On Sunday, 29 March, 2015 10:31, Luuk <luuk34 at gmail.com> inquired:

>On 19-3-2015 16:02, Simon Slavin wrote:
>> On 19 Mar 2015, at 2:56pm, Paul <devgs at ukr.net> wrote:

>>> Maybe this question was already asked and explained.
>>> Or maybe it is documented somewhere (could not fiund it).
>>> Sorry, if this is the case, but why does

>>> SELECT '' = x'';

>>> yields 0?

>> One is a string.  The other is a BLOB.  SQLite doesn't even get as far
>> as testing the contents, it knows they are of different types.

>SQLite version 2015-02-25 13:29:11
>Enter ".help" for usage hints.
>Connected to a transient in-memory database.
>Use ".open FILENAME" to reopen on a persistent database.
>sqlite> create table test (x string, y blob);
>sqlite> insert into test values ('x','x');
>sqlite> select * from test;
>sqlite> select x,y, x=y from test where x=y;

>Can you comment on:
>"SQLite doesn't even get as far as testing the contents, it knows they
>are of different types."?

Because it is obvious?  The affinity of the column does not control the type of 
data stored, it is merely a preference of the datatype which will be used if 
and only if it can:

SQLite version 3.8.9 2015-03-23 21:32:50
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
Connected to a transient in-memory database.
Use ".open FILENAME" to reopen on a persistent database.
sqlite> create table x (x text, y blob);
sqlite> insert into x values ('x', 'x');
sqlite> insert into x values ('x', 0x78);
sqlite> insert into x values ('x', X'78');
sqlite> select x, y, typeof(x), typeof(y), x==y from x;

So, the first insert inserts text values into each column (because text is 
provided).  The second inserts text and an integer (because that is what is 
provided).  The third text and a blob (because that it what is provided).  You 
will note that SQLite is well aware of the type of the data stored.  You will 
also note that the test for equality is only true where the type of the data 
compared is the same, even though in all cases the actual data is the single 
byte 0x78.

You may further note that you can use cast(thing as type) to do type 
conversions which will result in comparable datatypes:

sqlite> select x, cast(y as text), typeof(x), typeof(cast(y as text)), 
x==cast(y as text) from x;

sqlite> select cast(x as blob), cast(y as blob), typeof(cast(x as blob)), 
typeof(cast(y as blobl)), cast(x as blob)==cast(y as blob) from x;

Do this help your understanding?

Theory is when you know everything but nothing works.  Practice is when 
everything works but no one knows why.  Sometimes theory and practice are 
combined:  nothing works and no one knows why.

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