Christophe Leske wrote:
> Shane Harrelson schrieb:
>> Dennis-
>> Your last "simplification":
> I never got that email from Dennis, I would be very interested in it.
> Dennis, this is actually what i am currently doing.
> However:
> i see no speed up for large areas (half the globe, e.g.), but 
> considerable ones for small areas (a country like france for instance), 
> as well as very small areas (maximum zoom).
> I added an index on the ID field for the search in the city database, 
> that helped a bit, but i am dissapointed that the rtree search is not 
> faster than the normal search for bigger areas...

Why would you expect it to be faster?

Think about it for a second ...

1) if we do a search that covers the whole world, are we not doing the 
equivalent of a full table scan + the additional over head of the the 
rtree processing. This is just like doing a query the selects all 
entries in a btree indexed table. A full scan is the slowest.

Then in a btree indexed table selecting a single record via the index is 
fastest, likewise with an rtree, if you narrow the search area to a very 
small area you eliminate most of the records and return just one I would 
expect that to be the fastest.

-Steve W
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