L'histoire restituee de la Franc-maçonnerie

2010-03-18 Thread editions-p . boistier

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2010-03-18 Thread BUS Limousine
Surprenez vos prospects, vos collaborateurs, vos clients en les transportant  
en BUS-Limousine avec le service mini-bar ! 
Dans ce bus, tout est possible. Une chaleureuse moquette au sol, des banquettes 
confortables, des icrans DVD, un puissant son + dolby stirio ;, des jeux de 
lumihre et surtout au fond du bus une viritable barre de fer chromie pour le 
spectacle dun magicien, dun comique, de danseurs ... et le tout pendant que 
le bus roule !
Tout est pensi pour passer une agriable soirie de fjte avec une capaciti de 
plus dune quinzaine de convives ! 
Originaliti, convivialiti, surprise !  Rigalez de plaisirs vos invitis en leurs 
offrant un cadeau inoubliable !
En viritable Limousine confortable et surtout trhs originale, notre 
BUS-Limousine peut aller chercher vos clients, vos actionnaires, vos 
fournisseurs ... ` la gare ou ` l'airoport pour les conduire en vos locaux, sur 
votre stand ou plus simplement leur faire visiter les monuments.
Vous voulez en savoir plus ? vous pouvez nous contacter par mail ou alors par 
tiliphone au : 01 80 85 50 14. J'attends votre appel ! A bienttt - Arnaud
SENART - RC EVRY B 517649174

Nouveaux T-Shirts Led, Love Etc... , Daft Punk

2010-03-18 Thread Heart JacKing Tshirt Lumineux
  Www.HeartJacKing.Com/ ... Heart JacKing ... Fashion  Light
Clothing ...

Daft Punk est fan de la technologie led Heart Jacking

Projet rC)alisation du casque C  gauche de la photo, avec C)cran led rouge
Heart Jacking

Cher(e)  ,

Ceci est un mail d'informations provenant de la societe Heart Jacking, situee
a l'adresse suivante : BP24, 38850 CHARAVINES, et inscrite au registre du
commerce sous le numero siret 51391345900014. Vous recevez ce mail car vous ou
quelqu'un de votre entourage certainement avez enregistrC) l'adresse
ports-changes@openbsd.org sur notre site ou sur celui d'un de nos partenaires.
ConformC)ment a la reglementation en vigueur, vous pouvez vous desinscrire, en
suivant le lien http://www.heartjacking.com/desinscription.htm ou en repondant
a ce mail avec comme objet : desinscription.

Nouveaux modC(les de t-shirts lumineux led

Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer l'arrivC)e des derniers t shirts lumineux
led de la marque Heart Jacking. Retrouvez les

- ici pour les hommes : http://www.heartjacking.com/led-t-shirt-led.htm
- ici pour les femmes : http://www.heartjacking.com/led-tee-shirt-led.htm

t shirt led blanc homme, heart jacking

Evenement Samedi 20 Mars 2010 : Love etc...
@ PLaza Madeleine, Paris

LOVE ETC..., fait sa Revolution dans les Nuits Parisiennes...

Du Hype et du trendy, LOVE ETC... c'est la nouvelle before Ultra Select et
hautement dejantee pour reveiller ton samedi soir de petit(e) parisien(ne)

Soiree en partenariat avec HEART JACKING, http://www.heartjacking.com/ .

Tee-shirts lumineux et equalizer vous rpesentera sa collection, bracelets
fluos et lunettes Led pour le stand Shooting

Frileux s'abstenir... ici il fera tres tres chaud!!!


Et toujours :

Profil Facebook Heart Jacking
T shirts equalizer lumineux
T shirts led
Ceintures lumineuses led
Casquettes graff

Activement votre, l'C)quipe Heart Jacking

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carte de cinéma

2010-03-18 Thread Audrey PAGENEL

Je souhaite vous prisenter la carte CINEWEB est la seule carte cadeau 
valable pour une place de Cinima :  

Dans toute la France 
Pour tous les Cinimas 
Sans compliment de prix ` verser en caisse 
7 jour sur 7 ` toutes les siances 
Personnalisable en couleur (votre logo, photo,texte  ...)  
100% dimaterialisable (livraison possible par SMS, mail, sur un paquet de chips 
La Carte Cadeau Cinima est disponible en quantiti (cadeaux d'affaires, 
stimulations de vendeurs, riseaux de distribution ... comitis d'entreprises, 
oeuvres sociales) auprhs de son iditeur AM Entertainment Groupe
pour vos achats ` l'uniti (cadeau de nokl appricii de tous), la Carte CINEWEB 
est disponible en grande surface au rayon cartes pri- payies et coffrets 
cadeaux (Carrefour, Giant, Casino, Virgin ...). Vous pouvez aussi faire votre 
achat sur le site de LA COMMAPS avec paiement sicurisi par CB.

Pour votre prochaine opiration commerciale
Audrey PAGENEL - Service Commercial
Til : 01 75 43 19 80
Fax : 01 75 43 19 89
me contacter : @mail  - notre site : w-site 



Cette information vous est envoyie par :
AM Entertainement Groupe - 3 rue Jean Jaurhs - 91860 Epinay sous Sinart - SARL 
au capital de 70266 uros - R.C. B 485.070.635 
Pour ne plus recevoir d'imails de notre part, cliquez ICI lien de 
disinscription ou ripondez simplement ` ce mail en mettant STOP dans l'objet
Toutes les maques cities ou prisenties sont diposies par leurs propriitaires 

Wful it is for an aged man to bide and bear, that his bairn s

2010-03-18 Thread Tron
 group of my thanes, my warrior-friends, if War should seize me; and the

goodly gifts thou gavest me, Hrothgar beloved, to Hygelac
send! Geatland's king may ken by the gold, Hrethel's son see, when he stares at 
the treasure, that
I got me a friend for goodness famed, and joyed while I could in my 
jewel-bestower. And let Unferth wield this wondrous sword, earl far-honored, 
heirloom precious, hard of edge: with Hrunting I seek doom of glory, or Death 
shall take me. After these words the Weder-Geat lord boldly hastened, biding 
never answer at all: the ocean floods closed o'er the hero. Long
while of the day fled ere he felt the floor of the sea. Soon found the fiend
who the flood-domain sword-hungry held these

hundred winters, greedy and grim, that some guest from above, some man, was 
raiding her monster-realm. She grasped out for him with grisly claws, and the 
warrior seized; yet scathed she not his body hale; the breastplate hindered, as 
she strove to shatter the sark of war, the linked harness, with loathsome hand. 
Then bore this brine-wolf, when bottom she
touched, the lord of rings to the lair she haunted whiles vainly he strove, 
though his valor held, weapon to wield against wondrous monsters that sore 
beset him; sea-beasts
many tried with fierce tusks to tear his mail, and swarmed on the stranger. But 
he marked he was now in some hall, he knew not which, where water
never could work him harm, nor through the roof could reach him ever fangs of 
the flood. Firelight he saw, beams of a blaze that brightly
shone. Then the warrior was ware of that wolf-of-the-deep, mere-wife monstrous. 
For mighty stroke he swung his blade, and the blow withheld

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/bmp which had a name of 

Re: WIP: audio/exaile

2010-03-18 Thread Giovanni Bechis

Jacob Meuser wrote:

why not install the .mo files?  they no longer build them in the
install target, so there's no can't clean without root privs
issue any more.

You are right, here is another diff.
Index: Makefile
RCS file: /cvs/ports/audio/exaile/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -u -p -r1.7 Makefile
--- Makefile22 Dec 2009 15:43:15 -  1.7
+++ Makefile18 Mar 2010 08:18:03 -
@@ -2,16 +2,15 @@
 COMMENT =  music manager and player for GTK+ written in Python
-V =
-DISTNAME = exaile-${V}
+V =0.3.1
+P =0
+DISTNAME = exaile-${V}.${P}
 CATEGORIES =   audio x11
 HOMEPAGE = http://www.exaile.org/
-MASTER_SITES = http://www.launchpad.net/exaile/0.3.0/$V/+download/
+MASTER_SITES = http://www.launchpad.net/exaile/$V/$V/+download/
 # GPLv2+
@@ -40,12 +39,16 @@ RUN_DEPENDS =   :dbus-python-=0.82.1:x11/
 USE_X11 =  Yes
+# Regress requires py-mox which is not yet available
+# REGRESS_DEPENDS=::devel/py-nose
-ALL_TARGET =   compile
-   ${SUBST_CMD} ${WRKSRC}/Makefile ${WRKSRC}/data/exaile.desktop 
+   ${SUBST_CMD} ${WRKSRC}/Makefile ${WRKSRC}/data/exaile.desktop \
+   ${WRKSRC}/plugins/Makefile ${WRKSRC}/tools/generate-launcher
+   @rm -rf ${WRKSRC}/plugins/daap*
 .include bsd.port.mk
Index: distinfo
RCS file: /cvs/ports/audio/exaile/distinfo,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -p -r1.2 distinfo
--- distinfo29 Oct 2009 08:33:46 -  1.2
+++ distinfo18 Mar 2010 08:18:03 -
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-MD5 (exaile- = xr0UzqdHqAhXCzBOZHVE8Q==
-RMD160 (exaile- = b3cFwZLWewD2/myB/tNDDohosPo=
-SHA1 (exaile- = 1Yjj+2pYuk0PhNMTbPByRia76H4=
-SHA256 (exaile- = R+tDMqgDsKixbcW5DpLXjbe/FrmpRnypiTE0rNJq5U0=
-SIZE (exaile- = 1528077
+MD5 (exaile- = 6VVO6btJrz0bOoVw5Ron2g==
+RMD160 (exaile- = 4XzwAB106osqneMVrOn4GGXenmo=
+SHA1 (exaile- = k4torQYr7tBxhAMGJJLJ2ok6uIY=
+SHA256 (exaile- = aCOfxA2iO6cjJ7EDUqNR6gA4mVXWMblvaa4EqYYWYvA=
+SIZE (exaile- = 1899451
Index: patches/patch-Makefile
RCS file: /cvs/ports/audio/exaile/patches/patch-Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -p -r1.2 patch-Makefile
--- patches/patch-Makefile  29 Oct 2009 08:33:47 -  1.2
+++ patches/patch-Makefile  18 Mar 2010 08:18:03 -
@@ -1,49 +1,80 @@
 $OpenBSD: patch-Makefile,v 1.2 2009/10/29 08:33:47 giovanni Exp $
 Makefile.orig  Mon Aug 24 23:25:03 2009
-+++ Makefile   Wed Sep  2 10:28:25 2009
-@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
--PREFIX ?= /usr/local
--XDGCONFDIR ?= /etc/xdg
-+XDGCONFDIR ?= ${PREFIX}/share/exaile/xdg
+--- Makefile.orig  Tue Mar 16 02:52:51 2010
 Makefile   Thu Mar 18 09:10:29 2010
+@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
+-PREFIX?= /usr/local
+-XDGCONFDIR?= /etc/xdg
++XDGCONFDIR?= ${PREFIX}/share/exaile/xdg
- all: compile
+ .PHONY: dist test coverage clean sanitycheck
+@@ -17,12 +17,12 @@ all_no_locale: compile
@echo Ready to install...
 -  python -m compileall -q xl xlgui
 -  -python -O -m compileall -q xl xlgui
-+  ${MODPY_BIN} -m compileall xl lib xlgui
-+  -${MODPY_BIN} -O -m compileall xl lib xlgui
-   cd plugins  make  cd ..
++  ${MODPY_BIN} -m compileall -q xl xlgui
++  -${MODPY_BIN} -O -m compileall -q xl xlgui
+   $(MAKE) -C plugins compile
-@@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ install-target: make-install-dirs
-   # the printf here is for bsd compat, dont use echo!
-   cd $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin  \
-printf #!/bin/sh\n\
--   exec python $(PREFIX)$(LIBINSTALLDIR)/exaile/exaile.py \
--   --datadir=$(PREFIX)/share/exaile/data --startgui \\...@\ \
-+   exec ${MODPY_BIN} ${MODPY_SITEPKG}/exaile/exaile.py \
-+   --datadir=$(PREFIX)/share/exaile/data --no-hal --startgui \\...@\ \
- exaile  \
-chmod 755 exaile
-   cd 

Re: Cherokee from latest (20100308) snap

2010-03-18 Thread Stuart Henderson
On 2010/03/18 15:11, Rod Whitworth wrote:
 Further to the Cherokee problem - there is another.
 Below quote snipped from my long history of the missing python.

i'll fix both of these when the tree reopens. thanks :)

Re: how to fetch multiple archives?

2010-03-18 Thread Mark Bucciarelli
On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 1:20 AM, J.C. Roberts list-...@designtools.org wrote:

 The size is not that bad by comparison and dealing with a single file is
 more reliable dealing with a whole bunch of small files,

I tried building from the large archive, but the directory tree
after make expand didn't match what the ports makefile
expected.  Manually, I would type something like this:

$ cd /usr/ports/obj/MonetDB*/MonetDB*/MonetDB/MonetDB/
$ ./configure
$ gmake
$ gmake install
$ cd ../../
$ cd clients/clients
$ ./configure

I got as far as adding a do-build target that wasn't
triggered.  (Maybe I used the wrong hook name?)
Anyway, it was getting complex.

Upstream also provides a huge shell script in the
big archive but I never build that way myself and it
has lots and lots of logic in it I'll never use.

Using tiny and simple Makefiles seems cleaner
and easier to maintian.

 if upstream has a habit of changing/re-releasing files under the same
 file name (e.g. screws up chksum and forces the project to mirror the
 old version after release).

I spot checked a few releases and they seem
good about versioning.



Re: how to fetch multiple archives?

2010-03-18 Thread J.C. Roberts
On Thu, 18 Mar 2010 08:14:47 -0400 Mark Bucciarelli mkb...@gmail.com

 On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 1:20 AM, J.C. Roberts
 list-...@designtools.org wrote:
  The size is not that bad by comparison and dealing with a single
  file is more reliable dealing with a whole bunch of small files,
 I tried building from the large archive, but the directory tree
 after make expand didn't match what the ports makefile
 expected.  Manually, I would type something like this:
 $ cd /usr/ports/obj/MonetDB*/MonetDB*/MonetDB/MonetDB/

I'm going to make a suggestion; do your porting on -current! ;)

The old /usr/ports/obj/ is a dead give away of you running 4.6.
The new 4.7 uses /usr/ports/pobj/ due to conflicts (I think it was
something to do with bulk builds). More importantly, there have been
*tons* of changes made to ports/packages since 4.6.

 $ ./configure
 $ gmake
 $ gmake install
 $ cd ../../
 $ cd clients/clients
 $ ./configure
 I got as far as adding a do-build target that wasn't
 triggered.  (Maybe I used the wrong hook name?)
 Anyway, it was getting complex.
 Upstream also provides a huge shell script in the
 big archive but I never build that way myself and it
 has lots and lots of logic in it I'll never use.

If you were successful in getting it running with your manual process
above, making a nice port of MonetDB should be fairly straight forward.
I have it downloading at the moment, but won't be able to look at it
again until later this weekend.

I don't know a darn thing about MonetDB, so I'm half expecting a bunch
of watter lilies.

It would be great if you drop-kicked me towards the *exact* build and
install process you've been using manually, and any other relevant
information for setup/testing.

It's getting complex because you're avoiding *their* normal way of
doing it with their big build script.

If the script is well written, you can often get away with setting:


Of course, a well written build script is a *LOT* to ask for and
seldom delivered. ;)

Actually, going the complex route is to your advantage in the case of
a big database since it allows you to do MULTI_PACKAGES much more
cleanly. Unfortunately, our standard Makefile template for new ports


does not contain info for handling MULTI_PACKAGES but it is a nice
starting point. You'll probably want to check out the Makefile for
databases/mysql (YAY Brad! --he does great work) and some of the other
ports using MULTI_PACKAGES.

 Using tiny and simple Makefiles seems cleaner
 and easier to maintian.


  if upstream has a habit of changing/re-releasing files under the
  same file name (e.g. screws up chksum and forces the project to
  mirror the old version after release).
 I spot checked a few releases and they seem
 good about versioning.

It's not something you can (easily) spot check. It's when upstream
changes the *content* of a file while retaining the same file name.
This makes a big mess. 

Re: libtool doesn't create .so

2010-03-18 Thread Mark Bucciarelli
 On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 10:37 AM, Stuart Henderson s...@spacehopper.org 

 I suggest starting by trying to create a port

So make install of monetdb/monetdb runs without

But after the install, when I list the LIB_SHARED
files in /usr/local/lib, there is still no .so libs, only
files  with the .so.version.

The app logic open()'s the file with the
plain .so extension.

How do I get the symbolic links generated
from .so.version to .so?

Makefile enclosed below.



# $OpenBSD: Makefile.template,v 1.55 2008/08/23 15:28:00 ajacoutot Exp $

COMMENT =   column store database (core libraries)
DISTNAME =  MonetDB-1.36.1
CATEGORIES =databases/monetdb
MASTER_SITES =  http://monetdb.cwi.nl/downloads/sources/Feb2010/

HOMEPAGE =  http://monetdb.cwi.nl/Home/
MAINTAINER =Mark Bucciarelli mkb...@gmail.com

#MonetDB Public License Version 1.1
#This License is a derivative of the Mozilla Public License
#(MPL) Version 1.1, where the difference is that all references
#to Mozilla and Netscape have been changed to MonetDB,
#and that the License has been made subject to the laws of
#The Netherlands.
# ref: http://monetdb.cwi.nl/Legal/MonetDBLicense-1.1.html


SEPARATE_BUILD =concurrent  (build simultaneously on all arches)

USE_X11 =   No
CONFIGURE_ARGS +=   --enable-strict
CONFIGURE_ARGS +=   --enable-assert
CONFIGURE_ARGS +=   --enable-debug
CONFIGURE_ARGS +=   --enable-profile

# SHARED_LIBS+= libname  obsd version # orig version
SHARED_LIBS +=  mutils  1.36  # .1.36
SHARED_LIBS +=  stream  1.36  # .1.36
SHARED_LIBS +=  bat 1.36  # .1.36

.include bsd.port.mk

114.000 - Saiba como ganhar e ainda a revista mais lida do mundo

2010-03-18 Thread Selecções

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2010-03-18 Thread PIEK International Education Centre (I.E.C.)

Re: libtool doesn't create .so

2010-03-18 Thread Jacob Meuser
On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 12:59:57PM -0400, Mark Bucciarelli wrote:
  On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 10:37 AM, Stuart Henderson s...@spacehopper.org 
  I suggest starting by trying to create a port
 So make install of monetdb/monetdb runs without
 But after the install, when I list the LIB_SHARED
 files in /usr/local/lib, there is still no .so libs, only
 files  with the .so.version.

as I said before, this is platform specific.  libtool creates
differently named files on different platforms.

 The app logic open()'s the file with the
 plain .so extension.

I'm kinda curious why it uses open() instead of dlopen().  see, the
reason libtool creates differently named library files on different
platforms is because different platforms expect different names for
*libraries and other shared objects*.

 How do I get the symbolic links generated
 from .so.version to .so?

you'll have to do it yourself.

SDF Public Access UNIX System - http://sdf.lonestar.org

Re: RFC: devel/cmake ver. 2.8.0

2010-03-18 Thread Daniel Dickman
 I prepare an update to cmake from version 2.4.8 to 2.8.0.

 Please test this update for me. On x86 it builds without any problems.
 CMake tends to be platform-independent, so I think, It should work on
 different CPU architectures.

Hi Michal, couple questions on this.
- any reason not to use 2.8.1 which was just released?
- do you know if the shared libs issue been resolved?
- i doubt you want to remove cmake.port.mk have you tried to build
anything that depends on cmake?
- why have you removed all patches? are you sure none of them are still needed?

Re: RFC: devel/cmake ver. 2.8.0

2010-03-18 Thread Jacob Meuser
On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 01:03:01AM +0100, Michal Radomski wrote:
 I prepare an update to cmake from version 2.4.8 to 2.8.0. 

huh?  you removed cmake.port.mk.  no way that can be right.

did you actually test this with anything in ports?  there are at least
15 ports that use cmake.  this probably breaks every one of them.

SDF Public Access UNIX System - http://sdf.lonestar.org

Re: RFC: devel/cmake ver. 2.8.0

2010-03-18 Thread Michal Radomski
On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 01:15:22AM +, Jacob Meuser wrote:
 On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 01:03:01AM +0100, Michal Radomski wrote:
 huh?  you removed cmake.port.mk.  no way that can be right.

I've grep for 'cmake' and some ports use devel/cmake in 'MODULES' 
variable. Is this connected with that file? If yes I cannot remove it.

 did you actually test this with anything in ports?  there are at least
 15 ports that use cmake.  this probably breaks every one of them.
Actually no, but I will do it as soon as possible. 

Michal Radomski facel...@plusinfinity.org