Simon Slavin, on Wednesday, March 4, 2020 09:42 AM, wrote...
> On 4 Mar 2020, at 2:37pm, Jose Isaias Cabrera <> wrote:
> > Is there a way to know all the changes that may have happened within
> the full BEGIN and END? Thanks.
> Use this function
> <>
> before and after your block, and subtract one from another.

Thanks, this is exactly what I needed.  However, I have found that it does not 
actually provide the **ACTUAL** changes, but a count of the possible changes.  
The reason why I know is that if I have 238 INSERTS, but I have a constraint , 
there should be 238 INSERTs the first time I run a set of SQL, but if I run the 
same SQL again, there should not be any records INSERTED, and thus, the amount 
should be 0, correct?  So, is there one that actually provides the actual 
number of changes?  Thanks.

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