> Are you using SQLite with JDBC?  If so, can you please answer a few
> questions below?

> You can post on this mailing list or send your reply directly to me.

1. Which JDBC are you using?

Current Xerial SQLite JDBC

Others that I have tried are a Werner-JDBC and Zentus-JDBC. The
Xerial if I remember was derived from one of those. The most
current functional up to date is I believe Xerial.

2. For how long have you been using it?

My Java project, Ajqvue, began support for SQLite in 2014 and
that is when most of the research was done on finding a decent
functional JDBC.

3. What issues you had with this driver?

Ajqvue is a generic GUI for connecting to several databases to
include SQLite. That means I need to connect to a database and
display any table data and provide functionality for import/export
of data. The application also comes with plotting, analysis,
and profiling capabilities.

SQLite was one of the easiest database to support because it
only has four data types. Most of all my problems with JDBCs
have arrive with data types, mainly temporal ones, Date, Time,
and the dreaded Timestamp. Currently that is one of the main
issues I have with the current Xerial JDBC.




  * Does anyone respond to issues? :) Thats about it!

4. What advise do you have for avoiding problems in this driver?

Since my main experience with a driver is through a user GUI
and I'm not using in production I'm sure others could answer
this better. Currently I trying to complete a plugin for Ajqvue
that transfers data from others databases to SQLite. So I'm
sure I may come across some other discrepancies.


From my perspective your database table schemas should be
based on the SQLite four data types, NO others. Of course
since I was instructed in structured programmer, I really
don't think a specified data type, can be any desired object
and the database really doesn't care. It really confuses me!


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