We have found a workaround to close the searchers checking the current
index version.
And now the SolrCore does not have many open searchers.

However, we have less unwanted deleted files references but we still
have some.

We have two collections fr_blue, fr_green with aliases:
fr -> fr_blue
fr_temp -> fr_green

The fr collection receives the queries, the fr_temp collection does not
receive the queries.

The problem occurs when we are doing the following sequence:
1- swap aliases (create alias fr -> fr_green and fr_temp -> fr_blue for
2- reload collection with fr_temp alias (fr_blue for example)

We suspect that there is a problem with the reload of a collection that
has received traffic so far but doesn't receive anymore since the
aliases swap.
A problem with the increment / decrement of the searcher perhaps ?


On 03/14/2017 06:42 PM, Shawn Heisey wrote:
On 3/14/2017 10:23 AM, Elodie Sannier wrote:
The request close() method decrements the reference count on the
 From what I could tell, that method decrements the reference counter,
but does not actually close the searcher object.  I cannot tell you what
the correct procedure is to make sure that all resources are properly
closed at the proper time.  This might be a bug, or there might be
something missing from your code.  I do not know which.


Kelkoo SAS
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