"He Shiming" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> select NAME, group_concat(COUNT), group_concat(TYPE)
>> from (
>>  from T1 left join T2 on T1.ID=T2.REFID
>>  order by T2.COUNT);
> Thanks for the hint. It works, but I noticed the query takes much
> longer to complete (5 times actually in my smaller testing db).

Sorting is not free.

> Can it be done without a sub-select?

I can't think of a way.

> About performance, it is important in my scenario.

Isn't it always?

> That's why I used
> group_concat.

I don't quite see how this conclusion follows from premises.

> I could use additional queries to fetch the data from
> T2. But I figured as long as it's done in a single query instead of
> multiple, the performance shall be better. Please correct me if I'm
> wrong here, because I'm not so sure if I'm heading in the right
> direction.

I don't understand what exactly you are trying to achive. In any case, 
when in doubt, try it both ways and see which one performs better.

Igor Tandetnik 

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