On 11/22/17, 1:43 AM, "sqlite-users on behalf of R Smith" 
<sqlite-users-boun...@mailinglists.sqlite.org on behalf of rsm...@rsweb.co.za> 
> Oh there are many valid reasons why to have Order in data, one I use 
> regularly is to dictate the process flow in manufacturing where some thing 
> needs to go to machine Y before it can move on to machine X, or process E, 
> for a specific item, has to happen before process B etc.

That’s a partial ordering though, based on a dependency graph. You’d want to 
maintain the dependencies in the database as the ground truth, and when needed 
generate a topological ordering based on the dependencies. That can be 
maintained in some kind of cache table, but it’s not something that you would 
need to dynamically update like the OP but rather regenerate it when the 
dependencies change.

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