Re: [us...@httpd] Hardening Apache against attacks

2010-10-26 Thread Jason Nunnelley
 Why .htaccess? Security tip #1 should be 'disable .htaccess'. Performance
 tip #1 too.

I'm not running a vhost clients can control. I'm running a vhost for
production sites my dev team manages, and I don't always want my dev
team restarting Apache to make changes. Also, .htaccess is in version
control (along with all other important app and config files). Aside
from the chance your users will modify .htaccess, why would you
disallow .htaccess? I assume disallowing overrides allows you to set
permissions and behavior in stone. But, it sure makes for a nice tool
to handle redirect changes, new file type restrictions, etc.


Jason N

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[us...@httpd] Hardening Apache against attacks

2010-10-24 Thread Jason Nunnelley
I've done a few things already: blocked certain IP blocks, block know
problematic user agents. I'm trying to collect a list of Apache and
site hardening (.htaccess) methods. Please share your favorite.

Jason N

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Re: [us...@httpd] htaccess format howto question

2010-05-13 Thread Jason Nunnelley

On 5/13/10 8:08 PM, David Banning wrote:

I am wondering how I might do a .htaccess redirect if I want to redirect


Same domain (as I assume because and are the same).

First, you'll need to set up the rewrite basics.

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /

Then, the specific rule.

RewriteRule ^$ [R,L]

This is what you'd do if it's a different domain from any and all URLs 
at that website. Just for example.

RewriteRule ^/index.php?id=606 / [R,L]

Is going to look for index.php on that domain.

This may redirect the URL to where you're trying to get.

There's other folks here that do better with the regular expressions and 
.htaccess stuff than me. Maybe this will get the party started.


Jason A. Nunnelley
+1 2562971652

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Re: [us...@httpd] Internet Explorer 6

2010-05-11 Thread Jason Nunnelley

W3C Schools publishes a data sheet. I assume it's based on good collection.

On 5/11/10 7:31 AM, Malka Cymbalista wrote:
Does anyone have any statistics as to how many people still use 
Internet Explorer 6? We are trying to decide whether we can stop 
supporting it.

Thanks for any information


Jason A. Nunnelley
+1 2562971652

[Member Tekany, LLC]

Re: [us...@httpd] Internet Explorer 6

2010-05-11 Thread Jason Nunnelley

On 5/11/10 8:13 AM, Lester Caine wrote:

Malka Cymbalista wrote:

Does anyone have any statistics as to how many people still use Internet
Explorer 6? We are trying to decide whether we can stop supporting it.

The remaining problem is that W2k is still widely used, and so IE6 is 
the only browsers available to those users. Perhaps it is time to 
convince those councils that can't afford to replace hardware that 
Firefox IS a more popular browser and more secure :)

Is Firefox compatible with a machine running Win2k? I'm not sure how 
practical that really is, if you're trying to get anything productive 
done online. Firefox is quite heavy on its own and you'd have to tweak 
your add-ons quite a bit to limit resource usage.

Maybe we just have to realize that the PDLC of internet applications is 
quite a bit smaller than 10 years.


Jason A. Nunnelley
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Re: [us...@httpd] Apache Sending Email?

2010-05-11 Thread Jason Nunnelley
 I know. Have any ideas why the email address is 
Apache exploit? Just trying to understand.

It's Apache. I'm guessing your web server runs as apache so that's why 
it's sending email as apache. It doesn't mean Apache is compromised, 
but it may mean you have a publicly writable directory that has a 
script. The best thing for you to do is look at the email header and see 
what script generated the email. It may tell you. osCommerce, Wordpress, 
Drupal, etc. all have built in email scripts that sometimes get 
hijacked. Or, someone can upload a file if you have a world writable 
directory that also executes scripts.

You may want to configure all directories that are writeable so folks 
can upload files as no-exec directories in your Apache config.

Jason A. Nunnelley
+1 2562971652

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Re: [us...@httpd] Reliable combined log sorting

2010-05-09 Thread Jason Nunnelley

On 5/9/10 10:36 AM, Eike Frost wrote:

Hi Jason,

On Sun, May 9, 2010 at 5:41 AM, Jason Nunnelley wrote:

In our configuration of Apache we push all logs to a single file
via syslog-ng. I need to create some basic log analysis (like
AWstats style) for a single domain out of several domains that
post to that file. Any suggestions on a simple solution?

What LogFormat are you using, precisely ? And what, precisely, is the 
problem you are having (you mention sorting in the subject, but 
nothing related to it in the body).

I decided to punt and just grep out the lines I needed. It does have the 
%v config in the Apache conf. Most of what I'm dealing with are old 
logs, so I'm not so much looking (yet) to create better logs in the 
future (which seems to me would be best to split out by virtual host).

This is the config I have for cranking out some AWstats. My lazy punt 
solution was to just grep out the lines that relate to my vhost of 
choice, perhaps I could set a simple perl script to split those into 
appropriate segregated logs.

My log config:
LogFormat = %other %other %other %other %virtualname %host %other 
%logname %time1 %methodurl %code %bytesd

This is an actual log example for one vhost in the combined file.

2010-05-09T16:18:44-0400 domID-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX http: 10.10.10.XX - - [09/May/2010:16:18:43 -0400] GET 
/galleries/image.jpg HTTP/1.1 200 28553; Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; 
MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 
3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)

I have two sets of log types to deal with: historical logs; future logs.


Jason A. Nunnelley
+1 2562971652

[Member Tekany, LLC]

[us...@httpd] Reliable combined log sorting

2010-05-08 Thread Jason Nunnelley
In our configuration of Apache we push all logs to a single file via 
syslog-ng. I need to create some basic log analysis (like AWstats style) 
for a single domain out of several domains that post to that file. Any 
suggestions on a simple solution?


Jason A. Nunnelley
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Re: [us...@httpd] Two Name-Based Virtual Hosts : Two SSL Certificates?

2010-04-24 Thread Jason Nunnelley

On 4/24/10 4:42 PM, Wang, Mary Y wrote:


Thanks for the info on SNI.  I'm currently running on httpd-2.0.46, therefore, 
SNI support is not there. The browsers support listed on that wiki can't 
support the browser versions that are offered in the company currently. The 
application is running on Redhat 3.9.

Are you saying that I can request two IPs for the same server?  I'd need to 
contact our admin over here.  I am not sure if we can request a wildcard cert 

If I just request another SSL cert for the second site (not doing any of 
methods that you listed below), does Apache would still use the default SSL 
cert for the main site? The user would still get that warning?  Is that what 
you are saying?

Please advise.

Mary, you've got a few options here.

1) Upgrade your server and run SNI even though most sys admins refuse to 
run it. Not likely going to be your pick.
2) Add an IP number to your server and run multiple IPs, allowing you to 
set up traditional IP based SSL hosting. You have to do 1 IP per SSL 
cert if you do this. This is an IP on the server. So, you'll configure 
the server to take an extra IP and then add the IP to the configuration 
for the SSL Apache config.
3) Run a unified multi-domain SSL certificate. You'll have to buy a new 
certificate from someone who sells a unified certificate. It means you 
can run multiple domains on the same IP, each with different domain 
names, but hosted on the same IP. Some call this a wildcard SSL cert. 
But, typical wildcard SSL certs are meant for and not 
and You'll want a cert where you can assign multiple domains to 
the single cert.

Most host providers will sell you an IP for this purpose, if it's an 
actual physical server. If it's ephemeral (cloud hosting), that's likely 
not an option.

You can not run multiple domain certificates without either IP based SSL 
configuration or SNI. IP based SSL certificates will apply the first 
certificate it finds in the configuration. The second is an error, or 
superfluous. It's actually a broken configuration and you should receive 
an apachectl configtest error message if you test the configuration.


Jason A. Nunnelley
+1 2562971652

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Re: [us...@httpd] Two Name-Based Virtual Hosts : Two SSL Certificates?

2010-04-24 Thread Jason Nunnelley

I tend to trust the Apache wiki. It says Safari 3.2.1 on Mac OS X 10.5.6 
is supported. No notes on iPhone.

IE7 on XP is not supported. There's an awful lot of XP boxes running IE7 
(some still running IE6).

On 4/24/10 5:08 PM, Michael Ni wrote:

i think people have been saying SNI does not satisfy Safari browser.

the ssl warning still pops up.  can someone verify?


Jason A. Nunnelley
+1 2562971652

[Member Tekany, LLC]

[us...@httpd] Redirect all requests /BUT/ a given directory/URIs

2010-04-22 Thread Jason Nunnelley
Any of you Apache geniuses know how to .htaccess redirect everything BUT 
a given directory path?

And, I'll add another twist: it's another URL I need to write. So, I 
need local/page.html to rewrite remote/page.html in every case but 


Jason A. Nunnelley
+1 2562971652

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Re: [us...@httpd] Alias, Virtual Host and 500 Internal Server Error

2010-04-22 Thread Jason Nunnelley

On 4/22/10 1:29 PM, Wang, Mary Y wrote:


Apache doesn't typically misrepresent itself. I'd look into this first. 
Trace the IPs and the domain and make absolutely sure your domain is 
pointing the right server.

You can also go to the machine (host) and do something like: ps -aux | 
grep apache or ps -aux | grep httpd to see what servers are running. You 
may be running separate instances of Apache and one of them is in fact 
Apache 1.x. This would explain both the error and the peculiar 
misrepresentation about the version of Apache. I'm betting you missed an 
IP directive in DNS or perhaps a config in Apache. But, I'd start with 
the erroneous Apache pronouncement. Find out why that's happening first.


Jason A. Nunnelley
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Re: [us...@httpd] multiple SSL on one computer - IP

2010-04-21 Thread Jason Nunnelley

does anyone else have a better solution? besides using SNI

The fastest easiest way to do is is a shared SSL certificate. I've used 
Digicert's unified cert to solve this very problem.


Jason A. Nunnelley
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Re: [us...@httpd] multiple SSL on one computer - IP

2010-04-21 Thread Jason Nunnelley
There are probably competing, if not free, methods of achieving the same 
end. If you need a branded cert, this is a good company. I endorse them 
and I'm not a reseller :) Maybe I should be. But, they helped me out of 
a bind more than once and it's a great solution for cloud or ephemeral 
server SSL solutions.


Jason A. Nunnelley
+1 2562971652

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Re: [us...@httpd] multiple SSL on one computer - IP

2010-04-21 Thread Jason Nunnelley
Blah! I guess a link would be nice:

On 4/21/10 8:55 PM, Jason Nunnelley wrote:
There are probably competing, if not free, methods of achieving the 
same end. If you need a branded cert, this is a good company. I 
endorse them and I'm not a reseller :) Maybe I should be. But, they 
helped me out of a bind more than once and it's a great solution for 
cloud or ephemeral server SSL solutions.


Jason A. Nunnelley
+1 2562971652

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Re: [us...@httpd] Re: Apache module that enables ActiveX

2010-04-20 Thread Jason Nunnelley

On 4/20/10 8:06 AM, Eric Covener wrote:

On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 8:28 AM, Eli  wrote:

Html   experience  see under emaz   I am on the road   call me if you need
something  on my cel

Don't post this garbage on this mailing list.

Or, a slightly nicer way to say this - there's a Reply all feature in 
email. Use it. Delete the list email address from the recipients. We 
don't want to read your interpersonal back and forth. It's fine, just 
not public or useful to any of the rest of us. Since most of us read 
hundreds, if not thousands of messages each and every day, we tend to 
tire quickly of personal communications that don't include us.

If it's private, keep it private. If it's about Apache (and can help us 
all), post it here.



Jason A. Nunnelley
+1 2562971652

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Re: [us...@httpd] ServerLimit and MaxClients

2010-04-17 Thread Jason Nunnelley
ServerLimit and MaxClients are relatively light weight (per instance). 
You need to do some math here, and it depends on your resources. The 
math isn't super simple. There's a static amount of cache memory you can 
calculate for each instance. Google and see what folks say about it.

When you max out this number, you get no more instances - no more 
connections until you have more available. When you hit this ceiling 
it's a hard ceiling, the end viewer gets a failure to connect error. So, 
whatever you do you'll want to make sure you have more resources than 
visitors. An inefficient application can waste instances and keep their 
tied up for longer periods of time. People serving simple website page 
views seldom have a problem.

Like I said, the math here is more complex than ServerLimit/MaxClients * 
X = Y.

On 4/17/10 1:40 AM, Brent Clark wrote:


What is the consequences of an overly increased ServerLimit and 
MaxClients. And to add to this puzzle. What if the number of apache 
process reach that limit.

Kind Regards
Brent Clark

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Jason A. Nunnelley
+1 2562971652

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Re: [us...@httpd] apache2.2 + ssl

2010-04-12 Thread Jason Nunnelley

mod_redirect if it's something you want to force.

On 4/12/10 3:35 PM, motty.cruz wrote:


I have apache 2.2 running on FreeBSD. Apache is working fine but when 
I go to defaults to instead 

I have look around, I don't see to get a solid answer to get apache to 
rederect users to https not http

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,



Jason A. Nunnelley
+1 2562971652

[Member Tekany, LLC]

Re: [us...@httpd] virtualhost not picking up for non port 80

2010-04-12 Thread Jason Nunnelley
The conf VirtualHost must include the hostname and the port. You could 
just add * to indicate it should listen to all ports.

I'm not sure what teh 8886 port has to do with your problem - not sure 
it has antyhing to do with it. You need a Listen *:80 or 
for it to listen on port 80.

On 4/12/10 4:51 PM, Michael Ni wrote:

tried it, still doesn't work,

i dont think it needs to be that specific right?

Listen should work.

On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 8:07 AM, alin vasile wrote:

in httpd.conf it shouldn't be


*From:* Michael Ni

*Sent:* Mon, April 12, 2010 5:39:42 PM
*Subject:* Re: [us...@httpd] virtualhost not picking up for non
port 80

yes i have

Listen 8886
in the httpd.conf file

i tried changing the private ip to localhost, it doesn't work as well

On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 7:33 AM, Frank Gingras


Make sure you have a corresponding Listen directive before
your vhost as well for that port.


On 04/12/2010 10:20 AM, Michael Ni wrote:

i added log in virtual host
   ErrorLog logs/asdf-error.log
   CustomLog logs/asdf-access.log common

when i tried again, nothing shows up on both

i also did a httpd -S and got the following

C:\Program Files\Apache Software
Foundation\Apache2.2\binhttpd -S
VirtualHost configuration:  is a NameVirtualHost
 default server

(C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundat
 port 8886 namevhost

(C:/Program Files/Apache Software Fo
Syntax OK

but it just won't pick up for some reason

On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 7:12 AM, [triplepack] info
( wrote:

   Am 12.04.2010 16:00, schrieb Michael Ni:

   I'm having difficulty on windows XP getting a
virtualhost to work
   with non port 80.
   it works when i use port 80 in the virtualhost but
doesn't work
   with other ports.
   i have turned off my firewall, although this is
private ip,
   shouldn't matter
   i have tried ports 8080, , 8000, and now with 8886.
   when it doesn't match my virtualhost, it will
redirect to the main
   configuration servername automatically
   if i turn off the all other listen and only keep
listen 8886,
   i will just be unable to connect
   i have searched all over the internet but i can't
find the solution.

   hope someone can help.

   the following is my config


   Listen 8886




Directory C:/Program Files/Apache Software
   Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
   AllowOverride none
   Order allow,deny
   Allow from all


  DocumentRoot C:/Program Files/Apache Software


   Hi Michael,


Re: [us...@httpd] Centralized logging.

2010-04-10 Thread Jason Nunnelley

On 4/10/10 10:04 AM, Ray Van Dolson wrote:

Why not use splunk.


Way too expensive.  I think this space could use some competition. :)

(Splunk is pretty awesome however though it wouldn't help me in this
particular case really...).

I keep hearing about folks and Splunk, and would love to try it out. 
But, I'm pulling 5-50G a day in log files.

I'd love some conversation here about better log reading techniques and 
reporting packages.


Jason A. Nunnelley
+1 2562971652

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Re: [us...@httpd] Centralized logging.

2010-04-08 Thread Jason Nunnelley

I'm using syslog-ng. It does the job.

A nice little rsync script is nice, but you're still storing log files 
on the individual servers until you run some rsync and delete script. 
This can be risky if resources are limited or machines are ephemeral.

NFS has its own issues as well. You've got to ask yourself What's my 
plan B and write that into your logging config/scripts.

On 4/8/10 3:52 PM, Ray Van Dolson wrote:

So how are people out there in mailing list land handling centralized

I'd like to mirror my web farm's logfiles on a central server, but want
to be sure to preserve the W3C-ness so it's easy to run awstats, etc
against them from off this central box.

The options I see so far are:

 - Piping to syslog via external process (perl script, etc).
 * Downside being that we end up with syslog timestamps
 - Pipe to something like netcat
 * Custom-ish / hacky
 - Fire off some sort of synchronization process from central box to
   pull in logs (rsync) periodically.
 * Asynchronous -- there's a somewhat large window of time where
   logs will be missing on the internal server.
 - Log directly to shared, remote file server (via NFS)
 * Log server network issues or technical problems could affect
   Apache servers

How do you guys typically deal with this?


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Jason A. Nunnelley
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[us...@httpd] Apache regex config for mass redirects

2010-04-06 Thread Jason Nunnelley

The goal: to provide for three kinds of applications and application
structures (file structure driven here, so you don't have to understand
what the applications are or do to understand what I'm trying to
accomplish) in a single front end configuration.

All app servers share same front ends, so they need to share the same
Apache configuration.  So, this is just like one host, one Apache
config, one IP. It's complex, but it's actually quite simple once it
resolves. The file location is universal, so the apache config would
work on a single host as well as a HAProxy fronted application server.

1st, I have some specified domains which require me to add them to the
config and then perform an apache graceful (restart). The goal here is
to get away from the requirement to do a restart by using a redirect or
reroute file for each of the potential domain names.

# Single app shared space domains based on domain1
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/icons/
RewriteCond %{SERVER_NAME} ^(.*)?\.?(domain1|domain2|domain3)\.(com|net)$
RewriteCond /mnt/www/domain1_files/maintenance.html -f
RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !/mnt/www/domain1/maintenance.html
RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !^(.+).(gif|png|jpg|css|js|swf)$
RewriteRule ^.*$ /mnt/www/domain1/maintenance.html [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/icons/
RewriteCond %{SERVER_NAME} ^(.*)?\.?(domain1|domain2|domain3)\.(com|net)$
RewriteRule ^/(.*)$/mnt/www/domain1/public_html/$1 [L]

So, notice that I'm testing for a particular set of domains, then
pushing any domain that matches the list to a file location. In this
case they all share domain1's file source, since it handles all the
sites that are of like kind. Our application parses the domain based on
how Apache receives the request - so is handled by's file system and app but the database spits back its
discrete content.

All these domains are managed by the same software, so they use the same
file system location. Instead of pushing them to discrete file system
locations like those below (which go to file/named/after/domain/public_html)

Here's how I serve my directory based websites:

# Production Discrete Sites
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/icons/
RewriteCond /mnt/www/production/www.%{SERVER_NAME} -d
RewriteRule ^/(.*)$http://www.%{SERVER_NAME}/$1 [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/icons/
RewriteRule ^/(.*)$
/mnt/www/production/${lowercase:%{SERVER_NAME}}/public_html/$1 [L]

I have two or three of the situations above, where application servers
run different apps. What I'm trying to figure out is how to redirect
them based on a redirect file as they come in as an apache server request.

Here's an example of a rewrite rule that works for redirecting to an
URL. What I need to do is redirect to a file location to serve the
website's application/files.

# Setup redirect map
RewriteMap redirects txt:/mnt/www/.redirect_map
RewriteMap lowercase int:tolower
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/icons/
RewriteCond ${redirects:%{SERVER_NAME}|notfound} !^notfound$
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/$
RewriteRule ^(/.*)$http://${redirects:%{SERVER_NAME}}$1 [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/icons/
RewriteCond ${redirects:%{SERVER_NAME}|notfound} !^notfound$
RewriteRule ^/$http://${redirects:%{SERVER_NAME}} [L]

What's I'm trying to do is combine the best of three processes. I'd like
to add a redirect/cond to send URL requests to an app or file location
based on the redirect map.

So, instead of a redirect map that looks likes this:


I'd like to do something more like this:

domain1 /mnt/www/
domain2 /mnt/www/
domain3 /mnt/www/

And so forth.

The goal here is to automate things and cut down on apache restarts.
Also, I intend to leave the redirect rule that sends all remaining
www.domain  requests to thewww.$DOMAIN  file location for that website's
discrete application files.

Opinions, ideas, etc. are solicited.


Jason A. Nunnelley