Hello Simon,

> From: Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org>
> On 14 Dec 2009, at 8:52am, Florian Schricker wrote:
>>>> Primary keys are Oper, Product, Category, Name and CreateTS
>>>   There is only one primary key per table.
>> So to say the primary key is "Oper, Product, Category, Name, CreateTS".
> No.
> Go read a boos on databases.  The shorter your primary key is, the faster 
> everything works.  You want a very short primary key.  There would be no 
> point in putting 'CreateTS' in your primary key unless it's possible for two 
> records to exist which have the same "Oper, Product, Category, Name" but 
> different CreateTS.
> I might guess that your primary key is probably just Product.  If it's not 
> possible to have two records with the same 'Product' then that is your 
> primary key.

Please excuse me for being so blunt:
You have no idea what I'm supposed to do here nor do you have any idea
for whatever historic reason the database or table is designed "as is"
here nor (and finally) do you have no idea about my education on
databases or SQL or SQLite in general or in detail so please(!) stop

 a) implying I have no idea whatsoever on what I'm doing
 b) suggesting me to "go read a book".

These actions of yours are rude, not helping in any way and imply I'm
a fool in what I'm doing and a fool to ask.

On a more constructive side-note: you are completely wrong in your
assumption that my primary key is "just Product". It isn't. Has never
been and will never be. The primary key is as described simply just
because "it's possible for two records to exist which have the same
"Oper, Product, Category, Name" but different CreateTS."

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