
i am still fiddling around with my database and was wondering which kind 
of query would be quicker?

I have three values i am interested in my request:

- longitude_dds
- latitude_dds
- class_dds (being the importance of the city, with 1 = capital and 

I have 2 indices so far:
class for class_dds
lola for longitude, latitude

Also, my statement used to be
SELECT * FROM Cities WHERE (longitude_DDS BETWEEN 6.765103 and 7.089129) 
AND (latitude_DDS BETWEEN 44.261771 and 44.424779) AND class_dds<6 ORDER 
BY class_dds ASC Limit 20

I understand that BETWEEN gets translated to >=  and =< (bigger or 
equal, and small or equal).

I am however not seeing any speed improvement when i rewrite my 
statement from BETWEEN to a > and < pair, like this:

(longitude_DDS BETWEEN 6.765103 and 7.089129)
(longitude_DDS>6.765103 and longitude_DDS<7.089129)

I would reckon that this is quicker, as it does not need to check for 
equality ("=")?

Also, what is "better", given my indices:

to first query for the class_dds value AND then for longitude and 
latitude, or
to first query latitude and longitude, AND THEN go for the class_dds 

In other words, which one should be quicker:

SELECT * FROM Cities WHERE (longitude_DDS>6.765103 and 
longitude_dds<7.089129) AND (latitude_DDS>44.261771 and 
latitude_dds<44.424779) AND class_dds<6 ORDER BY class_dds ASC Limit 20


SELECT * FROM Cities WHERE class_dds>6 AND  (longitude_DDS>6.765103 and 
longitude_dds<7.089129) AND (latitude_DDS>44.261771 and 
latitude_dds<44.424779) ORDER BY class_dds ASC Limit 20

someone suggested to divide up the tables - something which led me to 
the idea to create different views for each class_dds value:

create view Level1 as Select * from cities where class_dds=1
create view Level2 as Select * from cities where class_dds=2
create view Level3 as Select * from cities where class_dds=3
create view Level4 as Select * from cities where class_dds=4
create view Level5 as Select * from cities where class_dds=5
create view Level6 as Select * from cities where class_dds=6

So i could do select statements like:

select * from Level1
select * from Level2
select * from Level3
WHERE class_dds>6 AND  (longitude_DDS>6.765103 and 
longitude_dds<7.089129) AND (latitude_DDS>44.261771 and 
latitude_dds<44.424779) ORDER BY class_dds ASC Limit 20

Would that be quicker eventually?

Christophe Leske

www.multimedial.de - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Lessingstr. 5 - 40227 Duesseldorf - Germany
0211 261 32 12 - 0177 249 70 31

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