> Let me strongly reiterate that you look into using the new R-Tree  
> virtual table available for SQLite.  R-Trees are specifically designed  
> to do exactly the kind of query you are asking to do.  See
>      http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/fileview?f=sqlite/ext/rtree/README&v=1.2
> R-Trees will be way faster than anything you will do using B-Tree  
> indices.
Ok, my problem however is that I cannot recompile the DLL, as it is used 
by my middleware - i am stuck with a precompiled version of SQlite3 that 
was compiled into my tool as a static lib.

Besides, how do I recompile the current version? Or does anyone have a 
precompiled DLL binary for me?

Any help is much  appreciated

Christophe Leske

www.multimedial.de - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Lessingstr. 5 - 40227 Duesseldorf - Germany
0211 261 32 12 - 0177 249 70 31

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