On 3/11/20, Stefan Sperling <s...@apache.org> wrote:
> Does this help?

Studying the trace output makes me think this is the same problem that
came up on the s390 hardware and was fixed here:

Stefan:  Can you verify that the patch above fixes the problem?  If
you want, you can click on the "Tarball" link to get a complete
tarball of check-in 04885763c4cd00cb (which, by coincidence was the
first check-in *after* the 3.31.1 release), unpack the tarball, then
do "./configure && make sqlite3.c" to generate the "sqlitle3.c" and
"sqlite3.h" files.  Or, you can update the "sqlite3.c" file you are
currently using manually entering the 3-line patch shown.

Please let us know what you find.

D. Richard Hipp
sqlite-users mailing list

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