Re: Did DataFrames break basic SQLContext?

2015-03-21 Thread Michael Armbrust
Now, I am not able to directly use my RDD object and have it implicitly become a DataFrame. It can be used as a DataFrameHolder, of which I could write: rdd.toDF.registerTempTable(foo) The rational here was that we added a lot of methods to DataFrame and made the implicits more

Re: Did DataFrames break basic SQLContext?

2015-03-18 Thread Justin Pihony
It appears that the metastore_db problem is related to I had another shell open that was stuck. This is probably a bug, though? import sqlContext.implicits case class Foo(x: Int) val rdd = sc.parallelize(List(Foo(1))) rdd.toDF

Re: Did DataFrames break basic SQLContext?

2015-03-18 Thread Nick Pentreath
To answer your first question - yes 1.3.0 did break backward compatibility for the change from SchemaRDD - DataFrame. SparkSQL was an alpha component so api breaking changes could happen. It is no longer an alpha component as of 1.3.0 so this will not be the case in future. Adding toDF