I've specified setGzip(true), and the incoming data is encoded.

I'm having trouble uncompressing it using the zlib library from http://www.gzip.org/zlib/ (I can call C routines from this "DBL" language)

I can compress and decompress data in DBL using the zlib inflateInit(), inflate(), and inflateEnd() routines, and I get back the data I started with, so the zlib routines I have are consistent with themselves. The good news is that they produce a 3:1 compression ratio on my test string!

Unfortunately, they won't uncompress the data I'm receiving from Apache SOAP. Although if I write the data I receive out to a .gz file, then gunzip will see it just fine.

So my question is, why won't the zlib routines from http://www.gzip.org/ work? Is there an older version with a different compression algorithm I should use? Should I do anything to the data before sending it into the inflate() routine?

Hope you can help!


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