>While SQLite reads more and more rows from your database, Windows caches more 
>and more pages from the file, explaining the physical available memory 
>diminishes, which does not mean SQLite, nor your program 'use' it: the OS does.

Olivier, your post makes perfect sense but the above begs the question why does 
Windows not bother filling the cache when the descending steps are run first? 
The following will make it even more mysterious.

In the original app I was experimenting with mixing ascending and descending. 
Taking 8192 ascending steps then 8192 descending steps and so on (this was 
being done in a background thread) and the available RAM decreased as the 
number of steps increased. While investigating I found that almost all the RAM 
decreases happened during the 8192 descending steps (in contrast to the console 
app). Freaky or what?


P.S. The 60 sec sleep made no difference.

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