Dennis Cote wrote:
> John Stanton wrote:
>> But for practical arithmetic probability or possibility is not close 
>> enough.  It must be certainty.  
> There is a possibility that your code could be asked to compare two 
> equal floating point numbers. To be correct, it must handle that case. 
> If it does not, it is certainly broken.
> While you must be careful with floating point numbers, statements such 
> as yours: "The point about using floating point is that there is no 
> equal, only less or greater, because it is an approximation." just add 
> confusion to the issue. There is very definitely an "equal" when dealing 
> with floating point numbers, and it has nothing to do with floating 
> point format sometimes being an approximation.
>> I make the point because it has been my 
>> observation over the years that some of the silliest and most 
>> embarrassing simple IT errors have been caused by the inappropriate 
>> usage of floating point numbers.
> That is true, but neither this or your first post was applicable to the 
> correction that Steve suggested (and Richard accepted).
> In fact the equal case, when xmin and xmax are set to the same value is 
> required to allow points (rectangles with zero area and zero length) to 
> be handled by the RTree module. It would be incorrect to say that xmin 
> must be less than xmax when they can be equal.
> Dennis Cote
I was not interested in being pedantic, just in offering some practical 
  rule of thumb advice.
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