final Function2<List, Optional<List>, Optional<List>> 
updateFunc =

   new Function2<List, Optional<List>,

Optional<List>>() {

public Optional<List> call(List events, 
Optional<List> state) throws Exception {

// TODO Auto-generated method stub


   return Optional.of(events);

else {

//UnsupportedOperationException here

   return Optional.of(events.add(state.toString()););




Please let us know if you need more details. Unfortunately we are not in a 
position to share whole code.



From: Tathagata Das []
Sent: Friday, October 16, 2015 1:22 PM
To: Chandra Mohan, Ananda Vel Murugan
Cc: user
Subject: Re: Get the previous state string in Spark streaming

Its hard to help without any stacktrace associated with 

On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 10:40 PM, Chandra Mohan, Ananda Vel Murugan 
<<>> wrote:

One of my co-worker(Yogesh) was trying to get this posted in spark mailing and 
it seems it did not get posted. So I am reposting it here. Please help.


I am new to Spark and was trying to do some experiments with it.

I had a JavaPairDStream<String, List> RDD.

I want to get the list of string from its previous state. For that I use 
updateStateByKey function as follows:

final Function2<List, Optional<List>, Optional<List>> 
updateFunc =

   new Function2<List, Optional<List>,

Optional<List>>() {

public Optional<List> call(List arg0, 
Optional<List> arg1) throws Exception {

// TODO Auto-generated method stub


   return Optional.of(arg0);

else {


   return Optional.of(arg0);




I want the function to append the new list of string to the previous list and 
return the new list. But I am not able to do so. I am getting the C error.

Can anyone which help me out in getting the desired output?

Get the previous state string in Spark streaming

2015-10-15 Thread Chandra Mohan, Ananda Vel Murugan
One of my co-worker(Yogesh) was trying to get this posted in spark mailing and 
it seems it did not get posted. So I am reposting it here. Please help.


I am new to Spark and was trying to do some experiments with it.

I had a JavaPairDStream RDD.

I want to get the list of string from its previous state. For that I use 
updateStateByKey function as follows:

final Function2, Optional> 
updateFunc =

   new Function2,

Optional>() {

public Optional call(List arg0, 
Optional arg1) throws Exception {

// TODO Auto-generated method stub


   return Optional.of(arg0);

else {


   return Optional.of(arg0);




I want the function to append the new list of string to the previous list and 
return the new list. But I am not able to do so. I am getting the " 
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException" error.

Can anyone which help me out in getting the desired output?

spark streaming filestream API

2015-10-14 Thread Chandra Mohan, Ananda Vel Murugan
Hi All,

I have a directory hdfs which I want to monitor and whenever there is a new 
file in it, I want to parse that file and load the contents into a HIVE table. 
File format is proprietary and I have java parsers for parsing it. I am 
building a spark streaming application for this workflow. For doing this, I 
found JavaStreamingContext.filestream API. It takes four arguments directory 
path, key class, value class and inputformat. What should be values of key and 
value class? Please suggest. Thank you.


RE: spark streaming filestream API

2015-10-14 Thread Chandra Mohan, Ananda Vel Murugan

Thanks for your response. My input format is the one I have created to handle 
the files as a whole i.e. WholeFileInputFormat I wrote one based on this 
 In this case, key would be Nullwritable and value would be BytesWritable right?

Unfortunately my files are binary and not text files.


From: Akhil Das []
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2015 5:31 PM
To: Chandra Mohan, Ananda Vel Murugan
Cc: user
Subject: Re: spark streaming filestream API

Key and Value are the ones that you are using with your InputFormat. Eg:

JavaReceiverInputDStream lines = jssc.fileStream("/sigmoid", 
LongWritable.class, Text.class, TextInputFormat.class);

TextInputFormat uses the LongWritable as Key and Text as Value classes. If your 
data is plain CSV or text data then you can use the 
jssc.textFileStream("/sigmoid") without worrying about the InputFormat, Key and 
Value classes.

Best Regards

On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 5:12 PM, Chandra Mohan, Ananda Vel Murugan 
<<>> wrote:
Hi All,

I have a directory hdfs which I want to monitor and whenever there is a new 
file in it, I want to parse that file and load the contents into a HIVE table. 
File format is proprietary and I have java parsers for parsing it. I am 
building a spark streaming application for this workflow. For doing this, I 
found JavaStreamingContext.filestream API. It takes four arguments directory 
path, key class, value class and inputformat. What should be values of key and 
value class? Please suggest. Thank you.


RE: Spark sql error while writing Parquet file- Trying to write more fields than contained in row

2015-05-19 Thread Chandra Mohan, Ananda Vel Murugan

Thanks for the response. I was looking for a java solution. I will check the 
scala and python ones.


From: Todd Nist []
Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2015 6:17 PM
To: Chandra Mohan, Ananda Vel Murugan
Cc: ayan guha; user
Subject: Re: Spark sql error while writing Parquet file- Trying to write more 
fields than contained in row

I believe your looking for in scala, in pySpark Module it is fillna 

from the docs:

df4.fillna({'age': 50, 'name': 'unknown'}).show()

age height name

10  80 Alice

5   null   Bob

50  null   Tom

50  null   unknown

On Mon, May 18, 2015 at 11:01 PM, Chandra Mohan, Ananda Vel Murugan wrote:

Thanks for the response. But I could not see fillna function in DataFrame class.


Is it available in some specific version of Spark sql. This is what I have in 
my pom.xml



From: ayan guha []
Sent: Monday, May 18, 2015 5:19 PM
To: Chandra Mohan, Ananda Vel Murugan; user
Subject: Re: Spark sql error while writing Parquet file- Trying to write more 
fields than contained in row


Give a try with dtaFrame.fillna function to fill up missing column


On Mon, May 18, 2015 at 8:29 PM, Chandra Mohan, Ananda Vel Murugan wrote:

I am using spark-sql to read a CSV file and write it as parquet file. I am 
building the schema using the following code.

String schemaString = a b c;
   ListStructField fields = new ArrayListStructField();
   MetadataBuilder mb = new MetadataBuilder();
   mb.putBoolean(nullable, true);
   Metadata m =;
   for (String fieldName: schemaString.split( )) {
fields.add(new StructField(fieldName,DataTypes.DoubleType,true, 
   StructType schema = DataTypes.createStructType(fields);

Some of the rows in my input csv does not contain three columns. After building 
my JavaRDDRow, I create data frame as shown below using the RDD and schema.

DataFrame darDataFrame = sqlContext.createDataFrame(rowRDD, schema);

Finally I try to save it as Parquet file


I get this error when saving it as Parquet file

java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Trying to write more fields than contained 
in row (3  2)

I understand the reason behind this error. Some of my rows in Row RDD does not 
contain three elements as some rows in my input csv does not contain three 
columns. But while building the schema, I am specifying every field as 
nullable. So I believe, it should not throw this error. Can anyone help me fix 
this error. Thank you.


Best Regards,
Ayan Guha

RE: Spark sql error while writing Parquet file- Trying to write more fields than contained in row

2015-05-18 Thread Chandra Mohan, Ananda Vel Murugan

Thanks for the response. But I could not see fillna function in DataFrame class.


Is it available in some specific version of Spark sql. This is what I have in 
my pom.xml



From: ayan guha []
Sent: Monday, May 18, 2015 5:19 PM
To: Chandra Mohan, Ananda Vel Murugan; user
Subject: Re: Spark sql error while writing Parquet file- Trying to write more 
fields than contained in row


Give a try with dtaFrame.fillna function to fill up missing column


On Mon, May 18, 2015 at 8:29 PM, Chandra Mohan, Ananda Vel Murugan wrote:

I am using spark-sql to read a CSV file and write it as parquet file. I am 
building the schema using the following code.

String schemaString = a b c;
   ListStructField fields = new ArrayListStructField();
   MetadataBuilder mb = new MetadataBuilder();
   mb.putBoolean(nullable, true);
   Metadata m =;
   for (String fieldName: schemaString.split( )) {
fields.add(new StructField(fieldName,DataTypes.DoubleType,true, 
   StructType schema = DataTypes.createStructType(fields);

Some of the rows in my input csv does not contain three columns. After building 
my JavaRDDRow, I create data frame as shown below using the RDD and schema.

DataFrame darDataFrame = sqlContext.createDataFrame(rowRDD, schema);

Finally I try to save it as Parquet file


I get this error when saving it as Parquet file

java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Trying to write more fields than contained 
in row (3  2)

I understand the reason behind this error. Some of my rows in Row RDD does not 
contain three elements as some rows in my input csv does not contain three 
columns. But while building the schema, I am specifying every field as 
nullable. So I believe, it should not throw this error. Can anyone help me fix 
this error. Thank you.


Best Regards,
Ayan Guha

Spark sql error while writing Parquet file- Trying to write more fields than contained in row

2015-05-18 Thread Chandra Mohan, Ananda Vel Murugan

I am using spark-sql to read a CSV file and write it as parquet file. I am 
building the schema using the following code.

String schemaString = a b c;
   ListStructField fields = new ArrayListStructField();
   MetadataBuilder mb = new MetadataBuilder();
   mb.putBoolean(nullable, true);
   Metadata m =;
   for (String fieldName: schemaString.split( )) {
fields.add(new StructField(fieldName,DataTypes.DoubleType,true, 
   StructType schema = DataTypes.createStructType(fields);

Some of the rows in my input csv does not contain three columns. After building 
my JavaRDDRow, I create data frame as shown below using the RDD and schema.

DataFrame darDataFrame = sqlContext.createDataFrame(rowRDD, schema);

Finally I try to save it as Parquet file


I get this error when saving it as Parquet file

java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Trying to write more fields than contained 
in row (3  2)

I understand the reason behind this error. Some of my rows in Row RDD does not 
contain three elements as some rows in my input csv does not contain three 
columns. But while building the schema, I am specifying every field as 
nullable. So I believe, it should not throw this error. Can anyone help me fix 
this error. Thank you.
