Hi everyone!

I'm a starter on SQL / SQLite and there is some problem I'd solve in
software but I have the feeling this can be done using a query. If
somebody can help me out I'd be glad - I have the feeling there is
something to learn for me here.

Here goes:

Schema of DB (simplified):
 - Oper (string)
 - Product (string)
 - Category (string)
 - Name (string)
 - CreateTS (Timestamp)
 - Value (Double)

Primary keys are Oper, Product, Category, Name and CreateTS

Basic usage is dumping "measurements" as doubles into the table. This
happens usually in larger groups like

 - "op", "cat", "product", "m1", 1.234, 2009-11-24 09:49:20.25
 - "op", "cat", "product", "m2", 1.234, 2009-11-24 09:49:20.25
 - "op", "cat", "product", "m3", 1.234, 2009-11-24 09:49:20.25
 - "op", "cat", "product", "m4", 1.234, 2009-11-24 09:49:20.25

Now suppose this has happend a lot so that m1 to m4 is present quite
often but of course with differing timestamps in CreateTS (it's a
primary key after all).

What I could not figure out: Suppose I want to select rows by "op",
"cat", "product" and get all measurements "m1" to "m4" with the latest
timestamp in CreateTS.

So for a set of measurements identified by everything but their name
select the latest rows as defined by the timestamp.

Can I do that in SQL in one query?

Any help is very much appreciated! (I know this might be a simple SQL
question for most here and I should better get some training on all
that. But if somebody can help a bit with that I'd sure be glad!)

kind regards
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