Re: High availability with zookeeper: worker discovery

2015-07-30 Thread Ted Yu
zookeeper is not a direct dependency of Spark. Can you give a bit more detail on how the election / discovery of master works ? Cheers On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 7:41 PM, Christophe Schmitz wrote: Hi there, I am trying to run a 3 node spark cluster where each nodes contains

Re: High availability with zookeeper: worker discovery

2015-07-30 Thread Christophe Schmitz
Hi Ted, Thanks for your reply. I think zookeeper is an optional dependency of Spark. To enable it, I essentially use this flags on all my SPARK_DAEMON_JAVA_OPTS=-Dspark.deploy.recoveryMode=ZOOKEEPER -Dspark.deploy.zookeeper.url=my-zoo-ip:2181 and of course, I have my zookeeper

High availability with zookeeper: worker discovery

2015-07-30 Thread Christophe Schmitz
Hi there, I am trying to run a 3 node spark cluster where each nodes contains a spark worker and a spark maser. Election of the master happens via zookeeper. The way I am configuring it is by (on each node) giving the IP:PORT of the local master to the local worker, and I wish the worker could